March Madness Jerusalem Style

March Madness Jerusalem Style

In the United States March Madness means the college basketball championship playoffs.

In Jerusalem, Israel, March Madness has a very different meaning.

First there is the weather, which is constantly changing and so hard to predict.

Water after heavy Israel rainy season

This year with heavy rainfalls, low lying areas are full of water days after a storm.

Outdoor activities have to be re-planned. One rainy afternoon we went to the Israel Museum.

Jerusalem sunset time view from Israel Museum

Loved the sunset view from inside the museum.

March madness means Purim is coming, with costumes, treats of sweets, and parties galore.

Megilat Esther in Israel Museum

Special Megillot Esther, scrolls with the story of Purim, are on display in the museum.

Megilas Esther in Israel Museum

Of many sizes, from small to this large illuminated one, both of these stand out in the collection.

Israeli Museum display of Purim noisemakers - groggers

This case contains special noise makers that are used to block out the name of Haman as Megillat Esther is read at night and again in the morning of Purim.

Across the corridor from these noise makers and the Jewish holiday collections is a special exhibit on Rambam, Maimonides.

Rambam Germany 1355-56 maimonides at Israel Museum

Thirteen handwritten, works of the Rambam are displayed in a dark room, in special cases, including this one from Germany, from 1355-56, written in ink, with tempre and gold leaf.

Maimonides Guide of the Perplexed

From the early 1300’s, a handwritten Guide of the Perplexed, also illustrated.

Maimonides Mishnah Torah at Israel Museum Kaufmann 1295-96

The Kaufmann Mishnah Torah, dated 1295-96, is also in the impressive collection.

From the calm of the Israel Museum, back to madness.

It  is impossible to keep up with the number of international conferences.

Jerusalem International Conference Center stairs for Our Crowd.

Over 18,000 people from 183 countries were registered for Jerusalem innovation conference Our Crowd. The crowded halls and spaces of the Jerusalem International Conference Center were at times packed with people moving from speaker to event. The room for the panel on cannabis was closed after capacity was reached. The lines for Beyond Burger, a plant meat substitute, were  just mad, hard to believe how long people waited while other food stations had no lines. I ate waffles, never got a bite of burger. More photos HERE 

Man in garden of Israeli President looking at statue of herzl

State  Comptrollers from Europe and Asia are meeting at an official gathering this week in Jerusalem. A delegation visited Beit Hanasi, the Israeli President’s Residence and received a brief tour of the gardens and its history before meeting with President Rivlin.

intv and DIGITELL19 conference check in at YMCA

The Innovative TV Conference (intv) brought television executives from around the world to Jerusalem for two days at the YMCA on King David Street.

YMCA Jerusalem view outside day of TV and digital events

Overlapping for its first day with intv, the DIGITELL19, also was at the YMCA, before taking off to Mitzpe Ramon in the south, and then going to Tel Aviv.

Digitell 19 conference at YMCA

One of the sessions at YMCA for DIGITELL19 was ‘Xtream Marketing’ presented by SodaStream’s Matti Yahav, Chief Marketing Officer. The conference sponsored by the Ministry of Strategic Affairs brought an international group of pro-Israel social activists together. I only took a few photos. The “secret sauce” for SodaStream, the 4 ‘Ps’ is here, but some of participants were also a secret, so I only posted a few on Facebook HERE.

Logistic center for israeli elections in Shoham

Most of the conferences do not involve the real streets. However, the upcoming Israeli election is hard to avoid.  A visit to the Israeli Elections Committee Logistic Center was interesting.

As messages from various political parties invade our phones and homes, in this building in Modiin Industrial Park in Shoham, the boxes for election polling stations are being packed.

Logistic center for Israel elections

Each box has everything down to the paper clips counted out and sealed. Work goes on 24/6 to be ready to deliver before the April election day.

Sample voting booth for Israel elections

Notice the new boxes being made to accommodate the 46 political parties, plus one blank ballot for a write-in option.

After the election 250 tons of paper will be recycled. No politics here, just posting the logistical madness.

If you are interested in knowing more about the various parties, their names, ages and positions.. check out a clever voting guide – HERE

But, before Purim, before elections….

Hanging banners for jerusalem marathon

The Jerusalem Winner Marathon is running on March 15th!

Runners on new paths for Jerusalem marathon

Runners are training on the streets. Landscaping and paving along route is going at a mad pace to finish before the 40,000 runners from 80 countries start to line up at 6:45 am.

Jerusalem schools are closed. Museums in the area are closed on Friday, as they are near the starting point of the marathon.

The Bloomfield Science Museum is closed on Friday for marathon, but in honor of PI day, on Thursday afternoon, is open and free.

Signs for Jerusalem marathon

Marathon direction signs are posted along the routes where Jerusalem streets will be closed from 5:00 am until after 1:00 pm.

March Madness Jerusalem style gets really going after the marathon.

Photo of family in costume on Jerusalem Israel street on Purim

For Purim one never knows what or who one will find on the Jerusalem, Israel streets.

This year the city has a long list of events planned all week.

The day Purim is over, the Passover marathon begins, from March Madness to Passover Panic.

Where to go and what to do with so much happening Jerusalem streets!?


Jerusalem: Walk, Run, Ride, Skate and Eat

Jerusalem: Walk, Run, Ride, Skate and Eat

After the winter rains, when the skies clear over Jerusalem, Israel,

Valley of Cross after winter rain in Jerusalem

open spaces like this one under the Israel Museum turn green.

Kalonit blooming in Valley of Cross in Jerusalem Israel

Instead of driving south to see the kalaniot, the red poppies, popping up,

Kalonit blooming in Jerusalem park

I love to walk through the paths in the Valley of the Cross,

Jerusalem Valley of Cross kalionit blooming

to see the wonders of nature right here in Jerusalem,

Wild flowers in Jerusalem Israel Valley of Cross

and see those red flowers that open up in the sunshine.

Valley of Cross wild flowers Jerusalem

As the wild flowers peek through the rocks and weeds, often I am alone walking up the hill towards the Israel Museum and the Knesset.

Nursery Shabat party in Jerusalem Park

However, last Friday morning, nursery children were having a pre-Shabbat party with their parents.

Children running in Jerusalem park

School children were also appreciating the wonders of spring.

Man running on path in Jerusalem Valley of Cross

Not all were walking, this man was running down the path that leads to

New bike and walking trail in Jerusalem Valley of Cross

this new walking and cycling path that will lead to the  Jerusalem Marathon finish line.

View of Old City Jaffa Gate with banner for Jerusalem Winner Marathon 2019 Israel sport

The Jerusalem Winner Marathon to be held on March 15, 2019 was launched last night by new Mayor Moshe Lion.

Jerusalem Israel walking and bike path

The full marathon runners, with the Knesset in the not so far distance, at this point will be near the finish line.

Jerusalem Israel new bike path ready for Jerusalem marathon finish

The new path is ready for the full Jerusalem Marathon runners before they enter the Gan Sacher, Sacher Park.

Jerusalem Israel new park development bike path to Gan Sacher

There will be many more vantage points this year, as old and burnt areas have been cleared.

Sacher Park new benches and path

New benches have been placed along the cycling, walking and running path for spectators.

Sacher Park new paths for walking, biking and running.

After months of work, Gan Sacher looks like it will be ready before the start countdown.

Ice eat sign, ice skating and food at Mitchell Park Jerusalem Israel

Posted across from Gan Sacher, is this large ad for the ice skating rink and food in Mitchell Park.

Jerusalem 2019 ice skating rink in park near Artist Colony

The Jerusalem Marathon is in its ninth year,  but there is a new location for the ice skating rink.

There have been previous ice skating rinks in Jerusalem, but this one seems to be the largest, with a new concept of ice and eat in Mitchell Park, which is near the Artists’ Colony.

Ice skating and food in Jerusalem Israel Mitchell Park

Not many people were eating or skating last night.

Ice skating in Mitchell Park Jerusalem Israel smoking section

No one was smoking last night when we went to check it out.

GFNY bikers in Jerusalem Israel practice ride before May 3 race

And finally cycling. GFNY is set for May 3, 2019, and the registration sale ends at the end of February, but these cyclists were out training already. Another chance for amateur cyclists to ride with the pros.

Jerusalem is not usually associated with sports, but walk, run, ride, or skate, or sit and eat.

Always something new happening on these Jerusalem streets.

More photos of marathon launch HERE

Best of Jerusalem Marathon 2018

The International Jerusalem Marathon 2018 has run its course. Over 30,000 people ran the various races, from the full-marathon to family-friendly short routes.

Jerusalem Marathon Finish line 2018

The short runs and half-marathon used this finish line which was set up next to Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, a couple of weeks ago.

Gan Sacher finish line Jerusalem Marathon

The full-marathon track comes into the park and this is its finish line. Somehow so close, it looks so far away.

Jerusalem Marathon lead runners

On Friday morning as we walked to the park, the security in front of the front runners of the full-marathon passed us. The streets were mostly deserted, except for the leading full-marathon runners.

Beatie Deutsch runs to lead female runners in Jerusalem marathon

Beatie Deutsch ran by so fast, I could only catch her back, as she raced by in pace with the leading men. A mother of five children, she won first place for Israeli Women in the full-marathon race.

Full marathon runners Jerusalem marathon

Thousands ran the full-marathon route, with more Jerusalem residents participating than in the past.

Jerusalem Marathon runner stops to take selfie on course

International tourists also numbered in the thousands, and stopping to take a selfie was not uncommon.

Jerusalem Marathon in Gan Sacher

Gan Sacher had activities for runners and their supporters, and exhibitions of sports items for sale.

Jerusalem Marathon synagogue for morning prayers

The park had a synagogue near the information tent. Early starting times required many to get up before dawn. Some groups had organized prayer times.

Jerusalem marathon in Gan Sacher

By 9:00 am, the park was beginning to fill with this year’s official purple race shirts.

Moshe Lion with winners of men's half marathon Jerusalem Marathon 2018

There are so many races going at once, it is impossible to be everywhere. For the Men’s half-marathon winner presentation, Mayoral hopeful Moshe Lion was on the stage with the winners, wearing running shorts.

5 K winner Jerusalem marathon 5 kilometers

This young woman won the Women’s 5K race and received a medal and flowers.

Jerusalem Marathon 2018 winner before braking tape

Instead of running up and down the park from one end to the other over and over doing a personal marathon, this year I waited for the full-marathon winners to arrive. The motorcycle went to the side, and the cyclists escorted Shadrack Kipkogey (27) of Kenya to the finish line.

Winner Jerusalem Marathon 2018

Only as Kipkogey crossed the finish line for the second year in a row, winning first place in the Jerusalem Marathon, did his escort turn away.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat with elite runners Jerusalem marathon 2018

The first place, full-marathon winners were photographed with Mayor Nir Barkat and special marathon guest, Olympic runner and World Champion long distance runner Haile Gebrselassie from Ethiopia.

Races for Jerusalem Marathon

But all the tens of thousands who ran the shorter races were also winners in my book.

Jerusalem Marathon Druze families with OneFamily group

The dozens of organizations who raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for good causes were also winners. OneFamily helps victims of terror, and their supporters included Druze families.

Jerusalem Marathon man standing on his head in Gan Sacher

Another upside-down day in Jerusalem, Israel. With streets closed and traffic blocked all morning in parts of the city, not all were happy, and many left town the night before.

With so many people filling the streets and the park, multiple starting times and two finish lines, it was impossible to find family members without a set meeting time and location.


Jerusalem Marathon 2018 man wearing ice cream shirt at finish line

However, every year I seem to find one marathon runner more than once. This year the man in the sleeveless ice cream shirt was headed to the full marathon finish as I was heading home.
Jerusalem Marathon 2018 runners

I had photographed same runner heading out in the morning on my way to the park.

Jerusalem Marathon 2018 people heading home after main races

Walking home was the only way to go. Many runners were going much slower after the race.

Jerusalem Marathon 10 K race three girls walking to Gan Sacher

But these girls walking the 10K were not lacking in enthusiasm as they made their way to the finish line.

Jerusalem Marathon medals 2018

All runners or walkers who passed the finish line received a medal. All participants were winners.

The 8th Jerusalem International Marathon had serious security along the way.

It was a colorful, cool day.

More photos posted on Facebook can be found HERE

Jerusalem Marathon special message shirt

Like last year, one photo of people I did not know was posted on Facebook on Friday afternoon and within minutes, it was noticed and tagged and commented on.

“Pancreatic cancer is tough. So am I.”

Quite a wow message to end another year from the marathon on the streets of Jerusalem, Israel.