Jerusalem Marathon 30 Photos

Again this year, some love it and some hate it.

The Fifth International Jerusalem Winner Marathon

was run on Friday morning.

While I love some aspects of this event,

at the same time some parts are hard to like.

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With over 26,000 runners from 60 countries,

in many various races, many streets were closed to traffic.

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This year I tried to take fewer photos,

and ended up with over 300.

Then I hated trying to get down to just a few to share.

You see how long it took to publish this post.

Now I hope you will enjoy a few favorites.

My favorite selfie was of these two men

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whose finish time was not as important as their photo.

There were many good causes that raised money,

but Shalva was the first.

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Shalva took part in the half-marathons before there was a full marathon.

Walking with children of ALEH were uniformed police.

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ALEH was first at the starting line for a special “race.”

Please take a minute to look and appreciate

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 the police officer and child on the left.


I am so proud to know the woman whose

  design made it possible for that child to “walk in a marathon”

 more ALEH photos here.

I hate that there were too many great causes

and charities, and I had to cut out many pictures.

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Chai Lifeline had a large group with bunches of balloons,

lots of walkers and great spirit.

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One Family’s red shirts could also be seen everywhere.

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Karen Or was walking again this year.

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These girls got my attention,

they seemed to be having a great time,

 I am not sure which group they were with,

but photos of them are going viral.

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The crowd in the park was so large

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and colorful, but it was hard to get a good photograph.

So many people.

So many came from around the world.

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The media was interested in the half-marathon winner.

 But my favorites visiting runners were

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this man and his wife from Philadelphia, PA.

They came with 6 family members,

just to run in Jerusalem marathon races,

to raise funds for lone soldiers,

and to celebrate his 80th birthday this week.

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Thousands of runners passed the finish line,

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and entered the Gan Sacher lined with water bottles.

In the park there were teams of supporters;

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 the Lone Soldier Center in memory of Michael Levin,

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and Yachad were just a few of dozens.

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While the marathon winners were popular with the news crews,

there was more going on.

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The annual hand bike race, for example,

and exercises and music and of course – food.

Two finish lines were confusing to new comers.

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The finish line for only the full marathon was at one end of the park,

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 lined with supporters,

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here as the third and four place Israeli winners came in.

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The men’s full marathon winners had their moment of glory

and got trophies from Mayor Nir Barkat.

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The 10K and 5K runners were coming

up the hill to the finish line,

with the Knesset in view in the background

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in crowds of thousands.

I did not find all of my family members,

and I did not see friends from near and far who ran

for the first time,

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yet this one man I had seen at the start,

there he was again as he came into the home stretch.

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“If you can dream it, you can do it”

seemed like a perfect motto to start this day

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and this smile a good one to end with.

Photos had to be cut to keep this from becoming another marathon.

If you want to see more of Jerusalem Marathon 2015,

additional pictures are posted on RJS Facebook page.

Jerusalem Marathon 2014

The sun was shining for the 4th International Jerusalem Marathon,

image runner, photo marathon runners Jerusalem, picture men running

as 26,000 runners raced through the Jerusalem, Israel streets,

image winner, photo race winner, picture winner at finish line

and the winner came in with a record-breaking time.

Streets were closed,

image Jerusalem marathon, photo people walking, picture walking to marathon

so everyone had to walk to get to check in and the starting line.

image Jerusalem marathon, photo park of marahton, Jerusalem marathon photo

Once a year the graffiti is white-washed away and

a new banner is hung near the full marathon finish line.

image sign marathon, photo Jerusalem marathon

Besides the full and half marathons there are other popular races.

image Jerusalem marathon, photo starting line, picture crowd at starting line

Thousands lined up at the starting line for the 10 kilometer run.

image Jerusalem marathon, photo marathon start, picture 10 k race

The young and not so young, most dressed in colorful shirts,

iamge Jerusalem marathon, photo marathon start, picture start of marathon

and their enthusiasm off the start was contagious.

iamge people on stilts, photo men in flag colored costumes, Jerusalem marathon picture

Entertainers on stilts were dressed in flag-colored costumes,

near a special course for shorter races for the young and disabled.

image Jerusalem marathon, photo children watching for runner, picture Jeruslaem marathon

Supporters lined the streets watching and waiting.

image Jerusalem marathon, photo sing for marathon, photo Jerusalem marathon

Along the routes were

image Jerusalem marathon, photo marathon, picture water stop marathon

  water stations.

image crowd going to starting line, photo Jerusalem marathon

It was hard to get through the crowd in Gan Sacher, Sacher Park

at the start of the 10 K race.

image female marathon winner, photo runner Jerusalem marathon, winner picture woman runner

With so many events running at once, it was hard to find family members,

but we did see the winner of the women’s full marathon.

image runners, photo Hungarian runners

Over 50 countries were represented, and many religions,

image runner kissing finish line, photo marathon runnere

but we only saw one runner from Brazil kiss the finish line.

image Israeli winners at Jerusalem marathon, photo winners, picture marathon winners

Separate awards for Israeli winners were presented for best times.

Loud music pumped through the park, which could be heard kilometers away.

image crowd at Jerusalem marathon, picture crowded park , photo crowd

The runners at the end of their races and arriving for medals,

were separated by fences from the crowds of spectators.

image Jerusalem marathon, photo smiling race finshers, picture grandmother hugging girl at end of race

But some proud grandmothers knew how to get around barriers for a special hug.

iamge Jerusalem marathon, photo RavBeni Lau, picture Jerusalem maraton

And then there was the walk home.

The sun was hot.

Some runners were still approaching the finish line,

image runner late in day jerusalem marthon, photo Jerusalem marathon runner,  photo last runner

even as the streets were opened to traffic at one o’clock.

Thousands of shekels were raised for charity.

Everyone who participated was a winner.

Many have been inspired to try next year,

to enter or to train for a longer race.

image ahava emunah , picture Jerusalem marathon


 The Real Jerusalem Streets Facebook

 Jerusalem Marathon album has many more photos HERE.

I wonder how many faces you will recognize?

Remember last year?  If not see:

Jerusalem Marathon 2013

Did you Hear About Jerusalem Marathon 2013?