Prime Minister Stephen Harper from Where?

Timing and location are everything.

I was feeling badly for Romanian President Basescu who is here for an official state visit.

flag of Romania image, picture of Romanian flag, photo Jerusalem Romania visit

Though the Romanian flag was flying over some main Jerusalem, Israel streets,

his visit seemed so overshadowed by

photo PM Canada, image Steven Harper, picture Steven Harper and wife

the visit of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen.

image red carpet welcome, photo red carpet for PM Harper, picture Bibi Netanyahu

PM Harper received a red carpet welcome,

picture visit Harper to Israel, photo Steve Harper and Netanyahu, picture honor guard review

and a full honor guard review.

image Israeli leaders, photo Israeli government leaders, Picture Israel politicians

Israeli political leaders lined up to shake his hand,

image official receiving line. photo dignitaries to greet prime minister, t

along with Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and many religious leaders,

photo Canadian Jewish delegation, image Jewish leaders with Harper, picture group with Harper

and Jewish leaders from Canada.

image Harper and Netanyahhus, photo Steven Harper, picture Sara and Bibi Netanyahu

It was as close to a royal reception as you will find in Israel.

But then I talked with an Israeli receptionist,

she was much more interested in my camera than these photos.

She had no idea who Harper was and seemed to care less.

image cat, photo cat in Jerusalem, Israel cat picture

One of those famous Jerusalem chutzpah cats

came through to check out the flowers and red carpet.

But unless you were stuck in traffic with all the various motorcades,

 it seems possible not to have even noticed.

As a new snow storm is hitting North America,

the weather here has been perfect.

image trees cut back, photo trees in SAcher park, picture park

The trees damaged in the Jerusalem December snow in Gan Sacher, Sacher Park

 look stark against the blue sky,

image spring flowers, first flowers of spring photo, picture wild flowers

but the first wild flowers of spring are popping out.

The overseas visitors are heading home,

and the Israeli President and Prime Minister are leaving

for the World Economic Conference in Davos,

so the Jerusalem streets should be a bit quieter for a few days.

Perfect time to head out for lunch in an out-door cafe,

and enjoy the warm sunny weather,

another good reason to be living in Jerusalem, Israel.

Federation General Assembly Goes out in New Style

The 82nd Annual General Assembly of Jewish Federations of North America,

the GA, met in Jerusalem, Israel, over three days this week.

#JFNAGA photo, Netanyahu image, picture Prime Minister speaking

The first night Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was main speaker

at the Jerusalem International Convention Center – ICC.

I spent two days inside the ICC, following a program called

“The Global Jewish Shuk: A Marketplace of Dialogue and Debate,”

so it was great that the farewell ceremony was held outside.

image #JFNAGA, picture from end of Israel general assembly

These chairs and a small stage were set up for GA delegates

and many others in Kikar Safra, Safra Square.

image Naftali Bennett speaking, photo Naftali Bennett at GA

Minister Naftali Bennett was the featured government speaker,

and he showed off his best English for the Anglo crowd.

photo GA, chairmen of GA image, picture from Kikar Safra

Michael Siegal thanked Ronny Douek and

Susie and Michael Gelman for chairing the convention.

And then, 

picture walk to kotel, image GA leaders,

with Mayor Nir Barkat and Natan Sharansky at his side,

he led the crowd out of the government plaza

image GA walk to Western Wall, picture walking to Kotel

 to the sounds of a real brass band.

image walking along Old City walls.

With small US, Israeli and GA flags,

image Palestinian women, picture Israel Arab women, Israel apartheid

they walked along the Walls of the Old City,

picture walk to egalitarian service, GA mixed prayer at Kotel

past Jaffa Gate,

image walking to Kossel, Wailing wall

and up the narrow stone steps,

image women waving flags, picture women going to egalitarian service

with more music and more flag waving along the route.

image going to egalitarian service, image parade through old city.

These children waiting to cross the street in the Old City parking lot

got an eyeful as colorful entertainers joined the GA participants.

The route took them to the new area at Robinson’s Arch.

My challenge is to share with you what it looks like now.

image view of new section for public prayer, egalitarian section western wall, picture new Robinson's Arch

This metal platform is constructed up against the wall,

photo Robinson's Arch enlarged, new area of western wall for women and men

the same huge wall as the Kotel, the Western Wall.

giant stones photo, image large stones near western wall.

These massive ancient stones have not been moved.

image new section of wailing wall, picture women at wall,

From this platform one can reach up to place a note in the wall

from an area where men and women are not separated and can pray together.

image size of new section of western wall, picture egalitarian area, photo of Western Wall new section

This is the new area, the large platform on the upper left,

that Naftali Bennett talked about at the farewell ceremony,

 part of a temporay plan while Natan Sharansky

is trying to work out as a compromise

for Women of the Wall to have Rosh Chodesh singing

and other egalitarian prayer services.

image new area for public at western wall

A plaza open to the public was important for this group,

and the GA ended their conference here, as the sun was setting.

image Old City, photo of Jerusalem,

I passed thousands more tourists from around the world,

coming down the stairs to the Kotel, to the Western Wall,

to experience the ancient and holy place.

 I started to walk home,

after two days of going to exhibit booths,

listening to speakers, meeting new people, running into friends,

and talking and talking, talking too much,

and taking way too many photos.

One woman told me as we were walking, and yes, more talking,

that once she got to Israel, she has not been afraid even once.

I am so glad she also got to know the real Jerusalem streets.

Jerusalem’s Montefiore Windmill Returns

Today, after more than 150 years, the afternoon wind was again

Montefiore Windmill

 turning the blades of the Montefiore Windmill in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem Windmill

The Windmill, initiated by Sir Moses Montefiore to aid

 the “Suffering Jews in the Holy Land” was completed in 1857

and operated for around twenty years.

Montefiore’s goal was to help the poor of the Jewish community

grind their grain for bread and support themselves.

It was the first project built outside the Walls of the Old City

in the Mishkenot Sha’ananim-Yemin Moshe Jewish neighborhood.

Plaza Jerusalem

The Old City Walls in the distance are easy to see from the plaza,

where a few name cards from the reserved seats were the only sign today of

Windmill photo

the Montefiore Windmill rededication and ribbon cutting ceremony

that took place in the evening of August 28, 2012.

Montefiore Windmill

A restored Montefiore carriage is now on display behind protective glass

after it was vandalized and burned in 1986.

Montefiore carriage

During the reception the door was open and I was able to go inside.

After months of construction and delays 

Mark Sofer

  Jerusalem Foundation president Mark Sofer had plenty to smile about.

The Windmill is not exactly the same as the original though,

as it has an electric motor and security systems.

Windmill Jerusalem

Maybe it was the crepes, 

Pepe Allaou

the ice cream, 

Jerusalem Windmill

or the wine and fruit at the reception,

Naomi Tzur

but everyone seemed to be smiling on Tuesday.


When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks,

Montefiore Windmill

there is extra security all around 

 and extra cameras.

A short video showed the barren area in the 19th century.

Montefiore Windmill

What a contrast to the Jerusalem of today.

  Christians for Israel from the Netherlands worked hard on this project.

Jerusalem Windmill

There were Christian representatives from Holland, 

Jerusalem Windmill, Chief Rabbi

as well as the Dutch Chief Rabbi, Rabbi  Binyomin Jacobs present.

Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat

Jerusalem, Israel Mayor Nir Barkat, like the Prime Minister,

spoke about his childhood experiences playing in the area.

Jerusalem windmill

The blades of the windmill started to turn again,

but they are not just there to look at

Jerusalem windmill

as an important National Heritage Site, 

 the plan is to grind grain and sell the bread made from it to the public.

Of course, there were speeches,

  it would really be too long to list all the officials present,

however, for a short video click here.

The Prime Minister spoke of the symbol of ruach,

which can be translated as wind or spirit: 

 there was wind and a beautiful spirit as the Windmill returned.

 For more photos see The Real Jerusalem Streets Facebook Page.