Photos of the Fire in Jerusalem’s Valley of the Cross

Yesterday on my way home,

I noticed how dry it was in the Valley of the Cross 

and I thought as I do every year:

it could all burn so quickly, so easily.

photo fire in Jerusalem

This afternoon smoke began to rise from the valley,

which is located under the Knesset Building.

photo fire in Jerusalem

For a time the smoke was dark and the flames were high, 

image fire in Jerusalem, fire photo, flames of brush fire

and they spread very quickly.

photo smoke and fire in Jerusalem

Fire crews arrived, 

photo fire in Jerusalem

and with their long water hoses

image fire in Jerusalem

they put out the fire.

picture of fire in Jerusalem

The smoke and the smell still lingered long afterwards.

photo Valley of Cross

But what seemed obvious was that after many months of construction and mess,

Valley of Cross

installing this emergency water system was worth the inconvenience and price.

Mughrabi Bridge: Open–Shut

The news that

the Mughrabi Bridge was reopened

inspired a trip to the Old City today.

Entering the Old City by way of Jaffa Gate

as two beautiful horses were leaving,

meant having to be extra careful walking on the stones.

The scene outside the Kotel, Western Wall Plaza, seemed quiet and normal.

But there was one thing I really wanted to see today and there it was inside…

the fire engine that was there to keep the entire Middle East from igniting.

In case this wooden structure leading to the Temple Mount catches on fire,

this fire truck will be there to save everyone.

The Kotel, the Western Wall Plaza,

was the background for TV cameras,

 as both international journalists

and international sport teams were visiting today.

Wonder if they noticed that at 2:00pm,

the fire truck left.

For Muslims there are ten different entrances to the Temple Mount,

for Jews and other non-Muslims, this gate is, or was, the only way to go.

As Hamas celebrates 24 years,

I wonder if any of them have actually seen what the fuss is all about?

But they are so proud to have killed 1,365 Israelis and wounded over 6,000

in these last 24 years…would they care?

Post from two weeks ago on Mughrabi Bridge:

Mughrabi Bridge