Life in Jerusalem, Israel is like a pendulum swinging between chaos and calm.
This week was another one of extremes of emotions with the return of a few hostages from Gaza.
However, there are still another 79 humans held captive in Gaza, with no one certain how many are alive.

On one quiet day, I took a walk and saw recent landscaping had revealed one Jerusalem lion’s new colors.

With a down day but good weather going to the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens is my first choice.

You can look down at the muddy pond in the winter without the lilies.

However, every photographer knows there are different angles on all occasions.

Beautiful purple irises were popping out in full bloom for a sign of spring.

A long-time favorite is seeing white roses blooming in the winter in Jerusalem, Israel, in the midday sun.

Walking the Jerusalem streets is a challenge with the construction in so many locations.

Besides the light rail track work, new bike lanes will help cyclists.
However, how will emergency vehicles manage the reduced traffic lanes during rush hours?
Beware where you walk, no worry about too many bikes now, but also take time to look up.

It’s citrus season and trees along the Jerusalem streets are full of fruit against the blue sky.

If you need more color go by the Jerusalem Theater where new art fills the lobby and walls every month.

Colorful language too this week, Tuvia Tenenbom was at the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem with his movie, “God Speaks Yiddish.”
The same night, the Jerusalem Theater had a full house for the music of Elvis Presley.

KUMA is still on display in the Bible Lands Museum’s temporary gallery.
The area was full earlier with visitors hearing the story of the young artist who fell in the Iron Swords War.

Yellow ribbons were outside. Yellow ribbons for the hostages in Jerusalem are almost everywhere.

New to Jerusalem – The new government of Argentina is opening its official residence in Jerusalem.

While there are thousands upon thousands of professional signs I could share, sometimes the simplest ones stand out “Together thanks – this is the light of this Nation.”
In honor of Groundhog’s Day, after finally transferring to digital and uploading to YouTube, here’s a video of our prime minister, when he was the UN ambassador in 1988.
What’s different after all this time?
Just like Bill Murray, Déjà vu, or another repeat as the pendulum swings?

Along the Jerusalem streets, trying to have a nice day, while reminders of fallen soldiers and hostages are everywhere can be an emotional ride any day.