Oh What a Week in the Warm Jerusalem January

What did you hear happened on the Jerusalem streets this week?

Always something happening on the Real Jerusalem Streets that you might have missed.

It’s the end of Tevet. Tu Beshvat is over two weeks from now. But along the Jerusalem streets, the almond trees are blooming. It has been one warm and dry winter.

The dry weather has been bad for farmers but is good for road construction.

To and from Jerusalem, one must move mountains to make room for new roads.

In Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, a group of new young IDF soldiers were sitting in the midday sun.

I was walking home from the Gevura Tent or Tent of Heroes.

Families of fallen soldiers want their children not to have fallen in vain and be forgotten.

Many families came to Israel for the US Jewish school Yeshiva Week. Talks in English were scheduled from Sunday to Thursday night by widows and parents of fallen soldiers. I would have liked to have time to attend them all. But got to the first one on Zechariah Haber Hy”d – a young father of three who was extremely accomplished in Jewish and academic studies.

And on Thursday evening, Roey Weiser Hy”d was remembered by his parents. Roey was one of the first known causalities on October 7. He was killed defending Erez Crossing Base with too little ammunition against the hordes attacking from Gaza.

January 20, 2025, was Martin Luther King Junior Day in the US. Each year we acknowledge the Jerusalem street named for MLK. However, this year the US inauguration received much more attention.

The Friends of Zion hosted a mega-event to congratulate Donald Trump, with huge signs outside.

People lined up and crowded in before the announced opening time.

American-style food was served, including giant hotdogs and burgers, ending with donuts and waffles.

A few South American Ambassadors were seated in the front row.

In the main hall, the huge screen was ready for a live broadcast, after Emily Schrader interviewed Sharren Haskel, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Trump was sworn in as the 47th US President. We saw the ceremony and his talk but missed all the music.

There was a panel discussion and then the live music started with the Solomon Brothers doing US songs.

The crowds had filled every spot inside, the red hats and pins were long gone but the lights stayed on.

On the Jerusalem streets this week the hostage situation overshadowed most events.

However, one could only smile with the birthday boy Walter Bingham celebrating his 101 birthday. When you get to 101, one starts over with a ‘one’ balloon and friends and food.

I am not sure ‘until 120’ is appropriate – Walter is still working as a journalist.

This week in the sunshine and warm weather Gan Sacher was popular with young children.

Next week for the older young at heart, the Shaon Horef, Winter Noise Festival, is back on the Jerusalem streets on February Monday nights starting on Shushan Street.

Flights are to start and more tourists were around this week.

Are you coming soon to Jerusalem?

The time is good to book a Jerusalem Photo Walk.

2 thoughts on “Oh What a Week in the Warm Jerusalem January

  • Pingback: A warm week in Jerusalem - Israel Active

  • February 2, 2025 at 5:37 am

    OMG, Sharon, how do you manage, to manage, all this information for us? You are amazingly all-knowing and all-doing, Baruch Hashem!!!

    I’m thrilled about our displaying our congratulations to our new president, who so quickly, via executive orders, addressed anti-semitism both on college campuses and through all federal agencies.


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