Israeli Apartheid?

Saudi Arabia bans protests, Turkey locks up journalists,

Iran and Libya kill their opponents,

Egypt killed  protesters, Syria kills hundreds every day.

Haneen Zoabi, an Arab woman is an elected member of the Israeli Knesset

and has led anti-Israel protests.

Israeli apartheid?

Her actions would never be tolerated in any of the surrounding countries,

but Zoabi’s anti-government pieces are routinely published

 in main stream Jerusalem newspapers and supported by the courts.

 While Saudi Arabian women are forbidden to drive a car,

in Jerusalem, many Arab women take driving lessons

and sit where they want on public buses.

Arab school girls

School girls are not afraid to share the same streets,

Arab girls in uniforms in Old City

no matter what uniforms they wear,  and go on to attend Israeli universities

Arab girl head covered working in Israeli hospital

and find work in the medical professions in Israeli hospitals.

Muslim woman walking in Old City

Arab women walk alone

Arab woman alone in Old city

through the streets of the Old City

Arab women image. Arab women in Jerusalem

and in all the neighborhoods

Palestinian woman shopping


Arab women image. Arab women in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Israel

Muslim woman walking in Old City wearing hijab

dressed in clothing

Arab women shopping in Jerusalem

of all types

Palestinian woman shopping

and colors.

Palestinian woman shopping

Often Arab women shop

in Mamilla Mall,

Palestinian woman, shopping in Machane yehuda

in the Machane Yehuda Market, the shuk,

Palestinian woman shopping for shoes

on Jaffa Street,

Palestinian woman shopping with children in Jerusalem

King George Street,

Muslim woman shopping

and in Talpiot.

Muslim women eating in Jerusalem

They can eat in a street cafe or restaurant

Arab man and woman holding hands in public

or walk with a male companion.

Muslim woman with children wailing wall plaza

With young children

Muslim woman shopping alone

or alone,

Muslim women walking in Old City

Arab women are not afraid or forbidden to move around freely.

Israeli apartheid?

350 thoughts on “Israeli Apartheid?

  • March 8, 2011 at 12:07 pm

    This is the best posting I have seen to respond to the plethora of propaganda this week.
    Well done!

    • March 10, 2011 at 7:14 am

      Nice photos. But herein lies the propaganda…Arab women can do these things in other Arab countries too (Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, etc). And being able to walk on the street, drive and shop and go to school could be done by Blacks in Apartheid South Africa.
      What you don’t see is second class citizenship nor humiliation. You must walk in their shoes to see that.
      What bothers me most is that this sort of thing is pure propaganda to make those in power feel good about their actions.

      • March 10, 2011 at 9:57 am

        Here lies your propaganda: could a Jew walk around with his kippah on his head in all those above countries without “humiliation”? Can a Jew run for government positions in those above countries? Can a Jew walk around in the streets of Lebanon, shopping, eating in cafes and sitting on public transport alongside Arabs, peacefully just as Arabs can in Israel? No.

        Let’s not forget Muslims have many countries in which they can call “Islamic countries” (Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Jordan etc.) As do Christians (USA, UK, Australia, Italy, most of South America etc) and every other religious group on the planet (Hindus – India, Buddhists – Thailand etc). Jews ONLY and will only ever have Israel!!!

        So what is wrong with Jews living in the West Bank, considering the religious significance to Jews? Why does a future Palestine = no Jews allowed to live there? Why are Jews, just like Arabs in Israel, not entitled to live there in peace and security under a future “Palestine”?

        This highly complex situation can only be resolved at the negotiation table not with terrorism.

      • March 10, 2011 at 11:38 am

        @Judith–WHAT humiliation? No one is “humiliating” Moslem Arabs. That false claim derives from their belief that the very existence of a Jewish and dhimmi (seond-class non-Moslem people) state contravenes their bigoted Sharia Laws, and therefore is an affront to Moslem “honor.”

        And you’re wrong about South Africa–Blacks could not do these things in “white only” areas. Education was segregated and Black children only educated for menial jobs; the few who went to college went to Black-only colleges; men were confined to Black townships (ghettos) and Black-only jobs; men could only start businesses in the ghettos; and women were permitted out to work as maids for Whites or stay on their segregated “homelands” as agricultural workers. They did NOT drive cars but were confined to Black-only bus systems. Transportation and civil facilities were strictly segregated; women especially were denied the right to an education and the right to own property under apartheid.

        You’re right about one thing–there is NO second class citizenship or humiliation as part of Israeli policy. On the contrary, Israel tries to afford democratic rights to a minority many of whose members wish to kill us, have killed us, are still trying to kill us in conjunction with their co-nationals in the West Bank and Gaza in the name of Moslem “honor” and a recidivist national lie and sheer racism.

        The only “propaganda” here is your repetition of baseless Arab claims of “second class citizenship” and “humiliation.”

        • March 10, 2011 at 11:59 am

          It was not that long ago that in Richmond, Virginia, blacks were only allowed to shop on one side of the main downtown street, for years those stores were much more modest, some neighborhoods were off limits to blacks and Jews.

        • March 11, 2018 at 6:38 pm

          Excellent response to a person who repeats the lies that they want to spread about Israel. I wish your response to her could be read by all of those that repeat the lies she is spreading.

      • March 10, 2011 at 1:57 pm

        Dude, learn a little more about apartheid! Black people could not go to regular school, drive cars or walk around freely. They were isolated into separate homelands, were arrested if they were not carrying passes, were constantly harrassed on the streets by both citizens and police, and were systematically oppressed by the constitution in every way.

        I am from South Africa and I am in Israel now. The two situations are beyond incomparable.

      • March 10, 2011 at 3:16 pm

        Judith – you have absolutely no idea about apartheid -Black people in South Africa were opressed in all areas of life, from jobs, education to where they could or could not live, had to carry passes with them at all times, could not stay in “white” areas after dark. They could not vote. Israeli Arabs have the right to democratic vote, education, their own religion, dress and free speech. They are represented in Israeli Government. Ask any Israeli Arab if they would like to live in any other Arab State or whether they would stay and live in Israel.

      • March 10, 2011 at 8:42 pm

        Well,you talk about Egypt didn´t humiliate and kill Copt Christians,nor to say how the few Jews who remained in the muslim countries after the Jewish Naqba were treated decently and with dignity,lol you should see both sides of this reality before just mentioning one aspect to smirch Israel´s image !

      • March 10, 2011 at 10:18 pm

        I simply loved your statement…So true!
        You do have a very keen point of view…and you made it here. I am happy for you.

      • March 11, 2011 at 6:39 am

        You don’t see second class and citizenship and humiliation, because it doesn’t exists. What does exist is a self preservation instinct of the Israeli Jewish population, who knows that given the opportunity, they will be killed, raped, maimed and lynched by the Palestinian mob, taught from young age to HATE.
        The fact that you can see Arab women in Arab countries is obvious, but that you can see them all over Israel without fear-where is the Apartheid? where is the racial segregation enforced by the states legal mechanism? It doesn’t exist except as A libel and a big lie.

      • March 12, 2011 at 10:21 pm

        Dear Judith:

        Your comment is mere baseless hatred of Israel and Jews. There is not any discrimination here, and Arab women cannot walk outside the home without male family members in Saudia – they are forbidden by Saudi law to drive any vehicle. You are comparing to South Africa, where blacks were forbidden from areas other than their own neighborhood. These photos reveal the truth which you cannot digest and which you refuse to accept. Who is fooled here, and who is fooling herself?

      • March 16, 2011 at 3:14 pm

        How could this be propaganda? The pictures were NOT taken by any political party or from state in order to change someones mind. These pictures were taken on a normal day showing how they live.
        But I see you have a little mind not understanding what the word propaganda means. For your information the word “propaganda” means “information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.”
        Somehow I don’t see how this is propaganda. But I am sure I will see you Israeli Apartheid week hanging out with Israel haters.

      • March 24, 2011 at 4:52 pm

        Have you walked in their shoes and been there? I have, this is how it is. There is no formal segregation.
        Why are there so many palestinians and suicide bombers taking innocent lives, including their own.

        No Israelis humiliate anyone. Arab people can walk on streets anywhere because there is no apartheid in any of these places including Israel.

        What is propaganda, is the fact that our south african government dont know whats going on there and brain wash you into thinking there is apartheid going on there. These photos alone are proof. Go there, experience it yourself and then come back to fight your point of view.

      • April 27, 2011 at 1:54 am

        Sorry Judith, please be sure of your facts before you write any comments that are completely ficticious!! I am an ex-South African and you know nothing of what apartheid means. Please do your research and you will see what you believe is untrue. There is absolutely no similarity between the apartheid in
        SA to what the situation is in Israel. You have made me so angry at your ignorance and your audacity to write and have an opinion about something that you know NOTHING about!!

      • May 5, 2011 at 4:20 am

        Yes Judith, Arab women can walk alone in those countries you mentioned. What you and most people don’t know is that the Arab standard of living in Israel is far better than in Arab country. Arabs living in Israel criticize the government, and are free to do so, but if you asked them if they wanted to leave this terrible country Israel, none of them would want to give up there citizenship or freedom.

        • May 5, 2011 at 7:08 am

          John’s comment is supported by a recent poll in the Arab community…
          it is official, more would rather live in Israel and enjoy its health services, education, etc

      • December 14, 2011 at 8:00 pm

        Judith seeing how people have been replying to your comment you made your point very clear. The palestinians are being discriminated, stereotypes spread about them like it was done in the USA and SA apartheid. And it is obvious that these people replying to your comment has no understanding of the more underlying discrimination and functions of apartheid, school system, ability by housing and apartments, work, scholarships, military and so on, how contact with government institutions, justice system. They seem to take the name literally “separation” without actually understanding the apartheid system and how it works, it is not simply physical separation it is much more.

        In occupied territories the apartheid with separation is complete. Maybe the blog might want to give us some photos of arabic women, children and men in occupied territories, i.e. in settlements or in hebron. How they go about their lives there. Those pictures would take you back to Africa without a doubt.

        • December 14, 2011 at 9:44 pm

          Arvid, thank you for your comment. “The occupied territories” are not usually on this blog, I am not allowed to enter many places such as Ramallah.
          There is more than enough to keep me busy in Jerusalem. Many roads are getting too dangerous again for Israeli drivers, rocks can be lethal.
          As long as Hamas is proud of killing over 1300 people in their 24 years, we have a problem. All Israeli “settlements” are behind fences and barbed wire for security, that “separation’ does not bother you?

    • March 14, 2011 at 2:52 am

      Yah I spent 5 weeks in Lebanon, visited Israel and was married to a Muslim for years. The Jews only occupy a TINY little piece of land on this earth! Is it too much to stop complaining about them? I have seen so much hatred toward them from many different governments and people and yet the Jews keep quietly to themselves not rallying against anyone. I have never heard ONE valid complaint about Jews ever that wasn’t just recycled thoughtless replays of something someone heard somewhere. If you had spent time where I have and mingled with the people I have you would see that the hatred is very much ONE SIDED. I saw it for YEARS with so many people I could never count. Terrible comments about Jews that were completely without any backing…just hate and prejudice. I thought what Americans did to African Americans was terrible. However, when I hear people saying that they want to wipe Jews off the face of the earth etc., I have to wonder if there is some kind of spiritual warfare going on here. Jews simply are trying to exist and protect themselves. I am so tired of hearing all this campaigning against them from haters who don’t know a thing about their beautiful culture and beliefs. They have survived genocide, threats, prejudice and have lost land due to politics while miraculously maintaining who they are. Let them be with their tiny little piece of land. Complainers, shut up and get out. Others who haven’t seen both sides and don’t know the history and culture on both sides should shut up! I know them both well…sorry the Jews come out on top. I have had it with the jealous lies about them. They are far more advanced in medicine and in the sciences than the rest of the world. Look it up…that’s a fact.

      • March 14, 2011 at 10:47 am

        I agree with much of what you say, Betty. Jews deserve to be treated with respect like all humans, and Judaism is one of the worlds great religions. I take offence whenever anyone mindlessly slanders either (as I do for Christianity, Islam or any great religion or group of followers). I have as little time for someone saying they want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth as I do for those who say they want to wipe the Palestinians out of Palestine. And THAT actually is the issue here. The problem is NOT that they occupy a small piece of land, or that they’re Jewish. The problem is that the land occupied belonged to someone else who was forced out of his land to make room for Israel. And that this process continues on the West Bank today. I don’t care who does that to who, it is wrong. Their persecution (which was unspeakably horrendous) does not justify that Zionists should kick someone else out from their homes and continue to make their lives a misery. That’s the problem.

      • March 30, 2011 at 4:03 pm

        Iyas: NO ONE was “kicked out” of Israel – you are confusing the situation of the local Arabs with that of the Jews in the surrounding Arab countries who WERE kicked out when Israel was created. The local Arabs LEFT (60%), at the bidding of the Arab Higher Committee, who told all Arabs to get out of the way while the surrounding Arab countries would “kill all the Jews for them.”. The proof is in the 40% who stayed & are the Arab Israeli (or their descendants) today. Even further: anyone who could prove that they had any sort of property that was moved into by someone else in Israel has been compensated. Until recently, all the “Nakba” organizers admitted that their keys were SYMBOLIC. As far as the West Bank goes, you are more than ridiculous” Israel GAVE IT UP – & for NOTHING! Not even the usual empty promises of “stopping terror” & “recognizing Israel’s right to exist.” Stop spreading lies – it is people like you who keep the war going! THAT’s the problem!

    • March 15, 2011 at 3:25 pm

      I do not know how blind these muslims are! even those that we know are educated. They do not see or feel anything they get away with around the world. If they did not have the “power of OIL” on their land, we would have seen a different landsacpe. For now they should all stay only in their country of origin and never any where else. Only politicians see that they are not all that biased! I say “open your eyes and see”. They killed everyone getting out of the mosque in libia after prayer and no comment! from anyone. The only thing I heard is that Jewish journalists make propoganda out of false situations! I think they are all very irrational people and send them out of every country to their country and the others have to follow the rules of the place they say they are born in.

  • March 8, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    SHAME it’s NOT Translated & put in EVERY PAPER in The Whole Frickin WORLD!?!?!?!?!?!?

    • March 10, 2011 at 3:32 am

      Indeed ! It´s the best debunking ever of the supposed “apartheid” in Israel,lol !

  • March 8, 2011 at 1:45 pm

    Great work!If only these photos could be shown to all those misguided persons taking part in this horrible event- Israeli Apartheid Week!

  • March 8, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    This has been a normal sight for many years, even before 67 in some areas like Haifa, Acco and Yaffa.

  • March 8, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    The photo marked “with young children’ was taken at the Kotel. No guide, no escort as required of Jews who visit the Temple Mount. She could even prostrate herself and pray at the Kotel on a prayer rug and she would be protected. Not so for Jews on the Temple mount. Apatheid Week is the latest incarnation of the Blood Libel tradition.

    • March 10, 2011 at 2:29 am

      Yes – the real apartheid is AGAINST JEWS!

  • March 8, 2011 at 4:08 pm

    You have to get this into the media, tv news, newspapers etc. It is brilliant. We have to educate the world and keep on getting articles like this out to the world. No point in us reading it, get it out there please, urgently

  • March 8, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    Excellent job! I will share this throughout my network.
    Kol Tuv,

  • March 8, 2011 at 4:18 pm

    Excellent post. Someone should translate into Arabic.

  • March 8, 2011 at 4:30 pm

    Suggestion: log into your WordPress dashboard, enable the Share button to be at the bottom of all your posts – this will make it easier for us to spread your blog across the net.

  • March 8, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    to show the apartheid part, you need photos from Arab towns and cities, where you will see no Jewish women or men shopping, riding the buses, or walking alone. That is where apartheid is happenning, not in Israel proper!

    • March 10, 2011 at 12:33 am

      your insinuation that arabs are perpetrating apartheid is absolutely, categorically false. in predominantly-arab cities within the green line, such as tira or nazeret, you can find jewish israelis clogging the streets every friday and saturday. the reason you don’t see jewish women or men shopping, riding the buses, or walking alone in ramallah, nablus, or bethlehem isn’t because the arabs who live there are keeping them out. it’s the israeli government that outlaws travel to areas a and b to israelis, not the p.a.

      nice photos. unfortunately, i don’t see any showing muslim women being interrogated by bank, bus, university, or shopping mall security — an uncomfortable ordeal faced by arab women of any age who want to enjoy their rights AS ISRAELI CITIZENS to walk around freely — or arab men attacked and fatally stabbed by jewish thugs in jerusalem.

      • March 10, 2011 at 7:29 am

        Sorry you must be new here, in an old post when the Gap store opened in Mamilla Mall, I showed the security… which EVERYONE has to go through, my bag is always opened and checked before I can enter the building. It is VERY uncomforable. Where else in the world does Gap have more security going in than out?
        Security at other malls has been shown in other posts, but sorry again, Arab women have blown themselves up and killed innocent shoppers.
        And do not forget, there is a guard at all supermarkets and I have to open my bag.

      • March 10, 2011 at 11:50 am

        Jewish men and women don’t ride the Arab buses or enter Jericho or Ramallah because when they do, they are killed. Hence the current absence of Jews on the Arab sheruts, and the state of Israel’s travel ban–not to keep us “out” but to keep us away from a PA-radicalized Arab population that thinks murdering Jews is a duty. My Muslimah neighbor by the way shares my bank–she goes there all the time, gets waved through just as I do as a regular, and has ridden back home with me without incident. Likewise, every time I go to the mall, I get the same search as Arab citizens and WB visitors.

        I’m told there are no security checks at Ramallah stores and restaurants. I guess that’s because Ramallah has never suffered a plague of Jewish terrorists of both genders blowing themselves up in civilian locales.

        There is a difference however–when Jewish thugs stab Arab men, they are tried for assault or murder. When Arabs murder Jews, they are extolled as heroes and heroines. Until the Arabs stop their hate, there will be no peace and the walls and checkpoints and security checks will remain in place. The solution is in YOUR hands, not ours.

      • March 10, 2011 at 11:12 pm

        Everyone has to go through security – and lets not even get into why!!!! so the fact that Arab women are having their bags checked … well so are Jewish women and men … no one gets in without going through the security!

        @Judith – for heavens sake! where did you ever read or learn about the history of apartheid in South Africa and of segregation in the US … enough people here have set you straight so i will not beat a dead horse – but if you were actually serious do yourself a favor – take off the blinders and look at things as they really are – study history and VERIFY before you take someone else’s word for what happened – we live in an age of unequaled access to information – you can research all on your own and i think if you do you will be a little surprised at HOW MUCH OF MORE INFORMED and intelligent post you will be able to offer up in the future!

        @CIC – girl – let us know what vintage u r smokin honey because u r deep deep into fantasy land!

      • March 12, 2011 at 10:26 pm

        Dear Concerned Citizen:

        There is not a female form for the word “citizen” in English. Nice try, though. As for your claims that it is safe for Israeli Jews to enter areas A and B, and that it is that nasty Israeli government which keeps them out – tell that to my neighbor who was shot in the chest when he tried to enter such an area to shop for produce. And all Israelis face security checks, so that is discomfort we all experience, due to the few among Arabs who are terrorists.

  • March 8, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    Excellent. Unfortunately the world hates us whatever we do….. And I’m not a pessimist!

  • March 8, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    Kol HaKavod, Sharon!!
    These are great photos and
    definitely should be published
    around the world.

    • March 8, 2011 at 5:37 pm

      Very true, Jews try to buy in Arab neighborhoods… there are protests.
      Religious Jews try to buy in some neighborhoods… there are protests.

    • March 8, 2011 at 5:41 pm

      Housing in Jerusalem is largely segregated, but by design in Arab communities…Baka, Greek Colony, downtown, French Hill, Pisgat Zeev to name a few all have Arab families living in Jewish-majority areas. Arab neighborhoods do not permit Jewish buyers or renters, and in the Galil, one Jewish buyer was told he would be welcome then threatened with death if he moved into his home in an Arab neighborhood.

    • March 10, 2011 at 11:15 pm

      true of large parts of any major city – but at least they can live there without threat of sword hanging over their heads – lets not get nuanced here – the world ain’t perfect over there but it is not because we are spending our days hating on the Arabs …

    • September 17, 2014 at 8:10 pm

      There are Arabs living on my street in Jerusalem. There is no law legalizing segregation. Arabs live in quite a few Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem, like Abu Tor, Neveh Ya`aqov, Pisgat Ze’ev, French Hill, etc. However, Arab thugs and political leaders often try to keep Jews from living in Arab neighborhoods.

      • September 17, 2014 at 8:56 pm

        Thank you for your comments. Too bad a smoke bomb was thrown tonight in French Hill, waiting for details. Violence seems to be increasing there.

  • March 8, 2011 at 5:40 pm

    You forgot about 2 million people that can’t do this.

    That’s about a million women, more or less.

    Are those women Palestinian? Did you check their ID? Do you think they got to Jerusalem from Ramallah? From Jenin?

    This is not an Ethnic apartheid, it’s a national one. Learn to make the difference.

    • March 8, 2011 at 5:58 pm

      No, did not check their ids…they go around freely.
      How many Israelis go to Ramallah, Jenin or Jericho? And how safe are they?

      • March 8, 2011 at 11:31 pm

        Exactly, Daniel makes a good point. The potential for apartheid in Israel is about Palestinians, not Muslim Israelis living inside Israel. You did not ask where they were from and judged based only on their style of dress. It should be noted that some Palestinians are Christians, not only Muslim. . . . Arabs, too, not only Muslim. At one time, there were even many Jewish Arabs living in the region.

        • March 9, 2011 at 8:52 am

          The Jerusalem streets are intergrated.. only by dress can you easily tell people apart.
          This is the ONLY post in over a hundred with labels, the real Jerusalem streets prefers to use the words “women”, “men” or “people”.

      • March 9, 2011 at 11:30 pm

        Pitty you never took photos in the University Center of Ariel in Samaria. Plenty of Arabs from Samaria study there, especialy women.
        The administration would have confirmed they are not Israelis 🙂
        Great job!

    • March 9, 2011 at 12:15 am

      Daniel, before the bus bombings of the 80’s and the suicide bombings that followed. Before the 1st and second intifada, before the call for a separate Palestinian State in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, there was no need for ID-checks, because it has to do with SAFETY, not apartheid. Learn history.

      • March 10, 2011 at 6:42 am

        Jerusalem Streets: I didn’t mean any offense with the “labels”. I’m not sure why you took it negatively. I was pointing out the complexity of identity and diversity of the region. People often make assumptions and snap judgments based on a someone’s dress—even on the streets of Jerusalem, believe it or not….

    • March 9, 2011 at 2:35 am

      And you seem to forget (or deliberatly ignore, only you know), the millions of Palestinian women that cannot do this in their own towns: Ramallah, Hebron, Jenin.
      They cannot leave their house without a male companion. An many of those who dare are harassed by other men. Including their male family members.
      My wife used to work with a muslim young woman who said: “I want to work while I am free, because after I get married, I’ll be no longer allowed to work outside my house by my father and brothers.”
      Have you ever heard of honor killings in the Palestinian areas? Do you know why in the Cairo subway are women-only wagons? Not for religiously imposed gender separation, but to protect women against harrassment by men.
      Just one detail: these pictures only show religious muslim women, easily recognizable by their long robes and veils. There are also christian arab women and many muslim women that are not religious and dress in a western fashion.

      • March 9, 2011 at 9:04 am

        And those people dressed in “western fashion” are impossible to spot and photograph…sorry…only by dress can assume identity.

    • March 9, 2011 at 6:58 am

      National apartheid isn’t apartheid. If Americans don’t let people from another country come to America – that isn’t apartheid. And if people from Puerto Rico (their territory – like like the West Bank) cannot come to America, it isn’t Apartheid – they can still do whatever they want in Puerto rico.

      Apartheid is like in South Africa – allowing one race advantage while denying another.

      • March 10, 2011 at 6:43 am

        The comparison to America is incorrect.
        The West Bank is not a separate country, it is a piece of land that Israel controls, even though a huge number of its residents are not considered Israeli citizens. It was annexed and she didn’t make it a permanent part of her state partly because of population concerns. Too many Palestinians–same issue as today, along with the obvious and very real security fears.
        Even so, using the word apartheid is too provocative and offensive to be in any way constructive.

      • March 10, 2011 at 12:35 pm

        Sarah, you’re wrong.. The West Bank has never been “annexed” to Israel and is the subject of on-going negotiations as to what part of it will be Palestinian state and what part of it will become Israeli.

      • March 10, 2011 at 5:36 pm

        Sara, you are thrice wrong.
        1. The west bank was never annexed
        2. The west bank enjoys an autonomy, and is self governed.
        3. The west bank is a gift of Israel to the Palestinians after it was liberated from the Jordan occupation in which the Palestinians had either no wish to realize their sovereignty in that region or no ability to resist Jordan.

      • March 10, 2011 at 5:59 pm

        Yes, right, Sarah, N.
        It was a typo—by understanding the context of my post one would know I meant it was “not annexed”.

        Thanks for pointing it out though.

      • March 10, 2011 at 6:59 pm

        Okay, Greg. I guess you, too, misread my post like Sarah N. I left off the word ‘not.’

        Interesting gift. What is the Israeli government’s role in the West Bank now, as you see it, then?

      • March 11, 2011 at 9:51 am


        Interesting gift or not is irrelevant. The fact that Israel gave the Palestinians a place territories and autonomy, something that their loving brethren never did speaks volumes, not to mention that Pals don’t have civil rights in any Arab country except Jordan.

        And I must admit that I don’t understand your question.Maybe the two following points will answer that:
        1. The Autonomy is still depended on Israel, at many levels, but that’s something that can be worked on in negotiations, something the “moderate” Pals have postponed for so many months, and the less moderate rejected wholeheartedly.
        2.If you are mentioning the security measure that take place between the Autonomy and Israel, than a small look into history will clarify that these measure were introduced after a blatant breach of security from the Pals. So the measure were introduced to save lives and not to make Pals lives miserable. The faster the will see the connection the faster they can become a productive nation.

    • March 10, 2011 at 2:36 am

      How many aliens are allowed to just roam free without a passport/entry site in ANY country? Stop trying to hold Israel to insane standards that you would decry in your own country – THIS HYPOCRISY Is where we get the idea that people who spout the crap you do are Jew-haters!

      • March 10, 2011 at 4:53 pm

        Yes, right, Sarah, N.
        It was a typo–by understanding the context of my post one would know I meant it was “not annexed”.

        Thanks for pointing it out though.

    • March 30, 2011 at 4:08 pm

      So when Americans go to Mexico & have to show their passports, that’s ethnic apartheid? THAT’s what you’re complaining about, even if you want to pretend otherwise. The so-called Palestinians are NOT citizens of Israel & would REFUSE to become so, & you are actually DEMANDING that Israel have NO BORDERS WHATSOEVER. You’re an idiot AT BEST.

  • March 8, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    These are great pictures, and I love Israel with all my heart, but did you stop to speak to any of these Arab/Muslim women? What is their life truly like?
    This is an oversimplification of the situation, and spotting women shopping doesn’t exactly say anything about whether they are truly seen as equals in the society.
    Also, I don’t think Saudi Arabia should be the benchmark by which we compare ourselves. . .
    Nevertheless, lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing them.

      • March 8, 2011 at 11:08 pm

        Yes, actually, why don’t you interview them next? Get to know your neighbors a little one on one.

        Are Arab and Muslim women seen as equal members that help make up the very fabric of Israeli society, or are they seen as this “other” group to fear and control?

        The angle of your piece seems to suggest a group of women, “outsiders,” who are “allowed” to walk freely among the regular citizens.

        Women walking freely in the streets is not anything to boast about—that is a basic human right, for god’s sake. Have our standards fallen so low?

    • March 9, 2011 at 12:20 am

      Sara, why don’t you follow one of theses women into an Israeli hospital? The care is the same as for any other person needing care. As a matter of fact, the Arab Israeli would rather go to an Israeli hospital than to one in Gaza.

      • March 10, 2011 at 6:26 am

        Isn’t it common knowledge that Israel is the closest thing to a democracy in the Middle East? Yes, of course, it is. So granting a basic human right is nothing special. It’s basic.
        I just can’t understand all this patting ourselves on the back for allowing women to move freely, as you put it.

        Despite Israel’s wonderful free society as compared to its neighbors, there *are* injustices and inequalities and certainly biases in Israeli society—on both sides. How can this be denied?

        I challenge you to approach these women and get to know them as individuals, rather than to view them as your potential enemy.

        Yes, Holly, Israel has excellent hospital care, no one is disputing that.

  • March 8, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    This web page makes Jews look foolish.
    Only fools are embarrassed because they won several wars against the most brutal culture in history.

    Since passover is coming soon, why don’t you put up a web page that debunks the idea that we put gentile blood in our matza?

    Get the point?

    Its all about power and ghetto jews can’t deal with power unless it involves driving a mercedes or screwing people in business etc…

    wake up!

  • March 8, 2011 at 6:26 pm

    Bless Israel and the freedom there ,because other peoples feel more comfortable in oppression; no need for us to be oppressed ” never again is not a cute line to say” hopefully the world stops following the winds of the media propaganda.

  • March 8, 2011 at 6:30 pm


    • March 15, 2011 at 3:45 pm

      The only reason I see is as I have always believed that they are so blinded and they feel they are treated like
      “second class citizens!’ They go on parading that it is their duty to kill Jews and even in Israel and we are supposed to give them better than “second class citizens role” I would say let them out of Israel bu force if you need to and let them live a better life!

  • March 8, 2011 at 6:47 pm

    Well done…This should be Sharred with the World at Large..i will do my part here in USA to pass it on via
    again, Todah achoti!

  • March 8, 2011 at 6:47 pm

    Arabs are an integral part of Israeli life. When I see Arabs in public places I smile at them and they usually smile back at me. Many are very friendly, like the people who invited my wife to their child’s wedding celebration or the man who brought water to our group on a hike. There are Arab communities in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Israel that have made it clear that if there is a separation between Israel and Palestine they want to be in Israel. BTW in the Arab village of Abu Ghosh there are Jews who rent apartments from the Arab owners. No aparttheid here.

    • March 8, 2011 at 7:20 pm

      Aaron, when Arabs smile, it doesn’t mean the same thing that it means when you smile. Same in Asian countries. My wife is from Japan, and believe me, when she smiles at something you say, she’s not being nice. She’s thinking “what an idiot, now please shut up.”

      Abu Ghosh is a very special scenario, as we all know. Now go to Umm Al Famh and try to buy or rent a home. The same Arabs who smile at you in the shouk will kill you, your wife, and your children without thinking about it. Think not? Ask what they think of suicide bombings. Not one will tell you that they’re wrong because they kill people, only because they don’t accomplish anything.

  • March 8, 2011 at 7:02 pm

    There are furthermore Arabs (and other minorities)in Israeli Parliament, in the Army (even some superior officers), in foreign ministry in post abroad. Arabs receive health-care in the same facilities as Jews share hospital rooms, public transportation, public places etc. with Jews. Unthinkable in the former S-Africa. How can Israel be called an Apartheid state when she doesn’t has the least of the characteristics of an Apartheid state?

        • August 3, 2011 at 8:05 pm

          The Arab leaders told their people to leave!
          They wanted to wipe out the Jews, as they had tried in Hebron 1929…and in Zafat.
          Long before anyone heard of a West Bank, there was an established Jewish community in Hebron… until the massacre that is.
          Would the Israelis respond in kind, no, but how would they know that…..
          Yes, there is a tragedy…that the Arab leaders are constantly giving their people bad advice
          and will not let them live normal lives, look at the lack or rights in Lebanon or Syria, or Egypt, or even Jordan.
          How many peace offers did Arafat turn down and then start killing people? What a leader of the modern world..
          to invent the suicide bomber, destruction just to kill the innocent masses!

        • August 3, 2011 at 7:49 pm

          Rachel Corrie was a tragic accident, she foolishly put herself in an extremely dangerous situation… if front of a moving bulldozer!
          Any organization that encourages such behavior has to be held accountable.

  • March 8, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    Israel maintains an apartheid-like regime in the West Bank that applies to Arabs under occupation. Arab citizens of Israel do not experience apartheid or anything close. I don’t know what they say, nor what you say, but this is the simple and balanced truth.

    • March 8, 2011 at 8:32 pm

      @Dave What is your “truth” based on? When is the last time you were in the “West Bank”? Arabs roam freely throughout the area despite the numerous attacks – with knives, guns, etc – on Jews that occur on an almost daily basis. When that ends, and Arabs take responsibilty to put an end the violence and the provocative language from their mosques and schools, the checkpoints will be removed. If you have a group of people who consistently threaten to kill to get their way, most normal countries would come down a lot harder than checkpoints.
      Have you seen the recent poll about the Arabs in East Jerusalem (West Bank) who prefer to be governed by Israel than Palestinians? While that may have been surprising to some two months ago, the Western world is finally beginning to understand what Arab governance are really about.
      If you really cared about Human Rights you would be focusing on the 57 Muslim and 23 Arab countries (and Iran), instead of facilitating an un-truth that Israel operates anything like an Apartheid state.

    • March 8, 2011 at 9:13 pm

      Well, is it Apartheid or is it not? “Apartheid-like” regime is a new term to me and certainly not enough to match a real Apartheid regime! In Arab and Islamic countries for instance you will find real Apartheid, segregation, worse human right abuses, mass murders, public executions, stoning, torture and racism. In face of Arab aggressions, terrorism and their proclaimed genocidal intentions towards Jews Israel is entitled to take all the mesures she consider appropriate for her legitime defense..which is a fundamental human right. Apartheid has nothing to do with it..only perverse, twisted minds and hypocrits could stress such an impossible parallel.

      • March 15, 2011 at 2:37 pm

        “only perverse, twisted minds and hypocrits could stress such an impossible parallel.”

    • March 8, 2011 at 11:14 pm

      The issue of Apartheid here is about the few ruling the many, along with some form of segregation. By definition, Israel is edging too close to this reality–especially if the West Bank were to become a permanent part of Israel.

      • March 9, 2011 at 8:43 am

        Apartheid is about suppresion and restricting rights.
        Go into any Israeli hospital, Israeli and Arab doctors and nurses are working together on Arab and Israeli patitients in the same wards and rooms .

      • September 17, 2014 at 8:22 pm

        But the Jews are now the majority in fact. The Jews would be a greater majority today if the UK, at the Arabs’ and for their own reasons, kept Jews out of the internationally designated Jewish National Home. When the Jews most needed a home. So both the UK and the Arabs did their part to further the Holocaust. By the way, the top Palestinian Arab leader at the time of the Shoah was Haj Amin el-Husseini, who was also the chief Arab Nazi collaborator

  • March 8, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    such an unintelligent post, but cool pictures, but very selective, cuz you know, i really doubt israeli russians and anglo saxons wear like that, well seems like israel has a lot of muslims in it, but doesn’t matter anyways, doesn’t matter if some muslims bowed to israel’s illegal existence, israel is a threat to middle eastern countries’ national security,

    • March 8, 2011 at 9:15 pm

      Israel is not going away, and was given to the Jews by the Creator of the Universe.
      if you read the Torah, you might notice Judaism is the only religion in the world that has very specific geographical references. the muslims are the illegal ones there, and they are the ones who will be going away except for the ones who love Jews and G-d.

    • March 8, 2011 at 9:23 pm

      Mr. Iranian. The Jews and Israel by extension has the historic, moral, spiritual and indeed legal right over the land some by ignorance or by deceit call Palestine. Even the Coran, which is otherwise famous for its hatred towards the Jews recognized that! Tell me on what does the Arab or even Muslim (false) claims on the land rest?

    • March 9, 2011 at 6:42 am

      Shervin, yours was the most ill-informed and most unintelligent one I’ve read so far. I’ve been there and have seen the truth for myself. When was the last time you were there to see with your own two eyes and not corrupted by the fanatical idiots you call leaders? Always believe what they tell you? You are the one deluded and deceived. I have friends from Iran. They were not treated with tolerance and love but brutality instead. And contrary to your misinformation, we Jews are an honest people. If I was a cheat in my business dealings, I would be a very wealthy woman. Instead, I see many Muslims alot more prosperous than I am. Does their driving a Mercedes mean that they cheat others of ther rightful property? If I listened to your jibberish, I guess I would find the answer to be a big, fat yes!

      • March 9, 2011 at 9:21 am

        I cut most of Shervin’s comment, but decided to give him a voice, though I disagree totally with him, that is the democratic ideal right?

    • March 10, 2011 at 10:17 pm

      True, Israel does have many Muslims in it, and the vast majority of them are good, hard working people who add much to our country.

  • March 8, 2011 at 8:04 pm

    Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East… freedom of speech, freedom of expression… dress… religion… the list goes on. This is a threat to national security in the region… how exactly??

    • March 8, 2011 at 8:35 pm

      Freedom could be a threat, women in Iran were beaten today.
      All of these photos are candids, NO scenes were staged, all are from the REAL Jerusalem streets

      • March 8, 2011 at 8:54 pm

        what’s your source for that claim? let us assume that you are right and also superman can fly, omg iran’s the first country in the world where one woman is beaten by police, let me guess, the next would be police in the united states, do cops in the US hate camera because they hate technology or what?

  • March 8, 2011 at 8:37 pm

    I would be delighted to spread these photographs further through the Five Minutes for Israel site. Do I have your permission to download these picture?

    • March 8, 2011 at 8:46 pm

      The more people who see the real Jerusalem streets the better.
      Those who hate will not change their minds.
      These real pictures are for those people who are open to the truth, but
      only know what the main stream media shows… the violence and protests that sells.

  • March 8, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    You should visit Hebron. If you are interested I can show you some pictures!

    • March 8, 2011 at 8:56 pm

      Thank you, I have visited Hebron, in an armored bus with armed guards for our safety.
      There is too much with just what is going on in Jerusalem, no time to post the spring flowers in bloom.

      • March 8, 2011 at 9:55 pm

        I live in Kiryat Arba/Chevron. The armored buses are a necessity due to our “friendly” neighbors but we never have armed guards on them for our protection. The army has a definite presence in Chevron for our protection not only from the Arab population but also from the leftist do-gooders who come to cause problems. Your pictures were wonderful and perhaps a video presentation could be made from them.

  • March 8, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    You should also take pictures when they BBQ in Israeli parks – In Jerusalem you can see it all the time in Gan Hapoamon. I wonder if I would go BBQing in a Arab park…

    • March 8, 2011 at 9:07 pm

      You must be a new reader. Welcome!
      We have many old posts that include photos of Arab families enjoying themselves in Gan Sacher and The Bell Park,
      just part of the real Jerusalem streets that the media overlooks and we look for.
      This post was special for International Women’s Day, which came same time as Israel Apartheid Week on college campuses.
      Question is how many of those protesting college students have ever been to Jerusalem?

      • March 8, 2011 at 9:13 pm

        That’s what is really annoying, all those people discussing Israel without ever being to Israel or even really knowing something about Israel. I guess most of them would be really surprised if they would come.

  • March 8, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    the only picture who seem to be relevant is the bus one; all the rest are far away to prove there is no apartheid …..coming from south africa during the period of apartheid ;i can declare that Africans black at that time could walk freely during day time in the central joburg ….so the arab who live in Jerusalem ……..pls. post pictures of Arab man and women walking freely in the evening and night time !!!!! much better ……after 18h00 the blacks could not walk freely …so post evening pic

    • March 8, 2011 at 9:40 pm

      Interesting information…it is very hard to get good photos at night, but
      in old posts there are a few night time pictures from summer concerts
      and the Jerusalem Knights Night blog post as well.

      • March 8, 2011 at 11:44 pm

        Arab from Israel can and do go to Saudi Arabia where they can receive more pay thn in eretz yisreal but they (the ones i have spoken or who spoken about it much prefer the freedom they receive it the “occupied land”

        No where in the world does the average arab live longer than in jewish israel

        • March 9, 2011 at 8:54 am

          Pay in Israel is low for everyone, just ask the striking social workers, and the teachers and the police……

    • March 9, 2011 at 1:30 am

      Israel is a free country, where people come and go, visit from abroad constnatly. I can’t believe that any visitor would actually notice anything different between Jews and Arabs. Of course Arabs can travel on the streets at night – how absurd to suggest anything else. Israel has a vibrant media which would take itself to task if there was anything to that allegation. Just because there is an extreme lack of freedom in just about every Arab/Moslem country in the area, does not mean that it applies to Israel.

    • March 10, 2011 at 3:21 am

      You are so ignorant really?
      Jews and Arabs could not be distinguished by physical looks only by name.

      There is so common phenomenon here that the Pali Arabs who come to Tel Aviv illegally for working or being with his gay homo jewish friend to change name from Musa to Moshe, Ishak to Yitzhak, etc and speak Israeli Hebrew accent.

      And many suicide bombing incidents during the Intifadeh II happened in the public areas or in the buses are by the Arabs who we do not know they are Arab or Jew!

      Stop making some stupid negotiation or analogy between white and black. If it’s you european are so obsessed with white and black please dont shift the problem to Israel because Israel is so multiethnic and multicultural. Jews and Arabs from different backgrounds, ethnics, cultures, clans and languages come to live together in one Land and you want to suggest there is any night curfew law specifically for Arabs?

      • August 2, 2011 at 6:03 pm

        I can tell who is an Arab and who is a jew and who is Iranian. Brothers don’t look alike. Ishamael is a cursed one and was a son of Abraham’s slave. It’s pretty offensive to say that Arabs look like like jews.

        • August 2, 2011 at 6:34 pm

          I am not so sure I could tell people apart so well, I just came from an Israeli hospital and only by the clothing or the style of their beards maybe…

  • March 8, 2011 at 10:58 pm

    I remeber when I was in Bnei brok I saw a bunch of boys stone a girl who wandered in from Ramat gan for having a short skirt so we aren’t there yet

  • March 9, 2011 at 12:10 am

    Lovely… perhaps some day you can do a blog on Israeli Arab notables. Supreme Court members, head of surgery at Hadassah Hospital, mambers of the Israeli foreign service and now, first Bedouin diplomat.

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  • March 9, 2011 at 2:33 am

    Congradulations, from the fact that you have these clowns making silly comments about how Israel is apartheid means you got the message out.
    And to all of you clowns who want to call Israel apartheid, happy Purim, and stop drinking so much!

  • March 9, 2011 at 2:36 am

    If I could be everywhere, I could take photos of Israeli police beating Arabs, Jews and drunks. I could show PA police doing the same thing. I could use the photos to prove anything at all. Hardly “objective reporting”!

    • March 9, 2011 at 9:11 am

      The main stream media that seems to show only negative photos of Israel is “objective reporting”?
      Where were they when thousands of people were on the Jerualem streets in October for the first ever Komen Race for the Cure?
      Israeli and Arab, Muslim and overseas visitors, men and women, peaceful, therefore, not news.. except to Jennifer Griffin and her crew.
      My objective was to show that women dressed in Muslim attire of all types are NOT suffering from abuse on the Jerusalem streets.

      • March 9, 2011 at 1:29 pm

        This is unlike the Komen Race for the Cure held in Egypt a short while ago. Israeli’s were not allowed to participate.

        • March 9, 2011 at 1:39 pm

          The number of photos from the amzaing women participating in the Jerusalem Race for the Cure required opening a Facebook page
          for the Real Jerusalem Streets. Check it out.

    • March 10, 2011 at 2:42 am

      PA police would not do the same thing, but almost. They wouldn’t be beating Jews because Jews aren’t allowed. (But give them credit in that they would cooperate with the IDF and return them unharmed.)

    • March 14, 2011 at 12:35 pm

      I am pleased to note that you mentioned “Israeli police beating Arabs, JEWS and drunks. They evacuate and beat Settlers with force as well. Just proves that the level of so-called apartheid is less than in the list of Arab countries discriminating against their own citizens – hence the people uprising in Arab countries for their rights. The word “apartheid” please note, has not yet been used against any of these countries I certainly agree that Israel’s actions are sometimes “uncomfortable” to stomach, but and there is a but here, Israel and Palestinians/Hamas are on a round-a-bout of retaliation one against the other. Israel is fighting for survival and security which is THE main issue. There are times when “rules of humanity” are broken ON BOTH SIDES like the Beast who murdered parents and babies while they slept. Hundreds of missiles are still being fired from Gaza into Israel – retaliation is the game.

      • March 14, 2011 at 6:29 pm

        The key difference is that the Settlers are there illegally in the first place – they are not allowed under international (or moral) law to build on the land their houses are on. So the fact that they are not only allowed, but also encouraged and protected when they brutalise local Palestinians is the real affront.

        And while Israel fights “for survival”, the Palestinians fight not only for survival, but to go back to the homes that they were expelled from, to till their farms, to be able to feed their children, to walk unhindered, to live in freedom and respect.

        You are right, though, that the retaliation cycle is destructive. It will only lead to mutual destruction. Until BOTH parties decide to respect each other’s humanity and rights, this will just go on.

      • March 30, 2011 at 4:22 pm

        Iyas, stop lying – you only make yourself look like a terrorist stooge!

  • March 9, 2011 at 5:48 am

    I think it’s important to note that one of these pictures is of an Arab woman and her children walking through the Kotel Plaza

  • March 9, 2011 at 7:33 am

    A picture speaks 1000 words, and you have great pictures and have said much… Let the world take note if they dare.

  • March 9, 2011 at 7:50 am

    Great photo essay — really illustrative and demonstrative photos.
    I think the piece suffers from two imperfections, though:
    1) Rhetorical: Better than Libya/Iran/Saudi Arabia? Is that how low the bar is? Being better than them is kind of meaningless. If Israeli Arabs were better off than minorities in USA, France, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, etc., that would be more interesting. (How about these little tidbits: Unlike in America, Arab citizens are entitled to affordable health care. Unlike in Arizona, police are not required to check Arabs’ paperwork for citizenship. Arabs in Israel don’t face cruel punishments like electric chair or firing squad as in many American states. Etc.)
    2) Substantive: I think that those who label ours an Apartheid gov’t, have the Arab non-citizens of the Territories in mind — they lack many freedoms including, most tellingly, the right to vote. The fact that Arab citizens have human rights far beyond those of many ‘enlightened’ countries’ minorities does not diminish that fact.

    • March 9, 2011 at 9:25 am

      True.. Libya, Saudi Arabia and Iran are not role models, they were just the international headlines of the day.

    • March 9, 2011 at 10:02 am

      Substantive? They’re being ridiculous–the self-proclaimed Palestinians of the West Bank have the right to vote in Palestinian elections and have done so. A non-citizen’s non-ability to vote in an Israeli election hardly constitutes “apartheid”?

    • March 10, 2011 at 2:45 am

      Of course “Palestinians” have the right to vote – who voted in Hamas?? Are you seriously joining the ranks of the viciously deluded who think that they should have a voice in *Israeli* elections – without a reciprocation, I might add? Please tell me I am wrong!

      People who call Israel “apartheid” are either horrifically underinformed, or just outright lying (e.g., Carter).

      • March 10, 2011 at 3:40 pm

        They don’t have the right to vote in matters that affect rights of citizenship and national security (ie., they have no nation). Until Israel makes them part of either Israel of another nation recognized by Israel and not militarily controlled by Israel, they don’t truly have voting rights. Sure, 12-year-olds have voting rights, but I don’t think student council elections are all that meaningful.
        Another way to think of it: MY government tells me I can’t go to Shchem. MY government tells them they can’t come to Alon Shevut (unless to provide cheap manual labor, of course). Not exactly symmetrical.

        Elli, the Settler

      • March 10, 2011 at 3:54 pm

        Eli, at the risk of repeating myself: Palestinians vote every time the PA has an election (ok, so not so often) but they HAVE voting rights. Israeli Arabs vote in Israeli elections, which is why Bilad has MKs. Israel’s defensive measures in the WB have not circumscribed Palestinian voting rights. Announcing “[Arabs] don’t truly have voting rights” is simply mendacious.

      • March 11, 2011 at 11:53 am

        Palestinian Arabs don’t have full self-determination, which is what voting rights are all about. The PA has a very limited set of functions (no army, no currency, no UN representation) — not only because they’re so dysfunctional, but also because Israel doesn’t let them. I think I was pretty clear in what I meant by voting rights, so let’s stay away from name calling.

    • March 10, 2011 at 5:50 am

      Just a quick point on #1 – I don’t know if you’ve ever been on an inter-city bus, but you can pretty much bet with certainty that “Arab-looking” passengers will indeed be forced to produce identification. I even have a Jewish friend who looks very Arab, and is asked almost every time to provide documentation of his origins.

      • March 10, 2011 at 7:52 am

        I am sorry for your firend. It is hard to tell people apart, my point exactly. I try to avoid buses, I walk.

      • March 10, 2011 at 12:40 pm

        Really? You must be from Tel Aviv….I rode to work every morning on the Jerusalem #8 for two years, with two Muslimah students heading for class, dressed traditionally, and they were never asked for identification.

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  • March 9, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    An excellent video which hopefully will encourage people from around the world to experience first hand for themselves just how safe a place it is to visit compared to other countries in the region

  • March 9, 2011 at 1:27 pm


    “Exactly, Daniel makes a good point. The potential for apartheid in Israel is about Palestinians, not Muslim Israelis living inside Israel.”

    That is not apartheid. The Palis are so desperate to come to Israeli proper area to earn money and so many times they were sent back safely. It’s like the mexicans who crossed over Texas or New Mexico City.Nobody talks about apartheid in the states.

    “You did not ask where they were from and judged based only on their style of dress. It should be noted that some Palestinians are Christians, not only Muslim. . .”

    So what do you wanna say about this? Are you suggesting that those veiled women might be xtians? Xtian Arab women dont weir hijab anymore and Sunni Muslims make up more than 70% Arabs. The Xtians are minority only

    “Arabs, too, not only Muslim. At one time, there were even many Jewish Arabs living in the region.”

    Please dont make any statement regarding Mizrachi because I’m a Mizrachi Jew and we dont like to be called Jewish Arabs and mind you, 50% Israeli Jews are of Mizrachi descent whose parents/grandparents were expelled forcedfully by neighbouring Arab/Moslem countries.

      • March 9, 2011 at 1:55 pm

        Moslems dont realize that the Arab countries are far more racist and bigotry in the whole world. If there is any non-Arab Muslim here, especially if you are typical asian origin I urge you to come to Arab countries and let you experience how to be treated like valueless pathetics.

        In Saudi Arabia many Sunni Muslim from Indonesia the biggest moslem country in the world who come there as maids were raped and used as sex slaves but when they get pregnant they were judged as fornicators for being pregnant out of wedlock.

        Saudi Arabia the Muslim country who boasts itself as the leading Sunni-Sharia Law State is indeed racist and sexist even among the non Arab Muslims. Look at your own kind before pointing towards others.

      • March 10, 2011 at 6:57 am

        Ya’arah, what exactly about my post offended you? The use of the word “Arabs” in relation to “Jewish”? Can you explain why?
        No offense was intended…and I’m sorry if it did.

        It doesn’t take much to beat the human rights records of the surrounding countries… Yes, it is enraging that “the world” doesn’t take much notice about them, or protest them, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the problems in our own backyard that fester and only make things worse.

        The Mexico analogy is also a bad one—America is not occupying Mexico. Mexico is a sovereign country, the West Bank is not.

      • March 10, 2011 at 12:46 pm

        I agree the Mexico analogy isn’t 100%–after all, America never negotiated to return the land they took in a war with Mexico. Israel is trying to negotiate borders acceptable to both sides.

        And you’ve hit the point exactly Sarah–the West Bank is NOT a sovereign country which is why it is NOT occupied–go check the Geneva Convention: one can only occupy a sovereign country.

        “Jewish Arabs” is an insult. We were never accepted in the Arab world as anything other than Jews, and second class citizens. We are not “Arabs” and to call us so is demeaning as it erases our pre-Arab-conquest peoplehood, traditions and culture.

      • March 10, 2011 at 5:18 pm

        Sarah N., my understanding was that the term Arab referred to a culture native to the middle east made up of different religions. I never realized it carried such offense for Jews.

        I don’t particularly like the term “occupy” either, but there is no argument about whether Israel controls the west bank, and keeps a tight watch on palestinians, arabs, muslims. This is done out of fear and for security reasons, but when does it become too much and get out of hand?
        There is a line that should not be crossed, even out of fear.

        As Israeli Soldier for Truth says above, his friend always gets confronted.
        Just because you have never seen it done with your own eyes does not mean that it doesn’t happen.

        There’s a lot of room for improvement.

    • March 10, 2011 at 8:38 pm

      My point in my response to Soldier was perhaps too subtle—I live in Jerusalem and take public transportation, eat in public places and walk in public areas all the time. What he described as his friend’s experience as “always” being asked for documents makes me think there is something about his friend that triggers this reaction, because it DOES NOT happen to Arabs routinely in Jerusalem. Hence my snarky comment that he must live in TA which I suspect only the Israelis understood.

    • March 10, 2011 at 8:42 pm

      As for the term “Arab” it is confined to people who speak Arabic and are generally Moslems although some have remained Christian in Palestine (where the Moslems do not call them “Arabs” but call them instead “Greek Palestinians”) The Kurds, Circassians, Assyrians, Armenians would be equally offended at being lumped under “Arab” becasue the Arabs are our imperialists, who’ve taken our lands and imposed their laws, language and often their Islam on us by force.

  • March 9, 2011 at 1:45 pm

    In the photo about medical professions, the picture is of a maintenance worker, not a person in the medical professions (although the caption is true, the photo should be switched to be completely accurate)

    • March 9, 2011 at 2:10 pm

      You are correct, but it is so hard to disintquish between the Israel and Arab nurses and doctors dressed in “western clothing”, sometimes only their names are a clue..and so many patients also…
      But of note her uniform with head covering…

  • March 9, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    Israel is not an apartheid state. we’re not called an apartheid state because arab women can’t walk the streets or shop.
    Israel is not an apartheid state because the actions taken by her has been of deffense – building the wall so that terrorists couldnt bomb or murder israelies, arabs or jews, so that suicide bombers will not be free to kill our women and children in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. even now, non of the protesters against israel recognize that rockets are being sent from the Gaza strip into Israel, that soldiers are at risk at the watch points, that even pallestinian women can pose threat to them and try murder them with knifes. Israel is not apartheid, but for other reasons which you havent stated.

  • March 9, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    Ce message est particulièrement édifianrt,et mérite que je le transmettìe à amis et connaissamnces en France et en Italie (où j’habite)ce que je vais faire immédiatement.

  • March 9, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    This is true. I live in Jerusalem and can tell you that arabs have free passage around the city and even get council services while they do not pay council taxes. It is even tooo fair.

    • March 10, 2011 at 6:58 am

      Why shouldn’t they? Why is this exceptional? Are they citizens?

      • March 10, 2011 at 12:11 pm

        well, yes, sarah, often they are. or at least have an orange ID which is that of a permanent resident (rather than a blue ID for citizens). Either way, they are obligated to pay and often do not.

    • March 10, 2011 at 6:43 pm

      So, they are citizens and they have free passage around the city and get council services. You want an award for this?

      The very nature of this comment shows the perception of these citizens is not as equals, but as people who are “allowed” the same services as the majority.

      This is really disappointing to read….

      Fyi, some Americans don’t pay taxes and they still get all the rights that others do.

      • March 10, 2011 at 9:22 pm

        I don’t think this was explained well to you. Everyone pays property taxes. Many Arab communities pride themselves on defaulting on those taxes as a sign of “resistance” so the average Arab neighborhood pays less than 20% of the property taxes needed to provide municipal services. Hence Paul’s comment above—it is absolutely not fair for communities which DO pay their taxes to be burdened with the additional expense of bailing out the flakes who don’t.

    • March 12, 2011 at 7:50 pm

      Thanks Sarah N. Appreciate your clarification and insights.

      I share your anger. And I also think Israel gets an unfair deal especially regarding its public image.

      Still, I believe there are divisions in the society that hopefully one day will break down.

      All the best.

  • March 9, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    Just send, send, send. Democracy is alive and well in Israel. While Arab countries demonstrate and kill each other, we, with all our problems are still the greatest “little” country in the world.

  • March 9, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    Apologies for repeating the above comment . I had intended to refer to another “right to comment” relevant to this excellent video expressing freedom for Arabs and Jews alike to trade freely and without prejudice in the safe streets of Jerusalem but which according to the Green Party Council of Marrickville (Down under) are advocating a boycott of Israeli produced Goods. An important committee vote is to take place on the 16th of March next week.. whether or not to rescind the vote to proceed with the boycott and if you are like minded enough to voice your opinion please send an email expressing your opinion to: Marrickville Council. < together with a copy to: Fiona Byrne (Mayor)< and (Councilor)
    V Macri This matter could directly effect the outcome of a future peaceful existence for Israeli and Palestinian citizens. For comprehensive information please simply enter MARRICKVILLE BOYCOTT into Google search.

  • March 9, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    This is a terrible post, and does Israel no good what so ever.

    Firstly why on earth are you comparing Israel to other nations? Israel is a democracy, and the other countries are not – there is no value in comparing them. Nobody denies that women can walk freely in the streets – they can do that in New York or London too!

    Second – a few images of individuals walking around does not counteract views of an apertied.

    The fact remains that there are checkpoints into/out of gaza where many are turned away – and we have built a giant wall around gaza! Apartied may be quite a strong word to use, however we are physically seperating two different people using a giant wall.

    • March 9, 2011 at 5:09 pm

      Sorry the whole world is running a so called Israel Apartheid Week the 7th this March. This post is just the paradox of what they are advocating about.

      Gaza sent Qassam rockets which turned out to be killing an Israeli Arab in Sderot.

      Prior to the wall building, Palestinian suicide bombing was rampant even blasting an Arab restaurant in Haifa killing tens of Arabs

      Is this an act of separating two different people? What’s more apartheid towards another race?

    • March 9, 2011 at 5:09 pm

      Sorry that you do not like this post, but many others do and think it is important for the world to see the true streets.

      You live in Israel to speak with such authority?
      Yes, there are checkpoints, we sat for a long time last week waiting to get through several checkpoints.
      ALL drivers on certain roads must stop and be checked…and by the way, there are plenty of Israeli roads with cars with PA license plates on them.
      Many Israelis have been late for important meetings because they were stuck at a checkpoint or on a closed road.
      But as long as there are those trying to kill us, I prefer to be separated from them.
      The sooner the threats of destruction and attempts stop… the better.

      • March 10, 2011 at 12:15 am

        סליחה שאני שוברת את ההגמוניה של כתיבה באנגלית אבל אין לי כוח כרגע לתרגם את דבריי, ויסלחו לי דוברי האנגלית.
        הטענה על אפרטהייד אינה כנגד אי הזכות של נשים ערביות ללמוד נהיגה או לקנות או ללכת ברחוב, וראוי למחברת שתבדוק כנגד מה מכוונות טענות האפרטהייד, כדי שתוכל לענות עליהן ולעורר שיח אמיתי. לכן, דעתי כדעת יוני שלהודעתו הגבת.
        הטענה היא כנגד המחסומים והגדר. עכשיו שלא תהיה טעות, אני בעד המחסומים ובעד הגדר. אנו מנסים בכל כוחנו להגן על עצמנו, מפיגועים ומפגעים.
        במחסומים נמצאים חיילים, ולא בכדי – לא מזמן שמענו על אישה ערביה שניסתה לדקור חייל במחסום. אותו כנ”ל לגבי הגדר. לפני כמה שנים נרצחה ילדה קטנה כשמשפחתה נסעה בכביש ישראלי – זו הסיבה של הגדר.
        כל אותם אוהבי אדם המגַנים את ישראל בעולם אינם מתייחסים לקסאמים הנוחתים כאן תדיר, למנהרות מהרצועה למצרים, להברחות הנשק המחרידות, כל אלו שווים כקליפת השום. אפרטהייד.
        בהיותנו מדינה מערבית, דמוקרטית ונאורה מכפי שרואים אותנו רבים, אני מציעה שנזמין את כל מי שמדבר על ישראל כמדינת אפרטהייד למוזיאון ישראלי שהוקם – מוזיאון הקסאמים. כמדומני הוא ממוקם בשדרות.
        אם ישראל רוצחת את כל הפלשתינים, מדוע תוחלת החיים ברצועה גבוהה מבמדינות אחרות?

  • March 9, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    @DSmolovich–we have put a border fence in, not a “giant wall” — a border fence like the US uses to keep out would be workers; like China uses to keep out Korean refugees; like Saudi Arabia uses to keep out Yemenis; like many European countries put up to keep non-EU people from coming in…..Gaza wants to be “Palestine” a separate country dedicated to warring on Israel. If you have a problem with a border fence under these circumstances, then you’re holding Israel to a standard no other country is held to.

    They are already two separate people, something the Palestinians don’t want talked about. The Gaza arabs speak Palestinian Arabic with a quite different accent then WB arabs; the two have different hamulas, different foods, different customs in many respects. The only thing holding them together is a desire to wipe out Israel so they have more “lebensraum”.

  • March 9, 2011 at 6:02 pm

    Why doesn’t somebody post this on the anti Gahdaffi site the one with that zenga song

  • March 9, 2011 at 9:24 pm

    This is a breath of fresh air! I hope it spreads all over the globe. I’ll do my part to pass it on.


  • March 9, 2011 at 11:38 pm

    Wow you took some pictures of women with hijab walking around the streets of jerusalem. So therefore arabs in jerusalem must be all free, and isreals human rights are completely aligned with those suggested by the entire international community and the UN. NOT. look up any picture or article of what is really going on and you will see why there is an israeli apartheid week. BBC, Al-Jazeera, or any other real news source.

    • March 10, 2011 at 12:53 pm

      Yes, by all means, look up what is really going on: women raped in Tahrir Square; women segregated and oppressed throughout the Moslem world; women and children bombed into pieces in Libya; women and children raped and sold into slavery in Darfur and South Sudan; Tamil civilians shelled in their hospital refuge–and because Israel builds homes in disputed land and defends itself from mass-murder suicide bombers and missiles, you focus on that as some imagined violation of rights? Why aren’t you protesting in Khartoum or Benghazi, hypocrite?

      • March 10, 2011 at 6:50 pm

        Everything you say is true Sarah N. But this website is about Israel, not Darfur, Libya, or Egypt. Stay on the topic.

        You really undermine your own credibility when you continuously point fingers at other nations.

      • March 11, 2011 at 6:44 am

        No, I won’t be diverted, Sarah. This website is visited by allegedly progressive, liberal commenters whose vast silence about human rights anywhere outside of Israel is deafening. It is about the double-standards applied to Israel, and the Big Lie called “Israel Apartheid Week” organized by these same people. Imagine all that energy and money and time being devoted to a fake cause, when there are REAL human rights abuses that deserve attention.

  • March 9, 2011 at 11:39 pm

    and dont try to cover up the injustices of israel by comparing it with other countries

    • March 10, 2011 at 7:17 am

      “cover up”?
      I am trying to expose the unjustices done my the main stream media, by ONLY showing negative images.

    • March 10, 2011 at 12:55 pm

      Don’t try to cover up your hypocrisy and racism by ignoring other countries so you can devote endless energy to Israel-bashing. Human rights deserve attention everywhere–your obsession with imagined violations of rights here does not excuse your blindness and hypocrisy towards real and immediate human rights issues.

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  • March 10, 2011 at 2:25 am

    pictures say a thousand words. thank you for your gentle but clear portrayal.

  • March 10, 2011 at 5:32 am

    A pattern that I continue to see in this forum and across college campuses is what I would characterize as “diversionary tactics” by some (not all) of the pro-Israel groups. When people accuse Israel of being an “apartheid state”, (which I believe to be an incorrect characterization) they are expressing their disappointment that Israel continues to rule over a population, while not allowing for that population to have certain basic civil rights (such as voting for representation) that form the foundation of a democratic society. The main argument is NOT that Israeli Arabs (of whom most of the above pictures are comprised) are not being given rights.
    Conclusion: While I think it is worthwhile to point out that within Israel’s undisputed borders, Arabs (especially women) enjoy a freedom that is unparalleled relative to most of the Arab world, I think it is hurtful for American Zionists to see a website like this, and be reassured that Israel is not at all at fault; it is a much more nuanced situation than most would have you believe. One thing is for sure though. For all of you in this forum who value Israel as a state steeped in Jewish culture and tradition, as well as one with a robust democratic institution – We still need to introspectively reflect and be vigilant; If the status quo is maintained, there will soon be a majority population being ruled by a minority – something that is entirely antithetical to any democratic tradition, which is why steps need to be taken to allow for the self-determination of Palestinians, who maintain a majority in the West Bank.

    • March 10, 2011 at 7:38 am

      No question, there are problems. Is Israel really Apartheid? Glad you agree that that is “an incorrect characterization”

    • March 10, 2011 at 5:23 pm

      Thank you, Israel Soldier, for saying it so well. Exactly what I have been wanting to express…

  • March 10, 2011 at 5:34 am

    Thank you making this. It’s a great post and really eye-opening. Good luck with all of your future endeavors.

  • March 10, 2011 at 5:42 am

    This is just a photo . No matter how hard you guys try “The truth will come out one day”. This is not a real image and everyone knows that. trying to save ur face huh?

  • March 10, 2011 at 5:44 am

    This is just a picture to save isreali face.
    shame on you isreali no matter how hard you try you cannot hide the truth and many people knows that. trying to save your face huh?

    • March 10, 2011 at 7:50 am

      No just trying to show everyday real life. It is windy now, the weather is bad, guess the news was wrong, there is no snow.

    • March 10, 2011 at 10:18 am

      Wungramvao – and what is your truth – maybe Aljazeera “truth” media and the “truth” you so want to believe from distorted and inciting reports. There are two sides to every story, history or event – and each side chooses the most comfortable and convenient truth that THEY would like to believe. See all sides, not only one …….

    • March 10, 2011 at 12:58 pm

      Just trying to show that what people like wingramvao watch and read is all lies and deceit in the interests of pimping for the Palestinians.

  • March 10, 2011 at 6:44 am

    Just a thought! Maybe a photograph could be presented to the world of Haneen Zoabi’s house, car, salary, bituach leumi insurance, medical aid she receives from the very same Government which supports her and her family and the very same Government and people she hates and dreams of destroying.

  • March 10, 2011 at 6:51 am

    Apparently Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are “twittering” and “facebook-ing” organizing a third Intifada. It is about time that we, Israelis young and old started feeding information amongst ourselves on how we can counter-balance this new threat. We also need our young, energetic, educated and politically savvy youth to lead our country to peace and stability.

  • March 10, 2011 at 7:18 am

    I just wish that I had the email addresses of “the anti Israel” clan in our goverment so that they could see this too !!!

    • March 10, 2011 at 7:42 am

      Their email addresses are available on line, but I have never had a government official in Israel answer an email. Good luck!

      • March 10, 2011 at 8:22 am

        Can we get this onto u-tube, so that it can be sent to pro and anti-Israel individuals.

  • March 10, 2011 at 9:59 am

    Israel “apartheid” week is nothing more than the biggest propaganda campaign of them all. It is nothing more than an attempt to rebrand Hamas into a Nelson Mandela like organization designed to fight this alleged “apartheid” that does not exist. Let’s not forget that Mandela never stood for removing all white people from the only place on the planet in which they can feel completely safe! Hamas, backed by Iran, wants to remove Jews, sorry “Zionists” (code word for Jew) off the map!

  • March 10, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    All the world’s communication channels present Jerusalem as violent city and israel As a place of war ,But it’s not True Jews and Arabs live Together in peace They work,study,play With each other Buy in each other’s stores and Other the world Media wants to have conflict in israel Because it is profitable for them but in israel all people live in peace -I invite everyone to visit Israel

    • March 10, 2011 at 3:14 pm

      Thanks Sharon, that is why the Real Jerusalem Streets got started, to show that all is not violence and conflict.

  • March 10, 2011 at 4:15 pm

    Arabs feel definitely humiliated because they are told by their leaders (religious or not) that they are superior to anyone else. Their complex of superiority is proven to be the result of 1300 years of brainwashing. That is now one of the reasons of their revolt. But they cannot yet comprehend and/or accept (big step in self affirmation) that their leaders use their religion to keep them in abject submission, poverty and ignorance.

  • March 10, 2011 at 5:31 pm

    When I walked fully clothed in Pakistan, I was spat at and reviled aloud. I was groped in the square, and felt up whenever I stopped for a minute under a tree in the rain. i was questioned repeatedly in Egypt, and daily harassed. I was followed and abused and almost raped in Turkey. i was treated abysmally in every arab country i traveled in, with men acting as if I were dirt under their shoes, and other men slavering and behaving like idiots, assuming i was a prosptitute because i was a foreign female unaccompanied by a male. Every time i ate in a restaurant or cafe, I was bothered by men. i was disrespected and suspected for having”too much money” in various cities in Pakistan, again being disrespected without a second thought. There was no equal treatment in any muslim country, even the ‘enlkightened ones’ like tunisia and Morocco, where my person was touched and my bags were riffled through if not stolen. I was eyed with curiosity and dislike in Tunisia and Zanzibar. I never felt safe, and never felt the least bit respected or left alone as a person. The way muslims are respected and left alone in Israel is unequaled anywhere in the mid-east. There is nothing but discrimination in arab countries, as opposed to the respect and distance accorded us in Israel. Don’t give me malarkey about humiliation–i had to jump from a moving car to avoid molestation in several arab countries. My life was worth nothing there. in Israel, apart from the threat of arab bombers and arab missiles against the innocent, i am perfectly safe and respected.

  • Pingback: Don’t hate them back, just turn them in. | Lineman

  • March 11, 2011 at 2:12 am

    To those of you who are offended by this post. The post, in my opinion, is a natural and rightful response to the hyperbole that is the claim that Israel is an apartheid state. The way to avoid having your rhetorical exaggerations be refuted by a couple of photos, is to address the actual reasons and atrocities that govern the conflict. Do that, and I predict you’d get a much larger support from Israelis, not to mention a much better feeling for being both righteous and truthful.

  • March 11, 2011 at 5:41 am

    When you see what is happening in South Africa today, it makes you realise what good sense all the apartheid policies were.
    There is no comparison between Israel and South Africa either. The only similarity is that the bandwagon of activists who destroyed South Africa have activated again, focussing now on Israel.

  • March 11, 2011 at 5:48 am

    … all the know-better-than-you liberals of the world: that they all get lumped in a multicultural society where another group is aimed at their destruction and that they are forced forever to hold their mouths while they are bombed, raped and murdered. I wish this especially on Ireland (the biggest crowd of hypocrites), but also on other nations like USA and Britain. Your time is coming too. Lets see how liberal you stay when you have to face the machete or the nail bomb.

  • March 11, 2011 at 6:55 am

    When many of you weren’t even born in 1973, before Israel was split up (once again) in to PA and Israel territories I was able to hitchhike all over Israel. I was able to go to the temple mount with the only restriction being modest clothing.It wasn’t perfecr but worked well. It has only been since the PA took over and Israelis became targets of terrorism that israel has had to implement measures to protect its own people. If arabs/muslims accepted jewish people and Israel there would be no wall etc. It seems to em when I visit Israel its Jews who are not able to travel to arab/muslim places. it seems to me that Jews respect Muslim sites but Muslims don’t respect Judaism (and Christianity and all other religions) and Jewish sacred sites.
    And check out the difference between the treatment of Gilad Shalit wherever he is and Hamas prisoners in Israel.

    • March 14, 2011 at 6:21 pm

      No need to look at Hamas prisoners in Israel. Can look at the treatment of Palestinian children held illegally in Israeli prisons (no lawyers, no access to parents, tortured). Amnesty international documents these, as do organisations such as Defence for Children International.

      If Israel were prepared to make amends for the fact that it took over a land that belonged to another people, and expelled, brutalised or murdered so many of them, that would also be a huge step forward.

      • March 14, 2011 at 7:08 pm

        Pure propaganda, Iyas….recently B’Tselem fed a story like this to YNET but when you watch the video (assuming one speaks Hebrew and Arabic) you hear the officer asking the mother if she wants to ride to the police station with her little stone throwing antisocial would-be jihadi. She answers in the affirmative, but is pulled away from the car by another Palestinian, the officer asks her again, then gets in the car to leave–and she’s pushed towards the car so the film crew can catch her sobbing through the window while the voice-over in Arabic tells viewers she isn’t allowed to be with her son. Amnesty and other NGOs either have Palestinians peddling this crap, and the upper echelons don’t understand Hebrew or Arabic so they’re clueless.

        We have no reason to make amends. Arabs are the imperialist conquerors of OUR land, subjugated us for centuries, engaged in forced conversion, rape, theft, mayhem and murder against Jews. The League of Nations gave us a homeland, with the approval of the Emir of Mecca, and the British promptly gave 80% of that to the Arabs saying it was for the “Arab state” and the remainder would be a “Jewish land” — then the Arabs were given half of THAT and instead of accepting a small sliver of Jewish land, they went to war with promises of genocide, and have been at war since 1948.

        How about YOU get off OUR land and apologize for over 1000 years of hate, racism, subjugation, oppression, war and continuing calls for Jewish genocide?

        THEN we’ll talk about your complaints.

      • March 14, 2011 at 9:16 pm

        Sarah, I think you’ll find that Amnesty and Defence for Children International have dozens if not hundreds of documented cases of child arrest and abuse at the hands of Israeli “authorities”. This is not about a video (which I don’t think I’ve seen).

        And on what planet are the Arabs conquerors of YOUR land? YOU (and I mean that only if you are truly descended from the first Jews, not a European convert who’s heritage is in Europe) were there briefly as a state after subjugating it from the Canaanites. Go back as far as you like, but the land was actually inhabited before your Kingdom. And prior to the great Zionist project, the Jews who had stayed in Palestine were living in peace with their Palestinian Muslim and Christian neighbours. The Zionist project created the real enmity.

        So I have nothing to apologise for. And the sooner you and all Zionists get off your “I’m Jewish and therefore by definition am always the victim, even when I’m massacring your children by the hundreds, so don’t hold me to account for the abuses I inflict” the sooner we can get to an equitable peace that respects yours and our rights.

        (in answer to your next comment, as for some reason Reply on your comments is disabled)

      • March 15, 2011 at 12:05 pm

        EXCUSE me? “YOU (and I mean that only if you are truly descended from the first Jews, not a European convert who’s heritage is in Europe) were there briefly as a state after subjugating it from the Canaanites. ”

        First, except for periods of Arab or European genocide, we never left. The Romans, the Crusaders and the Mamluks slaughtered us by the millions but by the time of the first Ottoman census, Jerusalem was majority-Jewish. The fact that various dictatorial powers stole our sovereignty and murdered us for seeking our independence at various times does not mean we weren’t here. My greatgrandmother comes from a Jerusalem family that has been here for centuries.

        “And prior to the great Zionist project, the Jews who had stayed in Palestine were living in peace with their Palestinian Muslim and Christian neighbours.” WRONG! The Jews who lived here lived as dhimmis, second-class citizens with NO civil rights, oppressed and degraded by their Moslem overlords. Some “peace” — the “peace” no doubt that all Moslems dream of again, so they can be the “master race” of the Middle East once more.

        “and I mean that only if you are truly descended from the first Jews, not a European convert who’s heritage is in Europe)” HUH? We’re ALL descended from the “first Jews” — the penalty for converting to Judaism in the European world, or leaving Islam in the Moslem world, was DEATH. Intermarriage wasn’t allowed. Go read some history before posting such garbage. You insult every Jew when you say an Ashkenazi’s “heritage is in Europe” — Europe is a blood-soaked graveyard of Jewish massacres over centuries, and never once did racist Europeans accept Jews as equals.

      • March 16, 2011 at 3:10 am

        Your family may well be one of Jerusalem’s old families, and as such have every right to be there. There is no denying that a number of Jewish families have been in Palestine / Israel for centuries. But that does not apply to the European colonisers who cleansed inhabited Palestinian land, nor to imported African Jews, and so on. The issue is colonisation and ethnic cleansing. It makes no moral sense to supplant inhabitants of a land and forbid them from returning while welcoming people who’s connection with that land is at best tenuously ancestral, and at worst opportunistic.

        And I would LOVE for a truly multi-religious Jerusalem and Palestine/Israel to exist where all respected each other’s humanity rather than slugged it out on the basis of religions which actually tell us not to slug it out with each other. But sadly that is not the state that exists there today. And Palestinians should not be paying the price for European racism.

  • March 11, 2011 at 9:20 am

    I have a couple of things to say,
    first of all please ignore Shervin the non-Iranian, he does not represent what most Iranians think of Israel. Actually Iran’s government bombards us with anti-Israeli propaganda everyday and sends our money to terrorist groups while our own people don’t have school or clean water, so believe me most Iranians do not care about this issue. In Iran you can hear chants “No Gaza, No Lebanon, My life only for Iran”.

    Now that that is out of the way, I don’t think anyone disputes that Israel is a great country – for Israeli citizens, whether they are Arabs or Jews or whatever. The problem here is in the Palestinian territories. There are human rights abuses by both Palestinian and Israeli leaders, and I think the problem is that both Palis and Israelis won’t be objective about this – they only focus on what the other party is doing, while ignoring their own wrongdoings. I am a big fan of Amnesty International for unbiased coverage of Israeli/Palestinian human rights abuses and I think that is the best source to come to your own conclusions about this whole scenario.

    Basically, this photo essay of sorts is nice, but it doesn’t answer anything on Palestinians in general. I am neutral on this subject and have my own opinions on this but I think Amnesty International is the best source to learn about these things.


    • March 11, 2011 at 9:36 am

      oh my god did you see shervin’s website??? WOW no comments, again does not represent iranians!!!

      • March 11, 2011 at 11:54 am

        So glad to hear that Shervin does not represent all Iranians!
        I did not print all the links he sent, but did give him a voice… freedom of speech.

      • March 11, 2011 at 1:03 pm

        @therealjerusalemstreets: speaking of freedom of speech, stop editing my comments
        @alborz atashband: and you do? lol, of course no comments on my blog, because there’s nothing you have to say, nothing.

        ^^ these are not iranian people?
        terrorist groups like what? democratically elected Hamas? defending Palestine against israli russians, asian and anglo saxons who have no rights in palestine? Hezbollah? Hezbollah is a terrorist organization for defending Lebanon in 33 days? do you have any idea how many citizens of Lebanon died during 33 days? more than a thousand, do you know what kind of weapons were used against civilians by Israel? who is really the terrorist here?
        and i am shocked since you don’t care about Lebanon and Gaza lol since I remember just few weeks ago around one hundred of people from your dead green movement voiced support for Egypt and Tunisia, so what’s the matter? no Lebanon, no Gaza, but Yes to Egypt and Tunisia? yes to dictatorships? do you remember Iran’s last year unrest when 17 people died, 7 of them security forces? do you remember when Mubarak former dictator of Egypt voiced support for green movement? why do we forget some facts? whether you like it or not, i do represent most of Iranians, which smells like trouble for Israel, and this is how Iranians treat with terrorists, we do not recognize terrorists and we do not recognize their state of terror either, bedrood.

        • March 11, 2011 at 4:39 pm

          Shervin, this is my blog and I could have edited you out completely!…many people in Israel and around the world remember fondly when Tehran was a wonderful and safe place for all to live and to visit.

    • March 11, 2011 at 1:09 pm

      and one more thing, since you seem to be a fast learning student, economical budget and defense budget are two different things, for poor people in Iran, there are plenty of organizations, why would we cut our defense budget? a destroyer could be hunted down from a hundreds of miles away, but if you invest on a guerilla military organization, they will suffocate your enemy much easier, and we shall not wait for tiny Israel to turn into the big Israel and Iran’s neighbouring country, Nile to Euphrates, my friend, that’s Zionists’ plan.

      • March 11, 2011 at 4:44 pm

        You are an expert on the Zionist’s plan? Israelis just want to stop getting killed, tell Hizbolah and Hamas to stop trying to kill us.

      • March 12, 2011 at 7:57 pm

        A report dated 12th March 2011 : A terrorist broke into a house in Shomron and slaughtered a family of five while they slept. They murdered the parents and three children aged eleven and three years old AND AN INFANT AGED ONE MONTH.
        On the radio today – HAMAS HAS CALLED THIS ATROCITY “A HEROIC ACT” Hamas is armed and supported by Iran – so tell us all again how great Iran is ….. and just how wonderful and just their system is – how democratic and fair the Regime is towards their protesters. Please explain to us Westerners how free-speech, human rights and justice applies for women, students, homosexuals and to all people of the Great Iran. Little Israel as you call it, is not sitting at home knitting …….

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  • March 11, 2011 at 11:46 am

    I am Pro Israel and love all Jwish people

  • March 11, 2011 at 5:28 pm

    @therealjerusalemstreets: Iran is now wonderful more than ever and Iran is now one of the most secure countries in the world thanks to its vigilant intelligence forces. Given the two insecurity hubs to the west and east of Iran, and considering the existing problems in Iraq and Afghanistan, if anything happens in Iran, it will be traced by the vigilant intelligence agents, and no one can elude the grasp of our security forces.

    • August 21, 2015 at 1:58 pm

      Thank God I still see your comments after so many years.
      Are you really sure about your comments on Iran??
      Please. So much for ‘democratic’ Iran.
      Time will always set records straight
      However Iran will never succeed with it nuclear program. If it do succeed, then it is just to annihilate itself and wipe itself out of the face of earth. For Mother Earth have no need for such as these.

      • August 21, 2015 at 2:36 pm

        Yes, interesting to see this comment 4 1/2 years later. Would be interesting to see what Shervin the Iranian says.

        • July 7, 2018 at 1:52 pm

          Oh my gosh, how many years ago was shit?

          • July 7, 2018 at 4:04 pm

            From 7 years ago.

  • March 12, 2011 at 7:55 am

    מחבל חדר לבית ביישוב איתמר: 5 בני משפחה נרצחו בשנתם עודכן 01:08 12/03/2011
    דורון נחום
    זוועה בשומרון: זוג הורים ושלושה מילדיהם, בגילאי 11, 3 וחודש, נדקרו למוות לאחר שמחבל חדר לביתם. שלושת הילדים האחרים הצליחו להימלט. כוחות הביטחון סורקים אחר המחבל. פראמדיק שהגיע למקום: “המראה – קשה

    For those who do not understand Hebrew the report dated 12th March 2011 says: A terrorist broke into a house in Shomron and slaughtered a family of five while they slept. They murdered the parents and three children aged eleven and three years old AND AN INFANT AGED ONE MONTH.

    Some contrast to this article we are blogging. I bet Aljazeera does not mention this incident in its news headlines.

    • March 12, 2011 at 5:58 pm

      It’s a tragedy – It is in Al Jazeera’s headlines

      • March 12, 2011 at 8:59 pm

        I saw the headlines on Aljazeera and I quote what was reported: “Five ISRAELI SETTLERS have been killed by a Palestinian in Occupied West Bank”. No mention that three of the slaughtered “Settlers” were babies.

  • March 12, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    Nice pictures. I’ve seen many of happy couples in the streets where behind closed doors the man beats his wife. Yet the photos (selectively chosen) would show you a perfect marriage.

    Israeli apartheid is real. It’s interesting that those who dispute the comparison to South Africa are usually white. Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu are both on record that the comparison is real, and that in some ways Israeli policy and behaviour is worse than its brother, the old Apartheid regime in South Africa. For instance, Apartheid South Africa didn’t engage in trying to expel the blacks from South Africa, didn’t have policies and agencies in place to take over black land with the least excuse, didn’t imprison 1.5 million in an open prison and restrict its food supply, and so on.

    Your points about freedom in most Arab countries is true. They do not have anywhere near tolerable levels of freedom or respect for human rights. That, however, does not excuse Israel. Shifting the argument to how bad are Israel’s neighbours doesn’t absolve Israel of its own responsibilities to respect human rights, not commit ethnic cleansing or crimes against humanity. That’s as non-sensical as defending Hitler on the basis that Stalin killed many more millions. Both were wrong.

    • March 12, 2011 at 8:11 pm

      I agree that pointing out how bad our neighbours are, does not condone Israel’s actions. For every incident either “theirs” or “ours’, there is relatiation with losses on both sides. SA did however, banish Blacks to “homelands” according to tribes. Blacks lived in Black only townships and in fact the Whites owned ALL land in SA, leaving the Black population with no rights whatsoever. Blacks were imprisoned, killed, tortured and disappeared without trace. Israeli Arabs have voting rights, education medical treatment and freedeom to practice their faith and to dress in traditional dress if they so wish. Israel is judged by double standards by the world – and maybe we should be a “shining light unto the Nations” as commanded by our God. Just stop trying to kill our children and we could be just that.

      • March 13, 2011 at 6:52 pm

        Have you not seen the number of Palestinian children imprisoned in Israeli prisons in contravention of the Geneva conventions? Or the torture that is carried out routinely by the Israeli ‘Defence’ Forces against Palestinian prisoners (ratified by several human rights organisations, including Israeli ones)? Israeli Arabs are shunted into areas where their villages are routinely described as “not recognised”, giving the Israeli government the pretext to knock down their homes regularly. Look up the practices of the Jewish National Fund, and how it works with the Israeli government to take Palestinian Christian and Muslim land and repopulate it with Israelis.

        And we would stop trying to kill your children yesterday if it were in my hands. But I would equally ask Israel to stop slaughtering ours in the hundreds as in Gaza, and to comply with the Geneva Conventions that Israel has signed, and respect our people as humans. We all bleed the same, you and I.

    • March 12, 2011 at 8:30 pm

      Whether any of these women are beaten at home, you are right, I have no idea..
      My goal is simply to show the world that women move around Jerualem freely and often alone, anyone who has been here knows it is a fact.
      Is there anyone who has been in an Israeli hospital and NOT had an Arab doctor or nurse or roommate? I would like to hear from them!
      Those who know Jerusalem from photos in the main stream media are exposed to images of police tape and violence, not the real streets.
      Last night most of a family was killed in their home while sleeping, a little baby was stabbed to death.. Mandela and Tutu have expressed even regret?

      • March 12, 2011 at 9:14 pm

        The doctor in our community is a highly respected doctor and is Arab. An Arab Doctor and his staff saved my husband’s life a year ago when he had kidney failure. More than half the students in university courses were Arab men and women. There is no difference or discrimination in coffee-shops, malls, movie centers, medical services etc. etc. Sorry to disappoint you, but most of us Israelis have had the pleasure of being treated by excellent and caring Arab doctors, nurses or room-mates.

      • March 13, 2011 at 6:54 pm

        And so the sooner that we all accept each other’s rights as humans, the sooner we’ll all be clear of this sorry mess. And that must include ending illegal occupations, illegal detentions of children and adults, knocking down illegal walls on illegally occupied land, stopping the killings on all sides. Then we can all get to a better place.

    • March 13, 2011 at 8:52 am

      Once again, we have a supposed champion of human rights defending the Big Lie of “Israeli Apartheid” while ignoring human rights abuses everywhere else.

      Quit changing the subject with false analogies to Hitler’s ethnic cleansing. If Israel was committing “ethnic cleansing” then the Palestinian population wouldn’t have grown by leaps and bounds over the decades.

      Israeli apartheid is NOT real, is a lie invented by the Far Left and Moslem deconstructionists as part of their campaign to delegitimize Israel. You’re totally clueless.

      By the way, I’m not “white” — I’m brown. So be gone with your racist assumptions already.

      • March 13, 2011 at 6:59 pm

        Once again, we have someone try to justify human rights abuses in Israel by pointing out that there are others who are also abusive.

        And with regards to ethnic cleansing, you need only read the memoires and official documents within Israel regarding how it was founded and the policies that exist today to see that cleansing (“tahrur” as it is often referenced by the Israeli founding fathers) was absolutely an explicit policy.

        I would ask you to live as a Palestinian Christian in Jerusalem, and tell me then that Apartheid is not alive and well in Israel. Then you would have the right to call me clueless, but at the moment, you are talking hot air.

        And I don’t care what colour you are, and made no assumptions about it. If it’s something that bothers you, then that your issue and concern, not mine.

      • March 13, 2011 at 9:02 pm

        You really don’t have a clue. First, YOU brought up race:”It’s interesting that those who dispute the comparison to South Africa are usually white,” making certain assumptions which show you care very much to portray yourself as the poor brown “native” up against the “white” Jews, another big lie.

        Second both my brother and my husband work here in Jerusalem with colleagues who are Israeli Christian Arabs, and I can tell you aren’t one. The Christian Arabs in this city loathe the Moslems and are treated like garbage by them.

        Third, I’ve read those memoirs and I’ve also read the post-Zionist misquotes from them, attributing to Ben Gurion, for example, a policy of cleansing that was really his expression of disgust with the British policy of cleansing. The one thing you have to give the post-Zionists–any lie will do.

        Those “children” imprisoned are all suspects in terror acts–a 15 year old with a gun is no longer a child, even if the UN wants to call him that. And your “Israeli” human rights organizations are nothing more than propaganda mouthpieces for the Palestinians and repeat anything any Palestinian says without verification or investigation, and are funded by the same European and Arab governments who want us destroyed.

        No, there is no “apartheid” in Israel, but neither are we rushing to embrace a population of people who chant “Death to the Jews” and hand out candy when Jewish children are butchered; nor are we enamored of the Bashirs and Zoabis of the Arab population, who disdain the Jewish populace and betray us to Hamas and Hezbollah and openly state we should be destroyed; nor do we love our Arab neighbors who send their jihadis to detonate on buses full of civilians of all ages.

        Is there Apartheid? Absolutely not.

        Do we love you? No. There is too much blood between us.

        And we won’t look on you without suspicion until you stop trying to kill us.

  • March 13, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Copied from article in the Hudson New York
    Where Is The Outcry Against Arab Apartheid?
    by Khaled Abu Toameh – March 11, 2011
    Mohammed Nabil Taha, an 11-year-old Palestinian boy, died this week at the entrance to a Lebanese hospital after doctors refused to help him because his family could not afford to pay for medical treatment. The tragic case of Taha highlights the plight of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who live in impoverished refugee camps in Lebanon and who are the victims of an Apartheid system that denies them access to work, education and medical care. Ironically, the boy’s death at the entrance to the hospital coincided with Israel Apartheid Week, a festival of hatred and incitement organized by anti-Israel activists on university campuses in the US, Canada and other countries.It is highly unlikely that the folks behind the festival have heard about the case of Taha. Judging from past experiences, it is also highly unlikely that they would publicize the case after they heard about it.Why should anyone care about a Palestinian boy who is denied medical treatment by an Arab hospital? This is a story that does not have an anti-Israel angle to it.Can anyone imagine what would have happened if an Israeli hospital had abandoned a boy to die in its parking lot because his father did not have $1,500 to pay for his treatment?The UN Security Council would hold an emergency session and Israel would be strongly condemned and held responsible for the death of the boy.All this is happening at a time when tens of thousands of Palestinian patients continue to benefit from treatments in Israeli hospitals. Last year alone, some 180,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip entered Israel to receive medical treatment. Many were treated despite the fact that they did not have enough money to cover the bill. In Israel, even a suicide bomber who is — only! — wounded while trying to kill Jews is entitled to the finest medical treatment. And there have been many instances where Palestinians who were injured in attacks on Israel later ended up in some of Israel’s best hospitals. Lebanon, by the way, is not the only Arab country that officially applies Apartheid laws against Palestinians, denying them the right to receive proper medical treatment and own property. Just last week it was announced that a medical center in Jordan has decided to stop treating Palestinian cancer patients because the Palestinian Authority has failed to pay its debts to the center.Other Arab countries have also been giving the Palestinians a very hard time when it comes to receiving medical treatment .It is disgraceful that while Israel admits Palestinian patients to its hospitals, Arab hospitals are denying them medical treatment for various reasons, including money. But then one is reminded that Arab dictators do not care about their own people, so why should they pay attention to an 11-year-old boy who is dying at the entrance to a hospital because his father was not carrying $1,500? But as the death took place in an Arab country – and as the victim is an Arab – why should anyone care about him? Where is the outcry against Arab Apartheid?

  • March 13, 2011 at 4:37 pm

    Israel should follow the tenets of the Bible which says it should surround its enemies, besiege them, give them the opportunity to surrender, and then destroy them. (Please correct me if I’m wrong). My message to Israel, is don’t ever forget this. Keep going. Don’t heed to a new breed of internationals intent on destroying you, whilst they write lofty words from their armchairs. They do not understand the nature of destruction. Not the Americans, not the Canadians. They have lived in comfort their whole lives. While people often like to quote Nelson Mandela, you should bear in mind his actions, carried on by his successors of fraternising with the truest despots of the world: Charles Taylor, Robert Mugabe, Gadaffi, to name just three of the well known ones. (And there are scores more.) So please don’t quote Nelson Mandela as a moral bastion. Nelson Mandela is decisively anti-Western. If you are a Westerner, what this means is that he, and his people, wish to kill you. And this starts with Israel.
    To all the westerners and people who wish to be westerners, don’t support calls aimed at the destruction of the West. In the end, they will knock off, chip by chip, until the West is vulnerable and then they will strike to kill.

    • March 13, 2011 at 7:01 pm

      I’ll listen to you once you’ve taken that white toga and cone off your head. Then let’s have a rational discussion that is not destined to mean that we all fight each other into oblivion.

      • March 15, 2011 at 4:57 am

        I wear no cone, but my heart is bitter. But that is the nature of power. You just need to understand it. Israel would be decidedly foolish to give up any of her strength. Even in the face of the most compelling moral argument, she should hold on to her strength. (You never know what the situation will be like in 10 years time.)
        The anti-Israeli Western lobbyists in effect are undermining their Western valued countries and ideals. They are so riddled with guilt, so intent on claiming the moral high ground, so confident in the West’s strength that they undermine themselves, anorexic,they have some sort of auto immune disorder.
        They should bear in mind the spectre of the strategic alternative: a destabilised, severely weakened West, where anti-humanist forces riot through society, sponsored by the likes of China and Russia and Iran, undermining the nature of the West: replacing democracy with despotism and tyranny.
        How does all this stem from Israel: because, Israel has all the values of a Western society, just with a Jewish touch. To destroy Israel would be a major chip off the West’s armoury. What would be next? In the very least it would open the way for the next target, whichever country that may be. We already see that other forms of attack are being promulgated, for instance, in efforts to destabilise the financial markets (recent attacks on the LSE and French treasury.)
        Besides, equating Israel with Apartheid South Africa is nonsense. But you can be sure it has been seized upon by anti-Western figures, looking to demoralise Israel, and claim the moral high-ground. All you need to do is say it often enough and loud enough and people will start believing it. It is rubbish, stop being a puppet.

      • March 15, 2011 at 10:55 am

        Power that is used oppressively usually only ends one way. Such was the way of empires, but also of dictators and racist regimes. So in terms of self-interest, Israel can absolutely continue to (ab)use its power, and in the short term, this will give an appearance of strength and stability. The cost to its own people, though, is high. An overly-aggressive upbringing with formative years spent abusing Palestinians while doing Military Service in the Israeli “Defence” Force leaves psychological scars. In as much as no child should undergo the kind of abuse that the I”D”F gives out to Palestinian children, no young adult should undergo the giving of that abuse. And the longer it goes on, the more it will pervert and dehumanise generations of Israelis while embittering and militarising generations of Palestinians.

        However, to say that Israel has “all the values of a Western society, just with a Jewish touch” is doing either or both of Western values or Judaism a huge disservice. The level of oppression and supremacist policies enacted by Israel are certainly not what I understand by Western values, if by those you mean liberal democracy. And while Judaism, like Islam, Christianity and most great religions, believes that its followers are following the right path, none of these religions (including Judaism) explicitly encourage the debasing and denial of humanity to others. Israel would be doing Judaism the greatest service if either it disassociated from it (and thus relieved Judaism of the shackles of oppression that Israeli policy espouses) or if it changed its policies to be truly liberal democratic.

        And finally, as to the comparison with Apartheid, the parallels, as noted by the people who suffered at the hands of Apartheid in South Africa, are many and significant. Not exact, I grant you. Apartheid in South Africa was never about dispossession as it is in Israel, for example, but certainly close enough to warrant serious discussion. It is not a question of puppetry, but of examination of the facts and the policies that leads me there.

        Thank you for this reply. I genuinely wish your heart less bitterness. It is not a comfortable place to be. Peace.

  • March 15, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    Jews just so happen to believe (as it is written in the Bible and Tanach) that Abraham is the father of the Jews and strange, as it may seem, Abraham is also the father of the Arabs. So, we are half-brothers, sharing the same forefather but have different mothers – Sara and Hagar. This conflict goes back for 3,000 years not to 1948 or 1967.
    Are we not all a bit stoooopid to allow ourselves to be dragged by our leaders into the vortex of endless violence and the childish blame game of “I was here first, no! I was – you started, no! You started.
    If we could just all now undergo a period of amnesia and start fresh today – we would pull down that awful wall, which separates Arabs and protects Israelis.
    Forget about who did what to whom – if we are already talking about Apartheid, we could do what South Africa did to heal its wounded souls, and convene a reconciliation and forgiveness committee which would deal with injustices ON BOTH SIDES.
    We, Jews have suffered persecution caused by lies, slander and incitement through the ages. And in the year 2011 we are still fighting against closed minds who believe all the drivel dished out to them by evil clergymen and leaders. Because of fear on our side, we tend to group Muslims and/or Arabs and label them terrorists who are out to “get us”.
    Arabs view us as interlopers into their land and refuse to accept our side of history and our right to Abraham’s land. The land is free for all of us, each rock, tree and bush bear the history of both people.
    Peace is possible and we, both Palestinians and Israelis could make peace by demanding it from our leaders, but we go the other way and both believe that each can conquer the other, and that would solve the problem.
    This is a verse from a popular Israeli song:
    “Everyone talks of peace, but no-one talks of justice”
    For one it is heaven and for the other it is hell.
    It could be heaven for all of us …………..
    Shalom, Salaam, Peace

    • March 16, 2011 at 3:17 am

      amen to that, Avril. We view you as colonisers and state terrorists, you view us as radical terrorists who all want to throw you in the sea. It would be great to view each other as people with equal rights and responsibilities. If you find that amnesia potion that allows us to start from a place that says let’s all respect each other and figure it out from there, I’ll bring bottles and hand it out with you.

      • March 16, 2011 at 8:58 am

        I follow your comments which (in my mind) are honest, eloquent and even make me feel at bit uncomfortable, until I start thinking of what “we” are going through even now with Arabs murdering Israeli men, women and babies. With Iranian cargo ships filled to capacity with arms for Hamas to “kill me”.
        Apropos to my previous comment about amnesia, it is impossible to put our side, history and story aside. The brain understands why Palestinians are willing to die for their cause, but the heart refuses to accept that this is the way to do it. Even Arafat with his two-tongued approach to the conflict, in the end, decided that armed conflict was not the way to gain a homeland. The game of “who started what and when” is unfortunately relevant but we have the right to live in peace and security as you do. What is the problem? You are Palestinian – I am Israeli (so what!) We all want the same things – keeping our children safe and educated, secure jobs, reasonable oil prices, food on the table, family and friends.
        Regardless of what the world says and thinks – we do not have horns and tails; we do not use and never have used the blood of Christian children to make matzos for Passover. We believe that we did not steal this land, did not drive the Arabs out of Israel in 1948. Israeli Arabs who stayed have a democratic vote with Arab representation in the Government with all the positives and negatives of the situation.
        The West Bank, according to news reports (and correct me, if I am wrong) is prospering and a new town is being planned with Palestinian and Israeli collaboration. There is commerce, trade and a much higher standard of living now, than even a few years ago. PA has their own police force and Palestinians run their own lives. Israel is still concerned about security and therefore “controls” whatever sensitive areas it can. Our security is paramount. When Palestinians prove that they are no longer a threat to us and to our security – miracles can happen to our two people.
        We, Israelis have to live and be killed according to choices made by Arab leaders in 1948 i.e. not to accept the partition plan, but to form armies to kill Jews. Let’s live in lala land for a moment and just suppose the Arabs had decided to accept their portion of land as decided by the British and the UN, as we accepted ours. In this lala land just suppose the baby Israel and the baby Palestine decided “no more war, no more bloodshed’ and reached out as half-brothers and saw the potential of this wonderful, beautiful, historic land, reached out and said Brother – we will build together a land for you, a land for me and a land for us.

        Shalom, Salaam, Peace

      • March 16, 2011 at 10:25 am

        No one said it would be easy! But the principle remains the same. Nothing can start and have a hope of success if it is not based on recognition and respect for each other’s equality in humanity.

        What “we” are going through are mass murders of our people and children (most recently 300+ children in Gaza who have nothing to do with any form of violence), imprisonment (over 300 of our children currently imprisoned for stone throwing – can you imagine France, the UK, the US, Italy IMPRISONING children for stone throwing?), life in refugee camps, collective punishment (the siege on Gaza is not about arms – if it were, then why would the IDF be preventing much food and medical aid from entry?), and so on.

        Life in the West Bank is only good if you compare it with life in Gaza (with the exception of zone C on the West Bank which is more impoverished even than Gaza). Life in the West Bank is not good if your benchmark is living in freedom of oppression. The checkpoints that litter every kilometre and make travel unfeasibly difficult. The wall that cuts farms off from their farmers (I know a lady who runs a kindergarten who’s journey from her house to her kindergarten has increased from 15 minutes to over 2 hours, and has had to shut it down as children could also no longer access it), that slices villages in half and imprisons Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christianity. The kidnap and imprisonment of peace activists as well as stone-throwing kids.

        The Palestinians don’t control their own lives – travel as I mentioned is severely restricted not only within the West Bank, but into and out of it. Settlements continue to encroach on land that Palestinian families are living in. Olive trees are uprooted by the IDF on a daily basis either to make way for settler homes, or to make lives for the Palestinian farmer impossible. Homes of Palestinian families are demolished – literally destroyed by the IDF in the hated Caterpillar bulldozers – either in reprisal for an act of violence (collective punishment is not right), or because it is “unrecognised” by the IDF.

        The list goes on and on. But you’ll note that none of it is about history (yet). It is all about current conditions and how Palestinian humanity is treated today. And the suicide bomber whose act to resist occupation is to blow up a cafe is not someone who’s act I would condone any more than the IDF soldier who shoots a child. But again, that is about how we are treating each other today. Which is why I come back to the need to start with viewing and respecting each other as humans. Once we’re there, then we can start talking about history, but only in the context of how to correct injustices for both of us, not in terms of reprisal and continued cycles of violence and deprivation. You will find my father and his peers’ recollection of what they lived through in 1948 very different from the account that you have. So be it. But let’s have that debate from a place that says we both have a right to live, and to have children who can be educated freely, play freely and live free of the threat of violence.

  • March 15, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    By Western society I mean democracy, not liberalism, I also mean equality before the law (for citizens of a nation). The West was not founded on liberalism, and liberalism will lead to an end to the West. Rather, the West, was founded rather brutally through conquest and warfare and was not a formation of magical consensus of the warring factions, except when it suited them and based on strength. Give up your strength, and you are a goner.

    Liberalism and the Humanism of Erasmus are flawed philosophies because the idealist assumes the adversary is as well intended as he is. Look no further than the European immigration nightmare to see how Humanism and Liberal attitudes have been subverted to create a social nightmare in the making and a cause for conflict for centuries to come.
    American and Canadian Liberals have an embedded naivety that is astounding but understandable considering their restricted experience of the big wide world. It understandable, but worrying that there is such a strong liberal movement in North America.
    Israeli soldiers will simply have to become used to the demands placed on them by their society. Life isn’t a Utopia. I believe that you wish to live in some Utopia. People have to keep the streets clean, cooks have to cook, doctors attend the sick, and soldiers have to maintain a force. They have conscription, but that is the price you pay. There will be people who want to get out of it, because the work is dirty. If one doesn’t hold up to his or her responsibilities then nobody else should either.
    With regards to the people who suffered at the hands of Apartheid,are they the same Palestinians currently on the wrong side of the argument. As oppressed people they get around, don’t they. Actually, I would call the people who suffered at the hands of Apartheid a group of opportunists grateful for another bandwagon to climb on (and the gain in associated publicity, lest they be forgotten) in the name of anti Imperialism (for that is what they describe their anti Westernism).
    Finally, bitterness is sweet too. One lives to tell the tale of ones betrayal and to fight another day, albeit, a wiser weaker man.
    Once betrayed, you would be most reluctant to put yourself back in that position. Today, that means being as stern as you possibly can be with your enemy, and sending up all these stupid liberal arguments.
    Yes, you can oppress for centuries. Ask the Turks. (or whoever else) But I definitely don’t think that is Israel’s objective. Rather, I think Israel is highly successful in maintaining her security, under extreme threat. She is trying to maintain her founding ideal of a Jewish state where Jews can live in peace. This means maintaining a demographic majority of Jews and maintaining her security.
    This whole debate is a sign that violence against Israel hasn’t really achieved its objective of undermining the state, so the strategy has shifted.
    The tactics Israel has followed are commendable in achieving the objectives just mentioned (of security and demographic certainty).
    All in all, I reiterate, that undermining Israel is part of a deeper strategy of undermining the West. Since the West stands for democracy, justice and equality (if in name only) it is easy to see that her opponents would stand for antagonistic ideals. What do the Chinese and Russians actually stand for, one might ask. Because once these nations gain dominance their values will be applied on the West and we will have to live through generations of suffering for today’s weaknesses.
    If you play into the hands of anti-Western strategists, then yes, you are being a puppet in the hands of the puppet master.

    • March 16, 2011 at 3:31 am

      I can be stern with my argument (and usually am), but that doesn’t in my mind extend to subjugating my opponents.

      But actually, Henry, it’s far simpler for me. My family is Palestinian. Some of us are in enforced exile, some of us are in the West Bank unable to live as free humans. There are likely grand Strategies for the destruction of the West, for reversing the rise of the East, for Sharia states, for continued colonialism, for … At the opposite end of the scale, there are individuals and families like mine that cannot live a normal life that the ‘West’ says everyone should be entitled to. And that is because we live either under occupation, or in enforced exile (and therefore often unwelcome in the lands to which we’ve been exiled, or in the West as a part of a diaspora that does as well or badly as any other, but a diaspora nonetheless). And all paying the price for European crimes against humanity with crimes against our humanity. So I would not change my tune or stop working for the right to be treated as an equal in the land of my family. No puppetry involved!

  • March 16, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    Iyas You said: “No one said it would be easy! But the principle remains the same. Nothing can start and have a hope of success if it is not based on recognition and respect for each other’s equality in humanity.”
    At least you and I are talking and that is a way forward. To go back to the “who started what and when” issue. I think that we should be debating who
    WILL stop first.
    The war in Gaza was horrific and too many innocent people were killed, many Israelis agree. Then, we start the blame game. Hamas fired rockets into Israel for 8 years and so, we retaliated. I know that this conflict goes back before Gaza War.
    Point for point, year for year, killing for killing you and I can add and subtract facts and figures about who has suffered more and how many of your children were killed = how many of my children were killed.
    I think that the siege IS about Hamas’s charter and about arms i.e. Hamas amassing weapons is an important security issue for Israel. It is not true that Israel does not allow food and medical aid into the Strip. Hundreds of trucks enter Gaza every week carrying food, medicines and now even concrete has been delivered. Hundreds of Gazans are treated by Israeli doctors and in Israeli hospitals. The ship, Victoria, carrying tons of arms which was detained yesterday is only one proof of many, that arms are getting through. Hard to imagine that Hamas cares too much for its women and children if the armaments are kept in apartments, schools, hospitals and in UN buildings as in the Gaza war. Rockets fired from populated areas are very popular with Hamas and Hezbollah. Afterwards they weep and scream to the world to see how terrible we are that we kill innocent civilians. Let us not compare WB with Gaza. The check points are oppressive for Palestinians but back to the game of who did what first. Life is unbearable for you and we have already agreed together that killing and murder does not work and only makes it worse. Cynically put – “makes it worse for you, but I have security at night, knowing that my baby is safe and won’t have her throat slit” I do know, because I read the news and watch every available TV channel and see and understand how difficult life is for you and the lady who had to close her nursery school, and the houses that are separated from family and friends because of the wall. What is the solution? Mine would be and this is not in any particular order.
    1. Palestinians recognize that Jews have a right to live here in security and peace.
    Yes, they have mouthed the words, but we don’t see the deed. There is still incitement in WB schools, in mosques and on the streets.
    2. Israelis recognize that Palestinians have a right to live in security and peace.
    Ditto here about the words and not the deeds.
    We could then remove road blocks etc. etc. and we would tear down the wall faster than it went up – and I would be there to do this.
    Imprisonment and kidnapping: let’s leave that issue for our next discussion.
    Settlements are a huge issue and can also be left for next time. I just want to say, again, that this land is for everyone and who cares who “rules” as long as all peoples of this land are respected and secure without the need for crossings, gates, walls, and barriers and Israelis will come to WB for pita and humus and Palestinians will just come….
    I think that talking starts first. We cannot respect each other as humans if we don’t understand and when we do not understand, we are afraid of each other.
    There is a long list of grievances on both sides and we both need cleansing. You are lumped together as “the Palestinians’ who don’t want peace and we are labeled the same. We, you and I have been promised peace by our leaders for over 60 years and we still yearn for the same thing.
    Like face book, maybe it does take just a few passionate people to get the ball rolling for peace. We should ask ourselves – how can this stop NOW?
    Shalom, Salaam, Peace

  • March 18, 2011 at 10:25 am

    Reading all the comments of so many people i have to admit that it is a very good issue – i grew up in South Africa and lived there for 40yrs – i did go through the apartheid era but was rather young! – when SA had the election i had great hopes for SA but unfortunately in 1998 it started to get very bad as it became “reversed apartheid” it was terible because i had horrible experiences of blacks treating me like some sort of “white evil person” i then decided to move to Beglium bcs of that reason but also bcs i wanted to be with my family!! – what now is happening in SA is also not good!! – 50 people PER DAY gets murdered in JOHANNESBURG!! – The white farmers are getting slaughtered ” i expected this while i was still in SA 2000 bcs of Zimbabwe!! Apartheid “reversed” excists now in SA and will continue for a while until such time that the current President does something seriously to get SA off the list as one of the most dangerous cities “JOHANNESBURG” in the world!! The Israeli’s and the Palenstine has been on the war path for many a year and to compare South Africa to the Israeli situation is simply RIDICULOUS!! To all the many jews in South Africa “if it was not for the JEWS in South Africa, they will have even more serious problems”!! As proofed in many african countries, you cannot live without the whites and side by side with the blacks!!

    • March 18, 2011 at 12:17 pm

      Annie, Jews were in the forefront of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa and were also head of workers unions. I have been back to SA many times, the last time a year ago, and the place is a mess. My brother-in-law aged 47 was shot through the head and killed and his father left crippled physically and mentally – nothing was stolen from them but their skins was white. The stories of rape, muggings, murder, robberies are reported daily. There is as much black-on-black violence as black on white. The government is corrupt and walks hand in hand with Mugabe of Zimbabwe who is infamous for his “human rights” abuses – no-one bothers too much with Africa – who cared about Biafrian babies starving to death, who cared about Somalia and Sudan’s babies. A few celebs stood around and sang songs to the world and yes, lots of good people did help but no outrage, no demonstrations, no ships from Iran carrying weapons for the destruction of other black people. Just exploitation of the black people for their mineral wealth. After boycotting SA and the Black government came into power, the world patted themselves on the back and said proudly “what a good job we did”, but who suffered the most? – The blacks, who were the fist ones fired from their jobs because of sanctions. And so, now the wealthy Blacks can live wherever they like, and the poor people still suffer from Aids, poverty, lack of education and no jobs.
      There is no comparison at all to SA apartheid and Israel – the world loves catch phrases and this has caught on and is exploited by ignorant people who do not really understand what is going on here. The recent events in the ME shows that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is not, at the moment the main issue, it will become so, the minute the Arabs feel that their demands are not being met quickly enough and they really do not need much of a reason to turn upon us. The uprisings can be equated to a flock of sheep. One needs only handful of excited sheep to incite the rest to riot and to cause chaos. One sheep following the other, with its head so far up the one in fronts backside that it sees only the darkness and the shit.
      Amazing, although not surprising is the fact that TV stations and media (especially Aljazeera) can not and do not dig deep enough into their conscience to portray anything good about Israeli society. They have their own evil agenda and love showing off the bad side of Israel. There is so much good, so much love and caring and sharing here but that does not make “breaking news”
      Shabbat Shalom and Chug Purim Samach

  • March 18, 2011 at 9:13 pm

    Beautiful photo essay, RJS. Many great comments, too.

    Maybe blogs really can make a difference. 🙂

    If anyone has an idea to share regarding Jerusalem and the establishment of a lasting peace, please feel free to use the following linked document as a framework for your idea and submit it through the form provided. The document’s current editing window will close on May 12, 2011.


    Please keep submissions brief – 150 words max.

    • March 20, 2011 at 1:54 pm

      Very interesting and thought provoking ideas for Jerusalem and peace. One problem I have tho, is the whole land opened up to Arab refugees – bye,bye Israel. The flooding in of millions of displaced Arabs from every country in the world and their birth rate, would drown Israel, by their numbers and “people power”.

      • March 25, 2011 at 12:46 am

        Hi Avril. A clarification edit of Section II is currently underway and should be posted within two weeks. Revised copy will appear in a different colour than the rest of the text.

  • March 24, 2011 at 10:38 pm

    Showing a couple of pictures of Arab Israelis moving about freely hardly demonstrates that there is no racial discrimination in Israel. Where are all the photos of the Israeli settlements in the West Bank, of the destruction of Palestinian homes in this area, of the unequal distribution of water resources, of the walls being built to hold Palestinians in, of the inability of Palestinians to cross the border freely from the West Bank? It might make us Jews feel good about our state, but it is only showing a sliver of reality.

    • March 25, 2011 at 12:16 am

      Hi Mike.

      One question: How many pictures can you show me of Jews moving about freely in PA-controlled areas of the West Bank? You might find a couple… I didn’t ask for any from Gaza.

      The point is that you can take pictures (like those featured above) on any given day in Israel. Other places in the region… not so much.

      • March 26, 2011 at 7:16 pm

        There aren’t pictures of Jews moving about in PA-controlled areas of the West Bank or in Gaza because they are fortunate enough to have much better living conditions. They are not forced to live in essentially huge refugee camps with limited resources, almost no work opportunities, lack of free trade, not even free and adequate distribution of humanitarian resources. That’s exactly the point.

    • March 26, 2011 at 7:40 pm

      @Mike: “Jews are fortunate enough to have much better living conditions [and]…not forced to live in essentially huge refugee camps with limited resources, almost no work opportunities…”

      Maybe you need a history lesson. Jews built Israel, while under constant siege from Arab states, terror attacks from Arab-state-sponsored mercenaries, a world-wide embargo–and we managed to absorb 800,000 Jewish refugees from Arab and African countries who were threatened, humiliated, killed and mistreated–and we put our resources into state building and defended ourselves.

      The PA and Gaza are the world’s largest recipients of world welfare aid, and their leadership has pocketed it, put it into private bank accounts, used it to bankroll terror attacks and import missiles with a longer range in order to hit Israeli civilians. They have NOT moved their people out of refugee camps (certainly the refugee camps of Gaza and the West Bank could be emptied and people have proper homes of their own); they have not built a state infrastructure which encourages education and hi-tech but instead promote jihad-for-Jew-killing; they line up to work in Israel because instead of building businesses, public works jobs or anything that would employ their own people, their aid money is used to enrich their own kleptocracy and the paid thugs that support it.

      Humanitarian resources go into Gaza by the thousands of tons per week–the fact that Hamas steals it is not Israel’s fault.

    • March 26, 2011 at 8:16 pm

      Mike. Perhaps you can better explain your comments given the fact that the West Bank has one of the best economic growth rates in the region — and in the world. And, incidentally, the reason that you cannot take a single picture of a Jew anywhere in Gaza is because there are none there.

  • March 25, 2011 at 2:32 pm

    Now with Johannesburg University severing its ties with Ben Gurion University, will we see another ‘domino affect” rippling through our higher educational system? The loser in this story has to be Johannesburg University because Israeli students were involved in water purification research and were actually assisting South Africans in this project. Our technology and brains were used and by shutting us down – they lose. Again sheep without thinking for themselves living in dark and shit – each one into the other’s backside. It seems evident everywhere, in every uprising – one or two dominant individuals with microphone chanting slogans and the rest of the brainless sheep repeating, chanting and raising fists – clones. They ofcourse do have valid reasons to protest – that is not denied, but it is almost funny and not ha, ha funny, to see the sheep syndrome repeated over and over again in each Arab country calling for the downfall of its leaders. It is obviously orchestrated by individuals with their own agenda. Maybe Gadaffi is right and all these uprisings are instigated by ElQuada and/or Iran and the West is playing right into extremist Islamic hands.

  • March 27, 2011 at 1:06 am

    As we have seen, the root cause of the Palestine-Israel conflict is clear. During the 1948 war, 750,000 Palestinians fled in terror or were actively expelled from their ancestral homeland and turned into refugees. The state of Israel then refused to allow them to return and either destroyed their villages entirely or expropriated their land, orchards, houses, businesses and personal possessions for the use of the Jewish population. This was the birth of the state of Israel.

    We know it is hard to accept emotionally, but in this case the Jewish people are in the wrong.We took most of Palestine by force from the Arabs and blamed the victims for resisting their dispossession. If you run into someone’s car, for whatever reason, simple justice demands that you repair it. Our moral obligation to the Palestinian people is no less clear. It is time for all Jewish people of good conscience to make whatever amends are possible to the Palestinians in order to live up to the best part of the Jewish tradition — its ethical and moral basis.“Israelis like to believe, and tell the world, that they are running an ‘enlightened’ or ‘benign’ occupation, qualitatively different from other military occupations the world has seen. The truth was radically different. Like all occupations, Israel’s was founded on brute force, repression and fear, collaboration and treachery, beatings and torture chambers, and daily intimidation, humiliation and manipulation.” Israeli historian, Benny Morris, “Righteous Victims.”

    • March 27, 2011 at 8:49 am

      The “root cause” of the conflict is Arab hate and bigotry. Prior to the WWI, this was all part of the Ottoman Empire. Jews, Arabs, Armenians, Circassians, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds and others lived in that empire as subjects. The “Arab Revolt” against the Ottoman Empire was to establish the sovereign, independent Arab state (or states, as it turned out) independent of Turkish rule, but they denied that same right to Kurds and Jews. The “birth” of the State of Israel was in the 1923 San Remo Conference wherein the world body at that time, the League of Nations, created a mandate for a newly created territory called “Palestine” intending to create a Jewish state, and the British caretakers promptly lopped of 80% of that land and gave it to the Arabs to appease the Palestinians, so that there would be a Jewish state and an Arab state. The remaining 20%$ was again divided along demographic lines in 1947. So, the Palestinians still own 80% PLUS of Palestine. We did not take the land by force but rather defended what was legitimately ours by international law.

      Since the 1967 war, Israel has repeatedly entered into negotiations to return lands taken while defending ourselves against Arab attackers. We successfully returned Sinai to Egypt, and there is no reason to believe that the West Bank can’t be returned in a negotiated peace. However, the current Palestinian leadership is divided, with one faction calling for genocide and waging war as we speak, and the other faction refusing to negotiate until all demands are met before negotiations.

      What is repeatedly overlooked by revisionists like Adams is that this was not “Palestinian” land–it was “Turkish” land which the Turks had governed for centuries. On the breakup of that empire, Jews, Arabs and Kurds all demanded self-determination.

      The Kurds efforts were bloodily suppressed by the Arab majority; the Jews’ right to self-determination is still under attack by both Arab and Western bigots who rewrite history as Adams has done here to make Israel the aggressor, when in fact the Arabs opened the 1948 war, the 1967 war and the 1973 war, and all the terror attacks between wars.

      Morris has disavowed a lot of his earlier writings, and has left the ranks of the “post-Zionist” Israel haters. His research has been revealed as shoddy and mendacious in any event [see Karsh, The Myth of Dispossesion, which details outright misquotes of documents and lies in Morris’s works].

  • March 27, 2011 at 7:46 am

    A Facebook page was created calling for a 3rd Intifada against Israel. It is mostly in Arabic. The creators of this page are calling for the Arab world to attack and take over Israel. The number of people clicking on the “Like” button is increasing every hour .We must ask Facebook to take action and remove this page –
    Whether you are a FACEBOOK user or not, go to the link below – if it doesn’t work then sign up for Facebook – and the follow these directions: (If you choose to forward this urgent message to everybody on your email contact list – please send using ‘Bcc’ (blind copy) so as not to expose your list to others.)

    Go to the link below to reach the Faceboodak page. Then scroll down the left side of the page where you will see “Report Page” in tiny print. Click on ‘report page’ and choose “Contains hate speech” (you can then choose a further option of ‘targets a race or ethnicity’). Then click ‘submit’. Thank you very much for helping.

  • March 27, 2011 at 7:48 am

    Where are our brilliant young facebookers and twitterers. We need action fast to counteract this extremism. Am Yisrael Chai.

    • March 27, 2011 at 8:53 am

      Facebook has bowed to Arab pressure. The Arab world has openly threatened to boycott Facebook if it removes this war-mongering hate page, so FB has caved and refused to remove it.

      I wonder if Facebook understands its liability–should one of my children die as a result of a Third terror war, I will OWN Facebook after I sue them.

  • March 28, 2011 at 1:26 am

    Dear Sarah Notofi,OK, OK,but come back down to Earth.Why do you and all other Jews accept, condone and actively perpetrate all these crimes against Arab Palestinians whose ancestral homes have been in Gaza And The West Bank?. They have “rights” too. They are innocents in this conflict; their lands, livings, schools, hospitals and homes, have been unilaterally stolen from them, without them ever having committed any crimes or terrorisms, against anyone. They will defend what they have left, so would you in the same circumstances. It seems quite clear to me that what we are seeing is the true nature and character of Judaism being expressed in all the humanitarian crimes they rain down on these innocent Palestinian Arabs. God does not guide the Jewish criminality, read your bible again,Jews are Pariahs, they will never live this down, and eventually the Arab Muslim World will make them pay. Amen, Regards, Thomas.

    • March 28, 2011 at 5:15 am

      How hatefully intolerant of you, Thomas.

    • March 28, 2011 at 1:52 pm

      This article was blogged by Melanie Phillips, a reorter for The Spectator a few days ago.
      A bomb went off about an hour and a half ago on or next to a bus in central Jerusalem. About 25 people have been hurt; details are still unclear.

      An interview transmitted a few minutes ago on BBC World with the Editor-in-Chief of the Jerusalem Post, David Horovitz, established what I’m sure will be the signature motif of moral imbecility with which this latest atrocity will be reported by the British and western media. The interviewer asked whether this bomb attack was most likely in response to the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza in which eight civilians, four of them children, had been killed.
      After a small but perceptible intake of breath, Horovitz replied correctly that the recent atrocity of note had been the cold-blooded massacre of the Fogel family including a three-month old baby, who had had their throats slit. This had been followed by an enormous rocket and missile barrage from Gaza into southern Israel. The Israeli bombing of Gaza’s terror infrastructure had been an attempt to deter further such attacks; regrettably, some Gazan civilians had been killed in the process.
      Clearly, there is currently a huge upsurge in murderous violence by Arabs from the disputed territories, of which this bus bombing is but the latest example. It therefore takes a particular degree of bone-headed malevolence to view this latest attack instead as a ‘tit-for-tat’ response to Israeli violence. But then, the BBC and other British and western media have all but ignored the rocket attacks, and minimised the Fogel massacre. As usual, Israeli victimisation is thus denied in an obscene moral equivalence – which invariably turns Israel from a victim attempting to defend itself into the aggressor.
      But the media’s culpability does not end there with its mere perversion of journalism. The fact that it can be relied upon to blame the Israelis for their own slaughter means that the slaughterers believe they can murder Israelis with impunity – better still, that the more Israelis they murder, the more Israel will be blamed; and if Israel should take military action to stop the attacks, the world will punish Israel and reward its attackers even more.
      Thus the western media is not just an observer but an active player in the Middle East tragedy. And Israel should say so.
      In an interview on Israel TV, Melanie went on to say, that Israel has to start asserting itself verbally in Western media (we can forget about Aljazeera and its vile agenda) and Israel should actually put some of the blame for this conflict onto western media for condoning Arab atrocities and by minimizing Israel’s side and when it does report atrocities caused to Israelis, the reports are slanted and distorted.

  • March 28, 2011 at 2:05 am

    Dear Sarah Netofi.
    81 Reasons Why Gaza Has The Right To Self-defense

    By Julie Webb-Pullman

    March 26, 2011 “Scoop” — Seventy-nine of them can be found in United Nations Security Council Resolutions “directly critical of Israel for violations of U.N. Security Council resolutions, the U.N. Charter, the Geneva Conventions, international terrorism, or other violations of international law.” (1)
    Number 80 can be found in the Goldstone Report (2), the recommendations of which have yet to implemented some 18 months after its submission to the Human Rights Council, and Paragraph 1912 of which stresses “all States parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 have in addition the obligation, while respecting the United Nations Charter and international law, to ensure compliance by Israel with international humanitarian law as embodied in that Convention.”

    Has that happened? Clearly not. (3)

    The most compelling reason number 81, can be found in the United Nations Charter, Article 52 which states: “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” (4)

    There would also be a Reason 82, but for the United States power of veto exercised in the Security Council in February 2011. (5)

    If the international community has abandoned its responsibilities towards Palestinians, and particularly towards Gaza, as the above examples over the last 63 years plus this map of Palestinian territories so graphically illustrate, what else is left to Gaza but self-defense?

    Click for bigversion
    Israel and its chorUS disingenuously cite Israel’s right of “self-defense” to justify not only Israel’s disproportionate military response to Gaza – and Palestinians’ – genuine right to self-defense, but also to attempt to disguise Israel’s blatant land-theft from existing citizens.

    Contrast the “newcomers” in Israel, for example, to many of those who in recent years have arrived in Australia. The latter have been considered illegal immigrants and incarcerated in off-shore islands or desert detention camps –the subtle distinction being that (i) those latterly arriving in Australia sought refuge from repressive regimes whereas the Israeli immigrants came from European and North American democracies…(enough said, perhaps) and (ii) unlike Australia’s (and New Zealand’s) immigrants, who now accept the existing population’s rights to their existing property, culture and citizenship, Israel’s immigrants bulldoze and destroy the homes of existing residents to build their own in their place, not only rendering thousands homeless but also destroying historic, economic and culturally-important sites such as religious buildings, olive groves, farms, and cemeteries – and now legislating that they also be of the jewish religion in order to have citizenship.

    Is not our perception of the wrongness o

  • March 28, 2011 at 7:38 am

    Dear antiSemite Adams,

    How about the Arabs try following the Geneva Convention and stop waging war on a legitimate state, killing its civilians, and attacking us virtually nonstop since 1948 through war or state-sponsored terrorism?

    Why are you reading and quoting the highly propagandized garbage of Webb-Pullman? She describes herself as an “independent” journalist, meaning she can’t find work in any journalistic environment requiring some degree of objectivity because she is a Hamas-bought-and-paid-for Lefty-trendy shill, who has been part of the Viva Palestina convoy, and been entertained as a “guest” by Hamas, a ruthless distatorship which just stabbed, beat, arrested and terrorized female journalists who covered peaceful demands for Palestinian reunification in Gaza?

    Besides which, most of what she has written here is total fiction. One example: one does not have to be Jewish to have citizenship.

    I notice she and fellow Kiwis and Ozzies aren’t racing to the boats to leave Australia and NZ to the “indigenous people” so they, and the rest of you Down Under hypocrites, can just shut up about Israel, since you have no moral basis for denying Jews necessary refuge in their own legitimately granted homeland from the hate and bigotry you engender in your mendacious writings and hate-filled actions.

  • March 28, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    Did Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of social networking (Face-book) ever realize that his intended friendly tool, has been used to cause hundreds upon hundreds of deaths and injuries and that it has been used to bring down powerful leaders? As we all know, information and instructions are passed from one to another with no limitations and no control. Unfortunately, the information has helped to bring about this turmoil, so far, mainly in the Arab world and has incited millions of people to revolt against their regimes.
    Did Mark (a Jew) ever dream that his friendly face-book could be turned into an evil tool to perhaps help extremists annihilate Israel from the map?
    The once innocent face book where one could meet up with long-lost friends and share photos and information has turned into an evil instrument with long reaching tentacles and a blood dripping mouth about to engulf us all into its greedy and vicious jaws.
    We are now facing a disgusting face-book call to Arabs to join the Third Intifada and the Arabs have already said that if they are closed down by
    Face-book they will boycott it. Let us close it down and let them boycott it.
    All Mark has to lose is a few bucks – we have our lives and our country to lose if the Arabs succeed.

  • March 28, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    To shut down this filth -Go to the link below to reach the Faceboodak page. Then scroll down the left side of the page where you will see “Report Page” in tiny print. Click on ‘report page’ and choose “Contains hate speech” (you can then choose a further option of ‘targets a race or ethnicity’). Then click ‘submit’. Thank you very much for helping.
    Please forward to all

  • March 28, 2011 at 1:29 pm

    Dear Sarah Netofi, you are using very strong language, garnished with personally insulting terminology; could that be because you are unable finally to justify the reign of humanitarian terror Jews are responsible for in Gaza and the West Bank? Are all the member Nations at the U.N. anti Semites?.I do not hate Jews, I am utterly disgusted at what Jews are doing to other innocent human beings; Palestinian Arabs have U.N. sanctioned “rights”, they are entitled to be released from the Prison Jews have them trapped in. Am I wrong? it is Jews perpetrating the terror against the resident Palestinian Arabs, isn’t it? And if you allow yourself to be objective for ten seconds, you will agree that it is Jews continuing to steal land, and demolish the Arab towns and villages, so that Jews can ethnically clean Palestine to make way for the “Greater Israel”? Or are all the new settlements on stolen Arab lands a fiction of everyones imagination? Finally, these oppressed Peoples have the “right” to object, and to fight back, to resist,Even Israel was born out of terrorism,by what strange twist of logic do Jews deny the same rights to Arab Palestinians? Regards, THOMASWADAMS.

    • March 28, 2011 at 3:45 pm

      Don’t be silly….of course you hate Jews. Your baseless vilification of our country, our people and our religion in the name of a false indignation fueled either by sheer ignorance or a hate-fueled desire to adopt the Big Lies of the Arab-oil-fueled propaganda machine bespeaks your bigotry.

      Your lies are so many that it would take pages to address them all.

      Walls and fences are built here not to keep out aliens seeking work but to keep out murderers with a track record of terrorism. It works.

      There are no “Jew-only” roads.

      Israel was founded by the UN based on the League of Nations mandate to create a Jewish state in the former TURKISH (not Arab or Palestinian) empire, which the Arabs object to because of their own greed, religious triumphalism and hatred of the dhimmi (non-Moslem).

      There are no “new settlements” — no new settlements have been built since Oslo, and we have evacuated settlements as well in the meantime.

      Many of the “settlements” are built on Jewish land, owned by Jews prior to the 1948 invasion by Arab states seeking to kill us all, and in those cases are simply moving back to our own lands.

      Settlements not on Jewish owned land are built on state lands, meaning lands under Turkish real estate law (which is what governs in this part of the world) permit development if the owners register it and pay taxes on it. Those lands do not belong to anyone. Not even the Palestinians.

      Gaza is not occupied and has not been occupied for years, so what happens there is the responsibility of the elected government run by the genocidal regime called Hamas.

      The key to lifting any restrictions on Hamastan is that terror entity’s renunciation of its genocidal charter and agreeing to prior Palestinian peace deals, instead of playing “good-cop, bad-cop” with Fatah in their duplicitous “peace deals” with Israel.

      The majority of the member nations of the UN are not democracies, and respond to the threat of Arab oil embargo at the drop of a hat, and also adopt the Big Lie of Jewish “colonialism” because it allows them to keep the Arab oil flowing. We can’t colonize a land which is already ours by dint of international law.

      The Palestinians are not “oppressed” except to the extent their own corrupt leadership sponsors terror and hate– they are the greatest recipients of the world’s welfare money; they have a higher level of education, health and longevity than much of the Arab world. OTOH, Israel is not going to simply hand the West Bank over to Hamas so they can turn it into a military base like Gaza and fire more missiles at us in the execution of their genocidal charter.

      Your hypocritical bigotry is all dressed up in the sheep’s clothing of “humanitarianism” when you have been silent in the face of a terror war which killed and maimed thousands of Israelis; silent now as to the barrages of missiles fired at our country; silent regarding the Manson-like slaughter of a family; silent regarding the inconvenient fact of current Palestinian terror tactics in Jerusalem.

      In answer to your question, yes — you are very wrong. Besides that, justifying the deaths of thousands of Jews already butchered by Arabs and the future planned genocide of Jews based on the promulgation of such lying propaganda makes you an appalling excuse for a human being.

      • March 28, 2011 at 8:18 pm

        Sarah, When I saw what ThomasWadams answered you, I was tempted to comment, but you said it all.

      • March 29, 2011 at 12:58 am

        So, the roads that interconnect all the illegal settlements, that can only be accessed by Jews populating those settlements, are figment of my imagination? If the Arab Palestinians had been respected and treated fairly from the beginning all these walls, fences, and other oppressive actions and policies would not have been necessary. there are no new settlements? one look at the map of settlements suggests the Palestinians have already lost most of their land share to Jewish theft.All mention of Turkey is a red herring excuse, face the facts, the stolen land mass was allocated by the U.N. to be Palestinian Homeland. Gaza is not occupied? well no, but they are totally constrained by Jewish walls, guns and maritime forces.The Jews brought upon themselves the”Hamas Charter”.Democracy has nothing to do with this situation, otherwise, the Arab Palestinians would have been consulted and respected from the beginning.No, the greatest recipients of the Worlds Welfare money is Israel, or have you overlooked the vast sums of cash and military armaments flowing out of the U.S.? I regret and sympathise with all those subjected to terror and oppression; it must be reiterated, the Jews earned the “terror” retaliation, goodness and justice removes the need for “terror.You will remain of your opinions I of mine,However, humanitarian actions and beliefs will better please World opinion, but most of all “Gods” Amen.
        Dear Avril and Sarah, I do not most emphatically hate Jews. My great disapointment arises from the horrendous situation the Arab Palestinians find themselves in. From the very beginning, when the Brits took it upon themselves to steal Sovereignty from the Arab Palestinians, it was firmly agreed by the Jews and the Brits, that there would be no disturbance to the resident peoples; that was the original commitment Jews made to the Brits and to the peoples concerned. All of this without asking or consulting with those resident peoples.The Jews obviously had no intention of honouring that agreed condition because they immediately set about murdering the peoples, to actively cause them to flee, leaving the land vacant, making it easy for the Jewish Settlers to move in.All of that is historically and factually correct, the evidence is in front of us, many notable Jews have recorded all this in their published works, it is undeniable. So the point is two fold; 1, from the outset the Jews lied and dissembled. 2, from the outset the resident peoples had well founded, justifiable cause to object and resist, we all would do the same under those circumstances. So, for me it is not racism or personal hatred, it is a simple matter of recognising “right from wrong”. The Jews have earned these criticisms by their obvious and demonstrable actions and policies ever since the beginning, and that is the only reason the tag Jews is affixed to my commentary, or do you think some other Nation of peoples is responsible for all these injustices perpetrated against and upon the Palestinian Arabs? My philosophy is, that I love all human beings, regardless, but those who are cruel and unkind that break the law, must be exposed, admonished, and corrected, in hopes they will see the error of their ways. Regards, THOMASWADAM

  • March 28, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Dear Avril,methinks the apartheid tag grows out of the Israeli prison walls, the Jews only roads, the imposed control of imported foods, building materials etc. etc. The theft of Arab water supplies, the snipers that prevent access to Arab farmlands, by shooting them dead. It bears repeating, we are witnessing the true nature and character of Judaism, it will come back to bite them, the great mass of Arab-Muslim Nations will fall upon them one day, they will never forget. Should the Jews change course, to one of caring for those humans they presently terrorise, then the Arabs would remember that and Israel would be safe. Or do jews plan to live forever on guard, weapons at the ready, looking always for the next bomb? Regards, THOMASWADAMS.

    • March 28, 2011 at 8:02 pm

      Dear Thomas – methinks that when you actually wake up from your wet-dream to see what is really happening, you will see that there is no apartheid here. Apartheid is a word adopted by one or two bleating sheep and taken up with enthusiasm by the mindless flock.
      As in every country in the world, Israel has problems but is treated with double standards by critics. Apparently, it is fine by you that Arabs can kill and torture other Arabs. Massacres, killing, rape and discrimination occur in every single country in the world, and even if you cannot see the other side, let me inform you that massacres, killing, rape and discrimination is happening right now in Gaza and in the West Bank i.e. Arab on Arab hatred. Deal with cleaning up your own back yard first, before you feel the need to clean up mine. Hypocrisy is apparently live and well in the anti-Israel camp.
      When Arabs change course to stop fabricating lies to make themselves the victim; stop educating their children to hate with their lies; when mothers stop suckling their babies on blood from their breasts and when fathers love their sons enough not to send them on suicide missions and when the Arabs come to their senses and see that their armed struggle has brought sorrow upon their houses and upon ours, and when they really and truly want peace and security, instead of bloodshed and war – then maybe Jews would change course and Arabs and Jews – brothers from the same father Abraham, will live and love together. And when you ThomasWadams open your eyes and your mind and see that there IS ALWAYS two sides to every story and event, and that each sees his own “truth” in history and that every fanatical Imam preaches death to promote his own agenda, and that you and your ilk will also not survive the next holocaust, if you do not turn your face and heart to peace. Allah never preached death of infidels – he preached love – The words of the Prophet Mohammed, have been twisted and distorted by fanatical Muslim Clergy preaching death and destruction for their own evil schemes i.e. to convert or kill unbelievers. As despicable as Adolph Hitler was in his desire to control the world with beautiful, blond, blue eyed Arians, we can equate zealous Muslims with Hitler both concerning the Jews and even if they may not recognize it, Christians, Homosexuals, Buddhists, etc. as well as just absolutely everyone who does not believe that Mohammed is God.
      Who even wants 72 worn out old virgins?

  • March 29, 2011 at 12:59 am

    Tom, your obvious bias and selective pseudo-histories do little to advance the dialogue and are likely counterproductive. It is plain to see that you do not apply the same standard when assessing the behaviours of Arabs and Jews — a fatal flaw of logic that greatly diminishes the value of your conclusions.

    I’m inclined to guess that you would agree with disgraced journalist Helen Thomas’ assessment that “the Jews should go back to whatever country they came from.” The problem with such a statement, of course, is that they originally came from Israel.

    • March 29, 2011 at 2:46 am

      Dear Imahad Yes, my “bias” recognises the original sin, and injustices that Jews alone continue to rain down on these poor defenseless human beings. Their whole lives, their right to exist, their rights to care for themselves, build homes, care for their children, and much more, is held fast in the Israeli-Jewish grip. The creation of the Jewish state is totally based on death and destruction of this innocent peoples, they had no say in the destruction of their Sovereignty, not further to stress the ongoing “theft of land”.There is nothing pseudo about my selections of history, and any counter-productivity is owned by the Jews whom continue with this extermination process. Then this flaw of logic also fatally infects World opinion at the U.N..No, My view is that all peoples residing in the area under discussion, must come to live in peace and security. The Jews by their actions and policies prevent that from happening, because they want all Arab Palestinians out of the area they designate “Greater Israel”. And they are prepared to go to any lengths to achieve that intent.That process not only is destroying the lives of millions of people, it is implanted in the memories and history books of the whole World, but especially in the minds and hearts of all other Arab-Muslim Nations everywhere, they will not forget,and all the demographics predict they will one day be unstoppable; that is the future being created for themselves by all shortsighted Jewish People.Regards, THOMASWADAMS

      • March 29, 2011 at 6:01 pm

        Sorry for the typo in my other post. Meant to write:

        Your words have the ‘affectation’ of knowledge but not the substance of it.

        I must congratulate you, though, you’ve hit most of the anti-Semitic lowlights.

        Let’s re-cap, shall we?

        “…pay-offs and bribes flowing from Jewish pockets, not to mention their control of all major Media…”

        “…the Jewish state is totally based on death and destruction…”

        “…any counter-productivity is owned by the Jews whom continue with this extermination process…”

        “…Jews have earned these criticisms by their obvious and demonstrable actions and policies ever since the beginning…”

        “…my “bias” recognises the original sin, and injustices that Jews alone continue to rain down on these poor defenseless human beings…”

        “…the Jews earned the “terror” retaliation…”

        “…you and all other Jews accept, condone and actively perpetrate all these crimes against Arab Palestinians…”

        “…the reign of humanitarian terror Jews are responsible for in Gaza and the West Bank…”

        “… we are witnessing the true nature and character of Judaism, it will come back to bite them, the great mass of Arab-Muslim Nations will fall upon them one day…”

        “…Jews are Pariahs, they will never live this down, and eventually the Arab Muslim World will make them pay. Amen…”


        May your curses be returned to you sevenfold.

        • March 29, 2011 at 6:32 pm

          A True Story for MADWASTHOMAS…

          The commanding officer at the Russian military academy
          (the equivalent of a 4-star general in the U.S. ) gave a
          lecture on Potential Problems and Military Strategy.

          After the lecture, he asked if there were any questions.

          An officer stood up and asked:
          “Will there be a third world war? And will Russia take part in it?”

          The general answered both questions in the affirmative.

          Another officer asked: “Who will be the enemy?”

          The general replied: “All indications point to China.”

          Everyone in the audience was shocked.

          A third officer remarked:
          “General, we are a nation of only 150 million, compared to
          the 1.5 billion Chinese. Can we win at all, or even survive?”

          The general answered:
          “Just think about this for a moment: In modern warfare,
          it is not the quantity of soldiers that matters but the
          quality of an army’s capabilities.

          “For example, in the Middle East we have had a few wars
          recently where 5 million Jews fought against 150 million
          Arabs, and Israel was always victorious.”

          After a pause, a young officer at the back of the
          auditorium asked: “Do we have enough Jews???”


          • March 29, 2011 at 6:55 pm

            Good one – and the answer is “yes we do and yes we can”

        • March 29, 2011 at 6:51 pm

          Only “sevenfold” – One must remember “what starts with the Jews, does not end with the Jews” and if “ThomASS is an 80 year old man or a 19 year old girl it is irrelevant He/She has become boring, irritating, but nonetheless, boring. Is it really worth our effort to try and get him/her to use his/her 80/19 year old brain? Maybe we can wish for him/her to live in the Islamic New World, where humans really have no value or human rights. Brainwashed, dead brains from watching too much Aljazeera and too many one-sided propaganda reports become mushy and decay rather quickly. It is well known that Aljazeera, BBC and ofcourse Arab media present one-sided reports and do not present all the facts. An example was when the Fogel family were slaughtered, Aljazeera reported “Five Settlers were killed in the Occupied Territories”. They did not mention that three were children (one a baby of a few months). The insinuation was that it was not a very important murder and was passed up by most of the major newspapers and TV news channels. OK. Japan and the uprisings did take precedence over our children’s deaths. Gilad Shalit has been held for five years by Hamas – only we really care, but the world cares very much when we retaliate for over 50 or so rockets fired within a couple of days on Israel. Hypocrisy,
          double standards and lies used unfortunately, very effectively, by masses lead by the nose and now by face book calling for devastation and chaos on Arab streets and in the West/Israel. And we,the West, with our democracy and “freedom of speech” allow the masses to dictate our future.

          • March 29, 2011 at 7:55 pm

            The double standard is reinforced by Hamas and Hezbollah when they demand a hundred live prisoners for one dead Israeli — and a thousand for each live one! Tragically misguided, they insist that victory will be theirs because they “love death more than the Jews love life.” Sadly, they betray, deceive and lead astray the very people that they claim to represent.

            And they fail to grasp an important point: that Jews love G-d even more than they love life; and that this passion runs deep enough to have sustained them throughout the course of several thousand years.

            Whether the ratio is 30:1 or 1000:1, perhaps there’s an underlying reason for the double standard. No one can argue that Jews are not disproportionately represented amongst the winners of the world’s top prizes in economics, physics, mathematics and medicine — by a stunning per capita factor of 100:1. Having studied the matter, I can state with confidence that this certainly isn’t because the Nobel committees look more favourably upon Jewish nominees.

            Could it be that the religion itself has something to do with it?

          • March 29, 2011 at 8:16 pm

            Imahd: To add to your comment. A popular statement by anti-everything Jewish is that America is owned by Jews (by their money). My answer to that is if that is the case and the Jews are powerful and hold high positions in Government, Finance and Commerce is the fact that they are educated and intelligent. Because of education, they hold high and respected positions, not because they are Jews. A Jamacian taxi driver told me in New York (not knowing that I am Jewish), that he is working three jobs to get his kids education because he respected the fact that Jews who came to the States with nothing, as Refugees, did not wait for handouts and social security, but worked their fingers to the bone to get their kids educated. Refugees came to the Holy Land with nothing and built this beautiful, hi-tech, vibrant land for us and our children. We will not let them down – what the Arabs and the world does not take into account is that we, the Jews in Israel and the Diaspora live with
            “Never Again” and their hate unites us. We mourn our children killed by infiltrators, whether it happens in the North or in Eilat. They are all our children. We do not dance and pass around candies, when Palestinians are killed.

  • March 29, 2011 at 2:50 am

    Dear Imahad, “Out of the strong, came forth sweetness” does that ring any bells for you?. Regards, THOMASWADAMS.

    • March 29, 2011 at 3:36 am

      Like your words, this quote evokes in my mind the jawbone of an ass.

      • March 29, 2011 at 4:13 am

        Dear Imahd,good, as I recall, the jaw-bone of the Ass was the tool that quelled the multitude of Armies, my advice, be afraid, be very afraid, of the fruits growing out of Jewish despotism. Regards, THOMASWADAMS.

  • March 29, 2011 at 6:10 am

    I’ll grant you the ‘tool’ portion of your claim.

  • March 29, 2011 at 7:18 am

    “…when the Brits took it upon themselves to steal Sovereignty from the Arab Palestinians,”

    Lie #1–the Palestinian Arabs did not have sovereignty any more than the Jews did at the time of the Mandate; however, the British DID steal 80% of that Mandate and give it to the Palestinian Arabs.

    “it was firmly agreed by the Jews and the Brits, that there would be no disturbance to the resident peoples; that was the original commitment Jews made to the Brits and to the peoples concerned. ”

    Lie #2: the agreement was a Jewish state would be established without prejudice to the existing rights of the non-Jews living in it. That was before the Arab organized terror groups to attack Jewish civilians and aided and abetted the wholesale slaughters and invasions occasioned by the surrounding Arab states’ invading armies. Sorry, but you’re being disingenuous here–those that waged war against us reaped the bitter harvest; those who didn’t are still living in Israel, in their own homes and unharmed.

    “The Jews obviously had no intention of honouring that agreed condition because they immediately set about murdering the peoples, to actively cause them to flee, leaving the land vacant, making it easy for the Jewish Settlers to move in.”

    This is a complete falsehood, and the fact some post-Zionist Leftwing propagandist wrote it and also happens to be Jewish (Ilan Pappe, Benny Morris et al) doesn’t make it true. The opening shots of the 1948 war were fired by the Arabs, and their radios and riotous crowds chanted “Death to the Jews” and “We will throw the Jews into the Mediterranean, their blood will make the sea red!” Now THOSE facts are historically accurate and easily verifiable. The Holocaust had just ended three years earlier–we were not inclined to be slaughtered again like in Jaffa and Hebron in the 1920s and 1930s (look those mass murders up–no state, no occupation, yet the Arabs slaughtered their neighbors, defenseless Jewish civilians in their homes)

    “or do you think some other Nation of peoples is responsible for all these injustices perpetrated against and upon the Palestinian Arabs? ”

    Yes — the Arabs themselves bear the entire responsibility for the current state of affairs, having engaged in war and terror against the Jews here before, during and after the establishment of the State of Israel. Their hatred is attributable to one thing only: their bigotry and hate of a dhimmi people daring to stand up and create a sovereign nation in the ancient and historic homeland recognized as theirs since time immemorial in all literature (even the Quran) and granted by international law.

    A more recent example of this can be found in the Arab people’s treatment of other minorities seeking autonomy: go talk to the Kurds, the Assyrians, the Zoroastrians, the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Gaza…..NO ONE wants to live under the Arab people’s cruel, racist, discriminatory rule which deprives minorities of all rights, including the right to live when the Arabs riot.

    The Arabs hate the Jews because we created a “dhimmi” state, and a successful one, which challenges their Sharia-based hegemoney dictating that the Arab people are the Master Race of the Middle East.

  • March 29, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    Thomas and other bigots – let us for the moment, project ourselves into the “day after” the mean and naughty Islamists drive us evil Jews into the sea. Just imagine: A Garden of Eden filled with cute, innocent and peace-loving Muslims prancing through fields of daisies preaching love and good fellowship. Yeah, yeah and then the fun starts – wow!- Sharia Law sceeches one sweet, little old man with a long beard and funny clothes. And all of a sudden, ears, noses and hands are lopped off and fly through the air, eyes are gouged out, 8 year old baby girls are married off and raped, daughters and sisters are killed by fathers and brothers for dishonoring the family, women are buried in the sand and stoned to death for minor crimes. A child’s hand is crushed under a truck for stealing food from a market stall while adults look on and laugh, Homosexuals are hung in a public square and the list goes on and one – feel free to add as many atrocities as you can find.

    • March 29, 2011 at 4:18 pm

      Dear Avril, since we are democrats, we must start with “National Self Determination”, when Muslims live in a regime of atrocity, such as you describe, then it is up to them to either live with it or change it for the better, that’s it full stop. Other Nations should not interfere unless they are directly affected by those atrocities. We know already that such atrocities would not occur in Israel, but Israel would not be obliged or compelled to act against it elsewhere. Remember, we are discussing the Muslim Religion, having read the Koran quite diligently, I would assert two things; ONE, Gods word will always be what the Mullahs say it will be. TWO, The Koran can only be revised by the Prophet himself.It will not be revised by believers, it just cannot be done. This being true then Muslims must become enamored of a different belief system, and we also know that any Muslim rescinding his or her belief, is immediately and automatically judged, and any other Muslim is called upon to do the execution, thus reserving an honoured place in heaven. Violence cannot be used to change the belief in the true believer of any religion. It must be a personal decision, not one imposed by someone else. Therefore, we must leave People to learn and change of their own volition, all we can do is set a good example, and care for those really wishing to change their customs. Finally, we have no need to worry about the day Israel will be pushed into the sea, the U.S. simply would not permit it, there is a great surplus of Legislative pay-offs and bribes flowing from Jewish pockets, not to mention their control of all major Media.Regards, THOMASWADAMS

      • March 29, 2011 at 4:35 pm

        Fascinating! Which media? BBC? CNN? SKY? The Washington Post just wrote that THE settlements are THE reason there is no peace!

      • March 29, 2011 at 5:03 pm

        “Other Nations should not interfere unless they are directly affected by those atrocities.”

        I guess that accounts for the hundreds of thousands who have died (and the millions displaced) by the actions of the Sudanese government in Darfur. And the horror of Rwanda. Have you ever considered, Tom, a career as a UN diplomat? Just think, you could have your name ignominiously attached to the next genocide.

        Your answer to the Muslim world is that they must adopt another belief system? How patronising can one person be?!?

        Your worldview is remarkably angst-ridden and schizophrenic for a man who professes to have lived nearly 80 years. Your words have the affection of knowledge but not the substance of it. Isn’t it just possible that you’re really a passionate 19 year old girl?

        Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

  • March 30, 2011 at 8:09 am

    Facebook Shuts Down Third Intifada Group
    GOOD NEWS!!!!

    Despite previous statements saying they would monitor but not remove the inciteful Facebook group calling for a Third Intifada, Facebook administrators shut down the group early Tuesday morning in response to an enormous outcry from pro-Israel activists.

  • April 3, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Now we wait for the truth to be revealed about the incident on the terrorist ship Mavi Marmara – as the truth was exposed about the so-called massacre in Jenin (which never was) …… together with all the other oh, so many lies, slanders and fabrications about Israel – the next major falsehood to be uncovered are lies from Hezbollah and Hamas.

    Head of U.N. Panel Regrets Saying Israel Intentionally Killed Gazans By ETHAN BRONNER and ISABEL KERSHNER Published: April 2, 2011

    JERUSALEM — The leader of a United Nations panel that investigated Israel’s invasion of Gaza two years ago has retracted the central and most explosive assertion of its report — that Israel intentionally killed Palestinian civilians there.
    Richard Goldstone, an esteemed South African jurist who led the panel of experts that spent months examining the Gaza war, wrote in an opinion article in The Washington Post that Israeli investigations into the conflict “indicate that civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy.” “If I had known then what I know now,” he wrote, “the Goldstone Report would have been a different document.” His article, which was posted on The Post’s Web site on Friday night, follows a report submitted two weeks ago by a committee of independent experts led by Mary McGowan Davis, a former New York judge, that said that Hamas had not conducted any internal investigations of its own but that Israel had devoted considerable resources in looking into more than 400 accusations of misconduct. Mr. Goldstone’s article fell like a bomb in Israel, where many people considered the 2009 publication of the Goldstone report as one of the most harmful events in recent years. It was viewed as offering spurious justification for damaging accusations, which Israelis considered to be part of a campaign to delegitimize the state and label it as a war criminal. “We face three major strategic challenges,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last year, “the Iranian nuclear program, rockets aimed at our citizens and Goldstone.” On Saturday night, Mr. Netanyahu called on the United Nations to retract the entire Goldstone report. “Everything we said has proven to be true,” he said. “Israel did not intentionally harm civilians. Its institutions and investigative bodies are worthy, while Hamas intentionally fired upon innocent civilians and did not examine anything.” “The fact that Goldstone backtracked,” Mr. Netanyahu added, “must lead to the shelving of this report once and for all.” The Goldstone report documented numerous examples of the mistreatment of Palestinian civilians by Israeli soldiers, and he did not back away from those findings in his article in The Washington Post. Efforts to reach Mr. Goldstone by telephone and e-mail on Saturday were unsuccessful. Farhan Haq, a deputy spokesman for the United Nations, said it was up to member nations to decide whether to re-evaluate the report. Israel carried out its military campaign after years of rocket fire by Palestinian militants in Gaza against southern Israel. As many as 1,400 Gazans were killed during the three-week offensive in December 2008 and January 2009, including hundreds of civilians. Thirteen Israelis were also killed.
    During the invasion, graphic images of human suffering were broadcast around the world, and after the fighting ended, the United Nations Human Rights Council asked Mr. Goldstone, who is Jewish, to head an investigation into Israel’s actions. He said he would do so on the condition that he could broaden his mandate to include Hamas’s conduct as well. Israel considers the Human Rights Council to be deeply hostile to its interests and refused to cooperate with Mr. Goldstone or allow him into Israel to carry out his work. He said in The Washington Post article that the restrictions hampered his efforts, although he added that the council’s “history of bias against Israel cannot be doubted.” He and his investigators spent weeks in Gaza under Hamas’s auspices. The panel’s report said that the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza — a flour mill, sewage plant, chicken coops, water wells, a cement plant and about 4,000 homes — and the deaths of hundreds of noncombatants could only be understood as intentional. The report also said that Israel waged “a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability.” In his Washington Post article, Mr. Goldstone retracted that assertion, saying, “The allegations of intentionality by Israel were based on the deaths of and injuries to civilians in situations where our fact-finding mission had no evidence on which to draw any other reasonable conclusion.” Now, he said, Israeli investigators had presented evidence “that civilians were not intentionally harmed as a matter of policy.” Israel had tried in the past year and a half to counter the Goldstone report. In January 2010, Israel sent a 40-page letter to the United Nations defending the credibility of its internal military investigation into the army’s conduct during the war. In July, the Israeli military said it had indicted a number of officers and soldiers for their actions in the Gaza war. The army said in a statement that the chief military prosecutor had decided to take disciplinary and legal action in four separate cases, including against a staff sergeant accused of deliberately shooting at least one Palestinian civilian who was walking with a group of people waving a white flag. It was a case that was included in the Goldstone report. In addition, the chief military prosecutor ordered a criminal investigation by the military police into an airstrike on a house that killed 29 members of the Samouni family in Zeitoun, a district of Gaza City. Mr. Goldstone referred to that case in his article, saying that a commander had apparently misread a drone image and that an officer was still under investigation in the matter.
    The report by Ms. Davis, the former judge, was more critical of Israel than Mr. Goldstone acknowledged in his article. “Given the scale of this undertaking, much remains to be accomplished,” she wrote, “we noted that a number of investigations reportedly remain open.” In addition, she noted, “there is no indication that Israel has opened investigations into the actions of those who designed, planned, ordered and oversaw Operation Cast Lead,” which was Israel’s name for the military operation. In February, a group of Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups asked the United Nations Human Rights Council to take further action on the Goldstone report’s findings to ensure justice for the war’s victims. The Goldstone report upset not only the government in Israel but also many on the left who said the harsh critique made it impossible for them to raise other concerns. After the report, Mr. Goldstone was ostracized by Jewish communities in South Africa and elsewhere, even though he had long expressed devotion to Israel. A year ago, there was an attempt to bar him from his grandson’s bar mitzvah in Johannesburg, although he was able to go. Dan Bilefsky contributed reporting from New York.

  • April 28, 2011 at 10:49 am

    African Charge of Israeli Apartheid Rings Hollow
    Posted By Alan M. Dershowitz On April 6, 2011 A recent speaking tour about Israel brought me to South Africa, following a visit to Norway. Both countries are hostile environments when it comes to the Jewish state. In Norway, the three faculties of the Norwegian universities refused to host me, but student groups broke the boycott against pro-Israel speakers by inviting me to speak. In South Africa, the boycott held and I was precluded from speaking at any university.

    The South African boycott against me, as an advocate for Israel, was spearheaded by a sitting judge named Dennis Davis, who aspires to serve on South Africa’s highest court and who authored an op Ed in the Cape Times headlined “Dershowitz is not welcome here!” It was co-signed by a dozen other mainstream lawyers and academics strongly opposed to Israel.

    I was originally invited to speak to the faculty and students at the University of Cape Town but Judge Davis pressured the school to make it impossible for me to appear. The University’s excuse was insufficient interest in my talk to warrant the heavy security my presence would have required. So instead I spoke off campus. More than 1,000 people including hundreds of students showed up for my talk. Another 1,000 people attended a second talk.

    The justification offered by Davis for trying to censor me is that I have been critical of Bishop Desmond Tutu for calling Israel an Apartheid state and for accusing the Jewish people of being “arrogant,” “peculiar,” “claiming a monopoly” on God, and on the Holocaust. He also accused me of being opposed to peace and of supporting Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, despite my long term support for the two-state solution and the end of the occupation. And he totally mischaracterized my views on torture, collective punishment and academic freedom. I am critical of Bishop Tutu’s call for boycotts against apartheid Israel, because it is a totally false charge. Israel is the only nation in the Middle East that does not practice any form of apartheid: Jordan prohibits Jews from becoming citizens or owning land; Saudi Arabia practices gender apartheid; all Muslim countries engage in sexual orientation apartheid; Hamas is notorious for its anti-Christian apartheid; and the Palestinian Authority has said that “no Jew” will ever be allowed to live in a Palestinian state. Israel, on the other hand, is a racially diverse country in which Arabs serve in the Knesset, on the Supreme Court, on university faculties and even in the Cabinet. The court that recently convicted Israel’s former president of rape included an Arab judge. Nothing like this ever happened in apartheid South Africa.

    Indeed, Tutu’s South Africa, remains a far more segregated country today than Israel. Poor blacks live in segregated temporary settlements, and de facto apartheid can be seen throughout South Africa.

    Moreover, the South African government, the African National Congress and Bishop Tutu himself have far worse human rights records than does Israel. They have supported some of the most despotic regimes in the world, simply because the despots who head these regimes in Libya, Iran, Cuba, China, Zimbabwe, and the Palestinian governments in the West Bank and Gaza–sided with their legitimate struggle against apartheid in years past.

    Yet in a hypercritical display of double-standard immorality, they will never forgive Israel for its support of Dr. Klerk’s South Africa, despite the reality that most Arab and Muslim nations traded extensively with the apartheid regime. They demand a moral pass for serving as enablers of repression on the ground that these tyrants supported them, but they refuse to give Israel a pass for having supported a tyrannical regime that helped them during trying times.

    Bishop Tutu’s call for a boycott against the Jewish state is hypocrisy at its worst. First, a boycott is the personification of collective punishment directed against all Israelis, regardless of their individual views or actions. Second, it singles out only Israel for a boycott, while encouraging “reconciliation” (and trade) with some of the world’s worst human rights offenders. Third, it hurts the poorest people mostly blacks in South Africa. Consider the recent boycott of Ben Gurion University by the University of Johannesburg, a boycott encouraged by Tutu. Ben Gurion has helped Johannesburg with research on water purification, which affects many poor South Africans. This joint research project which helps South Africa far more than Israel has now been ended because of the Tutu-inspired boycott.

    Now Tutu has called for a worldwide cultural, academic and economic boycott against the Jewish state, a boycott reminiscent of the Nazi boycott of Jewish goods in the 1930s. The difference, of course, is that today a total boycott of Israeli products would include cell phones, Intel processors, numerous medical technologies and pharmaceuticals, and important environmental and agricultural innovations.

    I’m proud of standing up against Bishop Tutu’s singular bigotry against the Jewish nations and the Jewish people. I will continue to do so until and unless he stop applying a double-standard to all things Jewish.

    Yet I defend Tutu’s right and those of his sycophants such as Judge Davis to express their anti-Israel views. I would never try to censor them, as they have tried to censor me and others who express views supportive of Israel. The difference is I am not afraid of the truth, of debate or of the marketplace of ideas. Those, like Judge Davis, who tried to ban me from speaking on university campuses are clearly afraid to have all sides of the Arab-Israeli dispute aired. They have resorted to the age-old tactic employed by those who do not trust the public to make up their own minds: censorship of opposing views. That seems to be the approach taken by South African universities when it comes to Israel.

    South Africa thus joins Norway as among the nations of the world most intolerant of pro Israel–even moderately pro Israel–views. In at least one respect, South Africa is even worse: one major university has imposed a formal academic boycott against an Israeli university, thanks to Bishop Tutu; and another university has succeeded in preventing its students from hearing a pro-Israel speaker on their campus, thanks to Judge Davis. But in another respect, South Africa is far better: its vibrant Jewish community is willing to fight back against those who would censor pro-Israel views.

  • May 5, 2011 at 7:15 am

    Just a reminder that the current editing phase is coming to a close for the proposal “A Peace of Jerusalem”. If you wish to submit a comment or an idea for consideration, please do so quickly; the editing window closes on May 12th.

  • July 14, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    I am thrilled to have ‘stumbled’ across this blog, more persons in the world need to read this and view the photos. An excellent account of how life in Israel exists. I’m spreading the word, and the web address, and listing it on my FB.
    I will say that the writer ‘ThomasWAdams’ is a dangerous and deluded man, and his hatred just jumps from his sick and pathetic words. But I will say this, that anyone who tries to destroy Israel, will be met with such judgment, they will be utterly destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth, and this will include whole nations. G-D has spoken it, and it will be carried out.
    Long live the Eternal City of G-D, and the Throne of David!
    Blessings to the author of this web-site, and all who support Israel and stand against the wicked lies that this world spews forth.

  • Pingback: Arab Islamic Apartheid’s Racism of propagating the “apartheid” and “racism” slur against multi-racial truly democratic – equality Israel | Reality Show

  • Pingback: Arabs’ Racist “apartheid” Slur Crime – actuality - My Telegraph

  • February 10, 2012 at 9:07 pm

    The Zionist-Gov in the State of Israel constantly blame others for it’s Apartheid problem’s, the truth of the matter is that Israeli citizen’s are rising in greater numbers easpecially today concerning the Gov-Apartheid dangerous “Blow Back” that common citizens must experience as a result.

    Despite the Zionist-Gov now saying Israeli unrest is all due to the economy, it strongly appears that Zionism is collapsing from it’s own deceptive control over everyone… or attempt to control everyone, I believe Zionism is soon to see it’s own demise… from within. Watch the Israeli “Israel Society TV” on YouTube, if you can overcome the censorship and tons of propaganda trying to displace their truth.

    • February 11, 2012 at 11:18 pm

      Israeli society has problems, but being an open society everyone can see them.
      “Zionism is collapsing from it’s own deceptive control over everyone ..or attempt” you must be kidding?
      Anyone can put anything on YoUTube, I know what I see on the streets of Jerusalem and it is not apartheid.
      Where is your support for the Syrians, where is the world?

  • February 12, 2012 at 9:01 am

    DeWayne apparently missed the whole point of these pictures. Note to DeWayne–there is NO Apartheid in israel. Get a clue. We’re on the map. We’re staying. Find something to hate besides Jews and Israel. Get a life.

  • March 18, 2012 at 6:22 am

    Hi, this is actually a good post. You get my vote for Israeli Apartheid? The Real Jerusalem Streets and I will bookmark this blog right now.

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  • Pingback: Pallywood: A New Brick in Wall for Palestinian Girl | Israellycool

  • Pingback: Where are We Now: #Bring Back our Girls | Israellycool

  • Pingback: 6 Years in Jerusalem: Then, Now, Next | The Real Jerusalem Streets

  • Pingback: 18 New Photos of Arab Girls | The Real Jerusalem Streets

  • Pingback: 18 neue Fotos von arabischen jungen Frauen | abseits vom mainstream - heplev

  • Pingback: 5 Special Israeli Women on International Women’s Day – The Real Jerusalem Streets

  • Pingback: Arab women in the Jewish capital city - Israel Active

  • Pingback: Gute Nachrichten aus Israel — Wochen bis 11.03.2018 | abseits vom mainstream - heplev

  • Pingback: International Women’s Day Photo | Israellycool

  • Pingback: Dear UN: New Photos of Real Arab Girls | Israellycool

  • Pingback: International Women’s Day in Jerusalem – The Real Jerusalem Streets

  • Pingback: Photos of Special Israeli Women for International Women’s Day – The Real Jerusalem Streets

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