10 New Sounds of Summer in Jerusalem

10 New Sounds of Summer in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Israel streets are beginning to sound more ‘normal’ as everyone is struggling to come back after the COVID-19 pandemic closings. There have been almost daily protests across from the Knesset and Prime Minister’s Office. Noisy protests and counter-protests near the Prime Minister’s Residence have grown in size and volume.

Image of new moon in the early night sky over Jerusalem

Another month. Another new moon. The first sign of summer was seen in the sky over Jerusalem. A normal sign of passing time.

View of Kotel from webcam as evening as lights go on

The Kotel, Western Wall Plaza, has been divided into prayer spaces, size-dependent on changing regulations.

Kotel for Maariv with COVID_19 sections

Limited numbers of people are allowed in the spaces wearing masks.

Synagogues and businesses are slowly opening also under new health regulations. But I can still set my clock to sounds of the 8:30 am morning minyan coming from a backyard service nearby.

Hotels and restaurants and international tourist affiliated businesses are trying to survive, to revive, and not close forever.

Last week the Prime Minister of Greece came to Jerusalem. But the Foreign Minister from Cyprus decided to arrive in Israel by helicopter for a quick and abbreviated visit in the airport area for discussions with new Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi.

The numbers for coronavirus infections has started going back up.

However, it is still the graduation season. The President and Prime Minister spoke at the Israeli Air Force graduation last week. The IDF officer graduation is to be held on Wednesday evening. These events are more restricted than usual because of the coronavirus. Taking a helicopter to the bases in the south – what a great way to go.

Jerusalem Israel path in city that looks like forest

This path may seem like far in the forest but it’s minutes away. Sounds of laughter were coming from a party on the right side and an art class was ending on the left side of the path. Sorry, no photos to share. I decided they deserved to keep the privacy they were seeking in this wonderful nature spot.

Valley of Cross in Jerusalem old olive press site near Knesset

Finding a quiet area as restrictions are lifting in Jerusalem is still possible.  These old stones are from an old olive-oil making facility.

Israel Knesset view with Crown Plaza in background

Look across the street in one direction and there is the Knesset.

Old site in the Valley of the Cross near Israel Museum

Another angle with a better view of the olive press.

Israel Museum in Jerusalem, Israel

And above there is the Israel Museum.

Usually this time of year in Jerusalem the calendar is filled–day and night.

Reuven Rivlin hosts HRH Prince William Duke of Cambridge at Israeli President Residence

Two years ago Prince William was in town.

Guest book of Israel President signed by HRH Prince William in Jerusalem Israel

I had forgotten about his signature in the official guest book.

His Royal visit was the same time as WeWork Creative Event at the Pais Arena.

Those big conferences, big weddings, and big official visits are memories now.

OurCrowd Global Summit this year was one of the last big events to be held in Jerusalem.

OurCrowd Pandemic Innovation Conference was held online as a Zoom and Facebook event.

Remember Elli Q from OurCrowd three years ago?

During the innovation conference online, Dor Skuler mentioned the benefits for isolated seniors. In the US, people will have to pay to install Elli Q to talk to their relatives, however, his robot is available at no charge. I asked and was told “she” is still not in a human shape on purpose.

Remember the tour of Hansen House ten years ago?

Jerusalem Israel Hansen House entrance from outside gate

Hansen House announced ‘Unplugged’ a musical patio series with nine shows now to August 19, with a live audience limited to 120 participants.

Hansen Hospital courtyard

In the past events have been held in the courtyard.

Hansen House at night venue for events

Recently, before corona, food and music at night had become popular.

Romeo and Juliet in Jerusalem Israel Hebrew adaptation

Last year even Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet performed in Hansen House Gardens.

Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra performs after corona virus pandemic closing

The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra was back at the Jerusalem Theater with a live audience and also available on Facebook and YouTube now.

The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra played at the Jerusalem International Conference Center for the first time since the pandemic closings, but not to a full audience.

Friday afternoon people returned to the First Station for a musical Kabbalat Shabbat.

Signs for musical performances in Jerusalem Israel summer of 2020

New signs are posted for other musical events now and in the near future.

May 4th has been a day for “Star Wars” celebrations – as in “may the ‘fourth’ be with you.” Nothing was done this year because of the COVID-19 closings. It was to be shown at First Station by the Israeli Outpost of 501st Legion at a free special outdoor screening for families of Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back but was canceled shortly before show time.

Israel's 501st Legion outpost members at opening of Afikim seventh run for charity Jerusalem to Eliat

Members were out in force at First Station for the Afikim race from Jerusalem to Eilat in January. I would assume sounds and sabers will be found at the event planned early enough for children to attend and enjoy.

Shaon Horef, those Monday nights in February when sounds of live musicians filled Jerusalem streets, are looking for new acts to do a series on August Monday nights.

Thank you to medical care workers in Jerusalem Israel in Hebrew

Thank you signs to medical workers are still all over the Jerusalem streets.

Sounds of music and celebrations are starting to be heard on the streets.

Let’s hope the numbers of infections stay down.


Overcoming Challenges in Jerusalem

Overcoming Challenges in Jerusalem


Every day, we are faced with challenges.

In Jerusalem, Israel, the weather has just changed and challenges us. Challenges range from something so simple as what to wear to the major challenge of how to provide housing to those who need it.

With limitations, both east and west and in green spots, up & up seems the only way to go.

Southern Israelis again were challenged, as hundreds of missiles were fired at civilians from terrorists based in Gaza.

Officially called ‘Operation Black Belt,’ it was more like deja vu – here we go again

I did not go south as I did one year ago, the images were too much the same.

It’s challenging to try to remember which ‘Operation’ my photographs are from since there have been so many similar trips south to visit families in bomb shelters.

colorful balloons in Israeli school

On one recent trip to see the destruction caused by the Gazan fire balloons, these balloons were hanging in a new southern school.  Educators who were challenged to help children not be afraid of red alerts and sirens had another fear to add to the list – balloons.

On a personal level, we all have challenges.

Parents turn to ALYN Hospital, a pediatric orthopedic and rehabilitation center in Jerusalem, to give their children the best treatments.

Baby in ALYN being treated by parents in hospital

ALYN treats a wide range of patients, from babies with illnesses needing constant special attention, to older persons challenged and needing special therapies due to accidents or illnesses.

ALYN Innovation Space in Jerusalem hospital

In the new Innovation Space, unique devices are crafted, such as Yusuf’s feeding device enabling him to eat on his own in spite of a difficulty in movement.

Wheels of Love at ALYN chidlren's hospital

Your daily challenges might look different when put in perspective of ALYN patients and their challenges.

Wheels of Love cyclists arrive at hospital

For the 20th year, ALYN held the ‘Wheels of Love’ charity bike ride.

Wheels of Love Tandem riders in Jerusalem Israel

International participants from 12 countries joined with local riders and patients past and present to raise money for life-enhancing treatments and therapies, not covered by the basic Israeli healthcare.

Please notice the tandem bikes among the 500 cyclists, as they ended their 5-day ride from northern Israel.

Wheels of Love Charity Bike riders arrive at ALYN to end race

Riders are challenged by the last climb up the Judean hills to Jerusalem but excited to pass the finish line.

Wheels of Love special cyclists arrive at ALYN hospital at end of charity ride

This was not your usual challenging bike race. Seventeen members of the Swift and Bold team were patients either riding tandem or hand-powered bikes.

Wheels of Love riders arrive in Jerusalem Israel

Supporters and family crowded around to greet the arriving riders.

Wheels of Love medals given by children from ALYN

Medals were presented to riders by ALYN patients.

Wheels of Love medal given by a child to a cyclist at ALYN

Dozens of patients and parents were ready with medals to present to cyclists.

Wheels of Love ALYNpatient who rode to Jerusalem

Smiles after overcoming challenges to reach a goal.

ALYN charily riders parents and daughter

Father, mother, and daughter teamed up to ride in 2019 Wheels of Love Charity Bike Ride that raised over $2.5 million. While there were first-time riders, many had participated over a dozen times over the years.  Of the original nine cyclists who rode twenty years ago, six participated in this ride.

There could be a long list of challenges, from political to financial, in Israel or around the world. However, I will end with one faced weekly for Real Jerusalem Streets.

Remember 15 Real Photos of Arab Girls?

The RJS photos of Israeli Apartheid?

Two of the most popular, shared and viral posts over the years.

Muslim women and female IDF soldier in First Station Jerusalem

A lone female Israel soldier was standing in First Station.

Arab women walking in First Station in Jerusalem Israel

This group of Muslim women walked by. You can see them in the far top left of the previous photo.

The challenge?

How to share the truth of what is happening in Jerusalem?

Muslim woman at ALYN hospital sign saying Go in Peace in Jerusalem Israel

The sign at ALYN says “GO IN PEACE” in Hebrew, Arabic, and English.

Patients and staff, as in Israeli hospitals, universities, and public spaces are available for all.

The challenge is how to share the many positive things happening on the Jerusalem streets.

How to share the truth of what is happening in Jerusalem?

What do you think? What would you like to see and share?

Jerusalem Biennale 2019 – For Heaven’s Sake!

Jerusalem Biennale 2019 – For Heaven’s Sake!

What a week in Jerusalem the weather was warm and wonderful.

Many things happened over the Sukkot holiday and even more after the holidays.

But the Jerusalem Biennale 2019,  לשם שמים – For Heaven’s Sake! with 500 pieces of art, by 200 artists in 13 locations began before Sukkot and is still going for another two weeks. The Jerusalem Biennale began in 2013,

grew in 2015,

and was bigger and better in 2017.

After posting a few Biennale photos, I received the following message from Hillel Smith, curator of the Jewish Street Art Festival at First Station:

Jerusalem First Station graffiti for Biennale

“As part of the Jewish Street Art Festival (more info at jewishstreetart.com) street artists from around the world painted 17 murals in three locations around Jerusalem. Besides First Station, we also painted at the Artists’ Colony and the Schechter Institute. All of our artists already work with Jewish themes in their art, and I wanted to highlight this effort by bringing them all together to paint at the Biennale. Unlike the other exhibitions, the art in ours was created on-site and will be permanently displayed, leaving a lasting mark on the city.”

Graffiti in Jerusalem First Station for Biennale

These murals are by artists Yitzchok Moully (reflective sukkah) and Solomon Sousa, of Machane Yehuda Market mural fame.

An 18th mural was being painted this week at First Station, by artist Bareket Kezwer. I didn’t get there to see her paint, but something to check out soon.

YMCA Jerusalem Israel

The Jerusalem YMCA is a new and prominent Biennale location.

Rafi Ozeri at YMCA for Jerusalem Biennale

The initial press tour began at the Y with founder and director Ram Ozeri explaining his vision.

Jerusalem YMCA art Biennale

Inside on one side of the old YMCA pool is an installation Waterfall’ by Marina Abramovic.

Jerusalem Israel 2019 Biennale art fish going against stream

Across from it are hundreds of hand-painted fish by Andi Lavine Arnovitz.

Art at YMCA Jerusalem Biennale

One fish flows in the opposite direction, in her installation titled ‘I’m Not’.

YMCA for Ziara Moroccan art Biennale

The main room in the YMCA hosts Ziara: Moroccan Common Wisdom.

Curator of Ziara at YMCA Jerusalem Biennale

Curator Amit Hai Cohen along with seventeen other artists of Moroccan descent display a wide range of contemporary pieces.

YMCA for Jerusalem Biennale

The Moroccan heritage of ziara, feeling of home, contrasts greatly with other Arab countries where Jews were persecuted and expelled.

Ziara Moroccan exhibition preparations

The day before the opening night, artists were busy at work.

YMCA Jerusalem Biennale exhibit

For the gala opening, it was colorful and ready.

Jerusalem YMCA Ziara Moroccan exhibit

Those glasses on the table filled with arak are not for drinking, but a piece by Marcelle Biton.

The smaller line of frames to the left are fascinating portraits. Check out the feature photo at top of this page for closer look.

There is still much more to share besides Ziara at the YMCA.

Heichal Shlomo for Jerusalem Biennale

The main lobby of Heichal Shlomo, by curator Dr. Shimon Lev, Evolve,

Heichal Shlomo Jerusalem Biennale

is a display of 100 works created over the past 3 years by Jean-Pierre Weill.

Jerusalem Biennale Israel artist Dahan

Upstairs in Heichal Shlomo is an exhibition on the life of Israel Dahan. His fifty years of work in creating Judaica and teaching Bezalel students are recognized.

Israelis are not the only ones featured in the Jerusalem Biennale.

Jerusalem Biennale Argentinian artists

Mirta Kupferminc curated Confrontation-Conversation with fellow Argentinian artists. Here she shows off the work of Jewish and not Jewish artists from Argentina with Dr. Ido Noy, deputy director of Biennale and editor of the impressive catalog for “For Heaven’s Sake.”

Heichal Shlomo Jerusalem Biennale artist used old encyclopedias

Also in Heichal Shlomo, everything from old Hebraica encyclopedias to

Rubber bands in "The Fall" art in Jerusalem Biennale

thousands of rubber bands are used to create unique pieces.

Art in Heichal Shlomo for Jerusalem Biennale

Female Waters curated by Rachel Verliebter is another exhibit in more traditional style.

Much more to see, in the other exhibitions in Heichal Shlomo, but we have to move along.

Jerusalem 2019 Biennale at Val Leer in Polonsky

As in the past, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – Polonsky Hall is an impressive site of Jerusalem Biennale, with Not in Heaven and Transcendence.

Jerusalem Biennale in Van Leer

Rachel Rotenberg has sculptures outside, plus this one inside Van Leer, as seen at the opening event.

Van Leer garden night of Jerusalem Biennale opening

Two boys caught my attention in the gardens filled with people, dancers, and art installations. I was wondering if an electronic game had captured their attention.

Oh my, all that and more we did in one afternoon!

Jerusalem Begin Center art for Biennale

The Menachem Begin Heritage Center has Hebrew Suffragists:100 Years.

Menachem Begin Heritage Center art for Jerusalem Biennale

Experiments with Truth curated by Gargi Seth is downstairs featuring Indian artists.

Jerusalem 2019 Biennale

Not far away at Mishkenot Sha’ananim are the pieces In the East, where Ram Ozeri curated with Vera Pilpoul.

Jerusalem North African Heritage Center

One of the new and most dramatic locations for Biennale 2019 is the Worldwide North Africa Jewish Heritage Center.

Of Wonder exhibition at North African Jewish Heritage Center in Jerusalem for Biennale

Attending the opening of Of Wonder, was special as the curator artist Mindy Weisel is a friend.

Jerusalem Biennale art

One of the more difficult venues to access, the works here are by Israeli and American artists.

Curator and artists in Jerusalem Biennale

For American Jewish artists to have their works recognized and displayed in Jerusalem, Israel, is a dream come true.

American artist in Jerusalem for Biennale

The Jerusalem 2019 Biennale For Heaven’s Sake! from the colorful pieces,

Artist with paintings in Jerusalem Biennale

to the darker Holocaust shadowed pieces of art at North Africa Heritage Center,

Moully reflective sukka at Heichal Shlomo for Jerusalem Biennale

to the reflective sukkah outside Heichal Shlomo –

only a fraction of the art and artists on display until November 28, check out the website for more information: www.jerusalembiennale.org

Browse art all day. There is an entry fee of NIS 45 to the Biennale, with the one ticket allowing access to each of the exhibitions.

Then too tired to cook?

Not to worry.

OPENRESTAURANTS™ JERUSALEM – THE URBAN CULINARY FESTIVAL  runs from November 19 – 23, 2019. Many of Jerusalem’s finest restaurants have special offers.

What could be next in art and culture?

Zero One, a digital art festival will cover the Tower of David in lights from November 27-28, from 7:00 pm to midnight.

As always so much happening on the Jerusalem streets!