What you did not see in Jerusalem this week

The Real Jerusalem Streets was started because what was reported in the media was not what I saw every day walking around the Jerusalem streets.

So what was happening in Jerusalem that did not make the international headlines?

Eight months into a war – this week in Jerusalem, Israel.

Buildings in Jerusalem are rising higher, as seen from the Nefesh BeNefesh Campus at Cinema City.

Road construction is challenging as one never knows what will be open or closed.

At NBN the audience was filled with young adults at the evening session of a financial conference on Sunday night. Seeing all the English-speaking Olim asking questions and learning how to live financially smarter lives in Israel was an impressive way to begin the week.

There are colorful quilts exhibited at the Jerusalem Theater, art, and culture with music each night.

Colorful lights line the footbridge over the Hinnom Valley at night.

New signs are posted for the upcoming events, on the right is for Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day.

Yom Yerushalayim is celebrated for more than one day, as there are events most of the week. One program at night was held at First Station, Takhana HaRishona.

These two women strolled through the audience, as the music began after speeches.

As usual, the crowds at Damascus Gate get international attention.

Since most of the reports on Jerusalem Day over the years are critical and negative, I again walked the entire route to see for myself.

The FlagDance/Parade/March (whatever you want to call it) begins for the men on King George Street.

The street was so crowded I decided not to walk down to the Great Synagogue as usual.

As usual, I found the number of baby strollers to be the most dangerous part of the route.

Spectators lined the route along Gan Haatzmaut, Independence Park.

Security was heavy with many roads closed. My neighbors were on the way to dinner and not allowed to walk this way on the day of the Pride Parade last week.

At the corner near Mamilla Mall, a sound truck was blasting music, with young men dancing on top.

As we turned toward Damascus Gate, a woman dressed as a bride was being photographed in the middle of the road and groups would sing and dance around her.

Emergency crews were prepared and ready to respond.

The gorgeous horses were ready and watching also.

As thousands and thousands of people, many with Israeli flags, walked quietly and peacefully.

At Damascus Gate security was visible from all angles.

Yes, the crowd was large and loud. I think much larger than in recent years that I have walked the route.

I got an early start, the way narrows, it’s very crowded, and is not so pleasant to be in.

Inside Damascus Gate, where each year media photographers wait to find trouble, was a female clown blowing bubbles and giving out little red heart stickers. This area is known as a “flash point” so anyone wanting trouble knows where to be and when, and again I missed violent interactions.

The security along the Via Dolorosa where the Flag Parade goes was lined with security.

When I say security, I mean police, border police, and more.

Walking were not rowdy teens, but individuals and school groups.

I wondered if they knew this young man was videoing everyone from a small camera.

I was told a YouTube influencer was doing a video here.

A father and son originally from the US stopped to pose with their flags.

Here you can see the extra layer of security this year.

Shops were closed. But many shops have had little business for the last 8 months because of the lack of tourists, because Hamas started a war on October 7.

While many places were selling bottled water, one woman poured cups of water to drink for free.

At the narrowing near the Kotel, Western Wall, I was relieved not to be stuck in a crowd.

At the Kotel Plaza, groups were dancing and singing for hours before the main event.

So the real news this year was the size of the crowd. Possibly 100,000 people celebrated the reunification of Jerusalem 57 years ago. The media focused on 18 rowdy individuals who were arrested and ignored the big picture.

As I headed home early, I passed these girls arriving by way of Jaffa Gate on the Armenian Way.

Thousands and thousands of young women, some louder than the boys.

They kept coming and coming

and coming, as I walked back on Agron Street.

The Jerusalem Flag/March/Parade was not about a few troublemaking male teens, but tens of thousands of people out on a warm day celebrating Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

And on the way home, celebrations for the holiday of Shavuot this week had begun with these cheese tortes ready in the bakery window.

Chag Shavuot Sameach

Am Yisrael Chai!

See Yom Yerushalayim this Week in Jerusalem

In Jerusalem, Israel, the Israeli flags were flying,

blue and white flags along Jerusalem streets,

on rooftops,

and large ones from buildings and light poles prior to Jerusalem Day.

Yom Yerushalayim, the Jerusalem Day 56 signs were posted. Events lasted longer than just a day, with celebrations galore, including live music at Kifar Safra on Wednesday night for hundreds, open to the public at no charge.

Israeli Ethiopian memorial in cemetery on Mount Herzl

 The day of Yom Yerushalayim officially beings with a state ceremony for the 4,000 Ethiopian Jews who perished on their way to Israel, at Mt. Herzl Military Cemetery near the monument built in 2007.

Jerusalem Israel military cemetery on Mount Herzl one grave of soldier who died 19 years old

Also during the day, the President and Prime Minister attend a memorial for the victims of the Six-Day War and the War of Attrition at Mount Herzl.

Museums were open and free of charge in honor of Jerusalem Day.

But the main event happens on the Jerusalem streets, with bus loads of people arriving from around the country. This group of students from Petach Tikva started dancing and singing as soon as they got off the bus.

Not just young males participate, but people of all ages and from around the world arrived this year and marched with flags, in spite of dire threats.

The people at the Kings Hotel had a good vantage point to watch the main crowd on King George Street singing and dancing.

Others were down in the crowd recording the thousands participating.

The occasional speakers did not get a quiet audience from the crowd.

This year girls broke thru the security lines to get closer to the main event.

It was not possible to get the crowd in one image, but the wind was great this year for photographing flags.

On King George Street by the Great Synagogue flag waving, singing,

excitement and enthusiasm filled the street all afternoon.

But I had come to again walk the Flag Parade/March/Dance, like this school group from Tzefat, as we started out on Agron Street.

A big Jerusalem flag was hung near Kikar Safra, as we passed Tzhal Square where the light rail trains were not running.

Many Jerusalem streets were closed to traffic, as was the entrance at New Gate, with security posted, checking pedestrians also.

So many Jewish young men, Chabad was out with a tefillin-stand on the way to Damascus Gate to enter the Old City.

The scene at Damascus Gate was more crowded than I remembered.

Many times I have walked with the crowd thru the Old City to the Kotel, the Western Wall, where prayers, music, and dancing are held at sunset.

Security watched from above, and along the route as well.

International photographers were watching and waiting at the usual vantage points inside Damascus Gate.

As hard as I tried, while I found many different t-shirts, I could not find any of the offensive viral images of the walk.

Security had blocked narrow alleyways in the Old City,

along the Via Delarosa route, as we moved slowly along.

Thanks to a much taller policeman offering to take a photo with my camera, the March/Parade crowded in the Old City moved at a schlepper’s pace.

I lost count of the young men who stopped to say thank you to the police, some even stopping to shake their hands.

We passed a memorial plaque at the spot where a Jew was killed on Purim in 1991.

Relief, the light at the end of the tunnel!

Where we emerged to the packed Kotel, Western Wall Plaza where thousands had already arrived and was filled with the sounds of music.

Traditionally, the Mayor and his wife greeted the public at the Tower of David all afternoon but left for the next official ceremony at Givat Tachmoshet, Ammunition Hill, the site of the most important battle for Jerusalem in 1967.

It was getting dark. Jaffa Gate was blocked. People were not allowed to enter, so large was the crowd on Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day.

My summary with the sounds of music during the day is under 6 minutes.

So sad that so many people were celebrating in a positive way, and the few negative images got viral coverage.

However, there’s more of what you did not see –

New trees were planted along the Jerusalem streets this week, and too many flowers to count – the Mayor is running for re-election in the fall.

Signs are up for Jerusalem Education Week,

Festival Musrara Mix 23,

and the Jerusalem Arts Festival.

Not only the many varied Jerusalem Festivals are back, but so too are international conferences. A favorite topic this week at the Inbal Hotel was the International Sleep Disorders Academy Congress.

Earlier in the week, the David Citadel Hotel hosted a Declaration Day event.

The walls of the Old City were illuminated for Yom Yerushalayim 56.

The new fountain in France Square had blue and white lights at night.

The new lighting on the old Heichal Shlomo and Great Synagogue was bright as King George Street quieted down, and the music and dancing, and celebrations for Jerusalem Day moved to other locations.

Enough for one day for two big old bears!

May be an image of prairie gentian, Vanda orchid and text

Now is the new month of Sivan and time to prepare for Shavuot, when again thousands more people are to fill the Jerusalem streets.

Come see what’s really happening for yourself.

Next year or this year in Jerusalem!

Jerusalem Day 55 – Yom Yerushalayim

Jerusalem Day, Yom Yerushalayim 50 was a big year with extravagant programs including a drone show, which was new and exciting at the time.

Last year I was in Tel Aviv for Yom Yerushalayim. Not so much fun having to sleep on pillows on the floor as bombs fell near the loft Airbnb I had rented – with no bomb shelter.

Jerusalem Day Israeli flags dancing in street

This year I am again missing the chance to march in the Flag Parade and show you the families celebrating and dancing in the Jerusalem streets.

After Shabbat thousands of young people were dancing and singing with a huge Israeli flag, and many smaller ones.

Yom Yerushalayim has been celebrated for more than one day this year.

The music was blasting from Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, ALL Thursday night. Huge stages were erected, as usual for the WhiteNight, all night long partying, but this year sounded and felt much louder. Other locations also had major live music productions but without as many complaints.

However, even earlier in the week, there were celebrations!

On King George Street, StandWithUs opened its new expanded education center with a flashing video in the new theater space.

The gala reception and program were held outside, behind the YMCA.

But warm feelings inside for the ribbon-cutting ceremony at StandWithUs.

Gorgeous, but cool nights on the Jerusalem streets early in the week.

In the never know what next, I had no idea what this guy was doing,

or who these guys were that wanted their photo taken.

You could feel the energy, people were back on the Jerusalem streets.

Mamilla Mall was alive again, with international tourists and Israelis.

The banner for ‘Yom Yerushalaim 55 years’ was outside of Jaffa Gate.

And inside Jaffa Gate, beigelles were ready for the tourists to buy.

The police station was ready, draped with holiday flags.

Large groups of students on holiday trips filled the Old City lanes.

The Western Wall Plaza near the Kotel was filled with group activities.

From the rooftop of the Aish building, I like to check the progress of the dome rising over the Tiferet Israel synagogue construction.

And of course, from the rooftop, to take multiple photos of the scenes below.

Including Ir David where the new restaurant and cable car station are to be.

On a clear day, you can see over the Dead Sea into to Jordan.

I went to see the Charge d’Affaires of the Kosovo Embassy in Jerusalem Ines Demiri accept an award from the Israel Defence and Security Forum.

People with Israeli flags kept walking by while Ines posed with Jerusalem Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum near the Kotel, Western Wall.

We walked out of the Jaffa Gate toward Jaffa Road, so she could go home and I could get the photo of the giant Jerusalem flag near Tzahal Square.

Oh, what a lovely time of year to walk on the Jerusalem streets!

Especially seeing friends finally able to return to Jerusalem again and join us to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim in 5782.

Jerusalem Old City Walls

Remember for 19 years 1948-1967, Jews were unable to walk in or live in the Old City, the closest was a view was from Notre Dame.

Yom Yerushalayim Sameach!