The days are getting shorter and the nights are cooler.
Summer is coming to an end.
All around there are signs of the new year.
The first day of school is a big deal in Israel,
the Prime Minister, the President and
a long list of politicians get involved.
Lining the Jerusalem, Israel, streets,
are new signs announcing the new school year,
“There’s nothing like the education in Jerusalem,
good luck to us all in school.”
Here is a new, special place to post community announcements.
I can’t wait to see how it will be used.
Not sure why this sign is still up,
as Maccabiah events are long over, so there is no need for parking now.
The Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival attracted extra attention this year.
It certainly was not a good sign that one performer,
Selif Keita, had to cancel due to threats.
If he had come he would see what is really happening
on the Jerusalem streets.
There were signs all over for many musical performances,
like this one is for an end of summer concert in Kikar Safra, Safra Square.
These fresh limes on the tree almost ready to pick
has to be one of my favorite signs of the Rosh Hashana season.
It is really coming soon this year,
too soon for some of us,
but mountains of rimonim, pomegranates, are a sure sign that of the new year is almost here.
They even appear above the streets on this new sign
wishing all a Shanah tovah in Jerusalem,
a very good new year to all.