With the year 5772 coming to an end,
Shanah tovah signs are lining the streets of Jerusalem, Israel.
Bikor Cholim Hospital displays holiday symbols on a wall banner.
Yes, they are still in business with thousands of new babies born annually,
but they were only in the news when there were threats that it would close.
Newly planted flowers line the streets,
while thousands of new shoes have been purchased to walk on them.
In the “land of milk and honey,”
this time of year the streets are lined with honey cakes.
Shanah tovah,
may 5733 be a year of peace and prosperity and good health for all!
Shana tova tikatevu – happy, healthy, sweet, safe, prosperous – thanks for all the great photos and photo explanations throughout the year.
Thank you Leora and hope you have a great year!
Amen! Shana Tova!
Thanks Sara and a healthy year!
Shanah tovah…to you and to Israel! I echo Leora’s sentiments…thank you for this blog.
Thank you Sara! Please feel free to share
I echo the echo! Thank you for the real news from Jerusalem and for keeping us all honest. Shanah tovah umetukah!
Thank you & I so appreciated all your “likes” throughout the year!
shana tova u’metuka!
shana tova should only be peaceful thank you for sharing Sarah Chasky