Birchat Kohanim Attracts Kotel Crowds

The annual Birchat Kohanim, the Priestly Blessing 

at the Kotelthe Western Wall, on Chol HaMoed Sukkot,

is known to attract large crowds.

Jaffa Gate

Entering the Old City by way of the Jaffa Gate the crowds looked normal,

with the plaza all ready for a large Sukkot holiday fair.

Muslim Shuk. Arab market

The Muslim Shuk was set for the Jewish crowd, with talitot for sale

Arab shuk, Muslim Quarter

and there was even an Israeli flag on display.

Muslim Quarter

I started out late, and was surprised to find that

the route to the security entrance was not the one I usually take.

crowd birchas kohanim

The crowd grew and waited very impatiently

 there was nearly a riot as security personnel would let no one in.

Jerusalem riots

It was very hot, uncomfortable and impossible to move,

then the crushing crowd surged forward and pushed everyone along.

Wailing WAll

Inside the plaza area I saw the regular crowded holiday scenes,


with people as far as you could see, both to the right

lulav sukkot

and to the left.

Western Wall

The Kotel, the Western Wall is usually packed with people on Sukkot,

Kossel Sukkot

and certainly for the Birchat Kohanim.

This year, 

Birkat Chohanim

there were people watching 

Old City Sukkot

from rooftops,

Kosel Sukkos

stairwells and small passages.

There seemed to be fewer kohanim

Birkat kohanim

   with arms raised and covered by white talitot, but

birchas kohanim

 there were hundreds of raised arms taking photos on their cellphones.

Old City

After the blessing, the trick was to find a way to leave,

birchas chohamin

again pushing through the crowds. 

Aish Ha torah

At least this man found some solitude

in the sukkah on the roof of Aish HaTorah.


Old city streets

Regular folks grabbed whatever spot they could,

Old City streets

while others slowly proceeded out to the Jewish Quarter.

I thought that I was finished with the crowds, but then I went to Beit Hanasi

for the Israeli President’s annual open sukkah.

Wow, was I wrong–but those photos

will have to wait for later, as there are more crowds 

again on the streets for the Jerusalem Parade. 

Whatever estimates you see quoted for this year’s Birchat Kohanim, 

they will have to be low if they do not include the thousands 

who were outside the plaza area and unable to get in.

Moadim L’Simcha !

10 Favorite Signs of Erev Yom Kippur in Jerusalem

In the fall holiday season,

 Yom Kippur quickly follows Rosh Hashanah and then comes Sukkot.

The signs of the season are everywhere, but here are 10 of my favorites.

1. It seems almost everywhere one can see

pomengranates, rimonim

mountains of pomegranates,

pomegrante seeds

 the seeds can be eaten plain or in my favorite – a chocolate-almond tart.


2. Cars are loaded with food, as there are many meals to prepare.

decorated car

3. Cars decorated before a wedding are common sights.

With all he holidays, the days for weddings are limited, but not the

 enthusiasm of these young  men driving to the Kotel, the Western Wall.

Wailing Wall

4. Crowds of tourists mingle with bar mitzvah celebrants at the Kotel.

Wailing Wall

5. It is hard to find a spot to place a note this time of year,

Wailing Wall

where they are overflowing before being cleaned out.

The Old City

6. Strange looking structures start to appear,

sukkah, sukot, sukos, sukkos

even in the fanciest of neighborhoods, as plain wood sukkot fill balconies.

‘Tis the season to get in shape.


7. This man was spotted trying to carry two heavy bags,

each containing long bamboo poles to top a sukkah.


8. White is the color of choice for Yom Kippur – this kippah a new favorite.

united Jerusalem

9. The United Jerusalem guy is back in Mamilla Mall with a new shirt.

10. And finally,  I loved seeing this sign.

Yom Kippur prayer

 Tonight there are special Erev Yom Kippur prayers

in Kikar Safra, Safra Square.  Where else

will you hear the songs of the Yom Kippur service on the radio 

and in the courtyard of City Hall?

The country will come to a standstill as public transportation 

and all traffic stops on Yom Kippur,

Jerusalem street sukkah decoration

but the decorations for Sukkot

have been out on the Jerusalem, Israel streets for weeks.

As soon as break-the-fast meal is over, the sound of hammers will be heard

and it’s time to get ready for the Sukkot holiday week.

Gmar Chatimah tovah

May all be sealed for a good year.

10 Favorites at Museum of Science

Many think of Jerusalem, Israel, and see images

 of the Old City and the Kotel and other ancient sites.

But near the Knesset and the Israel Museum is a special public place

founded with the Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Foundation,

which is a dynamic, innovative and attractive tourist destination.

There were so many things that I liked on my recent visit to

 The Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem, 

 it has been hard to get down to a short list.

1. Before you even go inside the building, 

"museum photo", "image museum", "photo Museum"

the color and the energy are impressive.

"picture Arab girl", "image Arab girl", "photo Arab girl'

2. Once in the front door, the diversity of the staff is clear.

All signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English,

 as the museum targets all the diverse populations of Jerusalem

"photo J street", "image J Street", "picture Jerusalem"

with special educational activities.

"picture museum", "photo musuem", "image museun"

3. With so many hands-on exhibits, it was hard to pick one photo,

"museum photo", "image museum","picture museum"

4. No soft padding for little visitors, but real structures to explore.

"picture start up nation","photo start up nation", "image start up nation"

5. Before there was a book about Israel as a start-up nation,

"picture museum", "photo museum", Image museum"

there were popular Hebrew children’s story books.

"picture museum, "photo museum", "image museum"

 I love to see that from simple stories, science and culture can be linked

so that a scientific principle can be learned while having fun.

"image water" "photo museum", "picture museum"

 6. This week it has been especially hot in Jerusalem, perfect timing

   to explore the dynamics of water on the museum grounds.

"museum photo", "image children", children Photo"

7. There is so much energy, you can feel it as you walk the halls.

"photo children in museum", "picture museum", "image chlldren'

8. The museum staff is available in every section to guide and explain.

9. An Innovation display show cases 50 of Israel’s top contributions

"museum photo", "picture museum", "image museum"

to modern technology.   I love that Israelis developed 

the “pill-cam from Israeli army missile technology.

10. I really enjoyed a chance to visit to the off-limits, 

"picture workroom", Image work room", "work room"

special workroom where everything in the museum is made.

 There was much more that I found impressive, 

 like the special science encounters to encourage girls,

  youngsters with special needs, and

  the Arab population to appreciate science and technology.

I studied Chemistry in college and worked in bio-chemical research,

this visit reminded me of how much I enjoyed those lab experiments.

  Next week there are special events planned

for the 20th anniversary of

 The Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem. 

Since this is only a small bit of what there is to see and do,

better to come and check it out for yourself

and be sure to see the new exhibition “Footprints of Light.”

An idea of Prof. Peter Hillman which started out in a small room

on the Hebrew University Givat Ram campus has grown to 

  a Museum has already attracted over 3,500,000 visitors.

However, one warning:

Adults beware of possible exhaustion.