Music, Lights, Shabbat and Happy Hanukkah

How could I forget?

With a post last week of musical events in Jerusalem, Israel,

Jerusalem Theater Pianos

I forgot to include the annual Piano Festival

taking place once again at the Jerusalem Theater.

In the ‘what will they do to top last year’ department,

Jerusalem Theater Piano Festival

chairs were set up outside in a large tent.

Piano performances will be held over three days,

and piano bars stocked with wines

will help keep visitors warm in the cold nights.


Jerusalem Theater lobby

inside the theater,

Jerusalem Theater singer

musicians and singers who immigrated to Israel

Jerusalem Theater singers

performed throughout the building.

Jerusalem Theater snack time

Some were more interested in the snacks

Painted glass at Jerusalem theater olim event

than the music or art works on display.

With the holidays approaching, visitors are arriving

Jerusalem street lights with hanukiot lit up for chanuka

and decorations are lining the streets.

Street signs for hanukah

Chanukkah celebration signs are posted.

Jerusalem street sign for lights of hanukah

Festivals, performances and happenings

will light up the city for Hanuka,

 too many events to list.

The lights of Shabbat

Lighting the lights of Hanukah

will be followed by the lights of Hanuka.

Yes, I spelled חנוכה different ways in English,

but the wishes are the same.


שבת שלום

Shabbat Shalom,


חנוכה שמח

Happy Hanukkah

 And if you want more lights and music

to get in a holiday mood,

here is my favorite video from last year.

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