January 2025 Hanukkah and New Beginnings in Jerusalem

For 2025, I saw a cartoon with two doors.

The one on the left says, “Disengage and hope it turns out ok for you.”

The one on the right says, “Fight for what’s right.”

RJS plans to keep engaging for 2025, as it has over the past years.

There were lovely days and nights over Hanukkah, with warm sunny days and cool nights.

So many lights lit up the Jerusalem streets for eight nights.

Crowd at Mamilla Mall for candlelight on Hanukkah

Crowds filled Mamilla Mall for live music, dancing, and donuts almost every night.

Programs for children were held in small venues and

Jerusalem Cinema City had special activities in addition to the regular holiday movies.

However, on the sixth night, it rained.

Rain poured down most of the day. Jerusalem managed ballistic missile attacks in the middle of the night better than the flooded roads and gridlocked traffic with cars and buses full of Hanukkah partygoers.

We finally got through the traffic congestion and arrived at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus –

but oops, we found the wrong Hanukkah celebration, in the wrong building.

Instead, our party was in the new Gandel Rehabilitation Center, for wounded soldiers and their families and the OneFamily volunteers who come each week to help from their war injuries.

Only in Israel? The basements of hospitals are ready for attack with underground emergency units.

Activities, good food, and music filled part of the lower level for the special Hanukkah celebration.

Nefesh Be’Nefesh held a special family celebration for Hanukkah.

When I saw this man at the party I thought he was an actor. When I saw him leaving, I decided to snap a photo of the best Hanukkah costume of the year.

There are still no nature photo walks at the still-shuttered Wohl Rose Garden near the Knesset.

“Bring them home now” signs line the Rose Garden and many Jerusalem streets.

Celebrations private and public, the war on many fronts, and the 100 hostages are always in mind.

The fallen Israeli heroes, over 825, include 85 since Sinwar was eliminated in Gaza.

Sitting home, reading the news, or scrolling on social media, the UN agencies’ lies and obsession against Israel are appalling. For over a year, the Red Cross has not helped Israeli hostages including children.

The clear weather is not good for farmers, but great to get out and walk and see what’s new.

Gan Sacher, Sacher Park has new information signs.

Old City walls near Jaffa Gate for second night of Hanukkah

Jerusalem Old City walls were illuminated with projections the same as two years ago.

“Hanukkah of gold and of light” was Jerusalem’s new Hanukkah message this year.

The Outline Festival 2024 is continuing into 2025. “Unknown” is what is ahead for the new year.

However, new buildings have risen above the Jerusalem streets.

Too many Jerusalem streets are dug up for construction and the future light rail tracks.

New bus stops are going up in new locations to add to the construction confusion.

The Real Jerusalem Streets aims to keep sharing what’s real, what’s happening in Jerusalem, Israel.

Not all is good, but with the sun shining and days getting longer, there is hope for better days.

If you want only good news, go to my friend Michael’s Only Good News Israel

However, to end with one good thing – the views and positive comments on this simple video from Sukkot Birkat Cohanim, keep coming.

May 2025 and 5785 bring blessings for all.

See Jerusalem December Nights with Stars and Lights

December has begun in Jerusalem with new lights on the Jerusalem, Israel, streets.

Beit Hanasi, the Israeli President’s Residence was lit up with purple lights on Wednesday night for the 2024 International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The Tower of David Museum citadel was also illuminated purple that night.

The first days of December also were the beginning of the month of Kislev. The new moon aligned with the planet Venus as night fell and seasons changed.

In December, the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens opened its ‘Winter Dreams’ light festival.

The pond reflects small lights above and around the still water as visitors arrive.

Animals were the theme this year, 30 lights displays lined the path in the garden.

I try to go early to get the lights without the crowds, like here where an arch was over the path.

Red hearts are used in several designs along the route.

I never saw a live squirrel in Israel, but this giant squirrel was on display,

also a multicolored unicorn,

and the lion, the symbol of Jerusalem near the end of the route.

Animals and lights – all neutral – no Hanuka themes – unlike a giant menorah in past years.

The Nefesh BeNefesh Bonei Zion Prize ceremony for 2023/2024 was held at Beit Ha’am honoring 12 outstanding accomplished Anglo-Olim who have contributed to Israel, Israelis, and the world.

I knew Eylon Levy before he became a media star, long enough to ask him to pose in the lobby. MORE

I was running out to the Museum of Tolerance, dramatically illuminated at night.

Inside, the theater/auditorium was filled for the premiere of “The Children of October 7” and a panel discussion with three of the teen survivors of October 7 who bravely shared their testimonies.

Montana Tucker has used her star social media status to produce a 35-minute power documentary.

Back in Israel multiple times this past year, she shared her experiences on social media with the world.

Across from the Museum of Tolerance, the Friends of Zion was lit – Bring them home NOW.

The video ends with blue and white lights, alongside their Israeli flag.

The lights went on at the official opening of the Rose Garden – in Talbiyeh, not the one near the Knesset.

The sun was setting as a man carrying a child looked at the new pond at the opposite end of the completely renovated park area.

Mayor Moshe Lion arrived to speak and families gathered to hear the dignitaries.

But for me, these two women were the stars in their costumes.

Going home I passed the new buildings near the Jerusalem Theater with their lights on.

Holiday lights are turned on over Mamilla Mall Avenue.

The YMCA has new and more elaborate holiday lights this year.

Ending with long-time favorite lights from Jerusalem Jaffa Gate – Hanukka 5776.

Now it’s time to prepare for Chanukkah 5785, however, you spell חנוכה.

Hope to see you soon on the Jerusalem streets!

What’s New in Jerusalem for Hanukkah?

Hanukkah in Jerusalem is always a busy time, filled with events and family gatherings, nights with candle lighting, and plenty of oily, fried foods.

This year the week started off with glorious weather outside. The stone walls of the Old City were under a blue sky as colorful flags flew over the Cinematheque.

Inside the Isrotel Orient Hotel, on November 29, IMPROVATE launched its first Forum to introduce Israeli future technology to world finance leaders.

Champion Chess Player Garry Kasparov was one of the special guests. The former President of Bulgaria mentioned that after flight delays he arrived in Israel five minutes before the midnight closure to tourists.

Of the 300 invitees, only 3 were unable to attend the live conference which ended with a Black-Eyed Peas performance at the Jerusalem Pais Arena.

Kaf Tet–November 29th in 1947, the UN voted for the Partition Plan of Palestine, recognizing Jewish rights and leading to the establishment of Israel.

In 1977, the UN General Assembly called for the annual observance of 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

In her opening remarks Irina Nevzlin, Cofounder and Chair of IMPROVATE recognized the importance of November 29 in her life, for she was born in the former Soviet Union and was able to move to Israel – ‘to come home.”

Annually Hanukkah in Jerusalem means sufganiyot, each year new fancy flavors are produced and millions of donuts are consumed.

The large chanukiah (menorah) was back in Mamilla Mall

and at Jaffa Gate near the entrance to the Old City.

The traditional menorah stood at the Kotel, Western Wall.

The new US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, lit the candles on the seventh night at the Kotel and tweeted, “As the Hanukkah song goes, we come to banish the darkness,ׁ and together, we shine a bright light. Hanukkah sameach!”

This year, for the first time, a lighting ceremony took place on top of the new Western Wall Heritage Center, built at the back of the Kotel Plaza.

As night fell, politicians and other invited guests who were honored at the ceremony stood on the rooftop overlooking the Kotel.

I was there on the second night when these flames were lit.

MK Miri Regev was impressed enough to share the event with her fans and followers with her phone.

The view of the Kotel Plaza from above was impressive as always.

However, in the new building, the view below was fascinating also. For years the area was a construction site, as archeologists carefully dug down and the site was covered from view. Now those digs are exposed and are seen here in the new educational building.

But there is much more to see underground. New levels of history have been revealed under the Western Wall Tunnels.

Before going on the new Big Bridge Tour there is a video to help explain with multiple drawings.

The blue mark shows where we were standing.

And here is how the area of arches looked in the time of the Romans.

The steps down show the new/old mikvah, but it is not a colorful image.

However, with new technology, the Roman waterfalls flow for visitors.

The arched rooms and columns are impressive, but not easy to photograph.

Workers were finishing up the wooden bridge for the opening the next day.

The main underground area we visited in August 2019 has been prepared for the public to see on the new Great Bridge tour.

This new spacious area of the old Western Wall has been exposed.

Also new is the ‘Chain of Generations’ tour, which begins with stories of Abraham and Sarah, and their descendants,

and continues with the story of the Exodus from Egypt and Moshe

leading the 12 Tribes of Israel into the Land of Israel,

and includes the 70 names of Jerusalem

and the destruction of Jerusalem,

the longing to return, the devastation of the Shoah, the Holocaust,

providing names of early pioneers, ending with an inspirational video,

describing the Chain of Generations.

Only sharing a few snippets so you will appreciate the experience when tourists are finally allowed to return!

For those who support the UN’s denying a Jewish connection to Jerusalem, these tours will upset your day and misguided beliefs.

And on the eighth night of Hanukkah, the new US Ambassador to Israel lit candles at Beit Hanasi, with the Israeli President and his wife.

Hanukkah Sameach!