Best of Sukkot in Jerusalem

Every year around the Sukkot holiday things are very hectic,

with thousands of visitors, lots of guests and crazy traffic.

More than once I saw a taxi or car on the road stop short,

and someone inside yells out greetings to old friend.

Then when the cars behind start honking too loudly they drive away.

One of the largest crowds every year is for the Birkat Kohanim,

the Priestly Blessing at the Kotel, the Western Wall.

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This year, though it seemed less crowded,

it was still hard to get good photos of the prayers

as security would not allow anyone to stand on the steps in back.

Afterwards there was some singing and dancing,

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and some blew the large shofar the man dressed in white was holding.

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The Sukkah Open House at Beit Hanasi, the Israeli President’s Residence,

drew large crowds again.

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Colorful exhibits lined the grounds,

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with this “recycle elephant” really popular for photos.

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The public could walk through the large sukkah 

to the grounds for the entertainment.

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At end of the day one man was taking a ‘selfie’ on the stage.

But one of my favorite sukkot this year,

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was in a new gas station.

This one, privately owned, is closed on Shabbat and had a sukkah.

Many events that were postponed from the summer took place this week,

which meant that there were dozens of things happening.

Besides the Formula Cars,

there was the annual Israel Museum Kite Festival,

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and street festivals.

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The music has begun in Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, for the Jerusalem March,

which is the colorful parade held every year

and many more things than I can mention.

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Roads in and out of Jerusalem, Israel, are full of cars and buses,

I loved the long lines of cars parked on the road to Herodian!

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People are trying to celebrate as much as possible in a few days,

in and around Jerusalem!

חג שמח