Art and Music Brighten Jerusalem Winter


What a wild week of weather!

It was so warm and sunny one day,

that after lunch at the Malha Tech Park,

people lounged at cafe tables in the mid-day sun,

reluctant to return to their offices.


rain in Jerusalem Israel

came the rain,

along the light rail line on Jaffa Road,

Yaffo in rain

at least this umbrella brightened the morning.

Yesterday, hail pounded down, along with high winds.

The challenge became to aim an umbrella so the wind

would not blow it away or inside out.

However, there is plenty

of music to brighten cold winter nights.

Art and Music in Jerusalem Israel

While restaurants come and go,

a new Art and Music Gallery opened on Yoel Salomon Street.

The Jerusalem Jazz Festival and the annual

 Hullegeb Festival of Ethiopian music, and more events are this week.

Plus it’s another December weekend of Hamshushalim,

Jerusalem winter festivals Hebrew signs

with dozens of entertainment and cultural options

at discounted prices, and many for free.

When it comes to discount options or free,

nothing tops the Yad Sarah organization.

“What’s  the catch? What’s the cost?” everyone asks.

 I took a tour this week.

The main equipment supply room

Yad Sarah disabilities

brims with medical assistance items,

24/7 emergency calls

the emergency hot line operates 24/7,

while the art therapy room has everything,

Old sewing machine at Yad Sarah art room

 from this vintage sewing machine

Patient art at Yad Sarah

to cabinets full of handmade pieces of art.

Thousands volunteer and are serviced by Yad Sarah,

its list of services and items is massive.

If their supply of hospital beds were piled up

it would be higher than Mount Everest!.

Tours are free, and recommended for all.

What’s the catch?

Yad Sarah has everything but adequate parking.

To end on an upbeat art note:

Besides the growing Bezalel Academy of Art and Design,

a new art center is to be built in downtown Jerusalem.

The $50 million complex is to be called

the Jerusalem Campus for the Arts.

I missed the rainbow yesterday morning,

but there is much happening to brighten

these Jerusalem streets.

6 thoughts on “Art and Music Brighten Jerusalem Winter

  • December 15, 2016 at 2:43 pm

    Thanks for the update on all of the wonderful things going on in Jerusalem, Israel. We had occasion to make use of Yad Sarah’s services this past Sukkos. . .the volunteers were so friendly, and continuously tried to find a wheelchair that would meet our needs in the most comfortable fashion!! They ask for a minimal security deposit which they return to you upon return of the borrowed item – but it is a nice gesture to let them keep the deposit, enabling them to fund all of the amazing products that they provide.

    • December 15, 2016 at 5:44 pm

      Chana Thank you, did you hear about Yad Sarah special service for tourists with disabilities? Did you take the tour of the main building?

  • December 15, 2016 at 5:38 pm

    you are truly amazing, Sharon. you cover the most interesting areas of yerushalayim. kol hakavod again and again and a very happy pr-Chanukah sameach. miss you as do all of your friends from Vancouver and silver springs.

    • December 15, 2016 at 5:41 pm

      Joani Thank you so much! Just wait, Hanukkah is coming and that is always special!

  • Pingback: Kunst und Musik erhellen den Winter in Jerusalem | abseits vom mainstream - heplev

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