In 2011, the RJS post for International Women’s Day titled Israeli Apartheid? went viral.
I was such a novice I had no idea what was happening, as I watched the numbers of views skyrocket on the hotel lobby computer in Eilat.
The next year was 15 Real Photos of Arab Girls. It is still getting views after more than a decade.
This year, however, I decided it was time to highlight special Jewish Israel women!
Not in any special order, and there are certainly many more wonderful women that could be included. All of the photos below were taken since the beginning of January 2024.

A favorite image is of Fleur Hassan Nahoum in Weizmann Hall with all those men in the iconic photo behind her at the end of her term as Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem and start of new leadership roles.

At the Conference of Presidents’s opening evening, there were three new Presidents: Hadassah, Naamat, and the American Zionist Federation led by women.
Tova Dorfman Deputy Chairwoman of the World Zionist Organization at the Jewish People Challenges.

Back at the Jerusalem International Conference Center this week with leaders in Health-Tech.

Women in Science and business with multi-lingual language solutions.

And women who are patent lawyers who assist those health start-ups.

Women who help other women, One Family together.

Women leaders who get things done and done right,

Women with style who get things done.

Women who get the news out.

Love how women hug when they find their friends.

When women put their heads together – wow.

This woman was a child in the Kindertransport who left Germany for England without family.

This woman, the mother of a daughter murdered on October 7, started speaking to groups.

The mother of a kidnapped son also speaks to keep her son’s story known.

The sister of those who cannot speak for themselves, speaks below those images we cannot forget.

Her father and brother were killed on October 7 and talking about their good deeds keeps her going.

She is still reluctant to speak but is lucky to have survived the October 7 massacre in Ofakim.

Oh, the all too familiar faces of the young women held in Gaza after over 150 days.

Then there are the smiling faces of those who have organized special solidarity missions to Israel.

Women who came and sponsored a bat mitzvah celebration for 20 girls who lost a close relative to terror.

There are those organizational leaders who seem to be everywhere working to support Israel.

A woman who led WIZO for decades and is ready for her next challenge.

New young Israeli leadership in the realm of social media.

Israeli Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel was in one of my first media photos years ago, is still going strong.

Another Israeli Member of Knesset Idit Silman has stayed active over the years.

Women runners with a story.

Women from Sderot doing their laundry at the Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem.

Back in Sderot after 5 months, school started, and another rocket was fired at them from Gaza.

So many women fell and broke their hips while running to shelters in the south over the years, ADI’s rehabilitation center near Ofakim has a special department for them.

Mothers, daughters, and sisters support each other one day at a time working for a better future.

On the wall, seen through a window, in a destroyed home in a southern Israel kibbutz – Viva ISRAEL.
A special shout-out to all the Israeli women who have kept their homes and the home front going over the years, especially over the past 5 months with tens of thousands evacuated and serving in reserves.

And thank you to the women who have come on solidarity missions in support of Israel.
Heroines one and all!
Am Yisrael Chai!