Last week 18 New Signs of Spring was the title of blog post.
With all the spring holidays coinciding this week time is short for everyone.
This short video of cleaning the notes from between the stones in the Kotel, the Western Wall, received dozens of shares on Facebook and thousands of views. I thought readers who are not on Facebook might appreciate seeing a bit of the spring cleaning. Listen to those birds! More on birds after the holidays. The Jerusalem Bird Observatory is to celebrate 25 years.
Very different musical sounds from this light projection near Jaffa Gate for the Jerusalem annual spring festival Sounds in the Night in the Old City.
School is out and children are indeed filling the streets of Jerusalem, Israel. The verse from Zechariah 8:4-5 reads: “Thus said the Lord of Hosts: There shall yet be old men and women in the streets of Jerusalem, each with staff in hand because of their great age. And the streets of the city shall be crowded with boys and girls playing in the streets.”
Much more to share, but time is short and my kitchen must be cleaned.
Happy Spring Holidays from Jerusalem to all!