The annual Jerusalem Light Festival is once again lighting up the walls of the Old City.
Every year I try and go early to get into position for photos at sunset.
The lights were just getting going near the end of the Blue route.
‘Choosing Mildness’ would be more vivid after dark.
For each installation, a sign was posted with details.
Thankfully I took photos of a few signs.
A very nice young man in a security vest offered me his map, only the text was in Arabic!
So the first piece of advice, start at the beginning of the routes and do not go in reverse as I did.
I could not find the last art piece #17 on the Blue Route. Due to security for an event on Thursday night, it was not open on Wednesday as well.
The next to last piece, #16 ‘Trumpet Flowers,’ was ready to go.
This year the Blue Route goes on the outside of the old city walls from Jaffa Gate to Dung Gate. But beware if you do the route in reverse it can get confusing.
Lights and people dressed in lights were popular this year.
Near Jaffa Gate, as it got dark the blue lights were easy to follow.
More actors dressed in lights were near Jaffa Gate.
This was one of my favorite photographs.
However, since I cannot read Arabic, I am not sure what it is.
The lights on Damascus Gate were interesting near the end of the Green Route.
They changed, but too slowly for a good video.
I had forgotten just how amazing was the masterpiece from five years ago.
Here was one interactive Green Route attraction aimed to interest children.
This was my fourth attempt to take a video here.
Families kept walking by and posing for photos.
Entering the New Gate on the Red Route was this piece.
‘Street Flowers’ was a popular overhead attraction.
The streets in the Arab market are always an interesting photo op.
The shops themselves are colorful when well lit.
‘Call for a Wish’ needed a video better than a photograph.
Lucky this year, instead of getting lost in the Christian Quarter, as usual, I met the artist of #17 Blue Route at Muristan Square. Mr. Franck was free to wander as his special piano will not be on display until next week.
By the time I got to the light tunnel crowds were building.
You should be seeing many photos and videos of this attraction.
More shops were open in the Arab shuk than in the past.
It got so crowded in some places, I had to hold my camera over my head and push through the crowd trying hard not to fall on the uneven stone streets.
I finished the Red Route back at the plaza by Jaffa Gate.
The photo of the walls outside Jaffa Gate was not the usual lovely image.
But it seems this ‘Dance Party’ was just getting started as I was leaving.
This year there was no route that went through the Jewish Quarter.
Remember last year’s beautiful ‘Rainbow’ on the Hurva Synagogue?
I am considering going back next week to check out my new friend’s piano in Davidson Archeological Park.
This was the serious equipment aimed at the walls near the end of the Blue Route.
Jerusalem 2019 Light Festival runs from June 26 to July 4th.
It has been a while since I did over a 3-hour walk.
Make sure you wear good shoes.
Let me know what you think of the Festival of Light in Jerusalem if you go.
There’s much more happening in Jerusalem, Israel this week, but enough for now.