Snow in Jerusalem is big news.
It is international news. People seem to love Jerusalem covered in white.
The last significant snow accumulation was in 2015, large enough for an individual post. Fascinating some of the latest photos from Elpis (that is the official name of this storm) are very much the same as the big snow in 2013.

The weather has been wet and cold so when the sun came out I walked to the Old City. It felt almost normal seeing people again was exciting.

There was an international tour group! Smaller groups also were on the Kotel, Western Wall Plaza on Tuesday afternoon.
Snow was predicted in Jerusalem and other higher elevations.
First came heavy rain, and then the snow started after dark.

Coming down heavily, trees were bending under the weight.

The white stuff was piling up all night long. You could hear the excited voices of children (of all ages) who ran out to play in the snow, some seeing it for the first time.

Very few people were out after the earlier snowball fights and fun.

Looking out at 3:00 am, it was interesting to see other lights on!

By dawn, the sky was clearing and snow covered the Jerusalem streets.

Jerusalem was again appearing as a winter wonderland.
My finger was too cold taking photos, to avoid frostbite I went back inside.

But clearing in the morning sun, the fog was hovering over the new taller buildings in town.

The grounds near the Knesset were covered. You can tell the new snow photos from old ones, as here with a new hotel in the image.

The Israel Museum had the heat on with smoke rising after the cold night.

What a lovely morning in Jerusalem, with blue sky, white clouds, and snow covering the ground.

The cactus plants were still visible in their pots.

And the inches of snow were similar to the serious snowfalls of the past.

Not in the past was the roof of the new Israel National Library.

During the day the Kotel had snow and slush, and not as many visitors as the day before. The afternoon turned cold and wet, and I had missed the moment, since being up too much at night made for a late start.

So Friday morning I was determined no matter what to get to Gan Sacher, Sacher Park. Tree branches were down in many locations.

Besides branches blocking the sidewalks piles of plowed snow blocked crosswalks.

This tunnel was filled with people partying Wednesday night as it snowed, but Friday morning it was wet with water leaking from above. Serious runners were also out in spite of the weather.
While snow is big news in Jerusalem, two years ago we had a different kind of white stuff covering Jerusalem streets and many streets were closed.
I had wanted to get Gan Sacher not only for the snow, but also the Candle Memorial on January 27th, but it had started to rain.

On Friday, again the rain started. It was wet and tree branches blocked the path. Oh the top right, you can see that hotel which is next to Cinema City.

So I headed home and decided to reuse these previous images,

of the monument dedicated two years ago on January 27th when world leaders including Putin were in Jerusalem for the Holocaust Memorial.

I wrote about the Candle Memorial last year remembering the liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi occupation.

Israeli families were out in the rain and cold and in the new play area.

The lower areas of Gan Sacher were a soggy mess of melted snow with branches down on the wet paths.

But there was still enough snow on the higher parts of the park for attempts at sledding, and one lone large snowman built the day before was still photo-worthy.

This should have a masterpiece on the pedestal the day before the rain.

So one serious snow day with no school in Jerusalem was enough for me.

I decided instead of looking for more photos to share to head home and make a pot of chicken soup before Shabbat.
Snow in Jerusalem.
Most everyone loves it.
There was plenty of snow for great creations and lots of snow angels.

Plus mountains of broken branches to clean up now.
I am looking forward to warmer weather.
Hope to see you soon on the Jerusalem streets.
Hi sharon. Thanks for the photos; we had a snowstorm over shabbos with close to a foot of snow. Today is sunny and clear, but bitingly cold.
Lots of snow around, but we both remember Boston winters, so hard to complain too much. Stay well
Had similar weather in the San Bernardino mtns in CA few weeks ago. Lots rain which froze, then snow.
Many branches cracked from the weight of the ice. Many roads were closed. There was an 18+hour Blackout, some areas had no electricity or heat or internet for up to a week. There’s still broken branches on the side of the roads..
With Shemita this year in Israel, the landscape people will have plenty of work this week. The sounds of saws yesterday were heard.