Hanukkah in Jerusalem, Israel, can be exhausting!
Candle lighting ceremonies seem to be everywhere,
with people arriving from all over the world.
On the first night of Hanukkah,
at the Kotel, Western Wall, at its large chanukiah,
after a lighting ceremony with dignitaries,

a man was covered in a white talit for the filming of a video.

Chanukiot in Jerusalem restaurants are always a favorite.

First night, first light in the Old City, this was most unusual,

while simple can be beautiful.

This large electric-light covered chanukiah was near Jaffa Gate,

and this fire-lit one in Mamilla Mall

that attracted a crowd below.

The display of chanukiot in the Waldorf-Astoria lobby was new this year.

Candles were burning in the security booth outside the US consulate,
though I received permission to take this photo,
afterwards I was stopped by an over-anxious guard.
Thankfully, he did not try to delete my photos.

A Chabad Chanukiah can be found on many corners,
but the one near Paris Fountain is a favorite.

The holiday party for the international press
given by the Prime Minister was held at the Israel Museum this year.
PM Benjamin Netanyahu lit this 19th century brass chanukiah
which had been used in a synagogue in Central Europe.

Not as large as this one,

but also part of the Israel Museum’s extensive collection of chanukiot,
some centuries old and from around the world.
Though not a menorah

the lights in their eyes are certainly bright.
This photo of Natan and Avital Sharansky
with Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Shamir
as they leave Ben Gurion airport after arriving in Israel
finally free from Soviet prison,
is one of many in a new Israel Museum photography exhibit.
And from our source of the sukkah on a camel,

a menorah of ice.

It was coming along, but sorry, it was a long day and busy week.
I did not stay to see what happened when it was lit.

no matter how you spell it,

a great miracle happened here,
eight days to celebrate,

as those suffganiot keep coming..in so many colors and tastes.

Happy Hannukah!