Often I am asked, “What are you going to write about?”
This week it is a really good question,
as I am just back from a two-week trip to New York City,
where snow and large trees were falling and no one was quite ready for winter.
As always, taking a walk is the only way to see what is really happening.
Businesses are enclosing outside areas in preparation for winter.
A piece of bent metal next to its awning is all that remains of an enclosure
that the city demolished this week at Yarok Yarok florist shop.
Did you hear about that from any protest group?
Sirens alerting a rocket attack sounded in Gush Dan
were for a public safety drill;
however this week’s sirens in the south were for 40 missiles fired from Gaza.
A new flotilla heads toward Gaza and
shots were fired from Gaza at Israeli soldiers on patrol.
Perhaps that is how they get ready for ‘Arab Winter’?
I found that in Jerusalem,
signs for an Oud music festival
and an international karate competition are up.
They are changing the plantings in these flowers beds…again!
Someone has to be making a lot of money here, but that’s a whole other post.
The Shalits have gone home and the street has been cleaned up,
but it will be a long time until
all the stickers
are gone from benches around the city.
Only the large chair and a banner remain on the sidewalk,
which seems to be a perfect background
to record your own rap song about Gilad Shalit.
Someone used a lot of tape to make many similar designs
along the sidewalks on Azza Street.
You never know what you will find on the Jerusalem streets.
However, the really big news is
it started raining…no–pouring.
The protesters living in tents in Gan Sacher, Sacher Park
will find that Jerusalem winter wet weather is bone-chilling cold.
As the lightning and thunder continue,
I’m glad I planned to go to the Jerusalem Knights next week.
This is a good night not to be out.
So glad to have the rain,
but are we really ready for winter?
You always come up with something good. Brachot for the rain. Here, in the North, we have a downpour as I write and the weather is cold. We are waiting to hear the news about the flotilla which at the moment is about one hundred and fifty miles (nautical?) from Gaza. What is it about the “good doers” who never grasp two sides to the story? They are so gung-ho to do “the right thing” without really thinking about the cause of the closure of Gaza. So far, I have not heard any of them condemning the over forty missiles lobbed into Israel, from the vacated Gaza Strip, which Hamas uses as a killing field, instead of developing the area into a living and breathing freedom area of factories, schools, parks and agriculture to feed the people of Gaza. It always amazes me, how actually blind and deaf to facts good people can be. Don’t they see that Gaza can be free – when Gazans are free of Hamas and its despicable charter.
Thanks, How can so many do good doers, do so much bad is a good question.