Welcome to The Real Jerusalem Streets (RJS), where we offer a unique perspective on the vibrant tapestry of daily life in Jerusalem, capturing moments that often go unnoticed in mainstream media headlines. Our passion lies in sharing authentic glimpses of what’s really happening on the streets of this historic city.
Our Mission:
RJS was born out of a desire to shed light on the scenes and stories that the world doesn’t always see. We believe in showcasing the true essence of Jerusalem, beyond the conventional narratives, and fostering a deeper understanding of its diverse and dynamic communities.
Connect with Us:
Follow us on Facebook and X-Twitter to stay updated on our latest photo shares, providing you with an unfiltered look into the heart of Jerusalem.
Embracing Diversity:
On the streets of Jerusalem, we see daily the coexistence of Arab and Jewish communities. Our lens captures Arab women and girls walking and shopping freely, either alone or in groups, in most areas of the city. This reality, often overlooked, highlights what defines the spirit of Jerusalem.
At The Real Jerusalem Streets, we invite you to join us in exploring the multifaceted layers of this extraordinary city. Through our photos, we hope to foster a deeper connection and appreciation for the real, everyday moments that make Jerusalem truly unique.
Thank you for being a part of our journey.
Explore. Connect. Understand.

Sign up for weekly updates by emailing: sharon@rjstreets.com
Follow on social media daily:
Twitter @RealJStreets
Facebook: The Real Jerusalem Streets
Time to get back on the Jerusalem streets and book a photo walk
Still not getting on a plane?
Take an online Jerusalem Virtual Photo tour from the comfort of home, you can see what’s new and not open to the public. HERE
RJS for what’s happening in Jerusalem.
Sharon, this is a wonderful blog. Kol HaKavod!
I enjoyed it and sent it to several friends.
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing/reading more…….
thank you for the kind words…
Thoroughly enjoy this blog. Your street views fill my amagination once again. Thanks to you my pain due to distance and time is more tolerable. I was there in 6/08. It was to be a trip of a life time. In stead a passion started with clear intent to get back there asap. My prayers and concerns are with your countries welfare. Most of America is for you minus our leadership. Stay your course Israel. You continue to stand strong where other countries cower. Shalom Israel.
If you want to watch videos from Jerusalem just go to by Video blog about Jerusalem
Just came across your blog – great idea! Adding it to my reader…
You really wonderfully capture what’s going on here in Jerusalem. I love what you’ve done!
I’ve included your link in my weekly Israel journal email.
One question: what kind of camera do you have? Your photos are fantastic!
Keep it up!
All the best-
Hi & Shana Tova from Melbourne, Australia.
I was sent your blog by our president and have just featured it on our facebook page Zionist Council of Victoria and also on our twitter ZCV_PR.
Sure our fans & followers will enjoy it as much as I have!
Chatima Tova.
Kind regards,
Elly Shalev
I love this blog. It brought tears to my eyes. This is the Jerusalem I have visited and this is the Jerusalem my heart longs for.
Did you ever read the M. Sasek books when you were a kid? “This is New York,” “This is Paris,” etc. I loved them. Your blog is “This is Jerusalem” for our time – great photos and the same whimsical tone. It’s lovely.
Just discovered your blog; someone emailed me a link of the pictures/captions re: Arab women.
Can I receieve e-mails of your postings, or should I mark my calendar to check your blog every few days?
Shall I check “Notify me of site updates”?
Posts are at least once a week.. during holiday seasons more often and they can be obtained from the website.
There is an email list for new posts, these emails often contain the sarcsam and comments which we try to avoid in blog posts.
Wonderful blog and photos you have here!:-)
Regards from Norway
Hi there…My friend has sent me your posts on several ocassions. I’ve really enjoyed them and now I’m very happy that I’ll be able to receive them whenever you send them out. I have many friends that I know will appreciate them, as well.
Thanks for doing this…Hannah (Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada)
Great! Thanks for the wonderful comment!
Mazaltov on setting up your own website- it is very informative, stylish and interesting.
Thanks Rebecca!
A breath of fresh air, truthful, honest and real!!!!!
Bev,thank you!
Who said that retirement is relaxing? You are amazing! Kol Hakavod!
We can’t wait to be a part of “The Real Jerusalem Streets” ourselves”
Who is retired? Just getting started! So until you get here, have to keep you informed!
You know, the pen is mightier than the sword and the internet gives the pen great power. So, this blog has a great future. Perhaps you’d like to run for the Knesset? Honest and positive people are so much needed these days.
Keep seeing and recording the amazing sights of our beloved city. Every Jewish soul is happy and hungry for the beauty in Yerushalayim.
Be blessed.
Thank you for such encouraging words! Not sure about the Knesset, will just keep taking pictures to share.
What a beautiful blog! What a wonderful thing you are doing! I am an American with Jewish ancestry who never got to visit the country I love and consider my true home, though my sandals have never touch it’s blessed soil. I am enjoying walking through it’s streets virtually by your blog! Shalom!
Thank you Mrs N! I am so pleased to hear from you welcome!
This is an impressive blog.. a picture is worth a thousand words right? I am Roni with Giyus.org and I just began compiling an Israel in Photos page (http://bit.ly/LG4PIV). I’ve included a picture of yours and a link back to your wonderful blog.. It would be great if you could link to the photo page as well – it will help us both reach out with beautiful photos of Israel to those looking for such information. Keep up the good work.
Thanks and may I suggest that you also look at my friend Sara’s wonderful work and photos at http://www.flowersinisrael.com
I find it creepy, not beautiful, to have Arab patients and their families in the hospital with me . . . and even scarier when some of the staff are Arab.
Do all staff members go through security, all the time? Or do they get to skip it, because they are familiar?
In Merkaz Harav, I think the perpetrator worked in the yeshiva’s kitchen.
Other than that, beautiful post.
I would love it if you would bring this blog over into Facebook so that I could see all of your posts in my newsfeed and share with my friends. Please consider it.
All of these are posted on Facebook check The Real Jerusalem Streets page: http://www.facebook.com/trjstreets
Really wonderful blog… never knew this was the REAL Jerusalem. Keep up the good work and cheers from Australia!
Pingback: Yemin Moshe: Windmill Dash or Walk | The Real Jerusalem Streets
Hi Sharon
I don’t seem to be receiving your wonderful pictures each week. Would you see if I’m still on your list. I’ve so enjoyed your pictures over the last few years.
My dear friend Kayla just sent me your blog which I am also happy to have but it reminded me that I haven’t seen your pictures for a while.
many thanks and many blessing…Hannah
So nice to meet you! Recently am feeling Israel coming closer to our life in Japan, so I was happy to find your blog through the Parnasa woman`s blog site. I recently added my blog there too, its called Challah and Cherry Blossoms. Please visit us in Japan when you have a chance! Blessings and Shalom!
SHALOM! Thank you for the colorful and informative advertisment. My family and I enjoyed everything about last years festival! I am very interested in knowing how one could be a participant in this years festival 2017 as a vendor or performer. There are artists of handcrafts, culinary,song, dance and music at the quality,culture and professionalism this annual festival is known for! Please contact. Thank you.
Hi Carla
I think this year’s festival is set already. They are planned months in advance. Time to try and start planning for next year as soon as the present ones end.
I started my day reading the book of Zechariah “Old men and old women…
shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem.
The city shall be filled with boys and girls playing in its streets.” I HAD to know what it might look like. Your photos are lovely. Thanks for this.
Thank you Lucy, for a beautiful comment.
I would like to sign up to receive your photos!
Thank you, happy to put you on the weekly email list.
Beautiful pictures. Shalom from Holland!
Thank you! Posting more in a couple of hours.
Can you send me a blood moon in blue? If you would it would be wonderful.
Dana Scioli