Where should I start when it’s too hot during the day to be outside in the sun?
July is nearly over. We have entered the period of the Three Weeks before Tisha B’Av.
This year the heaviness of mourning has been much longer than the usual three weeks.

Take a walk along the Jerusalem streets and one can marvel at the old and new.

The new buildings at the entrance of Jerusalem have risen to new heights.

While the amount of construction on new projects has gone down to new lows.

Students at Jerusalem College of Technology had another successful annual Hackathon.

Activities for children in the park have begun–a wonderful sight to see in the summer.

These talented ladies performed an entertaining show in Hebrew about the deep waters of the mikvah.

The Olympics 2024 began in Paris on the waters of the Seine – in the rain.

A new low in journalism, with reports of chaos and casualties in Khan Younis. Only I watched the live feed from Nasser Hospital all day and they certainly didn’t arrive at Nasser Hospital. I was annoyed enough to write this post on the Elder of Ziyon.

Remembering the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans on the 17th of Tammuz fast day.

New signs with faces of fallen and urging victory over Hamas are posted all over.

Arab buildings are going up quickly surrounding the Jerusalem streets.

This is an amazing sight of the new roads and trees with the train viaduct off on the right.

Remember the old Route #1? Complain about traffic – but the new tunnels have moved mountains.
The signs not only have traffic warnings, but all Together we will be victorious!

The unity of the past few months has splintered even as more soldiers have fallen.

And not only Jewish ones. The death of all Israeli soldiers brings sadness and mourning.

Hezbollah hit a new low–the murder of 12 Druze children on a football (soccer) field with a rocket from Lebanon on Saturday.

But the families of fallen soldiers still hang flags and Am Yisrael Chai in front of their homes.
It has been a week with extreme lows,
the future–who knows,
but until next time – Am Yisrael Chai.