15 Real Photos of Arab Girls

As southern Israel is being pounded with hundreds of rockets launched

by terrorists in Gaza, the world is silent.

A few anti-Israel photos have been circulating for years.

The photo of a man holding a dead girl,

tweeted by a UN media employee that received so much attention,

is the same photo that I saw in 2008 under the caption,

“Israelis kill a lot of Arab children.”

This was the Google search top result for images of “people who smile a lot.”

I was not smiling and later began to take pictures of real Arab girls.

First, on the hot topic of Israeli soldiers and Arab girls,

only in a Bahrain street theater photo will you see a girl lying under a boot.

Israeli apartheid supporters might find it shocking that in Jerusalem,

"Israeli soldier" "Arab girls" apartheid

 Israeli soldiers walk on the same streets as Arab girls,

"Palestinian school girls", " Israel soldier" , "Muslim girls"

  by the Walls of the Old City near the Jaffa Gate

Israeli apartheid, "Palestian woman" "Arab lady'

and in the city center. Often they seem to not even notice one another.

Arab girls can be found on the ground,

"Palestinian girls" "Arab girls"

sitting and enjoying public performances,

Arab girls "Palestinian girls"

or just relaxing

"Arab women" "Palestinian women"

in Jerusalem’s public parks.

"Palestinian boys' "Arab boys'

Of course…the same goes for boys too.

"Arab girl' , "girl alone with boys' "Palestinian girl"

Where else would a Muslim girl be seen alone in the park with boys?

"Palestinians" snowman picture,

And famlies enjoyed posing with this snowman last week.

"Muslim girl" "Arab women"

An Arab girl might be dragged along by her mother,

shopping in Mamilla Mall

but in Mamilla Mall, most girls can be found happily shopping, both day

Mamilla Mall at night ,"Palestinian at night'

and night with no sign of BDS, Boycott, Divest or Sanctions.

"Arab girls"

Sitting on the steps in Mamilla Mall while texting on their phones,

"eating alone" "Palestinian girl"

 or sitting at a table alone,

"Arab women shopping' "Palestinian women'

shopping late at night at the Rami Levi supermarket,

"Rav Kav" "light rail"

or selling Rav Kav cards for the Jerusalem light rail trains…

these are real photos of Arab girls and young women in Jerusalem.

The world is ready to accept faked captions,

how about the truth?


176 thoughts on “15 Real Photos of Arab Girls

  • March 13, 2012 at 9:49 am

    Wonderful. You have a real knack for politically incorrect journalism – your pictures and text really tell a story that needs to be heard.

      • April 9, 2012 at 8:23 pm

        This has nothing to do with Political Correctness. You’ve done a great job, and I hope that those who need to see this post do so post-haste.

      • April 30, 2013 at 9:31 pm

        I think there was sarcasm there because PC has run amuck in this country and is preventing reality from being documented, I’m assuming this was a comment on that irony, but I could have misunderstood 🙂

  • March 13, 2012 at 9:59 am

    You see the positive things that gets lost in the media.

  • March 13, 2012 at 10:44 am

    or Sitting at a student workstation in the library at Hebrew University, poking away at the keyboard and working on her seminar paper.

  • March 13, 2012 at 1:03 pm

    This is so powerful, spread the word.

  • March 13, 2012 at 1:05 pm

    I can’t believe how you captured all of these. They are terrific.

  • March 13, 2012 at 2:53 pm

    I am a Palestinian Jerusalemite, and aside from your version of the truth, we simply live in a completely segregated society. These pictures are hilarious, reminds me of southern white supremacist bragging about the “Negroes” walking on the same streets and sleeping at the same parks… but deny them simple basic rights needed for a humane and dignified living. Uh, I forgot to mention that most of my extended family members have lost the right to live in their ancestral city of Jerusalem after having lived either in the West Bank or abroad for a certain period of time. This means now if they’re allowed to visit Jerusalem they will come as tourists (if they’re not already sent back to another country at the airport). Not to mention denying them to fall in love with anyone from outside their “Blue ID” circle, which risks them losing the right to be in Jerusalem and never giving them the right to bring their special someone to live with them there. this is not limited to falling in love with a West Banker, but also anyone who’s not an Israeli citizen. I mean, viva la coffee that I sip on occasionally at Yafa Street, if that’s the most I can get out of apartheid.

    • March 14, 2012 at 10:01 am

      I grew up in the South in the United States.
      Yes, Jerusalem is in many ways a segregated society,
      but it is NOT the same and not fair to be compared.
      These photos show that to use the word “apartheid” to describe the situation is not accurate.

    • March 14, 2012 at 10:14 am

      Such a pity the bahavior of so many Palestinians has brought such a situation on. Now if Palestinians didn’t spend all their spare time planning more creative ways to kill more and more Jews,and feeling sorry for themselves that their own actions have brought Israelis to mistrust them then just think what a wonderful world we could all live in, together

    • March 18, 2012 at 8:11 pm

      I think that all of these images are really stupid. Because they are trying so desperately to deny something that isn’t true in the first place… I’m not a murderer but do I go around with a massive sign stating “I am not a murderer please believe me!”…. trying to persuade people of this fact? Of course not!! Lol… its the same story. And naturally a Palestinian has come on this thread to exploit this obvious deficiency of your disfunctional and unneccessary post. Good intention but bad…. bad idea.

      • May 1, 2013 at 6:22 pm

        sorry, but you, Israeli lefters are so poor people. Come to Europe! you will see Arabs and muslims segregated too, why? because they want it. If you don’t live like muslims and accept their rules you are outside of their circles. They live in their own gettos because they want it

        • May 1, 2013 at 6:27 pm

          Some neighborhoods in Jerusalem are mixed, but many are mostly one group or another, religious like to live near other religious people. Many do want it that way.

    • April 9, 2012 at 8:31 pm

      You obviously haven’t witnessed a segregated American South. No Southerner “bragged” about “Negroes” sharing the streets with them. They hung “Negroes” in trees for looking at White women. They also beat the hell out of the Freedom Riders (Blacks and Whites) for the “crime” of desegregating sitting rooms. Care to mention how many Palestinians have been lynched in Israel? Care to take a picture of a “Jews Only” bathroom, water fountain, sitting room? Of course, I’m not surprised you use exaggeration to downplay a reality. Hate mongers aren’t the best thinkers, you know?

    • June 19, 2012 at 4:35 am

      OsSelman: What about my relatives who fled Iran for fear of their lives with nothing more than they could carry – are they allowed to come back? This was not an “ancestral home,” this was a house they paid for and lived in a few years ago! Shame on you, you selfish twit! At least you didn’t deny that in any Muslim country these same girls (in the blog above) would not be allowed to walk, shop, relax and socialize so freely.

    • December 6, 2012 at 9:30 pm

      I grew up in Apartheid South Africa. The so called Apartheid of Israel is light years away from what happened in South Africa. I remember being woken in the middle of night by the police to check that we did not harbor any other blacks other than those who were registered to be there. Our maids were not allowed to have their spouses or children living with them. Most black men were under a curfew, and had to live in absolute squalor in hostels. They were not allowed to hold any job other than menial manual labour. They could barely survive on what they earned, never mind being able to support families. As an aside 60% of the whites involved in the struggle were Jewish.
      The authors of Apartheid, Malan, and Verwoerd did their university studies in Germany at the time when the Nazi’s came into power. The total Apartheid system was a crib of what the Nazi’s did to the Jews, and others who did not fit into their Aryan mould.
      I can understand the Palestinians’ frustrations with the restrictions placed upon them. What everybody seems to conveniently forget that the Jews living here in Israel / Palestine have been attacked, and killed for centuries. It is no wonder there are restrictions, and other measures in place to try to prevent these occurrences happening.. These have been put in place out of fear, and a need to be able to live a normal life in their own country. Only in Israel is there a law to build a bomb shelter in your own home. Only in Israel is there conscription of school leaving teenagers to defend their country. This is not a normal life.
      When the Muslim leaders stop teaching the Muslim children, from 3 / 4 years old, to hate, and encouraging young boys to martyr themselves in mine fields, and as living bombs, can we begin to look forward to a normal society.
      This continuous conflict only benefits the arms manufacturers. The five permanent UN Security Council member nations are also the five major suppliers of arms. So it is their own economic interests to keep these conflicts on the go. Can you imagine a conflict free Middle East? It could quite easily become one of the greater economic power houses of the world.

      • December 6, 2012 at 9:46 pm

        Ralph, Thank you for your comment, especially meaningful coming as a former South African. I wish I understood the source of D. Tutu’s malice.

        • December 6, 2012 at 10:13 pm

          I am also confused about Desmond Tutu’s malice, I would have thought that he of all people would have a clearer view of what is happening here. I did not expect him to follw the rabble condeming Israel. There is a friend of mine Bernard Spong who at the time of the !976 Soweto Uprising was a Congregational minister in Soweto. He was asked by the Nationalist government to do the news reports on TV because he was the only person trained to give news reports on TV. TV was in its infancy in South Africa then. Of course he was very much aginst the Natinalist government. He wrote to me this week that he suported the BDS SA initiative, which really saddened me, as he was one person that could see through lies, and half truths put out by the BDS. I really looked up to him. He trained Desmond Tutu, ex President Mandella, and others how to talk, and appear in front of the TV cameras. He was the General Secretary of the Council of Churches. The correct name has just slipped my memory.

      • April 7, 2014 at 5:37 pm

        Tutu is Anglican. The Anglican Church has a long history of cultural antisemitism. It’s quite evident in books and memoirs, especially of trios to the Holy Land in the 19th Century.

    • April 30, 2013 at 9:29 pm

      Oh. Kind of like I can visit Yemen safely to visit my ancestral home? You have no leg to stand on. Advocate for real, lasting peace within your own community, stop teaching your children murder and hate. Realize that all the problems you’re talking about on this feed are NOT the fault of Israel or the Jews, but of your own people and the extreme factions of your religion that you just can’t seem to reign in. Call out the murderers for being murderers, call out the child brainwashers for those crimes, and perhaps we on this feed might start to take your horrible and uneducated comparisons seriously. The fact that you are freely posting on the INTERNET right now disproves every single point you attempted to make.

    • April 7, 2014 at 5:49 pm

      If your forefathers and relations in the “West Bank” had not been trying to murder Israelis (directly or by supporting those who did politically) there would be no need for a burdensome “Blue ID circle”. My Christian Palestinian cousins are fully integrated in society in Haifa and are quite Zionist…

    • December 5, 2016 at 6:37 pm

      You are correct. But at the same time, Jewish people are excluded altogether from many parts of their ancestral homeland. In fact it is likely to end in death if they wander into an Arab sector. Let’s face it, things need to improve bilaterally.

  • March 13, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    Kol HaKavod !

  • March 13, 2012 at 5:07 pm

    Kol Hakavod!! My sentiments entirely.

  • March 13, 2012 at 6:18 pm

    Excellent! Maybe you can network with other parts of israel as well…surely there are some like-minded photographers in other regions…haifa, jaffa, lod, ramle, gall etc

      • March 13, 2012 at 8:54 pm

        You’re doing such a great deal of good and your work really deserves to be spread as widely as possible!

  • March 13, 2012 at 7:37 pm

    Kol Hakovod Sharon, keep spreading the truth!

  • March 13, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    Israel has never been, is not an apartheid state. I’ve been to Israel and this I know.

  • March 13, 2012 at 9:24 pm

    Kol Hakovod, Sharon, you’r doing a graet and importent job.

    As a Israeli girl I can tell that Arab women can also be found shopping at Petah Tikva city, especially at the shops which sells “modest” clothes, (like long-sleeves shirts) next to religious jewish women.

    Keep on the good work:)


  • March 13, 2012 at 9:39 pm

    Personally, I think THEY are taking over the Jerusalem streets, parks and rec areas..

    • March 14, 2012 at 8:50 am

      Damn right. I mean its lovely PR and all of that but better a Jewish Israel that the world hates than an Arab Israel that the world loves. And any time you go to any park it just seems very arab dominated…

  • March 13, 2012 at 10:01 pm

    maybe next week you can take some photos of real arab girls waiting on the other side of the qalandiya checkpoint

      • September 22, 2012 at 9:53 pm

        Well said. For people like Jay, discrimination against Jews is a non-issue.

    • May 1, 2013 at 9:21 am

      And then again, maybe pictures can be taken of a father of five stabbed to death while waiting at a bus stop and maybe when the Palestinian stabbings and stonings stop and the Tag Machir acts on our stide stop – we can all take pictures of peace and the Arab girls on the other side of Galandiya checkpoint would be photographed standing together with Jewish girls with no checkpoint…..

      • May 1, 2013 at 9:51 am

        May your dream of a peaceful Israel become a reality very soon. I feel everybody should stop pointing fingers at each other i.e. “Oh you are to blame! No you are to blame!”. It just does not work it causes more, and more diversity, and conflict. When we can see the reality of these photographs, and live like that normally, that is the solution. The major obstacle is overcoming the hate that has been instilled from childhood for generations. Moderates on both sides need to make their voices heard above the voices of the radicals, especially in the international media.

        • May 1, 2013 at 10:14 am

          It’s your extremely unfair reasonable sounding equating of evil with good that’s the problem. One side, Islam, has hundreds of millions of genocidal adherents whose highest aspiration is to destroy everything not Islamic, period. No other people or belief has an open-ended war against everything not it. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com

          • May 1, 2013 at 5:06 pm

            I guess your are correct, but that shows what a mess we humans have made of this world. I think that with the five permanent members of UN Security Council are also the five major arms manufacturers in the world, it would not suit them to have a peaceful world. That would do major harm to their economies.

  • March 14, 2012 at 12:45 am

    I love your quiet, persistent determination to get the truth out there, in a world of lies and propaganda. Anyone who has been to Israel sees the truth in your photoblog. I am always enraged by the idiots who bleat on about “Israeli Apartheid”, as if they know a thing about either Israel or Apartheid.
    Keep it up!

  • March 14, 2012 at 3:02 pm

    I found a site called “think Israel” which refutes the myth of a Palestinian people. I certainly do not want to use your beautiful photos and comments as Israeli propaganda, but this site “think Israel” certainly opened me eyes. It is worth a look.

  • March 14, 2012 at 4:10 pm

    It is an entirely new phenomenon – to have a minority population in the middle east enjoy EQUAL RIGHTS!

    As Bibi said, there is no other country in the middle east where women enjoy such freedom!!!

    I will post this on my facebook page – you did an admiral job describing the truth.

  • March 16, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    And even here(from all posts), the only comment that seek for hatred, propoganda and brainwash, is the comment of the palestinian(my bad – “freedom fighter”).

    I just wonder… if the palestinians are so misrable and just want to live, side by side with Israel peacefully for ever and ever, they are so nice and never use terror, so why, why, for good god sake, wouldn’t those holly angels, take now, an offer that being suggested beside of various Israeli governments(including of the left, which i vote for), in favor of establishment of first ever palestinian state beside Israel.

    After all, if the tibetians would be offered by china to get 10% of what the palestinians been offered
    After all, if the kurds would be offered by turkey to get 10% of what the palestinians been offered
    So both of those groups, would jump on it it right away.
    So why, why, for good god sake, the palestinian saints, that been suggested by Israel, to get
    anything and everything it can offer(without to commit a self suicide)., didn’t take it right away…
    Something here is not clear, isn’t it?!

    So i have a guess…
    Maybe, just maybe, the palestinian agenda, is not to have a peaceful state beside Israel,
    as a last statement agreement…
    Maybe, just maybe, the palestinian agenda, is their will to replace sovereign Israel…
    Maybe,just maybe,the palestinians vote for Hamas,because many of them have a “wishful thinking”.
    Maybe, just maybe, the palestinians do not show Israel(in any size) on their maps in their schools
    (i wonder why, after all they want “real peace” with Israel)

    Nooo, it can’t be, they are saints, never use terror and Israel curfews
    in a matter to stop those angels, that never explode themselves among others , is Apartheid…
    Yeah, Right..

    Take care 😉

    • September 22, 2012 at 9:55 pm

      Any Arab politician who makes a deal with Israel would go the way of Anwar Sadat. It would be suicide to do so, even if they wanted to.

      • September 22, 2012 at 10:02 pm

        Sad situation right? There are many who just want to live and support their families. But external pressures are strong, just look at what happened in Arab world this week.

  • March 17, 2012 at 12:32 am

    A real eye opener!

  • March 19, 2012 at 1:09 am

    Israel should make every Arab Muslim swear allegiance to Israel or be repatriated along with the entire West Bank & Gaza populations back to Jordan & Egypt. The only people with the legal right to the land west of the Jordan River are Jewish Israelis, according to the 1917 Balfour Declaration & the April 1920 San Remo Conference. Repatriation of this extremely hostile population is, as it has been since the 1967 Six-day War, remains the most compassionate, effective way to solve the existential threat to Israel that is referred to as the “Palestinians,” a name not used by the Arab Muslims until the 1960’s. Tens of thousands of innocent Israelis have lost their lives, limbs, & precious properties because Israel’s non-representative leaders have for 44 years not had the brains, guts, or hearts to do what’s the absolute right thing, repatriate the hostile Arab Muslims.

  • March 19, 2012 at 1:12 am

    Palwatch.org & memritv.com show convincingly the threat posed by the overwhelming vast majority of Arab Muslims living west of the Jordan River.

  • March 22, 2012 at 4:33 pm

    Indeed, Israeli Arabs live two paradoxes. Although they suffer discrimination within Israel, they enjoy more rights and greater stability than any Arab populace living in their own sovereign countries (think Egypt or Syria). Second, they hold citizenship in a country that their fellow Arabs malign and threaten with annihilation.

    • March 22, 2012 at 6:58 pm

      Joseph – Do I have your permission to use your post in our fight in u-tube?
      Thanking you in advance.

  • April 18, 2012 at 1:07 am

    In reply to FactsRule; You are correct. In fact, the original division of land was TWO STATES: ONE FOR JEWS AND ONE FOR THE ARABS: The Jewish state was Israel and the Arab state was Jordan!!! That was the Balfour Declaration.

    No one today seems willing to discuss this part of history.

    • April 30, 2013 at 11:45 pm

      No it was not. The Balfour Declaration pertained to both Israel and what in 1922 was illegally amputated by Great Britain to create Trans-Jordan.

  • April 27, 2012 at 12:15 am

    Kol Hakavod! I’m sharing on my facebook page! Fantastic job!

  • June 19, 2012 at 10:34 am

    Seeing that we are back to this post, I figured I should add a few cents to it again. What the Arabs keep on forgetting is that they rejected all the plans ever since (and before) the Peel Commission 1937, UN 1948, well you all know the many peace proposals rejected and refused by them. Resolution 181 and 242 were accepted by Jews and rejected by Arabs. They are still fighting for these two resolutions which they originally rejected. Terrorist attacks, suicide bombings were the result of Israel building a hideous wall for OUR security. Are we back today to counting the missiles and recent attacks on Israel from Egyptian (Sinai) and how many will we absorb until Israel really retaliates AGAIN, emphasis on the word “RETALIATES”. Hamas has admitted that they are responsible for the attacks during the last few days.
    BTW OsSelman – if you are not happy and it is comfortable for you to blame Israel for all your ills, try changing your situation – Listen to a few of your Immams and leaders who are actually pro-Israel. You will find them all over u-tube – You can choose, Hate and suffering, or peace and security, living with dignity and prosperity together with Israel. Peace is the only way you will ever be free and so will we.

    • June 19, 2012 at 10:44 am

      Easy to forget San Remo, the history of Israeli rights and their being rejected is a long one.

      This post has been getting around a 100 views a day in the last few weeks, many in the Arab world.
      When it went over 20,000, I tweeted and shared it again.

      Not everyone has been around and loyal a reader as you Avril… and always love reading your comments.

    • April 8, 2014 at 11:46 am

      These comments were posted 2012 and 2013. It is now 2014 and nothing has changed. How pathetic that we have not moved forward. Stuck and dying in the same place…….

    • April 20, 2014 at 4:56 pm

      Dear Avril, I’m replying to your post of June 19, 2012, as I try to read past posts to so as not to be redundant in my questions or comments. Again, I will ask as I have in my recent posts, what is the possibility of “wiping the slate clean” and beginning with a perhaps a list “Ten Wants” from each side — Palestinian and Israeli — and begin talking. Forget about the disagreements “back home” on each side, forget about the numbers of deaths (as hard as that is to do), forget about the tunnels, the lines drawn in the sand, US resolutions that are spurned by one side or the other…..just start fresh.

      This might seem grossly naive, but I think that if a group of 4th or 5th graders were given such lists, they would be able to find a viable solution. Please don’t think I’m facetious. I AM serious.

      • April 20, 2014 at 6:09 pm

        I would like to say that I am proud to have such articulate and intelligent readers. I apologize that due to the last day of Passover starting now, there is no time for further comment. Be well.

        • April 20, 2014 at 7:23 pm

          Pascha for me. I understand. May you complete your celebration of Passover with peace and joy.

      • July 15, 2014 at 12:32 am

        Dear Sophia,

        There is no possibility for wiping the slate clean because the problem lies not in the deeds of the past but in the attitudes of the present. The Palestinians (and majority of the Arab world) celebrate the murder of innocent civilians as was evidenced yet again upon the Palestinian murder of three Jewish teenagers just weeks ago. When the very rare murder of a Palestinian by an Israeli occurred shortly afterward, Israeli society was aghast and ashamed at what one of their own had done.

        How can we start with a clean slate when one side (to this very day) will not recognize the other’s right to exist. The whole idea of “Peace Talks” with a party who has in its charter to destroy its peace partner is blatantly contradictory. Anybody who is asked to believe in the possibility of peace under such unchanged contradictory circumstances should be insulted – should ask incredulously, “Do you think I’m an idiot? The Palestinians openly admit to wanting to wipe out Israel; how can they talk peace?” Suggestions of peace talks under those circumstances turn even world leaders (including the U.S. president, the Israeli prime minister, and other heads of state) into a laughing stock.

        Maybe. Maybe, when they don’t want us all dead. Maybe then their might be a chance.

        I am not fond of quoting the person that said this, but she spoke well and true in this instance. “When they love their children more than they hate us, there will be a chance for peace.”

        But right now, they’d rather send their children on suicide missions to kill us. So whatever talk they talk of peace is just for public relations and nothing more. Some people say that it’s a minority that doesn’t want peace. But if that’s true, then let the majority revolt, take over the Palestinian rule, and make a peaceful society that can be peace partners with Israel.

        Until then, we literally have no partner for peace.

        May we all repent sincerely.

    • July 16, 2014 at 10:11 am

      I posted this on June 19 2012 – and I quote myself “Are we back today to counting the missiles and recent attacks on Israel from – (delete Egyptian (Sinai) and insert Gaza, and how many more will we absorb until Israel really retaliates AGAIN”, emphasis on the word “RETALIATES”. Hamas has admitted that they are responsible for the attacks during the last few days.
      Posting this on the 16th July 2014 – Hamas abducted and murdered in cold blood, three teenage schoolboys (not starting a “new” conflict, but continuing an “old’ conflict) and fired missiles from Gaza into Israel, during our mourning and even at their funerals.
      I don’t need to go into all the details of the escalation of missiles, Israelis RETALIATION and I think, Netanyahu’s clever move of accepting Egypt brokered cease fire – probably knowing full well that Hamas would not accept, first of all, any Egyptian suggestion, and secondly, because they still have not scored in their words a “significant victory” translated into “kill as many Israeli civilians as they can”.
      Let’s face it memories are short and selective, so it is too easy for anti-Israel members of the human race to forget that Israel unilaterally vacated Gaza in 2005, leaving irrigation systems, buildings and hothouses; Israelis were force ably and physically removed from Gaza and their homes destroyed. Not one Jew, soldier or Jewish house remains in Gaza, but Hamas razed the Strip to the ground and used it as a firing range.
      Needless to tell the world about Hamas missiles under apartment buildings, in hospitals and mosques. Needless also to tell the world by now that instead of planting vegetables and fruit trees to feed the families of Gaza, this terrorist organization used aid money to build smuggling and terror tunnels each tunnel at a cost of 12 million US dollars. It is estimated that Hamas had built over 1,000 of these tunnels each one costing 12 million dollars. How much money does it take to feed a Gaza baby?.
      In June 2007 Hamas attacked and killed Fatah members; destroyed all Fatah institutions and ruled Gaza with an iron fist, terrorizing their own people.
      The world is disorientated and dismayed at the suffering of Palestinian civilians, as they should be, as are Israelis…. but, there is always a but….. it is about time the world studied Hamas Charter, checked Hamas atrocities against their own people; the people of Gaza and against all Palestinians (not worth much to mention Hamas collaboration with Muslim Brotherhood, intent of killing Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai. Palestinian unfortunately will continue to suffer, until they, themselves shake off ashes and the yoke of Hamas, and declare to a forgiving world, that they are really peaceful; and then they will find that their greatest friend and ally will be Israel.

  • July 6, 2012 at 11:43 am

    Unfortunate, that there is a peace of land on God earth by the name of Israel. those Arab mothers should feel pitty who gave birh o such sons who caused this dilama

  • July 24, 2012 at 2:52 pm

    It is an entirely new phenomenon – to have a minority population in the middle east enjoy EQUAL RIGHTS!

    As Bibi said, there is no other country in the middle east where women enjoy such freedom!!!

    I will post this on my facebook page – you did an admiral job describing the truth.

  • September 23, 2012 at 12:26 am


    • September 23, 2012 at 7:44 am

      When I started taking photos, I never believed that we could change the minds of those who just hate.
      The Real Jerusalem Streets is for those who just do not know what is really happening, with things they would never see in the main stream media.

      • April 30, 2013 at 11:47 pm

        Those who hate with genocidal hatred, the overwhelming vast majority, are exposed regularly at palwatch.org and memritv.org and thereligionofpeace.com

    • September 23, 2012 at 8:35 am

      Quotes from Adolph Hitler’s infamous sidekick……Joseph Goebbels who was a brilliant propagandist – pity he was so evil.
      This is so relevant today concerning all the lies and trumped-up facts about Israel and the anti-Israel/Jewish hate which endeavors to eradicate Jewish history and beliefs. The problem for “them” is that Jews have documented proof (Dead Sea Scrolls), artifacts (seals with Hebrew script) and buildings (City of David). Jews have proven existence in the Holy Land reaching as far back to Abraham through to Jesus (a Jew) to David, Saul and Solomon including Jewish Judges and religious leaders/prophets.

      Goebbels quotes:

      “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

      “Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street.

      The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over”

      If we are attacked we can only defend ourselves with guns not with butter.”

      So true, even in todays mad, mad world.

      • September 23, 2012 at 10:03 am

        The reason The Real Jerusalem Streets was started was to get photos out in cyberspace to show the truth against the lies.
        This post alone has 34,000 views and is going strong, in India and in Arab countries around the world.
        Most are from Google thankfully, but many are coming from porn sites, I am keeping a list of the most clever names.
        I find it amusing and amazing how many are seeking nude Arab girls, but end up here.

  • December 7, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    I am changing direction today and going to Tel Aviv. I found the following post on u-tube which made me so angry, I just had to respond anywhere and everywhere I can – so forgive me Jerusalem, I wrote a short piece on my thoughts of Tel Aviv ……

    ” Israel is a fundamentally creepy country unlike any other. It has 2012 technology with the latest innovations in medicine superimposed over the 1950s, or even 19th century, political and cultural landscape of Alabama with the violent racism and lynching, like the one in Zion Square, and gov’t ministers saying Israel is for “the white man.” Vistors can be easily tricked into thinking Israel is a normal civilized country when they see all the latest technology.”

    My response:

    Tel Aviv/Jaffa
    On a T-Shirt in Tel Aviv “Don’t worry, be Jewish”.
    Driving into Tel Aviv, before one hits the rush and roar of the city, the green lawns and blue waters of the Yarkon river welcomes the visitor into the city, without warning the visitor of what to expect in the center city.
    Tel Aviv a cosmopolitan, active, modern and endearingly old and historical city. The hustle and bustle of people of all races, creeds, religions – race around the confusing streets on bicycles, electric bikes, hundreds of motorcycles and scooters. Busses and cars vie for a quick short cut in and out of never-ending traffic. The roar of the city, car horns, youngsters hotly debating, maybe the latest singer, fashion, boy/girl friends, or even politics and dressed as only young carefree youngsters can, in casual throw away clothes.
    Older Tel Avivians congregate in coffee shops debate with exaggerated hand movements, exchanging loud and heated arguments about the political situation, the price of gas and their pensions.
    Historical buildings are rejuvenated and spruced up to their original look, retaining memories of luxurious and exotic Jewish flavor, compete modestly next to high rise, modern skyscrapers.
    In this amazing, vibrant city with its pavement coffee shops, up-market boutiques and modern well stocked supermarkets and malls, one finds a multinational mixture of Jews, Christians, Muslims, tourists from China and India. Australian, South African, English and American accents ring out on street corners.
    Tourists from all over the world wander the streets and easily are identified by backpacks and their heavy walking boots.
    In the center of all the “bedlam” of this big, sprawling city, flowers of every color bloom on balconies and in unexpected tiny corners. One finds in surprise, a small patio, just behind a bush, with a chair, table and a huge bowl of amazing flowers – the windows are painted a bright blue and the floor paved in bright, almost florescent mosaic adds color and charm to hidden, private peace.
    Between streets of packed cars and impatient drivers are patches of green lawn and play grounds for children with benches under huge green trees, which create an island of normalcy with parents and caregivers playing ball with older children when not pushing toddlers on swings.
    Driving out of Tel Aviv on the way to the green hills of the North is a harrowing experience and Tel Aviv drivers obviously develop nerves of steel. There is nothing on earth like the fearless Tel Aviv driver, taking risks weaving in and out of traffic, in front of huge, rumbling trucks, mostly patient bus drivers and vehicles of all shapes, sizes and colors racing en route to home or to entertainment.
    Tel Aviv is a special, magical place for some and Tel Aviv is a nightmare for others who are homeless and penniless and for me Tel Aviv is Israel, at its best and its worst and I am always ready to get home to the North to wash my hair ………
    Am Yisrael Chai

    • December 7, 2012 at 1:24 pm

      Thank you Avril, always glad to give you a place to express yourself, as you do it so well,
      but I would like to add a few things in response to your original quote.

      In 2008, the GA was held in Jerusalem, I attended a session on “hasbara” and “branding”.
      We were told that research showed the more Israel talks of its tech, science and contributions, the more it is negative “branding”.
      It does seem true that those like who you quoted, do not care to hear anything good.
      I did find most offensive that he mentioned the “lynching” in Zion Square.
      First of all it was not a lynching, yes it seems an attack, but not a common event, but a bunch of kids on the street at night.
      Second, I wonder if he protested the man who was lynched in Gaza, then dragged through the streets for the international press?
      Thirdly, as in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Israel has many of the same scenes you described (but we have never driven out of TA without getting lost).
      I have many photos of international Arab visitors enjoying Jerusalem sites.
      One of my favorite is an Arab woman photographing Purim celebrations in Mamilla Mall.
      Sadly, your “friend” would never believe the truth, even with photos, he is too full of lies and hate.
      Shabbat shalom.

  • Pingback: Behind the photo pics in Jerusalem « Afternoon Tea In Jerusalem

  • December 12, 2012 at 7:14 pm

    Arabian all is very nice.

  • Pingback: Behind the photo pics in Jerusalem | Michael Horesh

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  • March 25, 2013 at 4:17 am

    who say,s this picture,sare made in israel and not in a park in new york :))

    • March 25, 2013 at 7:39 am

      All photos are from Liberty Bell Park and Sacher Park. Anyone who has been there will recognize them. Sorry I have not been to Central Park in a long time so do not know what it looks like now.

      • March 25, 2013 at 7:50 am

        You’re actually a bug.

        • March 25, 2013 at 2:51 pm

          Seems like someone does not want to know the truth. When I was on the Susan G. Komen for the Cure walk, which started in the Gan Sachar Park, at least one third of the women there were Arabs. It is a pity the men do not learn from the women how to make peace??? This comment from a man.

      • May 1, 2013 at 12:06 am

        I’m so sorry, I totally misunderstood your post. I thought you were saying that these were pictures taken in American parks, not in Israel, so I thought you were being evil and, like this was absurd, said an absurdity, that you’re a bug.
        I would like to say, however, that seeing Arabs living comfortably in Israel & having advantages over the Jews who have to give up their vehicles to the IDF annually, serve in the IDF, & cannot attend universities for two years after the Arabs, and knowing that not repatriating them to Jordan & Egypt allowed Arab Muslims to murder, dismember, & take the precious properties of tens of thousands of innocent people, is infuriating. Particularly because their leaders regularly make blood libels about the Jews attacking their Temple Mount mosque, which arouses world hatred against Israel.
        Appeasement & accommodation of the Arab Muslims has caused unspeakable harm & is in the end suicidal.
        The only effective compassionate solution to the overwhelming majority of Arab Muslims being incorrigibly genocidal is repatriation to Jordan & Egypt.
        Legally & morally, any Arab Muslim who won’t publicly declare their allegiance to Israel should most certainly be repatriated to Jordan, those in Gaza should all be told to return to Egypt.

  • May 1, 2013 at 10:25 am

    There is something very Israeli and perhaps unique – the combination of headscarves and tight, fashionable, Western clothes. I doubt that you will see much of that in surrounding countries.

    • May 1, 2013 at 11:59 am

      Interesting comment about the combination of dress, without the hair coverings, it is impossible to tell many Arab girls apart from the Israeli girls. All you have to do is go to any university campus in Israel to see for yourself.

      • August 3, 2013 at 10:12 pm

        “. . . the combination of headscarves and tight, fashionable, Western clothes. I doubt that you will see much of that in surrounding countries.”

        This combo is common in several surrounding countries. One can tell you have not visited those places.

        Great photos.

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  • August 5, 2013 at 12:26 am

    wao this the islam.i love islam thanks

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  • March 13, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    A great place for these kind of photos would be the science library at Hebrew U’s Givat Ram campus – I remember a few times seeing Muslim girls with the head scarves sitting studying at the same big round tables as Israeli air force cadets. Quite a contrast to the apartheid BS people love to spout – malcha shopping mall is another great location for these kinds of pictures.

    • March 13, 2014 at 9:25 pm

      So true! I was planning to do a new post with some of hundreds of photos I have collected, but got set back time-wise yesterday. Went to southern Israel and spent two hours in bomb shelter when firing started again from Gaza.

  • April 8, 2014 at 11:55 am

    The Israeli answer to BDS is BIG – BUY ISRAELI GOODS

      • April 8, 2014 at 2:25 pm

        Shalom to you. I am still fighting for Israel, wherever and whenever I can.
        I wish you, your family and all Israel supporters Chug Pesach Samach and Happy Easter.
        Our new slogan is THINK B.I.G. (BUY ISRAELI GOODS) Spread it around.

      • April 20, 2014 at 9:31 am

        I saw this on a u-tube site and thought it appropriate:
        “Antisemitism is a form of immoral flatulence – all stink and no substance”.

  • Pingback: Marathon Jerusalem Pictures - Marathon and Half Marathon

  • April 19, 2014 at 12:21 am

    I’m impressed with the prospect of a tour of the “real” Israel, but part of that reality MUST be a REAL Palestine. No rhetoric, no hype, just an honest and just opportunity for Palestinians. I pray daily for an Israeli leader who will make the right, humane, and GREAT decision to fully support Palestinian statehood. Until that is achieved, there is nothing to impress me about Israel as it exists today. I was so very proud for and of Israel in 1948, but I can’t be now in view of all the hatred and injustice that i have heard from Palestians and Israelis themselves.

    • April 20, 2014 at 9:28 am

      There is such a lot to be impressed about the ‘real” Israel, and with the utmost respect to you, do you also pray for a Palestinian leader who will make the right, humane and GREAT decision to stop incitement in Palestinian education system; stop Palestinian leader’s incitement and lack of foresight
      to solve this problem once and for all (for the betterment of their own people, the Palestinians). In short, to make peace. There is always a price to pay. Israel, since 1985 has released over 3,000 Palestinian prisoners (in our minds, they are the mass murderers of our children, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters) Israel withdrew unilaterally from Gaza and Lebanon and received thanks by way of vicious missiles in the South and North. But, you must know all this already, so no use going into all the compromises, Israel has already paid for. Everything is available in Google for research.
      Do you also maybe, pray for Abbas to stop ‘blackmailing” Israel, upping requests and threats every time the talks do not slide along the way the Palestinians would like them to.
      I can understand your disappointment and anger at Israel, but according to statistics, Israel cannot be wrong and blamed 100% of the time, for 100% of the conflict.
      You state that you were so very proud of Israel in 1948 and WE still are. We are the Jews/Israelis who are passionate about Israel, see Israel’s “wrongdoings” but we live the reality of terror attacks and bombings, which are the end product of Palestinian frustration, because we just refuse to lie down and commit national suicide to please Abbas, John Kerry’s “poof” and Catherine Ashton, who finds time to condemn Israel for it’s terrible crime of building houses while she juggles Syrian genocide, Ukraine/Russia “occupation”, Iranian nuclear ‘smiley’ agreements and all the other really ‘not important’ issues on her busy schedule.. It is said that women can multi-task but don’t you think she is taking this talent a bit too far?
      You are entitled to your opinion, but at the same time, please take the time to see the whole picture, the whole history and the trick of being fair, is to be fair – to both sides…….
      With respect…..

      • April 20, 2014 at 12:07 pm

        As always thank you Avril for a great comment. I was not sure where to start answering Sophia and you did it so well.

      • April 20, 2014 at 4:19 pm

        I truly appreciate your reasonable comments. Here’s a point that I would like you to comment on. While I realize that Abbas might not be the ideal negotiator, who, in your mind is? Today it/s Abbas, yesterday it was Arafat, before that the nameless and countless other Palestinians who, frustrated at the promise of 1948 and their homeland not coming to fruition, have lashed out. They’ve lashed out at the world, at Israel, and the US. How do you reconcile this dilemma? I sincerely would like to know how increased encroachment on Palestinian land is justified. Israel is not setting up a “green zone” but building residential and commercial settlements exclusively for Israelis, or Jews from outside of Israel. Two actions by Israelis that troubles me the most is the cutting off of water supply to some Palestinian villages, and destroying ancient olive groves. How can this be? These action that seem passive-aggressive in psychological parlance, are inhumane. What comes to my mind is the despicable treatment that Jews in European countries had to endure for centuries. So, what I wonder, is how can Jews living in their own country, free to practice their religious and cultural traditions, do unto others as they hated having done unto them. Modern day Palestinians are not the ones who persecuted European Jews. This is part of the situation that I see. Tell me more about what I’m missing.

        My father and maternal grandmother are survivors of the Armenian Genocide, so I know about human suffering, intolerance, injustice, life in the diaspora. When Israel won it’s right to statehood in 1948 I looked at it as a proud moment for Human Justice, a way forward for humanity. I hailed the moment as a time when (I thought) the world would never again allow oppression and genocide. But that has not been the case as you well know.

        I know that there are many Israelis who have spoken out about their own government’s injustices to Palestinian people (Christian and Muslim). I have such friends. I try very hard NOT to view the situation as black and white, but want to see more of the gray areas, which I believe hold the keys to peaceful solution. There is nothing I pray harder for than for Peace in the World, and I would like to see it begin in Israel-Palestine. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      • May 29, 2014 at 10:26 pm

        Sophia, you ask, very reasonably “. While I realize that Abbas might not be the ideal negotiator, who, in your mind is?”

        That’s not the responsibility of the Israeli to supply. That is the responsibility of the Palestinians to provide. If the only other viable choices include the crazies of the Hamas and the kleptocrats of Fatah (who are not so different from Hamas in ideology, I note), , then it is reasonable to conclude that there are no negotiators that can be trusted. It really is that easy, although of course the results of such a conclusion are catastrophic for the Palestinians. But that isn’t a conclusion that is based on prejudice, or hatred, or anything else like that. Its a rational and realistic assessment of the situation. Are you saying that Israelis should act contrary to their rational interests, because the Palestinians are caught in a political quagmire of Palestinian creation? That would be unreasonable, I think.

        Now, as to increased Israeli encroachment on Palestinian land: who said it was theirs? The legal status of that land is debated: it was part of the League f Nations mandatory Palestine, directed to be part of the future national homeland for Jews. It was then seized by Jordan in a war of aggression, then taken back by Israel in a defensive war. Jordan renounced claim to it, so….it belongs to Israel. That’s it. Personally, I think Israel pretty much has to withdraw from most of it, but that is neither here nor there.

        I agree with you: unethical actions by Israelis bother me too. Do bombings, rocketing, knife attacks, rock throwing and state funded religious incitement, and institutionalized racism by Palestinians “really bother” you too? Does the Palestinian insistence that the Palestinian state be effectively Judenrein bother you? Does the uncomfortable fact that the Palestinians very definitely chose he wrong sides in three wars of aggression aimed at the destruction of the Jewish state “bother ” you? Maybe if you are going to ask “What am I missing” you should ask yourself that before you post.

        • June 1, 2014 at 9:19 am

          Shalom HIHO – Yesterday, I checked this site thinking that I had missed Sophia’s response to my long answer to her. Today, I find yours. I am very impressed with your eloquence and setting out the facts as they are, and as I also perceive them to be.
          As far as I am concerned, Abbas has let his side down as well as the Israeli side. Out of spite, or out of deliberate intention, he sabotaged the peace talks with unending demands to release mass murderers of our children (His requests to UN organizations are less bothersome as Palestinian mass child abuse with regard to their educational system and incitement, need to be condemned by all world bodies.)
          The unity government which is expected to be announced today, digs Abbas and Fatah neck deep into a black hole of their own making. It is not as if Abbas and Fatah do not understand Hamas intentions and charter to eliminate the State of Israel and yet they ‘not so joyfully” hold hands at parties and are kissy, kissy in dark corners….
          Palestinians refuse to acknowledge that their leadership has only brought disaster and suffering on their own people – in actual fact Palestinians have had only two leaders – the first leader Arafat, made wrong choices his whole life and weak and ineffectual Abbas, whose pathetic decisions are based on spite and revenge against Israel, instead of peace, prosperity and respect for his people.
          As is so often stated “the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity” – this decision to become a ” blended albeit dysfunctional,family” with Hamas is the latest in a long list of very miserable decisions made by Abbas. It’s not as if he had no other choices – he weakly gave into Hamas pressure and started a love affair which is predicted to start a blood fest between Fatah and Hamas based on the Syrian scenario….
          What can Israel do? Our Government, if it thinks this though, should withdraw from the West Bank but protect the designated areas of Judea and Samaria. We should withdraw all our soldiers from the West Bank and deploy them to protect our citizens in the settlements.
          Hamas can enter West Bank (of Jordan) with his chariots of fire, lies, assassinations, lynching, shooting and mayhem and Fatah will be happy to receive them with candies and flowers. After-all is this not what Arab unity is all about?????
          The main point is that Israel should not interfere or intervene except for humanitarian aid to wounded Palestinians as we do for thousands of Syrian wounded.
          Unethical actions by Israel – during war terrible acts are carried out by both sides. One has to see all three sides – The beginning, the middle and the end or in other words – who started, what happened and the end result…….. oh, I forgot – one should always blame Israel to make one feel better in all instances but remember to leave out the words “in retaliation”……when reporting that Israel killed XXXX Palestinians (for lobbing missiles into Israel) or any other Palestinian atrocity….

      • July 15, 2014 at 1:44 am

        My dear Sophia,

        Much of the Israeli injustices you speak of are untrue propaganda.

        Do you know what happens if I don’t pay my electric bill. My electricity gets shut off. Do you know that that the Palestinians are getting their electricity for free from Israel? And I am being forced to help pay their 1.5 billion sheqel (approximately 1/2 billion dollar) bill.

        A rocket from Gaza damaged powerlines to Gaza recently. Israelis came into a very dangerous area under IDF escort to fix those very powerlines which the Palestinians damaged and which carry free electricity to the Palestinians.

        The Palestinians continue to fire rockets at civilian population centers and use their own kindergartens, schools, hospitals, mosques, and civilians to shield themselves.

        But do you know any army today other than the IDF who uses precision weapons AND warns the people at their targets by leaflets and telephone before they strike? I’ve seen live footage from Israeli military aircraft cameras of strike missions aborted because their were a few civilians in the way. Is this a country that would systematically oppress any people?

        (If you don’t believe the contrast, check out this video where an Arab admits on Arab television that they fire upon civilians and that Israel tries hard not to and that’s why they can’t lodge complaints with the ICC : http://blog.camera.org/archives/2014/07/wheres_the_coverage_palestinia_11.html)

        And a very cogent point by HiHo that it’s not up to Israel to find someone to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians. In any case, would they accept being told by Israel who should negotiate for them? Of course not. The Gazans have already chosen their representative, and unfortunately it was the terrorist group Hamas. It would be fantastic if they’d change their minds. And even Abbas rarely denounces Hamas’s terrorist actions, and when he does, it’s strictly for public relations.

        You write about the Palestinians that they are “frustrated at the promise of 1948 and their homeland not coming to fruition”. The original promise of a Jewish homeland included all of present day israel, the west bank, gaza, and the kingdom of jordan. Due to Arab pressure, Arabs got Jordan (75% of the original land promised), and then the remaining 25% was later split between the Jews and the Arabs, which means the Jews ended up with about 12.5% of the land. And then when Israel declared it’s tiny state, the Arabs attacked and the Jews won approximately the pre 1967 borders. So the non-fruition of their state was really their own doing.

        You write: “I sincerely would like to know how increased encroachment on Palestinian land is justified.” First of all, the 1967 war began with a preemptive Israeli strike as all the surrounding Arab countries were amassing their armies around Israel’s borders. Israel has offered over 97% of that land (gained in 1967) to the PA on more than one occasion (the remaining 3% to be made up with other land), and the PA outright rejected it. In 2005, when Israel completely withdrew from Gaza, the Gazans entered the deserted Jewish farms and homes and utterly destroyed them instead of using them for productive purposes. And then they chose the terrorist group Hamas as their leader, a group who rains rockets down on Israel. (These last few weeks are not the only time they’ve shot their rockets at us.) So when Israel takes control of any part of Gaza or the West Bank, it’s only to protect its citizens, not to “grab” more land.

        You write “My father and maternal grandmother are survivors of the Armenian Genocide, so I know about human suffering, intolerance, injustice, life in the diaspora.” I appreciate that very much. Many people can’t identify with those things.

        And you write “When Israel won it’s right to statehood in 1948 I looked at it as a proud moment for Human Justice, a way forward for humanity.” Thank you for your support.

        Please understand. There is no ancient people left in the world but Israel. Egypt, Babylon, the ancient Persians, the Assyrian and other ancient Greeks, the Romans. They’re all gone. No people has survived a complete and utter diaspora of almost 2000 years. We are a hated people and there is no people in the world that has been lied about more than us. I am not saying this for sympathy. It is a simple fact, and we have only our sins to blame for it.

        May we all see the Kingdom of Peace soon.

  • April 20, 2014 at 11:58 am

    I feel that there has been generations of hate building, not only between Israelis, and Palestinians, but also between the diverse groups of Israelis. Like between the Charedi, and the so called Chilulim (I find that term very judgmental). I sincerely believe that our political leaders, and the Rabbonim of all Dati sectors should get together and work out a way to have peace among us Israelis. What we have at the moment is שנאה חינם (baseless hatred). We lost the second temple, and were exiled from Israel last time. We have so much more to lose now. Our political leaders also need to realize that Hashem is in control not the President of the USA, and to tell the world that Hashem gave the land to Israel not some man made corrupt organisation. I believe Hashem will give us peace with our neighbours once we make peace amongst ourselves.

    • April 20, 2014 at 12:10 pm

      Another great comment. Thank you Ralph. Agreed, the sinat himnum, conflict between Jews is extremely upsetting.

      • April 20, 2014 at 1:23 pm

        A simple solution to Israel’s problem:
        Abbas has requested that Israel present a map showing OUR borders. So…. let us now draw a line on a map showing the borders WE ARE prepared to accept. We don’t need Palestinian or world opinion. The new borders should include Judea and Samaria, the whole of Jerusalem – remember that the Arabs refused Barak and Olmert’s offers – not necessary to remind readers that the Arabs refused 1947 United Nations Resolution 181 plus all offers ever since 1937 Peel Commission.
        Upon presentation of the new borders on a “take it or leave it” offer, Israel should withdraw unilaterally once again, this time, from the West Bank of Jordan – and leave the Palestinians to receive aid from Arab countries. Arab countries are to supply electricity, gas, fuel and medical aid to wounded and sick Palestinians in Arab hospitals. Israel should not wait for Abbas to hand over the keys as he threatens, but should reject taking the keys outright.
        Hamas will enter the vacuum in West Bank, left by Israel and “occupy” the area, Egypt who is fighting Hamas terrorists by blowing up smuggling terror tunnels and targeting Hamas fighters in the Sinai, will “protect” the South;
        America and EU who black-listed Hamas, a terrorist organization, promise to back Israel (if they can be trusted); in the fight against Hamas.
        So one and one make three …..
        1. Israel withdraws,
        2. Hamas “conquers” the West Bank;
        3. USA, EU, Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey conquer Hamas; problem solved….
        And all Israel did was to withdraw unilaterally. AGAIN, taking a chance for peace and/or missiles and suicide attacks.
        Hamas who is presently in a weakened position with not too many friends in the world, will solve the problem of Abbas and hard-liners in the Palestinian arena; and then Israel and allies can deal with Hamas on Israeli terms.
        Hamas as opposed to Palestinians make their views and charter very clear to Israel and it is the story of “know thy enemy”. We know Hamas, its capabilities and its lies.
        Hezbollah perched on the hills of South Lebanon will be forced to acknowledge that it cannot really deal with the quagmire in Syria, will hopefully not be too willing to fight on the side of Hamas against the powerful armies of USA, West, Turkey, Egypt and Nasrullah still has to answer for the too many Lebanese dying in Syria. Nusrallah is losing his self-anointed popularity.
        Will the world still condemn Israel for once again withdrawing for peace to leave the Arabs to get “on with it” as they do so well……..

    • April 20, 2014 at 4:45 pm

      Ralph, I don’t think that any President of the US was ever in control of “giving” Israel it’s own country, or claimed to have done so. As for your comments regarding the disagreements amongst Israelis, I agree with you that this must be a serious problem. I believe, as well, that Palestinians have such parallel problems. But what actual “feet on the ground” to use a hackneyed phrase, actions can be taken? If everyone involved, agrees to disagree, then maybe progress can be made. But if name-calling and walking out of discussions is the only response, what can result?

      I have many discussion with dear friends and beloved relatives, and we almost always agree to disagree, and each having “strong opinions” try to reach what in ethical talk is called a TRILEMMA, searching for a third solution. One can sort of make a Venn diagram and work out a few points that work, and agree to set aside those that don’t. “Peace amongst ourselves” is a tall order. Thank you.

      • April 20, 2014 at 5:47 pm

        Perhaps we just have to bite the bullet, and wait for the Moshiach. In the meantime we should try to understand the other’s point of view, and perhaps that would help them to understand us. That would surely lead a more peaceful existence for all of us if we all did just our little bit.

    • July 16, 2014 at 10:35 am

      Ralph – well said.
      We are stubborn Jews and need to make peace between ourselves.
      From the Mishna: A heathen came before Shammai and said to him, “Make me a proselyte, on the condition that you teach me the whole Torah, while I stand on one foot. Shammai chased him away. When the same heathen came before Hillel he asked Hillel to teach him the Torah while standing on one foot. Hillel replied “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor; that is the whole Torah……

  • April 20, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    Dear Avirl, thank you again for your comments. I especially appreciate the details, a few of which I’m not an expert on, but will research for the sake of conversation. Moreover, I so very much appreciate your sense of rationality. So many times when I try to converse with Israelis, I get back vile language, hatred of the US (and God knows we’re not perfect, but which country and which leaders are?).
    My point is that nothing comes from name-calling and insults.

    If we start at the premise that a lot of bad actions have been taken in the past (can we say, centuries!?) by many people. Those people have become polarized over the centuries, and especially today, right now. So much blood has been shed by so many. Okay?

    At what point will leaders on both sides arise and take the noble and humanitarian steps to heal the rift, destroy the hatred that exists on both sides. People of the world are polarizing themselves around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I know it’s not easy, the issues are not black and white. But who are the Israeli and Palestinian leaders who are capable of leading the charge. I don’t have much faith in those who simply dig in their heels and draw lines in the sand or on paper. Do you think there will ever be a point when Israel and Palestine will have leaders who will say, “no more involvement-intervention by foreign countries, WE will solve our problems between us.”

    In other words, is it possible for Palestinians and Israelis to “wipe the slate clean” and begin anew with fresh and honest and viable ideas? I think that’s my central and burning question. Thank you.

    • April 20, 2014 at 6:01 pm

      Do you know that you are one of the very few people whom I have met on line, who really and truly has something of value to say. I need a bit of time to formulate my answer and will get back to you as soon as I can.

    • April 21, 2014 at 6:39 pm

      I apologize in advance for such a long post; this is not a history lesson or a lecture, but questions are short and answers cannot be a one liner trying to explain the complexities of this conflict.
      I am going to jump in at the deep end and see where this takes us…….
      Please name at least one Palestinian leader/negotiator before Arafat?
      Palestinians claim that they have an ancient history going back thousands of years but they have never actually provided believable, touchable proof of this claim.
      Yasser Arafat was their first leader and he even went so far as to recognize Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people in 1988 and again in 2004. Arafat stated unambiguously that the Palestine National Council accepted two states – Palestinian and Jewish.
      Why does Abbas not endorse Arafat’s statement? This is one of the main problems – Abbas has backtracked on Arafat’s agreements and statements.
      The creation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem:
      Arafat compromised with Israel when it called for Palestinian Authority over areas “captured” by Arab forces (not Palestinians) during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War; Today the area is recognized as West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.
      The name West Bank was coined by King Abdullah of Jordan in 1950, claiming the territory,Jordanian. The name has stuck and is used now universally – people forget that the land was originally Judea and Samaria dating to biblical times (seen in maps, books and documents up to 1950). Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, during the Six day War in June 1967.
      Who were the Palestinians?
      Before 1948 JEWS AND ARABS living in Palestine were called Palestinians.
      Arabs adopted the “nationality” of Palestinians after 1948 implying that they were the indigenous inhabitants of the land and that it was the Jews who were the foreigners and interlopers. The word Palestine was invented by the Romans for political reasons.
      Israel has extended generous offers enabling the creation of a Palestinian state – the Palestinians rejected all offers.
      Walid Shoebat who was a former Fatah terrorist – quote: There was no Palestine nor were there Palestinian leaders; “Why is it that on June 4th 1967, I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?” “We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians – they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all of the sudden we had a Palestinian flag.”
      It was Abbas himself who said on ISRAEL TV that the Arabs (not Palestinians) had made a huge mistake by refusing their homeland granted to them by United Nations 1947 – Resolution 181.
      Does this answer your question about ‘increased encroachment on Palestinian land” – It was never Palestinian land – but Israel has recognized Palestine as a State only on the basis of their
      bobba meises (granny stories) that the land is legally theirs!!!
      It is true that settlements are exclusively for Israelis, but not necessarily just for Jews from outside of Israel. –but for Jews in general.
      On the other hand Abbas has declared many times that a Palestinian State will be “judenfrei’ – free of Jews – now that is apartheid, don’t you think???
      There are conflicting reports in internet about the water issue and I really cannot answer you truthfully, some reports say that Palestinians are lying and stealing water; some say that Israel withholds water; some say that Israel allocates less water to Palestinians; and some say that the Palestinians have not paid their water bill to Israel.
      If you are familiar with the Tag Machir (price tag) acts – they are committed on both sides.
      Both sides destroy each other’s crops and steal each other’s flocks or herds.
      There are reports that Arabs secretly plant olive groves inside Israel, and claim that they have been there forever, when one can clearly see that they are young trees. So both sides provoke each other. The lists on both sides are long, gruesome and unnecessary…….
      I saw a video on u-tube called “Why are Palestinians paying the sins of the Holocaust”? And found this comment which basically says it all (from our point of view)
      The Palestinians are paying for their own sins of refusal of their homeland in 1947, their choice to go to war in 1948, their choice to start the lst and 2nd intifadas, their choice of threats of a third, their choice to be used as pawns in the political games by their Arab brothers, their choice to strap on suicide belts and kill innocent Israeli babies, their choice to shoot and throw boulders on Israeli vehicles with intent to kill, their choice to educate their children with hatred, their choice of blackmail to keep the peace talks going, their choice to incite at United Nations for a pity vote, their choice to demand the release of mass-murderers and child killers to welcome them home as heroes and pay them “salaries’ for killing us, their choice to try to erase our history, our prophets, our ancient heritage and claim to this land, their choice to refuse us our choice of a peaceful life – they are paying for their choices and they blame us. They are not paying for the sins of the holocaust; they are trying to encourage another one”.
      End Quote.
      Genocide of Armenian people should be recognized by the world, together with Biafra, Sudan, Yemen, Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia, Darfur and the far too many to mention here. DID YOU WATCH THE NEWS ABOUT SOUTH SUDAN, JUST THIS WEEK???????
      Israel’s proud moment of human justice would have been just that, but it was hijacked, one day after the Declaration of Independence in 1948 when six Arab armies declared war on Israel. They have never given up trying to annihilate us and quite honestly they have not given us too much time or energy to worry about human justice as missiles fall on our heads and our children are maimed, orphaned and murdered.
      Today 21st April 2014, ten missiles have been fired from Gaza into Israel. Was this reported in your media? Israel retaliated (emphasis RETALIATED) – that part would be reported.
      I agree we see the world still allowing genocide to take place in front of us, as we eat our dinner and watch TV.
      Israel practices free speech and anyone from the little guy in the street to a top official in the government or army, has the right to express his/her opinions without the fear of execution, as is done in Arab countries, in the West Bank and in Gaza.
      Do you really think that if peace was made between Israel and Palestine that would be the end of wars in the Middle East? Remember that this conflict is not only about land, but also about religion.
      Maybe we could have a truth and reconciliation (forgiveness) peace treaty, as was done in South Africa. They held trials and the atrocities committed by the White government were “forgiven’ by Black South Africans who suffered under Apartheid laws.
      Netanyahu’s priority is security for our land and people. If Abbas agrees to borders and security, there is a chance….but Abbas wants Israel to free prisoners plus, plus with never ending and new (hot off the press) demands.
      Israel is the size of New Jersey. West Bank is “next door’ and can be seen from the main highway Road Six. West Bank is within walking distance of Road 6. It is well within Palestinian shooting and
      rock-throwing range on Israeli vehicles travelling on the main road.
      Imagine the size – it is a one day drive from the North (Metulla) to the South (Eilat) of the country – it is about fifteen minutes drive from its narrowest point in the center of the country – Netanya/Hetzlia.
      Neither side has a Gandhi or a Mandela – but then again we do have Kerry with his ‘poof”.
      The leaders and negotiators are grown men, not babies and they have the gift of language and intelligence, but sometimes their own people and politics get in the way of peace-making.
      As there are fanatical Palestinians/Arabs who will not accept a peace deal, there are fanatical Jews/Israelis who also don’t.
      How can we wipe the slate clean, when the slate is splintered and drenched in centuries of hate, lies, blood and politics?
      Please feel free to check out any facts in my post and if you disagree or find a discrepancy, let us discuss it.
      I posted a second comment “A simple solution to Israel’s problems”

      I have tried to answer your questions as honestly as I could, from my point of view. I apologize in advance if offend you in any way. It was not my intention.
      I look forward to ‘speaking” to you again.

  • May 3, 2014 at 2:21 pm

    I’ve studied in one of Israel’s most prestigious universities, which had roughly 20%-30% Arab students. Being in an engineering faculty, the male population was dominant among the Jewish students, while there was a surprisingly high number of Arab girls studying for degrees that were traditionally male-oriented.

    I was and still am, an officer in the Israeli Air Force, but It never interfered with my academic relations. Most of my lab partners were Arab, and more than once I joined their studying groups (we copied homework from each other shamelessly 🙂 ). There was always that awkward moment when you meet, and feel like you are on opposite sides, but then given a chance, you get to know the person you work with. Not his title, or his ethnic origin, or his religion.

    And as people, as humans, we’re all on the same side.


      • May 4, 2014 at 7:10 pm

        Don’t you just love these kind of comments from N. There are some good people in the world.
        It is a sad day for us in Israel and we mourn our fallen. May HaShem comfort their families in their sorrow.
        I am off, to I hope, a cooler Canada for a couple of weeks, so I will take this time to also wish you, your family and our amazing Israeli family – A great Independence day with wishes for peace, love, prosperity and respect for all human kind.

        • May 4, 2014 at 7:13 pm

          Thanks, have a safe trip.. it was indeed hot today even in Jerusalem, Israel, way too warm for me. Off now to Onefamily ceremony, too many sad memorials tonight.

  • Pingback: More than Arab Girl Photos | Israellycool

  • July 13, 2014 at 9:55 am

    Thank you for these normal, every day photos. No drama, no excitement. Just every day life. I am a Jew & I hope these Arab Moslem girls and women will continue to live normally. I also hope they appreciate that it happens in the Holy Land – in ISRAEL!

  • July 15, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    Great job. More people should post pictures like that to show the world.

    • July 17, 2014 at 8:10 am

      Reply to DD – I check out exposure of fake media in “Honest Reporting’ site – they are very good at refuting slanted reporting by major overseas media, photo shopped and fake photographs and articles which are used as Arab/Palestinian propaganda.

  • July 16, 2014 at 4:54 pm

    Thanks for the compliments – Sharon and Ralph
    Just stay safe during these trying times. We are witnesses to miracles in this our Holy Land.
    Take care.

  • October 11, 2014 at 11:11 am

    I am from India and I am amused as to why such photos of Arab girls is getting so much attention. In India muslim women don’t even wear head scarf, leave alone burqa. We have muslim super models, muslim actress, muslim sportswomen. Sex is not a taboo even among muslims over here.

    • October 11, 2014 at 9:21 pm

      Many in world assume Muslim women in Israel suffer, these photos are to show that they can and do move around Jerusalem, Israel on regular basis safely.

  • October 12, 2014 at 10:28 am

    You are doing a great job – obviously the controversial ones are going to make the loudest noise.
    Some of the blogs about general issues, parks and scenery are wonderful to see, but just one photo needs to make someone sit up and say …. “hey – just gotta say something about that ….. “

  • June 4, 2015 at 6:25 pm

    Beautiful pictures, thank you for the effort, but the approach is all wrong…Instead of trying to prove what Israel is NOT, the Criminals who claim Israel IS, must be brought to a Court of Law by the scruff of their ugly necks, and be held accountable for the perpetration of Anti-semitic Hate Crimes. With the new government and the work of many grassroots organizations, there is a sense that things are changing and moving in the right direction.

  • Pingback: 6 Years in Jerusalem: Then, Now, Next | The Real Jerusalem Streets

  • October 28, 2015 at 4:37 pm

    Hi all – I posted this way back in 2014. Nothing changed….. sorry yes, it has gotten worse.
    April 8, 2014 at 11:46 am
    These comments were posted 2012 and 2013. It is now 2014 and nothing has changed. How pathetic that we have not moved forward. Stuck and dying in the same place…….

    Wish that I still had words to express what I feel today. Just take care my people of Israel.

  • October 29, 2015 at 7:31 am

    I seem to have run out of steam these days but I will get back to posting on your blog. I do however, post as much as I can on many other sites. I have not forgotten you.
    Have your read “from the Cusp’ by Brian Saunders – he writes so beautifully and from the heart.
    I highly recommend that everyone subscribe for free to “From the Cusp’ it is a learning experience.
    Take care my friend – we hold on to the truth of our history, our country and our Judaism. Someone “up there” is watching and I still believe in miracles.of this our homeland. B”h

  • Pingback: 18 New Photos of Arab Girls | The Real Jerusalem Streets

  • Pingback: 18 neue Fotos von arabischen jungen Frauen | abseits vom mainstream - heplev

  • Pingback: Aliyah: 10 Years, 7 Years, and Today in Israel – The Real Jerusalem Streets

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  • Pingback: The Unintended Effect with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik – The Real Jerusalem Streets

  • Pingback: New Photo of Arab Girls with Video | Israellycool

  • March 1, 2020 at 9:27 am

    The conflict stems from before Christ, to when the refugees came to the promised land, from that point on the Palestinians were losing their country.
    Terrorists determined to create their own state, this was not of the Palestinian peoples making at this time the British took over (British Palestine) but the terrorists proved to be to much of a problem so it was taken to the League of Nations to sort out. After many years they came up with a plan which would give the Israelites and the Palestinians both land masses which were seen as proportional to the numbers of people’s at that time. This partitioning can be seen in the documents still held in the United Nations Headquarters, however you will see that the Palestinian land mass is now about 10% of what was originally agreed should be the Palestinian state. Make no mistake there land was taken by terrorist actions, that they have tried and failed to get back what was theirs by terrorism is never to be accepted but it’s hard not to use the same tactics which were used against you. Having lived in the Middle-East for 12 years I know how it feels to check your car every day and to look over your shoulder regularly to check if your being followed. I have travelled through many countries and love to meet new friends, yes some people are not good people but they are always the minority. And remember if you tie the hand of a person, don’t call him friend because clearly you don’t know the meaning of the word. I wish peace and happiness for the people’s of both parties in this conflict as they are innocent and controlled by those who stand to gain from the people’s pain and hardships.

    • March 1, 2020 at 11:33 am

      Thank you for the first civil comment on this piece in many years. If the civil population could get terrorist leaders out of the way of “normalization” we could be one step on the way.

  • Pingback: Photos of Special Israeli Women for International Women’s Day – The Real Jerusalem Streets

  • Pingback: The President of Paraguay Received Warm Welcome In Jerusalem – The Real Jerusalem Streets

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