See Winter in Jerusalem

Winter in Jerusalem, Israel, is so different than those we experienced in the US. Being used to those long Boston winters with piles of snow into June and New York where tree branches remained bare for months on end, the greenery popping up all around is always a pleasure.

When the rain stops, the sun comes out, and things turn green.

Jerusalem flowers Kalaniot Anemones

The first spotting of wild Kalaniot, anemones, is an annual favorite.

Tourists and locals are enjoying the unseasonably warm weather.

Our Crowd 2018

The OurCrowd Global Summit attracted 10,000 people to the Jerusalem International Conference Center.

Construction Jerusalem Israel no stairs

I had always used this stairway to get to the entrance, but the stairs were gone this time. With so much construction in Jerusalem, you never know what you will find, or not find.

Audience at Our Crowd Global Summit in Jerusalem 2018

The auditorium was full for the opening plenary.

Map of Eretz Yisrael from ancient times.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat was a featured speaker in the morning. Jerusalem of the ancient past appeared in this slide in his presentation, but the focus was on the future.

Mayor Nir Barkat in front of photo of new Jerusalem - Tel Aviv train station

This is a photo of the future fast train station. He promised it would be ready soon, with a ride of 28 minutes from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.

However, beside mega-events like OurCrowd, dozens of smaller events are held nightly.

AMIT-Emunah movie night at Ramat Tahel Monkey Business

On Sunday night, AMIT-Emunah Jerusalem held an annual movie night featuring “Monkey Business,” at Ramat Rachel. The story behind the “Curious George” children’s books, and the Jewish authors journey to survive the Holocaust was fascinating.

Panel Yossi Klein HaLevi with Moshe Boogie Ya'alon at Tmol Shilshom with Anat Mufkadi moderator

Then at Tmol Shilshom, in Nahalat Shiva, Author Yossi Klein HaLevi discussed the Hebrew version of his book on Israel in 1967, “The Dreamers,” with Moshe “Boogie” Ya’alon, with Anat Mufkadi moderating.

Shaon Horef, Jerusalem Israel street festival in February on Monday nights

Monday nights in February, in various Jerusalem neighborhoods, streets are the setting for a cultural festival called Shaon Horef, or Winter Noise.

Winter Noise at Nahalat Shiva Jerusalem Israel culture event

Not only does the location vary, but so does the quality of entertainment. February 5, 2018, the event took place in Nahalat Shiva, off of Yoel Salomon Street. There were light projections on buildings, music, and more.

Acting on Jerusalem Israel streets for Winter Noise cultural festival

Improv acts,  one of the free entertainment events, drew a crowd in this small alley.

Jerusalem Israel Winter Noise Festival activity

Some shops were involved. Bands provided music on the streets late into the night .

Music at Winter Noise festival Jerusalem Israel winter night events

Tmol Shilshom was again filled for musical performances.

As we enter the 70th year since the establishment of State of Israel, get ready for more events and mega-events.

Jerusalem, Israel Knesset gathering of Ambassadors

Ambassadors to Israel were hosted for an annual gathering at the Knesset which also celebrated its 70th. The Knesset opened on Tu Bishvat back in 1949.

Knesset Israel Arab men entering for tour Jerusalem Israel

I wondered if the diplomats from around the world noticed this Arab tour group in the Knesset at the same time?

Sign up for kindergarten and first grade in Jerusalem

However, the real streets did not focus on visitors to the Knesset this week. Signs are up to register for ganim, nurseries and school for next year. For many families, the big event last week was report card week.

Runner in Jerusalem Israel in Valley of Cross

The sun was shining and the weather was warm. Runners have been out training for the Jerusalem Marathon on March 9th.

Will all the construction be done in time for the race? This has been the final few meters in the full marathon in the past.

Even in winter, as always, so much is happening on the Jerusalem streets.




7 thoughts on “See Winter in Jerusalem

  • February 7, 2018 at 5:34 pm

    It was my grandmother’s dream to see Israel–but she never made it.
    She asked to be buried with a small sack of dirt from Israel–and she was–
    Several years ago I did make the journey to our beautiful country.
    I say ‘our’ because although I was born in America–there will always be a place in my heart for Israel–
    Your marvelous photo blogs help me feel connected to the land we love–Thank you-

    • February 7, 2018 at 5:41 pm

      Thank you Jackie, thank you! You have made my day with this wonderful comment.

  • February 8, 2018 at 1:54 am

    Thank you for your lovely post! During our cold German winter I look every few days on the Jerusalem weather map and then look forward to my next journey to Israel. It’s not only the warm temperature but the heartiness of the people who arrange so many events to share their skills with their neighbors and foreign guests, which makes the real Jerusalem streets so attractive.

    • February 8, 2018 at 4:52 am

      Christiane, Thank you for beautiful comment. Hope you get to visit again soon and be in touch when you come.

  • Pingback: Schauen sie sich den Winter in Jerusalem an | abseits vom mainstream - heplev

  • February 10, 2018 at 6:17 pm

    There is no place on earth as Eretz Israel in the spring. The whole country comes alive as nature bursts out in all its beauty. In fields and forests the colours are bursting out. The most wonderful time to visit our country!

    • February 10, 2018 at 6:18 pm

      Agreed, Shavuah tov.


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