Jerusalem came to a stop for two days,
as thousands upon thousands of people came to see,
this Ferrari Formula One race car.
Some people paid a fee and sat in the stands constructed for
the Jerusalem Formula One Peace Road Show.
Special video cameras recorded the event,
which was projected on screens at several locations along the track.
Several Ferrari GT Challenge
and a black Lotus LMPZ zoomed around the track.
Each lap took these cars around two minutes,
but this was a show, not a race.
Many residents were furious that so many streets were closed,
but people came early and from all over to find a good spot.
Large crowds could be found
at every one of the free vantage points,
from high on top of walls of The Old City
to along the street across from the Liberty Bell Park.
Huge crowds lined the track both days.
Remember that guy on top of the bus stop?
The only “action” from the sports cars,
a deliberate smoke producing spin took place in front of us.
He had the front row seat and got the shot
and it was so loud, I still do not have normal hearing in one ear.
The Formula Peace Road show was promoted for the racing cars,
but there were also motorcycles,
and by all accounts the show stopping favorite
was the dare-devil stunt routine of Chris Pfeiffer on a BMW 6800R.
And as always, I thought that the police horses were beautiful.
Was this Jerusalem Formula Peace Road Show
worth all the inconvenience?
Getting stuck on the inside of the track,
it took me over an hour to walk what is normally a ten minute distance.
One girl I saw was literally in tears trying to get to her destination.
Some loved it, some thought it was a total waste of time.
I do know, it was a very diverse crowd and there was no violence.
And Italian race car drivers,
Ragazzi Riccardo (left) who drove a Ferrari GT Challenge 430
and Daniel Mancinelle who drove a Ferrari GT Challenge 458
were very excited and happy to be in Jerusalem for the first time.
And I know a lot more about race cars.
Who would have thought that would happen in Jerusalem, Israel !
More photos on The Real Jerusalem Streets Facebook page, HERE.
And Ferrari video from on the car, and more see HERE.