Another crazy week trying to keep everything going.
Signs supporting Golani soldiers are appearing
and Israeli flags are flying, with more out every day.
Israel is under threat.
Those tunnels from Gaza into Israel have proven deadly,
and last night five young soldiers were killed in Israel
by terrorists emerging from the ground near a kibbutz.
The tunnels have to be destroyed.
Meanwhile, countless missions, private and public,
are driving south to give food and personal items to
reserve soldiers who are on duty.
Family members have gone to visit my son-in-law more than once.
Even an unexpected call from a soldier can take a few minutes to appreciate,
after the ‘what is wrong’ feeling is over.
Everyone wants to do something, give money, bake, cook,
but there was one unusual “war effort” I had to go check out and share.
Morah Roc is a professional story teller.
She offered to entertain children one afternoon,
with all the donations going to a good cause
to support those affected by the situation.
Signs are up for the annual International Puppet Festival in August
and we continue to plan for our August wedding.
This evening there is a funeral at Mount Herzl Military Cemetery
for a soldier from our synagogue,
and at the same time, the Great Synagogue is holding
the shloshim (30 days of mourning) observance for Eyal, Gilad and Naftali.
At this roller coaster time, we often think of words of Golda Meir.
If only they cared for their children as much as we do.
Two soldiers on reserve duty get engaged,
and there is another wedding to plan.
It’s good to have good news to share,
even as more rockets are fired at southern civilians.