The International Jerusalem Winner Marathon was held on Friday morning March 8, 2024.
The Jerusalem Municipality decided to hold the annual marathon as planned, as a tribute to the IDF, security forces, and rescue teams, aiming to strengthen social resilience during the ongoing war on the southern and northern fronts.
As for the past 14 years, I was out there to see the thousands of people on the Jerusalem streets.
This is the 13th year of the full Jerusalem marathon, but before that, there was a half-marathon race.
Less than 48 hours before the first full marathon was run there was a deadly bombing in Jerusalem.
In 2011, the weather was a negative factor, as the grounds in Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, flooded with mud.

This year the weather was ideal and cool as the lead runners went past the 7-kilometer mark on their way on the 42.2 K route around the new and ancient Jerusalem streets.

Place markers for a finish time of 3 1/2 hours were blue for the full marathon blue number tags.

It is just the beginning of the full marathon and this part of the race was similar to past years.

But this year there were more Israeli flags, and more IDF runners, one even ran in full uniform.

Women participate enthusiastically on pace with the men.

There were fewer international full marathon runners, but some local regulars were back on course.

Some appreciated having their photo taken, as this man wearing a tee shirt “Run for their Lives” group.

The Pineapple Marathon Runner was back again this year,

yes, he runs international marathons with a pineapple on his head.

There were fewer full marathon runners this year, but still plenty of excitement

and new colored shirts for new groups.

Marathoners ran in pairs,

or pushing a stroller,

it did not feel like there were fewer runners as they kept coming.

The young people giving out water along the way were enthusiastic as always.

The red on his number indicated half-marathon and he could have been the winner, the first one I saw.

And another leader of the half marathon was nearing the finish line.

But this bar mitzvah year Jerusalem Winner Marathon was different – some with the same shirts.

Others remember the hostages with photos pinned on the regular race shirts

and empty chairs with more pictures of those held captive in Gaza.

The booths for larger running groups were back in the park.

There were so many runners in the smaller races that it was hard to get to all the booths.

It was good to see that runners returned from overseas to participate again this year as in the past.

The Ari Fuld Project was back again in this booth.

OneFamily again had hundreds of runners in their red shirts, including international participants.

New this year were 300 red shirts for Team Hersh, “Bring_Hersh_Home” – 5 months being held in Gaza.

With the very early starting times, putting on tefillin while getting the best photos can be a challenge.

However, 40,000 runners and their supporters got up early and filled Gan Sacher on Friday morning.

More visible security than in the past years, and security was a constant presence.

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion ran in a shorter race and was all smiles ready to greet the full marathon winner at the finish line in Gan Sacher.

Ready and waiting, arms up and with the first-place medal in his hand.

For the full marathon winner’s finish, a crowd was waiting and watching on all sides.

Cameras and phones were ready for Melkamu Jember to break the tape.

By checking the number on his shirt, I could tell he was not the lead runner in my earlier video.

There was not as much attention paid to the full marathon third-place finisher

or the first-place women’s full marathon winner.

Her family was there for a hug.

But the Jerusalem marathon has two finish lines, one in the park and another on the street next to it.

Here is where tens of thousands of runners of the other smaller races arrive.

And hundreds of others wait and watch.

Each runner after crossing the finish line gets a medal.

In the Jerusalem Winner Marathon this year, there were few costumes and many flags.

The supporters of the full marathon were able to cross with their runners.

There was the “Run for their Lives” runner who had stopped for a photo near the beginning.

Kol Hakavod to all the full marathon runners. This year there was short notice with the late decision to hold the races, and the lack of enough training time kept some marathoners away.

However, the Jerusalem “marathon” is more about the shorter 5K, 10K, and Family Races along with the good causes that are supported by the runners raising funds to help others.

This was a blue and white flag year,

A year where getting to the finish line was an accomplishment.

For some easier than for others to reach their full marathon goal.

Walking home – there he was with the pineapple on his head. Missed him last year, but got him twice this time, even though I missed the one person I was waiting to see.

You did not have to be running a full marathon on Friday to be tired.

Or to be an early finisher to be happy and proud,

or even to be running the full marathon to pose.

Supporters cheered on the marathoners still on the road after 5 hours.

Approaching the finish line after 40 kilometers on the hilly Jerusalem streets is no easy feat.

Am Yisrael Chai – #RunwithIsrael – the 13th International Jerusalem Winner Marathon was a winner.
It was also a day to pay tribute to the fallen, murdered, and captives.

On Day 154, with 134 hostages still captive in Gaza, to draw attention to the plight of the families suffering, with their loved ones held for so long with no word of their condition.
It was a good day for tens of thousands of people on the Jerusalem streets.