Check out Colors and Contrasts in Jerusalem after Passover

As soon as Passover is over, the Israeli flags start flying over the Jerusalem streets.

This year the roller coaster of emotion should be even sharper than usual.

More blue and white flags are seen over the Jerusalem streets than in the past.

All the Pesach, Passover food is gone.

One day the table was set for a holiday meal.

The next everything was upside down.

And the next day, everything was stored away until next year.

The Jerusalem cafes were filled and people were again sitting on the streets enjoying the weather and freshly baked cakes and breads.

Construction workers were back, blocking and hopefully one day soon fixing the Jerusalem streets.

The signs of summer and no rain with dried weeds,

add contrast to the colorful spring flowers.

However, the weather this time of year can and does change day by day with rain in the forecast.

Compared to what is seen in the media, life in Jerusalem is often a contrast.

Western Wall on Passover 2024 for Priestly Blessing

Over the week of Pesach, 500,000 people were reported to have visited the Kotel, Western Wall.

Today is Orthodox Easter and Christians are celebrating in the Old City.

A young Muslim couple finished their meal at the cafe where our business group met this week.

One sight at night in Tel Aviv was impressive, the building lit with not only an Israeli flag and “Together we will win” but also a yellow ribbon indicating the wait for the return of hostages.

New to the Jerusalem streets, posters with faces of fallen soldiers. Their families want Israel to not stop until Hamas is defeated so that their children’s lives were not sacrificed in vain. This group’s protest after Shabbat received much less coverage in contrast to a protest in Tel Aviv.

New signs are up over the Jerusalem streets for Yom Haaztmaut, Israel Independence Day.

“Our Independence is with our Unity” is a new slogan for year 76.

However, first is Yom HaShaoah, Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day, observed this year beginning on Sunday evening, May 5, 2024. At 8:00 pm a siren will sound.

Tomorrow at 10 am, there will be a two-minute siren in memory of the victims, not the same sound as an air raid siren, but one constant tone. Air raid sirens have a tone that goes up and down.

No one knows what will happen next.

However, if you walk along the Jerusalem streets and look, not down at your phone, you will see the beauty in nature. The contrast of new growth and colors as summer approaches after a winter of war.

It’s a good time to remember the traditional ending of the Pesach seder, “Next year in Jerusalem!”

New February Flowers and Flying Flags in Jerusalem

Another week wondering where to begin and what to include in what’s happening in Jerusalem, Israel.

When the rain stopped the clouds were impressive over the Israel Museum and the valley below. After the rain, green grass and wildflowers pop up from the ground to bask in the sunlight.

It’s always a good idea to take a moment to see the latest at the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens.

The pink cherry tree blossoms burst out last week.

New Israeli flags were posted on the fence around the soon-to-open Japanese Pagoda.

New flags line many Jerusalem streets.

Some new flags and a sign for a fallen soldier were put up across from his former home.

Sadly, too many new flags with the loss of another soldier, killed in the October 7 War.

Finally construction work is slowly resuming on the Jerusalem streets. The new path to the starting line of the Jerusalem Marathon has to be completed before the March 8 starting time.

The 13th Jerusalem Marathon will be held during these challenging times, “based on the spirit of struggle, perseverance, determination, and the victory of the human spirit, especially in times of war.”

On a visit to the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem this past week, under this large welcome sign were smaller posters of hostages kidnapped on October 7.

Inside on the second level is a new exhibit ‘Splinter From the Storm’ where contemporary art is interspersed with ancient artifacts.

Jerusalem has creative works found both inside museums and along the Jerusalem streets.

The juxtaposition of old and new is constantly changing as new buildings tower over the old.

Some things in the Machane Yehuda Market, the shuk, appear the same and constant.

However, seeing bread and rolls packaged in plastic and not in the open is relatively new.

It’s time to sign up for next year in schools as signs along a busy Jerusalem street remind us.

No need for “Bring them home now” signs as a reminder, but they are posted in many windows.

Tens of thousands were at the Kotel, Western Wall on Thursday afternoon, before Rosh Chodesh Adar to pray for the return of hostages. It got less media coverage than other rallies even with both chief rabbis participating in the prayer service.

Some relatives were there also, Bring Him/Them Home Now! can be seen almost wherever you go.

As sad as much of the past four difficult winter months have been, the first lupins have appeared as another sign of spring, new growth, and hope as the days get warmer.

New Am Yisrael Chai banners have appeared on some Jerusalem streets.

It is a good time to get up and go out and appreciate the sunshine.

Seeing what’s new and what else is happening on Jerusalem streets can help improve your mood any day.

Jerusalem Day 55 – Yom Yerushalayim

Jerusalem Day, Yom Yerushalayim 50 was a big year with extravagant programs including a drone show, which was new and exciting at the time.

Last year I was in Tel Aviv for Yom Yerushalayim. Not so much fun having to sleep on pillows on the floor as bombs fell near the loft Airbnb I had rented – with no bomb shelter.

Jerusalem Day Israeli flags dancing in street

This year I am again missing the chance to march in the Flag Parade and show you the families celebrating and dancing in the Jerusalem streets.

After Shabbat thousands of young people were dancing and singing with a huge Israeli flag, and many smaller ones.

Yom Yerushalayim has been celebrated for more than one day this year.

The music was blasting from Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, ALL Thursday night. Huge stages were erected, as usual for the WhiteNight, all night long partying, but this year sounded and felt much louder. Other locations also had major live music productions but without as many complaints.

However, even earlier in the week, there were celebrations!

On King George Street, StandWithUs opened its new expanded education center with a flashing video in the new theater space.

The gala reception and program were held outside, behind the YMCA.

But warm feelings inside for the ribbon-cutting ceremony at StandWithUs.

Gorgeous, but cool nights on the Jerusalem streets early in the week.

In the never know what next, I had no idea what this guy was doing,

or who these guys were that wanted their photo taken.

You could feel the energy, people were back on the Jerusalem streets.

Mamilla Mall was alive again, with international tourists and Israelis.

The banner for ‘Yom Yerushalaim 55 years’ was outside of Jaffa Gate.

And inside Jaffa Gate, beigelles were ready for the tourists to buy.

The police station was ready, draped with holiday flags.

Large groups of students on holiday trips filled the Old City lanes.

The Western Wall Plaza near the Kotel was filled with group activities.

From the rooftop of the Aish building, I like to check the progress of the dome rising over the Tiferet Israel synagogue construction.

And of course, from the rooftop, to take multiple photos of the scenes below.

Including Ir David where the new restaurant and cable car station are to be.

On a clear day, you can see over the Dead Sea into to Jordan.

I went to see the Charge d’Affaires of the Kosovo Embassy in Jerusalem Ines Demiri accept an award from the Israel Defence and Security Forum.

People with Israeli flags kept walking by while Ines posed with Jerusalem Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum near the Kotel, Western Wall.

We walked out of the Jaffa Gate toward Jaffa Road, so she could go home and I could get the photo of the giant Jerusalem flag near Tzahal Square.

Oh, what a lovely time of year to walk on the Jerusalem streets!

Especially seeing friends finally able to return to Jerusalem again and join us to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim in 5782.

Jerusalem Old City Walls

Remember for 19 years 1948-1967, Jews were unable to walk in or live in the Old City, the closest was a view was from Notre Dame.

Yom Yerushalayim Sameach!