Three Under-Reported Events in Jerusalem You Should Know

Schools are out for the long summer holidays.

The temperatures have risen to uncomfortable highs.

Things feel almost “normal” on the Jerusalem streets.

There is less traffic during the usual rush hour times, but you never know when there will be delays.

The changing season is evident in the pomegranates growing in the garden at Beit Hanasi, the Israeli President’s Residence front garden near Theodore Herzl.

I was at Beit Hanasi twice for events that did not make headlines.

First, the swearing-in ceremony for new Israeli Labor Court Judges, where the diversity was apparent.

Of the seventeen new judges, 13 are women, not only Jewish women.

All the families in the audience were proud to record the moments.

Many sectors of Israeli society were included in this ceremony.

There were more children than usual for official events, and not all appreciated the speeches.

With the controversy around the Supreme Court this year, Uzi Fogelman is “acting” President, not the official head of the Court. But you know I was in the perfect spot to get his photo when the government photographer popped in front.

They all posed for the official photo at the end of the ceremony as usual.

Also this week at Beit Hanasi was an event attended by many rabbis. The Chief Rabbis have finished their official 10-year terms, but new elections have not been held. So they really represent themselves.

The morning was the launch of the publication of the English translation of the works of the former Chief Rabbi Herzog. I think the current President Herzog resembles the grandfather he is named for.

As in the video shown, the photos of the older rabbinic figure were the images most familiar.

As I left Beit Hanasi, a large white truck arrived with a police motorcycle in front and behind. Hot, tired, and wanting to get home, I had to stop and see what happened when they opened the back. No arrest drama, rather, they were just unloading the barriers in preparation for another night of protests.

Most photos from Thursday night were of protests, but in Baka, a new Torah was dedicated.

Hundreds of friends and supporters followed the Goldberg-Polins to the Baka Community Center.

Waiting traditionally were others to welcome them.

But this was not a traditional joyous dedication. The Torah was dedicated to the merit of their kidnapped hostage son Hersh and the other 119 hostages as part of their Week of Goodness.

The ‘Week of Goodness’ is universal and the activities are broad enough that both Jews and non-Jews all over the world were urged to join. Certainly, in Baka, hundreds came in person to join and support. The crowd spilled out from the Baka Community Center into the surrounding Jerusalem streets.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with US President Joe Biden is to take place on Tuesday afternoon; the Prime Minister’s flight will depart tomorrow morning.

May there be respectful events on the Jerusalem streets and beyond…

5 Positive Things from Jerusalem You Should Know

High temperatures, weariness from war in the south and north, and too many funerals made last week difficult. However, as always positive things were happening on the Jerusalem streets.

Five years ago, Urban Place opened with a grand event on the fourth floor of the Jerusalem Central Bus Station with the Jerusalem Mayor and crowds of interested people.

The saying, “Adventure begins at the end of the road you know” is still at the end of the hall.

I was back again this week and pleased to see it filled with offices and people.

Looking out a window from Urban Place, I wondered what was that across the way. At home, I realized it was the Jerusalem International Conference Center windows reflecting the bus station. The Israeli flags were blowing in the breeze and other flags lined the booths in front of the main entrance.

The Israeli athletes of the Israeli Olympic and Paralympic delegations for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, were hosted by President Isaac Herzog on the grounds of Beit Hanasi, the Israeli President’s Residence.

There were sports dignitaries including the Israeli Minister of Sports, but it was very hot by midday.

I left before the posed photos, with a yellow chair that was added to the usual formal photographs.

Back in the evening at Beit Hanasi on Wednesday, for the President’s Award for Volunteerism. It is an annual initiative that began 50 years ago, founded by Israel’s fourth president, the late Ephraim Katzir, in cooperation with the President’s Residence and the Israeli Volunteering Council.

One of my favorite events honoring volunteers, and finding people I know as a pleasant surprise.

Seeing people again with connections years ago though we have lost contact, doing good things.

The Shvuah HaSefer HaIvri – Hebrew Book Week – is back at First Station from June 18 – 29, 2024.

On the night I went it was filled with people as usual, with many families with young children.

Diverse populations arrive and stroll, pushing babies and older folks in wheelchairs.

Different this year there was a booth to purchase yellow ribbons and more, and not only young soldiers walked around with their weapons, but also more mature men out of uniform.

Security was evident, but so were the Arab women who strolled on the Train Track Path as usual.

This and similar signs have brightened Jerusalem streets announcing the Week for Disablities, honoring other Israeli soldiers, and those with disabilities who volunteer their service to the IDF.

A special project was initiated for women aged 25 or over, certified in professions useful to the army, who did national service, but not military service, and who can enlist in shortened boot camps and thus join the reserve army.

Hundreds of new young soldiers affirming service in the IDF were at the Kotel Plaza, Western Wall as their families stood for hours to get a glimpse of them at the ceremony.

May all the soldiers be safe, the hostages return, and the Jerusalem streets again be lined with colorful flowers instead of yellow ribbons.

In Jerusalem, Life After All

Some weeks are easier than others to find good news to share from the Jerusalem streets.

Within 1000 steps from where I live in Jerusalem, Israel, four families have lost their sons in battle since October 7. This week another 15 young men lost their lives fighting for Israel.

The reclaimed President’s Hotel has regular dance classes. The music can be heard in the evening.

Inside there were few people, but the art exhibit, “Life, After All,” lined the walls.

At Beit Hanasi, the Israeli President’s Residence, the Jerusalem Unity Prize awards were presented

The Jerusalem Prize for the Unity of Israel was initiated by the Yifrach, Shaer, and Fraenkel families with former Jerusalem Mayor MK Nir Barkat, stemming from the deep sense of unity felt throughout Israeli society and the Jewish Diaspora following the kidnapping and murder of their sons Eyal, Gil-Ad, and Naftali in the summer of 2014.

Ten years have passed, and the families have pursued life after their tragedy.

Knesset members were in attendance, even though they were not called to speak.

On most occasions in Jerusalem, a yellow chair stands empty ready for hostages to return.

In time for Shavuot, the Chabad House of Rechavia led by Rabbi Yisroel Goldberg celebrated their new location, with Rabbi Meir Goldwicht as guest speaker.

On Shavuot night, the list of locations and speakers all night long was way too long to list.

Then at dawn, tens of thousands of people walked to the Kotel, Western Wall, to pray.

The Jewish Agency Building was lit with a special Happy Holiday Shavuot message.

Signs are up for the annual June Shavuah Hasafer, Hebrew Book Week.

The Eid al-Adha the Muslim holiday, “Feast of Sacrifice” is on Sunday through Thursday, June 19, 2024.

The government announced an extension for residents who have been evacuated from their homes, in the hotels and temporary housing solutions, financed by the state, until 15 August 2024.

As life goes on, even as the war in Gaza goes on, the northern front continues to escalate and businesses have suffered greatly. The OU Israel hosted a successful fair for businesses before Shavuot.

Israeli Lebanese border wall section painted

With the attacks by Hezbollah from Lebanon increasing, it seemed like a good time to go back and look at a trip to the northern border 4 years ago, Israel’s Northern Exposure. The only thing that has changed is that those tens of thousands of residents have been out of their homes for over 8 months.

Man on Lebanese border with Israel

Oh, and missiles, rockets, and deadly drones are being shot at Israelis rather than photographs.

The funeral of Eliyahu Moshe Shlomo Zimbalist לוויה של אליהו משה שלמה was on one of the hottest days of the year. Har Herzl has seen too many fallen soldiers whose families will have the task of going on after the loss of the finest these past months.

May their memories be a blessing

May we see joy, music, and life return to the Jerusalem streets.