A few weeks ago there was supposed to be a big snowstorm
in Jerusalem, Israel,
and the word “blizzard” was used a lot.
A little snow started to fall just as it was time
to light Shabbat candles,
so I only managed to take and share two quick photos,
and by the next day, it was all gone.
This week I did not hear the “b” word,
though a heavy snowfall was forecast.
The snow started to fall on Thursday night,

and this could be one of the first snowballs.

The streets were slippery

and mostly deserted.

I took one flower photo,

if the warnings were wrong,
I had one ready for the Shabbat Shalom post.

But by morning the snow had accumulated,

and the Jerusalem streets looked like a winter wonderland.

Heavy fog and a white sky added to the wintry scenes.

When the fog cleared the Knesset grounds were covered.

This Israel Museum view shows trees covered.
against the white sky.

Heavy snow stuck to power lines and branches,

and just about everything.

Most people stayed off the roads in the morning.

The monastery in the Valley of the Cross,
a beautiful and serene scene,
was like a picture postcard.

But lemon trees

and sabra plants covered in snow?
Only in Jerusalem, Israel!
שבת שלום
Shabbat shalom.