16 Photos Snow in Jerusalem

A few weeks ago there was supposed to be a big snowstorm

in Jerusalem, Israel,

and the word “blizzard” was used a lot.

A little snow started to fall just as it was time

to light Shabbat candles,

so I only managed to take and share two quick photos,

and by the next day, it was all gone.

This week I did not hear the “b” word,

though a heavy snowfall was forecast.

The snow started to fall on Thursday night,

boy throwing snowball in Jerusalem

and this could be one of the first snowballs.

snow covered street jerusalem israel

The streets were slippery

man walking in snow Jerusalem

and mostly deserted.

flower in snow in Jerusalem

I took one flower photo,

imaige snow scene Jerusalem

if the warnings were wrong,

I had one ready for the Shabbat Shalom post.

image snow storm Jerusalem

But by morning the snow had accumulated,

image snow scene in Jerusalem Israel

and the Jerusalem streets looked like a winter wonderland.

image Wolfson towers in fog from snow storm

Heavy fog and a white sky added to the wintry scenes.

Jerusalem snow covering ground by Knesset

When the fog cleared the Knesset grounds were covered.

image israel museum in snow

This Israel Museum view shows trees covered.

against the white sky.

street scene Jerusalem under snow

Heavy snow stuck to power lines and branches,

Snow in Jerusalem stuck to everything

and just about everything.

image snow plow lone vehicle on busy streets Jerusalem

Most people stayed off the roads in the morning.

Jerusalem Israel snow scene Valley of Cross

The monastery in the Valley of the Cross,

a beautiful and serene scene,

was like a picture postcard.

lemon tree covered in snow and ice Jerusalem storm

But lemon trees

snow covered plants Jerusalem snow storm

and sabra plants covered in snow?

Only in Jerusalem, Israel!

שבת שלום

Shabbat shalom.

After Jerusalem Blizzard 2015

Last week it was exhausting waiting for the snow to start.

School was closed, then opened, then closed.

Supermarkets ran out of chicken and yeast.

It snowed a bit and then stopped.

It rained and rained, it poured.

The heaters do not work when it really gets cold,

but we waited for Jerusalem covered beautifully in white.

Finally, around 4:00 pm on Friday,

snow Jerusalem

the snow began to fall,

and so heavy the Knesset could not be seen.

photo Jerusalem snow Israel Museum

The Israel Museum blurred into white.

But Shabbat was starting,

and the camera was put away,

so you will have to believe me that on Friday night and Shabbat

we saw some of the most gorgeous scenes ever.

There was no wind and the snow stuck to all the tree branches,

for what would have made classic photos.


photo after snow

all that was left on Sunday was the remnant of this poor old snow man,

I assume those carrots were his/her nose.

photo water tanks on roof

But not only do heaters not work well in the cold,

as usual there were water problems with parts of the dood freezing,

so seeing someone working on the roof tops was common.

We only lost power for a few minutes and had

running water all Shabbat, though it was soo cold.

But then the sun came out,

and Pollyanna time.

Along with the tragic news from Paris, France,

image Jerusalem theater

girls from Beit Shemesh were excited to be at the Jerusalem Theater

to rehearse for their show “Pollyanna.”

Blizzard of 2015 did not happened,

 feeling still like a bear coming out of hibernation,

but back to “normal.”

Jerusalem Blue Sky, White Snow and More Ice

Stabbing attack, bomb on a bus, and a murder near the Gaza Border,

terror against Israelis is increasing.

But in Jerusalem this past week it was all about the weather.

photo String Bridge, Image Jerusalem bridge, picture top of new bridge

The sun is shining and sky is blue,

picture Palestinian abuse Israel, photo Palestinian women Israel, image Palestinian women Jerusalem

and people are walking again along Jaffa Road,

photo market Jerusalem, shuk photo, image Machana Yehuda, picture people eating in shuk

and eating and shopping in the Shuk, the Machane Yehuda Market.

For some in Jerusalem, Israel, the snow storm of December 2013 is history.


image snow blocking corner, photo storm in israel, picture snow in Israel, image clean up snow

 many street corners still look like this with heaps of ice and debris.

Nothing in Jerusalem is flat, so there are many steps,

snow in Israel photo, image Jerusalem steps, picture snow in Israel

 including this 99-step stairway that was icy this week. 

image large tree blocking steps, photo tree fallen on path, picture tree damage israel

But this fallen tree was blocking them at the top making them useless.

They are off one of the hardest hit streets,

where many were without power for a week because of the storm.

Now new wires are being buried underground.

I had to go around out of my way,

image two workmen, photo electric company workers.

but I had a chance to meet two of the hasmal electric company guys,

who wanted me to to take their their photo.

image snow clean up. picture snow on street, photo Jerusalem snow

It is a miracle that with blocked icy sidewalks and people walking

on dark slippery streets in traffic that no one was killed or seriously injured.

image snow Jerusalem, ice on streets Jerusalem, israel storm, picture cleanup Jerusalem

This week, a corner where many children cross

near a busy school was still covered with ice.

You cannot really understand Jerusalem streets from looking at a map

or even at photos, as it can rain on one street and be dry on the next.

This week you really feel and see the differences.

While some are out in the sun, 

image snow Jerusalem, picture snow, photo snow in Israel

others are still trying to get around the mess!

I almost fell today on an ice patch near the Windmill.

image clean up Jerualem, snow damage photo

The tree cutters are busy with lots more work to do.

People and buses are sharing same spaces,

image rose, photo rose bud, picture flower in snow.

but even with the snow in the background,

the last rose bud was still looking good.

First it was pretty, then it was clean-up time, 

now if they can just get the mess cleaned up before it rains…