From Jerusalem, there is good news and bad news.
Rollercoaster days with ups and downs.
Highs and lows with COVID-19.
Beautiful, happy weddings and sad, sad funerals.
Crazy times with closings and openings.
Yet 140 new Olim arrived from France. We know that others are arriving daily without a big reception, to go into a two-week quarantine, before starting their new lives in their new home.
The seasonal international tourists are missing from the Jerusalem streets.
The Pianos Festival went online this year.
However, the seasons and nature are consistent.
The days are growing shorter with the end of August rapidly approaching.
The well-watered grass in Gan Sacher, Sacher Park is ready for guests.
The Jerusalem Mayor’s office announced the removal of public telephones. But Jerusalem has added food trucks in various park locations. Friday morning, pizza was available in Gan Sacher.
Drive-in movies are being shown at the First Station parking lot. Regular theaters are still closed to Corona restrictions.
Shaon Horef, the Winter Noise Festival held on Jerusalem streets on Monday nights in February, got lost in the news of approaching novel coronavirus. Now Jerusalem is trying for Shaon Horef on August summer nights with music and performances on various streets.
The parks are sponsoring Sport and Fitness for retired folks.
Among the other options are biking, flower arranging, yoga and Pilates, and Segway tours.
Not sure who was having more fun here, the father controlling the flying toy or the kids who sat to watch.
Parties for the youth are planned in the Jerusalem parks.
And Jerusalem parks are, as always, perfect for a first date, another sign of this season.
The Jerusalem municipality has offered to host weddings at various scenic locations:
the Promenade at Armon Hanatziv,
the Bloomfield Gardens near the Montefiore Windmill,
and the Liberty Bell Park. They are also some of my favorite Jerusalem locations.

Those noisy protests near the Prime Minister’s Residence continue.
The Israel Museum was closed for months but there is some good news there.
From a distance I noticed the all-black covering put on the back of city promotional signs along Hazaz Street, part of the black shirt anti-government protest.
However, looking closer to the new landscaping along the street, there are new flowers emerging.
This pink sign is one of the Jerusalem promoting tourism which were covered in black. But I took this photo to share a sign of normalcy. Friday morning flowers were being sold for Shabbat.
The sun has risen and set.
The limes on the tree are growing and almost ready to pick.
I thought I had found a perfect rose for a closeup.
Only when I got home a saw there was an insect crawling on it.
Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon announced,”Following the global tourism crisis, we decided to advance the upgrade work and infrastructure related to tourist areas throughout the city. Upgrading King David Street is a complex upgrade project that affects transportation throughout central Jerusalem.”
The Israel National Library on Givat Ram announced, including their online sessions, will be closed for lack of funding.
But, construction on the new National Library is going strong. This is how the roof looked today.
So there you have it, not all good, part of what’s happening on the Jerusalem streets this week.
I miss attending events at Beit Hanasi, the Israeli President’s Residence. The very restricted number of programs now are limited to the Government Press Office only, not open to those of us with GPO cards.

Today President Rivlin spoke on the telephone with people who have requested help via the coronavirus hotline opened by Beit HaNasi.
Let’s hope we can all ride these waves safely.
Thanks for the update!
Are all museums opening soon?Science Museum?
Thank you
Not sure about the Science Museum details, but most of the smaller ones have opened with limited access and preregistration.
Wonderful photos and info, Sharon, as usual! Thank you. Carole
Thank Carole, hope you and your family are well.
Where is there info about DRive in at First STation?
Perhaps the drive-in movie attempts were not successful? I cannot find promotions for another movie. But the live Woodstock event August 20-21 at Sile is ready for the next Sunday blog post.