Erev Yom Kippur in Jerusalem

What perfect timing for Clean Up the World Day!

If there was one thing that everyone agreed upon this week, 

it certainly was not what to do in Syria or Iran,

but emptying the trash dumpsters 

after a long three-day holiday weekend!

Cats in Jerusalem,

The cats, however, enjoyed the over-filled bins’

and contents that spilled on to so many streets

image piyut festival

Sounds of song and early morning prayers filled the streets.

I did not get to the piyut festival this year, 

man signing with backup live music

but last year the traditional melodies

could even be heard outside on King George Street.

This is the season of honey and apples, sweet foods,

and large quantities of delicacies at all the holiday meals.

image pomegranets.

Rimonim, pomegranates, are still piled high in the markets.

As Yom Kippur approaches,

once again the custom of the Kaparot ceremony 

with its use of live chickens is a topic of controversy.

At the Machane Yehuda Market, the shuk

Bee on sweets

where one can find most anything.

shuk photo, rubber chicken for dog toy, dog toys, image toys

these rubber chickens were on display. 

But my favorite during the week before Yom Kippur, 

is the bus sign with my wish for everyone, 

Yom Kippur photo, bus with sign for holiday

may you be “Sealed for a good year.”

“Well over the fast”

is what they say Down Under for Yom Kippur.

 Traffic is increasing, 

 and tourists are arriving on the Jerusalem, Israel, streets.

The holiday season has started.

10 Favorite Signs of Erev Yom Kippur in Jerusalem

In the fall holiday season,

 Yom Kippur quickly follows Rosh Hashanah and then comes Sukkot.

The signs of the season are everywhere, but here are 10 of my favorites.

1. It seems almost everywhere one can see

pomengranates, rimonim

mountains of pomegranates,

pomegrante seeds

 the seeds can be eaten plain or in my favorite – a chocolate-almond tart.


2. Cars are loaded with food, as there are many meals to prepare.

decorated car

3. Cars decorated before a wedding are common sights.

With all he holidays, the days for weddings are limited, but not the

 enthusiasm of these young  men driving to the Kotel, the Western Wall.

Wailing Wall

4. Crowds of tourists mingle with bar mitzvah celebrants at the Kotel.

Wailing Wall

5. It is hard to find a spot to place a note this time of year,

Wailing Wall

where they are overflowing before being cleaned out.

The Old City

6. Strange looking structures start to appear,

sukkah, sukot, sukos, sukkos

even in the fanciest of neighborhoods, as plain wood sukkot fill balconies.

‘Tis the season to get in shape.


7. This man was spotted trying to carry two heavy bags,

each containing long bamboo poles to top a sukkah.


8. White is the color of choice for Yom Kippur – this kippah a new favorite.

united Jerusalem

9. The United Jerusalem guy is back in Mamilla Mall with a new shirt.

10. And finally,  I loved seeing this sign.

Yom Kippur prayer

 Tonight there are special Erev Yom Kippur prayers

in Kikar Safra, Safra Square.  Where else

will you hear the songs of the Yom Kippur service on the radio 

and in the courtyard of City Hall?

The country will come to a standstill as public transportation 

and all traffic stops on Yom Kippur,

Jerusalem street sukkah decoration

but the decorations for Sukkot

have been out on the Jerusalem, Israel streets for weeks.

As soon as break-the-fast meal is over, the sound of hammers will be heard

and it’s time to get ready for the Sukkot holiday week.

Gmar Chatimah tovah

May all be sealed for a good year.

Erev Yom Kippur

Before Yom Kippur, whether late at night or before dawn,

one can attend special Selichot prayers all around Jerusalem.

It can be difficult to get to the Old City due to the huge numbers of people…

every night and all night long.

During the day, beside the usual crowds at the Kotel, the Western Wall,

there are bus loads of girls on school trips.

 This is a special time for tefilah,


and zedakah,


and also for many, special Torah study and classes.

As Yom Kippur  begins, all regular traffic stops.

At least for one day a year, the signs,

  “Do not murder” on the road

and “Do not drink and drive” are obeyed.

And to end with a favorite sign, the erev Yom Kippur bus sign…

  Chatimah tovah

may all be sealed for a good year.