Here we go again.
First Israeli Apartheid was the rage,
then segregation became a popular ‘hot’ slur.
Now the Deputy Foreign Minister from South Africa calls on his people
not to visit “occupier” Israel.
Too bad, for if his people were in Jerusalem, Israel,
they could see the “oppression” for themselves.
Syrians are being killed daily by the hundreds,
in Egypt military leaders are being purged after Muslim terrorists
killed 16 fellow Muslims while they were breaking their Ramadan fast,
and violence in Myanmar is spreading to Jakarta and Mumbai.
As the month of Ramadan fasting comes to an end in Jerusalem,
Muslim women were in Mamilla Mall shopping as usual.
On Friday mid-day prayer time, this was the scene outside Jaffa Gate
and inside Jaffa Gate.
At the entrance to the Muslim shuk,
South African Deputy Minister Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim,
would have seen the security of the oppressive “occupation”.
Yes, a security blimp was hovering near Damascus Gate,
but all appeared normal on a regular Friday near the Kotel, the Western Wall.
There was no violence or stone throwing,
so there were no restrictions or barriers as people were leaving, though
several men covered their heads with prayer rugs for protection from the sun.
There were no military vehicles on the street below
and people freely went up and down the steps to
and through Mamilla Mall.
Because of past suicide bombers, there is always a security check
to enter Jerusalem malls, but security checks are for everyone.
Suddenly, police closed off Agron Street with red tape,
even Egged bus drivers were stopped and had trouble getting through.
I did not stay around long enough to find out why the street was closed,
but it was not a restriction of Muslims oppressed under “occupation” .