Hanukkah Holiday Lights

 For the eight days of Hanukkah,

so many lights were burning brightly,


from the olive oil flames of the religious yeshiva hanukkiot,

to the large electric candelabra

Hanukah 024b

at the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem,

across the road from each other.

Many stores and restaurants had candles lit,

 inside or in the windows for all to see.

chanukia in front of restaurant

This one Emek Refaim Street was hard to miss.

What was missing were the large numbers tourists

usually around this time of year.

A little Photoshop was needed to fix this photo,

electric menorah as street decorations

as those street light hanukkiot were hanging in fewer locations

 and often not all of their parts were working.


menorah on Emek Refaim

there was no shortage of Chabad hanukkiot

on street corners,

Chabad chaunka menorah on car

and on top of cars.

One favorite was the large hanukkia burning brightly

Gush Chabad chanukia

 at the Tzomet HaGush bus stop,

 recently the scene of too many terrorist attacks.

The major annual hanukkiot were

Knesset chanukia

on top of the Knesset,

Hanukkah in Jerusalem

outside the Jaffa Gate entrance to Old City,

koseel menorah

and inside near the Kotel, the Western Wall.

A friend reports that new pink spot light was removed

by the end of the holiday.

menorah in Jerusalem Israel

This new one in town was my favorite.

The lights on the Old City Walls

lights on wall of old city

were of s’vivonim, dreydles, games and fun.

Of course, the holiday foods and parties were on going.

BBQ in Old City on Hanukka

This BBQ in the Archaeological Park of Old City,

fed hundreds of the security personnel who stand out in the cold

day and night protecting us from the next terror attack.

And there was music,

Hebrew sign for Hanukkah music

from a show at the new Arena Stadium,

as well as thousands of family gatherings and community events.

The lights and sounds of Hanukkah

came forth from Jerusalem.

For those who were afraid to walk the streets this year,

next year in Jerusalem, Israel.

No matter how you spell it,

חנוכה or Chanukah,

is a special time you should not miss.

Yemin Moshe: Windmill Dash or Walk

  This week I saw so many colors of Israel.

sunrise on Kineeret

Sunrise on the Kinneret with the Swim4Sadna,

View of Sea from Carmel

then sunset from the Carmel mountains,

where the blues of sky and sea blend together.

West Bank view of JOrdan

Along the Jordan Valley Road

were colorful packing grates.

But as wonderful it is to go and see the land,

back in Jerusalem, Israel,

street in Yemin Moshe

the colors of Yemin Moshe are a favorite.

photo walk in Yemin Moshe

I love to share its color on photo walks.

But also fun was to meet up with friends

Yemin Moshe with friends

 for a new amazing Israel ScaVenture!

I have walked Yemin Moshe countless times,

each time I see and say there is something new.

Yemin Moshe scaneger hunt

Families have stopped and posed for photos here,

taking photo for scaventure

but I had not noticed this bomb shelter sign.

new sign in Yemin Moshe

Near the Jerusalem Press Club

was the “No climbing” sign we needed to finish our hunt.

But did Kate climb or not climb?

View of Old City from Yemin Moshe

The Windmill Dash ends by the Montefiore Windmill plaza,

with an amazing view of the Old City.

I was so glad to have dashed back

from the beautiful colors of the North

group photo from Scanvegerhunt

 to participate in this Blogger ScaVenture Hunt.

We did the Old City,

then Nahlaot,

last year Gush Etzion,

and now another favorite neighborhood.

What will Tali come up with next?

Most impressive is how these events are good

for families, all age groups and knowledge levels.

Dash around Mishkanot Shaananim and Yemin Moshe.

Then when you are ready to go slower,

see more and set up those photos,

be in touch.

There is always something new to see

on and off the Jerusalem, Israel streets.

Jerusalem: Sounds & Photos in the Old City

The annual Sounds in the Old City,

music festival is going on this week.

old city Jerusalem

Signs are posted leading the way

tower of david

from outside the Jaffa Gate,


and inside, with stages set up


for musicians to perform.


Down in the moat of the Tower of David,

there were music, tables and chairs and food.

lights on wall for art

These lights were on the way to the Jewish Quarter,


where again this year the Cardo provided a dramatic venue.


Various singers

children music

inspired some little dancers,

Hurva Shul at night

in the Rova, the square of the Jewish Quarter,

by the Hurva Synagogue.

I almost went out the wrong way.

Thousands came to the Old City,

and the route I wanted was closed off.

lights on wall of festival

Good thing, or I would have missed the “fiddler on the roof,”

near Muristan Square.

big sign at Jaffa Gate for marathon

Not all the music was great, though it was all loud.

The festival will run until the end of the week.

Then Friday am bright and early,

 it will be the time for the running of the Jerusalem Marathon.