The Saga of Jaffa Road and the Light Rail

United States special envoy George Mitchell came and went,

Earth Day and an hour of “lights out” came and went,

a day of April showers came and went,

protesters in Silwan came and went,

and the 1400th day of captivity for Gilad Shalit came and went.

   But, the construction on the Jerusalem Light Rail Project goes on and on.

August 5, 2008

The King George Street and Jaffa Road area,

once a popular and busy part of the city was closed to traffic.

Jaffa Road      May 6, 2009

Walking around the constantly changing barriers

is a challenge for most people,

but this lone workman in a safety vest has no problem

walking up the middle of empty Jaffa Road.


September 22, 2009

 On Jaffa Road, after part of the tracks were finished,

November 11, 2009

they were covered over.


December 9, 2009



Not all tracks are covered over.

January 7, 2010

Nearby, on Herzl Boulevard,

they are blocked by cement barriers and used for parking, and a bus detour.

January 17, 2010

Workman on Jaffa Road

 February 17, 2010

 and no workman on Jaffa Road.

April 26, 2010

Construction continues.

There are some signs of progress,

but most signs inform people of changing traffic patterns.

The newest completion date is set for next April 2011.

Until then the light rail train and crowds of happy people

exist only on the building mural high above

 the intersection of Jaffa Road and King George Street.