In Jerusalem, Sukkot Begins with Blessings and Crowds

The holiday of Sukkot is a popular time for tourists from around the world to arrive in Jerusalem, Israel, to celebrate the holiday which originated in Biblical times. This year, with limited air travel, the numbers may be down, but visitors appear no less enthusiastic.

Tens of thousands of people walked to Jerusalem’s Old City to the Kotel, the Western Wall for the morning prayers of Birkat Cohanim, Priestly Blessings, on Sukkot on Sunday, October 20, 2024.

Thousands are coming and going all day, during the week of Sukkot – and late into the night.

The official rabbis and dignitaries stood in a secluded area above the Western Wall Plaza.

However, it was impressive to see Israeli flags flying overhead

and people lining the rooftops at every available vantage point.

A sukkah is a temporary structure for holiday meals. I finally got one quick photo of ours ready for Shabbat dinner before lighting candles and welcoming guests.

Lining the Jerusalem streets, you will see many sukkot on outside porches,

and of varied colors, sizes, and materials for the walls.

The First Station has a large sukkah for use by restaurant customers.

The Train Theater has a simple white sukkah in the courtyard.

The local pizza shop has had a sukkah on this street corner for many years.

All week leading up to the start of the holiday on Wednesday night, October 16th, people were assembling the materials to build the frame and walls.

On Jerusalem streets youngsters were selling schach, palm branches, to cover the sukkah.

While the major market is located near Machane Yehuda Market on Jaffa Street, on many of the Jerusalem streets, young men were selling everything needed for Sukkot, from an etrog to tinsel decorations.

With a good spot on the Aish rooftop, I recorded Birkat Cohahim this year. You can see people walking up the ramp to Temple Mount during the prayer.

More of Birkat Cohanim HERE

Celebrating Sukkot this year while remembering the lives of the fallen in the past year

and the hostages is the norm, both in private and public spaces.

More of the highlights of Sukkot 5785/2024 next time!

It’s time to go to Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, and check out the Jerusalem Parade family activities.

Moadim l’Simcha is the traditional greeting for the intermediate days of Sukkot.

However, I will also close with this young woman’s shirt – Am Yisrael is Very Chai.

Chag Samaech.

Birchat Kohanim Attracts Kotel Crowds

The annual Birchat Kohanim, the Priestly Blessing 

at the Kotelthe Western Wall, on Chol HaMoed Sukkot,

is known to attract large crowds.

Jaffa Gate

Entering the Old City by way of the Jaffa Gate the crowds looked normal,

with the plaza all ready for a large Sukkot holiday fair.

Muslim Shuk. Arab market

The Muslim Shuk was set for the Jewish crowd, with talitot for sale

Arab shuk, Muslim Quarter

and there was even an Israeli flag on display.

Muslim Quarter

I started out late, and was surprised to find that

the route to the security entrance was not the one I usually take.

crowd birchas kohanim

The crowd grew and waited very impatiently

 there was nearly a riot as security personnel would let no one in.

Jerusalem riots

It was very hot, uncomfortable and impossible to move,

then the crushing crowd surged forward and pushed everyone along.

Wailing WAll

Inside the plaza area I saw the regular crowded holiday scenes,


with people as far as you could see, both to the right

lulav sukkot

and to the left.

Western Wall

The Kotel, the Western Wall is usually packed with people on Sukkot,

Kossel Sukkot

and certainly for the Birchat Kohanim.

This year, 

Birkat Chohanim

there were people watching 

Old City Sukkot

from rooftops,

Kosel Sukkos

stairwells and small passages.

There seemed to be fewer kohanim

Birkat kohanim

   with arms raised and covered by white talitot, but

birchas kohanim

 there were hundreds of raised arms taking photos on their cellphones.

Old City

After the blessing, the trick was to find a way to leave,

birchas chohamin

again pushing through the crowds. 

Aish Ha torah

At least this man found some solitude

in the sukkah on the roof of Aish HaTorah.


Old city streets

Regular folks grabbed whatever spot they could,

Old City streets

while others slowly proceeded out to the Jewish Quarter.

I thought that I was finished with the crowds, but then I went to Beit Hanasi

for the Israeli President’s annual open sukkah.

Wow, was I wrong–but those photos

will have to wait for later, as there are more crowds 

again on the streets for the Jerusalem Parade. 

Whatever estimates you see quoted for this year’s Birchat Kohanim, 

they will have to be low if they do not include the thousands 

who were outside the plaza area and unable to get in.

Moadim L’Simcha !

Four Ways to Celebrate Passover

Millions of people visit nature sites in Israel over Passover. 

Tens of thousands attend Birchat Kohanim, the Priestly Blessing

"Al-Quds image", "picture Wailing Wall", "photo The Wailing Wall"

prayer service at the Kotel, the Western Wall, each year.

In Jerusalem’s Gan Sacher, Sacher Park,

"picture of picnic', "image of park", "photo of picnic in Jerusalem"

  thousands of people gather for picnic outings.

 I want to share with you a special event

"photo children with balloons", "picture Aleh school", "image Aleh Jerusalem"

in Jerusalem at Aleh, a very special home and school

"picture wheel chair", "photo Jerusalem"

for children with special educational needs.

The weather was perfect 

"photo Aleh March", 'image wheel chair", "picture Aleh parade"

for the annual Aleh Jerusalem March as it left the school grounds.

"picture parade" ,  "Jerusalem streets photo", "image Jerusalem "

Participating were many of the dedicated staff members and their families,

(full disclosure, my daughter-in-law is a teacher at Aleh

and we are very proud of her work)

"picture Aleh March'

dozens of young volunteers,

"Arab woman in Jerusalem picture", "photo Muslim woman", "image nurse"

along with lots of balloons and a nurse on duty.

"picture Aleh March", "photo traffic stopped"

Streets were closed to traffic as the Aleh Jerusalem March moved

"picture bridge Jerusalem", "photo Jerusalem bridge"

toward the new Gesher HaMeitarim, the Chord or String Bridge.

"photo Jerusalem bridge", "picture releasing balloons"

After waiting for everyone to arrive on the bridge,

'"String Bridge photo","picture of Jerusalem bridge"

hundreds of balloons were released over the city of Jerusalem.

"picture Jerusalem bridge", "Jerusalem bridge photo'

Then everyone crossed the bridge

"picture dancing","photo Jerusalem traffic"

and the celebration continued with live music and dancing.

In a country where on chol hamoed traffic is heavy and people creep along,

this crowd was really moving.

"picture wheel chair'

I can share a few scenes of the tremendous care,


"picture dancing'

and attention given to the students who participated,

but for reasons of privacy I cannot share their radiant smiles.

"picutre De Aryeh Eldar"

This was an event short on publicity and politicians,

only MK Aryeh Eldar said a few words.

But it was big on love and full of holiday spirit.

"picture bus sign for holiday" "photo of bus holiday sign"

A very happy Passover!

 If you found an Aleh balloon…I would love to hear how far they flew.

Many more photos on The Real Jerusalem Streets Facebook page .