Jerusalem Heats Up for Summer

Jerusalem Heats Up for Summer

It had to happen here in Jerusalem, Israel.

The hot weather had to arrive.

We are well into summertime in the Middle East.

This past week was still cool in the evening and pleasant.

But, today it’s hot outside.

French ceremony for Bastille Day

July 14th was Bastille Day, celebrated in France with an official ceremony including a military marching band – “Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood.”

Protest Rally in Jerusalem Israel near Prime Minister's residence
Photo credit: Shifra G

In Jerusalem, the 14th was marked by a huge protest rally under the banner of “Siege of Balfour.” Protests are allowed under Israeli law, even when COVID-19 restrictions are the most severe stages. Most other gatherings, on the other hand, have been limited in numbers to try to control the spread during this coronavirus pandemic.

Protesters late at night at Jerusalem Israel Paris Square set fire to a paper recycling container
Photo credit: Shifra G

After the main protest rally with its noise and drums and shouts, it quieted a bit near midnight. We could hear the noises a mile away.

There have been protesters near Paris Square for a month, close to the Prime Minister’s Residence.

Jerusalem protest tent near Prime Minister's residence with Gilad Shalit's parents

Gilad Shalit’s family was there for years until he was released from Gaza.

Most weeks since, someone has a protest there. I have taken photos, but not always shared them.

However, this was more than the regular noisy protest.

Jerusalem Israel recycle container set on fire by protesters
Photo credit: Micky Rosenfeld Israel Polie

A paper recycling bin was set on fire, and enough protesters to fill a bus were taken away by police after being sprayed by water.

Israeli Police truck on way to burning dumpster at Paris Square

The truck was a little late getting to the protest scene. After making a wrong turn, the driver had to back the oversized vehicle out of our small, one-way street VERY carefully.

These protests have made headlines. The social workers are still on strike, but they’re not violent, making them less newsworthy.

Nurses are ready to strike also?

No idea what next, but can share what did happen:

Jerusalem Israeli scouts in uniform

Israeli Scouts in uniform and masks met on Tuesday for an outing.

Young Jerusalem children meeting in a park area

A group of young children gathered in this shaded nature spot. I liked how their backpacks were hanging from a cord – carefully distanced. I was reminded of the days when parents thought that head lice was the worst possible of plagues.

President Rivlin watches Israeli football final from a box, as the only spectator
Photo credit Kobi Gideon, GPO

The Israeli Football (soccer) final had one spectator – President Reuven Rivlin.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin meets with IDF near Lebanon border
Photo credit: Kobi Gideon, GPO

Twenty years after the withdrawal from Lebanon, President Rivlin visited the northern border on Thursday, beginning his visit with the operations room at Camp Biranit. I thought the plates of healthy food on the table were interesting.

Hezbollah in Lebanon as seen from Israel

I have plenty of border photos from January. Seems so long ago, when I was near the Blue Line, on the Israeli border of Lebanon.

The Jerusalem Film Festival (JFF) announced the end of its plans to run a delayed physical edition at the end of August. Following a surge in COVID-19 cases, new restrictions on large-scale gatherings have been introduced.

Dr Ruth and President Reuven Rivlin

Last year President Reuven Rivlin was the honored speaker as the event was dedicated in memory of the wife Nechama z’L. Dr. Ruth was a special guest.

Opening night Jerusalem Film Festival 2019

In 2016, the Jerusalem Film Festival attracted even more photographers to the opening night in the Sultan’s Pool.

Quentin Tarantino received a special award from Mayor Nir Barkat before the film.

Director Quentin Tarantino received an award from Mayor Nir Barkat before the film.

Jerusalem Israel building National Library near Knesset and Israel Museum

Even as many restaurants, museums, and buildings are forced to close, construction

Building the Israeli National Library man on top of building site

on the new Israel National Library,

Man working with construction equipment in Jerusalem

and other Jerusalem building projects are proceeding.

Watering Sacher Park in Jerusalem Israel no Sunday morning

Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, was empty in the morning as sprinklers water the grass.

Jerusalem Valley of the Cross bike path and new landscaping

The path in Valley of the Cross leading into the park was quiet.

Then a few minutes later – it was best to get out of the way!

New grapes on Jerusalem streets

How many times I have walked by this location and not noticed the beautiful green grapes growing?

Grape vine over trash container on Jerusalem street

Maybe because I did not look up over the garbage bin to see them?

Too many people walk looking down at their phones not seeing what is around them.

Wearing masks. Not wearing masks.

Another week under coronavirus pandemic.

Always something different happening on the Jerusalem streets.

Flower growing in Jerusalem Israel in Valley of the Cross

While many people are suffering, nature is thriving.

Take care out there and stay well.

Sounds of Summer in Jerusalem

Sounds of Summer in Jerusalem

The birds are chirping.

The sounds of moving traffic fill Jerusalem streets.

An emergency vehicle siren blaring passes by.

The happy voices of children at play can be heard.

Sounds of summer fill the Jerusalem streets.

Magen David from wood constructed by Scouts in Jerusalem

The boisterous sounds from the Israeli Scouts returned to their Jerusalem base.

Jerusalem Western Wall divided for coronavirus

The sounds of prayer at the Kotel, the Western Wall have continued as numbers of prayer gatherings have changed.

View of Wilson Arch by Kotel Jerusalem Israel

The numbers inside the Wilson’s Arch area are limited but worshipers have returned.

Jerusalem Great Synagogue email announcing closed again no prayer services.

Sadly the Jerusalem Great Synagogue has been silent for months.

Beit Hanasi new ambassadors meet Israeli President
Photo credit: Amos Ben Gershom (GPO)

The red carpet was out. Signing the guestbook was similar. For the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus, President Rivlin received diplomatic credentials from the new ambassadors of Colombia, Greece, Denmark, Romania, and Argentina to the State of Israel.

This could be the last time for Foreign Ministry Chief of Protocol Meron Rueben (far right) to present new diplomats, as he is to become Israel’s next consul-general in Boston.

Jerusalem Ambassadors at Beit Hanasi pass honor guard reduced because of COVID-19
Photo credit: Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)

The honor guard, comprised of 8 people with flags, was standing where the band usually stood. The very downsized band to play anthems stood behind in the garden, shielded by bushes.

Beit Hanasi Ambassador from Thailand

Here the police band played for one of the past presidential red carpet welcomes.

Jerusalem Symphony performances broadcast on Facebook during corona closings

Jerusalem Philharmonic performed live and was streamed on Facebook.

Musicians in the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra at Jerusalem Theater

Beautiful sounds with distance and masks on stage.

Lights on Knesset at night for summer session

Also late at night, the lights were on at the Knesset, but for a change, the sounds were inside instead of outside from a protest.

Jerusalem Israel path near Israel Museum

Amazing that so close to the Knesset, below the Israel Museum is such a quiet spot.

View of Israel Museum from below in Valley of the Cross

March 1, 2020, I took this photo walking home from the museum.

Piece in Israel Museum

This image was taken the very next day. Who would imagine the only photo I took on March 2nd, would be the last one for months? Sadly, the Israel Museum like the Great Synagogue has remained silent because of COVID-19.

Lizard in Jerusalem Israel park

But in the quiet of these coronavirus days, the lizards and geckos have become regular visitors to the Jerusalem nature paths.

Jerusalem Israel police in Sacher Park

Police on a motorcycle at the entrance of Gan Sacher, Sacher Park was a new sight this week.

Police are handing out 500 shekel tickets to those not wearing masks.

Sign posted in Jerusalem about Netanyahi

New signs. Protest signs.  Sounds of protests are heard and seen.

Jerusalem Festival mekudeshet

Meanwhile, Mekudeshet is trying to provide Jerusalem with cultural events on the Sherover Promenade. Sounds from the big summer festivals are missing from the streets.

With tourists missing the usual sights and sounds and crowds of summer visitors in Jerusalem are missing.

new hotel in Jerusalem Israel Orient

The Orient Isrotel reopened on July 8 with an 85 % occupancy for Shabbat.

With the number of infected people rising, and restrictions changing, it is hard to keep up day to day, let alone week to week.

Red flower in Jerusalem in summer

But one thing that the novel coronavirus pandemic has not affected – the vibrant colors found along the Jerusalem streets.

The colors in nature seem to be thriving, even as the economy dips to new lows.

Flowers in Jerusalem in summer

So I will leave you with this image, and a wish for all to stay healthy and well, on or off the Jerusalem streets where ever you are.

And the sounds from last summer Old City Light Festival, when I wondered what would be next?

Never imagined there would be no festival and the sounds of silence.

Jerusalem Moving Outside: Summer in Sacher Park

Jerusalem Moving Outside: Summer in Sacher Park

Jerusalem, Israel.

The sun is shining. The hot days of summer are here.

Many people on my street went away for a holiday weekend.

Life appeared to be normal, except for a few masks.

Moving outside is now the “in” thing to do.

Signs for summer outside in Jerusalem Israel during coronavirus

New signs were posted for summer under the stars at the Kahn Theater and the Jerusalem Theater.

Cultural events were stopped and theaters have been shut for months.

However, construction and road work accelerated under corona closings.

Gardner planting new roses in Jerusalem Israel

The Jerusalem municipality gardening crews planted new roses.

Jerusalem Sacher Park entrance

One of Jerusalem’s largest public outside green spaces is Gan Sacher, Sacher Park.

Sovereignty sign posted in Jerusalem Gan Sacher Park

One entrance to the park has a protest sign against building in the “White Ridge,” west of the city, proposed much needed new housing in the green Jerusalem hills.

This is one location that has greatly improved over the past few years.

Jerusalem Israel Savher Park entrance before marathon days.

The entrance before renovations often had signs posted. But oh that path!

Valley of Cross path toward Gan Sacher Park

This was the way the path looked before,

Walking and bike path Jerusalem Israel Valley of Cross

and this is the same path now divided for walkers and cyclists.

Jerusalem Sacher Park couple exercising

Gan Sacher is being well-watered and the grass is green.

Couple doing yoga moves in Jerusalem Park Gan Sacher

Enough space for almost private exercise under the trees.

Jerusalem Israel park Gan Sacher

Even this rock near an entrance was cleaned up!

Jerusalem Israel Gan Sacher Park

I went back to find a photo of before, yes it was that sad looking.

Jerusalem Israel two Muslim women walking in Gan Sacher Park

I passed two Arab women wearing masks on the walking path.

Masks are not required for exercise.

But police are giving out fines for those not wearing masks in public.

View of Sacher Park above the restaurant

The restaurant in the Gan Sacher was busy. People were eating in the open covered area and a few couples were sitting outside. Seems those seats and steps which were hard to understand in the past are brilliant for our new reality.

Sacher Park in Jerusalem play are with steps before renovation

At this time of year, the playground would be filled with children.

Lately, the play equipment in Gan Sacher stands empty.

Jerusalem Israel playground in Jerusalem Park

Notice the steps are gone. It will be interesting to see the results when completed.

Jerusalem park Gan Sacher Park

Lights on were on in the building with restrooms, but no landscaping around.

Jerusalem Gan Sacher 2019 sign for Passover

Passover 2019 there was green planted all around.

I stopped going inside to check, as every time I found it clean.

Restroom in Sacher Park under construction

I remember how thrilled to see when this was being built.

Jerusalem Israel old restrooms before renovations

The situation before was Outrageous!

Progress and changes in Gan Sacher over the years, included the picnic area.

Jerusalem Israel Gan Sacher Park cement tables i

February 2018 this was a new picnic area near the play equipment.

Those tables and benches looked sturdy. However, those round things near fields?

Guess I was not the only one confused. Were they to be used as seats or BBQ grills?

Truck in Sacher Park in Jerusalem Israel

But now those benches and tables and round things are gone.

Jerusalem Israel new picnic tables in Sacher Park

There are even newer picnic tables

Jerusalem Israel Sacher Park new eating areas

in several locations along the path inside Gan Sacher. 

Jerusalem Israel Sacher Park renovation

One area in front of the trees that border the Knesset has also been developed.

Old view of Gan Sacher when trees fell down

Remembering in March 2014, after storms, many of the old trees in that spot were down.

Some trees were marked to be saved. Some were removed.

Trees trimmed have come back to provide shade again.

Two Muslim women stopping in Sacher Park to take selfies

By the time I came around the park, the women had reached the same spot and were taking selfies.

It was time to walk home.

Road work along path in Valley of Cross in Jerusalem Israel

Not too long ago serious fire here had endangered homes on the streets above.

A few days ago the dried weeds were cut, the area was being replanted.

Jerusalem Rechavia view from Valley of the Cross

Today you can see the results of the new landscaping.

Jerusalem Israel Sacher Park

In spite of the summer heat, and in spite of the coronavirus pandemic, the Jerusalem park spaces are being upgraded and green.

Jerusalem summer activities for children in the city parks in summer 2020

New activities for young children are planned in the Jerusalem parks.

Broadway shows in New York City are closed until January.

Things may not be coming up roses everywhere but in Jerusalem,

there are new roses on the streets and people are moving on and outside.

Israeli Scouts Masada center open after COVID-10 closing

After months closed, the door to the Israeli Scouts Moadon was open.

The sounds of children’s voices could be heard again filling the Jerusalem streets.