At the sound of a siren, students in Jerusalem on Tuesday
went into their schools’ bomb shelters.
The National Emergency Authority held a drill to prepare
in case of a missile attack. Our local bomb shelter was locked.
The drill was called a success, but many people hardly noticed it.
Monday, thousands gathered at the Kotel, the Western Wall, to pray for rain,
but on Tuesday in the hot sun
was there anyone really prepared with an umbrella?
However, what was very noticeable on the Jerusalem streets,
were the preparations for Chanukah: outside private homes,
over the promenade in Mamilla Mall,
and in displays inside the mall.
Chanukiot, Chanukah menorahs were set up outside the walls of the Old City
and on street corners all around Jerusalem.
The greengrocer on Azza Street,
usually a busy place before a holiday was closed for a funeral,
surprising many who wanted to prepare for Chanukah parties.
The Jerusalem streets were full of harried parents
trying to get themselves, their young children with their works of art
to and from after school parties.
Chag Urim Sameach!
The Mamilla mall is great. Glad to see they are getting into the holiday.