17 Nissan 5771
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Birkat Kohanim, the Priestly Blessing at the Kotel, the Western Wall.
Major streets were closed to traffic.
Security was out in force
as thousands of people walked to the Old City,
trying to get close enough to hear
and see the Birkat Kohanim.
From every entrance
and stairway the crowds gathered.
Dignitaries did not need an umbrella this year, as the weather was pleasantly cool.
Thousands of people stood completely still,
except for a couple of security men watching the crowd,
as everyone looked toward the Kohanim.
The chief rabbi began to recite a psalm and people began to move.
As the Kes walked toward the Kotel
other people began to leave the area.
In the mass of people
it was possible to find a friend.
Awesome event… but it’s Passover,
so time to eat… again.
gr8 pics! keep up the good work!
Wonderful! Thank you.
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