Jerusalem Education Week Opens with Special Children’s Exhibit

A wise man from Texas once told me,

“One is not “good” or better.

It’s the sum of it all that matters.”

It is education week in Jerusalem, Israel.

An opening event took place at the Israel Museum,

Israel Museum children's play yard

and was held in the plaza outside the museum’s Children’s Wing.

sign in Arabic and Hebrew my house your house, for Education week in Jerusalem

There were 40 winning art projects

made by hundreds of Jerusalem school children

on the theme My home, Your home.

Art projects by children at Israel Museum

Art projects in Hebrew and Arabic were next to each other.

James Snyder speaking at Israel Museum children's event

 Israel Museum director James Snyder spoke in English,

but his remarks were translated into Hebrew and Arabic.

Water, shade and seats were provided for the hundreds of

crowd at Israel Museum for Jerusalem children art exhibit

students, teachers and family members who came to see the exhibition.

children at Israel Museum

A lucky few had a head start on frozen treats.

Home made by Jerusalem children for art contest

The projects were spread out all over the plaza area.

art project Israel Museum Jerusalem children home

They were interesting

art exhibit in Israel Museum

and diverse,

Israel Museum Jerusalem children's art

and colorful too.

Jerusalem Foundation sponsor children's art at Israel Museum

Speeches were blessedly short,

as was the audience attention span.

It was super hot even with the shade and water.

People came not to listen,

but to see the winning projects which were on display.

When the exhibits were officially opened,

crowd at Israel Museum for Jerusalem Education week

the area was packed

crowd at Israel Museum for Jerusalem education week children art

with a crowd as diverse as the neighborhoods of Jerusalem.

Good news?

Israel Museum project Jerusalem children

For this Jerusalem municipal education project

supported by the Jerusalem Foundation

and the Israel Museum,

what do you think?

“One is not “good” or better.

It’s the sum of it all that matters.”

I Swear, Jerusalem of Contrasts

Jerusalem, Israel, is a place of contrasts.

Old City Jerusalem at night

At night the streets of the Old City have been quiet,

while during the day,

building in Israel

the noise of large construction projects fills the streets.

While loud BDSers (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction),

shout hate against anything Israeli,

Jon Medved of Our Crowd led a global conference


that attracted 3,000 international participants.

The technology conferences are too numerous to attend or even list.

For two days in Tel Aviv this week, the tourism conference

is again attracting eager overseas visitors to expand their ties with Israel.

While outside on the streets “random” stabbings and attacks go on,

inside Beit Hanassi, the Israeli President’s residence,

President Reuven Rivlin and Justice Minister Ayelet Sheked

sweariing in of new Sharia lae judges

swore in 7 new Qadis, Islamic Shariah Law Judges.

The official reception was held in the same large hall

where all important diplomatic visitors are greeted.

president house muslim audience

Family and friends of the new Muslim judges

after being served a dairy buffet of sweets,

were seated for the occasion.

This week there was another swearing-in ceremony,

a military ceremony at the Kotel, the Western Wall Plaza.

Paratroopers swearing in Western Wall

Thousands of family and friends gathered

paratroopers swearing in ceremony

 to witness the newest paratroopers,

who after weeks of arduous training,

IDF photo

 receive their new rifle along with a new bible.

Muslims who swear in to IDF receive a Koran.

While the news may seem dismal and negative,

this Muslim couple who found themselves in the midst

of hundreds of armed Israeli soldiers

watermarked Muslim taking selfie at Western wall

seem much more concerned with getting a good selfie.

I walked home alone in the dark from the Old City.

It took awhile as I stopped twice to talk with friends,

but two other things got my attention.

When there is a “security incident”

At entrance to Old City

these teens take to the streets to give out Israeli flags,

post signs and sing,

Am Yisrael Chai,

the People of Israel live!

It is a leap year on the Jewish calendar,

with two Adars, an extra month until Purim,.

Purim celebrates when Haman tried to kill the Jews.


 Hamantaschen are already displayed in store windows.

They tried to kill us, they failed,

so let’s eat something sweet.

A few of the cycles and contrasts

happening daily on the real Jerusalem streets.

Jerusalem: Roses, Riots, Politics and What Next

I am always concerned about what to share

on the weeks between holidays and special events.

roses and fountain

The Jerusalem roses are in bloom.

road construction outside Jerusalem

Construction on the new main road to Jerusalem, Israel,

is a massive on-going project.

Would anyone outside of Jerusalem care

inactive mail boxes

that the regular mailboxes are no longer going to be used?

mail box in Yemin Moshe from British

Tourists trying to mail a letter tried these

British Mandate post boxes in Yemin Moshe.

They gave up and went to find a Post Office.

Old and new, progress?

Restaurants open and close so often

I could fill a book with those photos.

mall Ben Yehuda

But Cofizz, the 5 shekel coffee and food place on Ben Yehuda,

has changed the center of town.

Cofizz is always busy, while the place next door has empty seats.

Copy cat places have mushroomed,

from King George Street to Yaffo Street.

It is easy to get a 5 shekel ice coffee now.

There were riots and plenty of press on that.

But, did you hear that there were thousands out Friday morning

for a biking event that went around the Walls of the Old City,

up to and through the Zoo in Malcha

from Jerusalem ibking evern

and back to First Station?

Israelis are far away in Nepal.

But at home did you hear about

Intel and EU science prize winner

the 12 teenagers who met with President Reuven Rivlin in

Beit Hanasi, the Israeli President’s residence?

5 high school students are to go to US to an Intel Science Competition,

and another 6 are to represent Israel in an EU science program,

and 1 is to attend a special science camp in Germany over the summer.

Israel ranked 11th for the happiest nation.

It seems hard to imagine if all you see are media reports of “the conflict.”

Karen Bass and Alcee L Hatings

Karen Bass and Alcee Hastings are two of many US Congressmen on tour

in Israel this week to see for themselves

what is happening.

SAcher Park Arab family eating

Everyday is not a picnic in the park,

Arab woman driving a man in her car

A Muslim woman driving a man is unusual,

Muslim man praying

but a Muslim man praying on the streets is not.

For the past few weeks,

wood for Lag Bomer bon fires

all pieces of wood on the streets, large or  small,

have been collected for

Lag B’Omer bonfires.


we wait to hear if there is a new government.

Old and new, always something on these streets.