In Jerusalem, Israel, where to begin RJS this week is a problem.
Today is September 11th.

The day we remember 9/11 – September 2001 when terrorists hijacked jetliners, and crashed into the financial World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon, the heart of the US military, murdering thousands of innocents.

On September 11, 2018 – we had a different US Ambassador in Israel, but the Israeli 9/11 Memorial off the main road to Jerusalem, with all the names of the victims of terror, is there 24/7.

Jerusalem is changing. Buildings are to come down and go up higher.

The traffic back-ups. Near the entrance of Jerusalem, the road changes and heavy equipment, always something new to confuse drivers.

But this week outside, and inside the Jerusalem International Convention Center, one could find earth-moving equipment.
AGROMASHOV, Israel’s Largest Agricultural Conference, and CLEANTECH, two international conferences & exhibitions were held in Jerusalem, Israel, on September 5-6, 2022.

Israeli agriculture displays included watermelon of course!

Solar technology was also on display in the large hall.

One area featured the use of sabra cactus as food. The Ambassadors and Embassy representatives heard about various ways to use the fruit on their guided tour of the exhibits.

Angola was not the only African country in Jerusalem for the exhibition. I met a man who came from Nigeria that day who flew in specially for the conference.

I did not hear who won the cherry tomato competition.

But can tell you that 10% alcohol sabra cream was way too strong for me.
With the end of summer, school is back in session, a new bicycle tunnel opened, and Jerusalem festivals have returned to fill the days, nights, and streets.

For the first time, the Hansen House hosted a contemporary dance festival with solo works by choreographers from Israel and overseas. The new Jerusalem International Dance Festival included master classes and discussion panels.

The Takhana Rishona, First Station, is busy with food and entertainment.

At First Station, one can always find something new. I have no idea what this young woman was recording one night near the carousel.

At Teddy Park, the moon was full over the Old City walls and the fountain was on, but people were only passing by, headed to the Sultan’s Pool.

Thousands of concertgoers were headed to their seats at the Sultan’s Pool for the Shlomo Artzi concert.
The mega concerts and Jerusalem festivals have returned to the Jerusalem streets, and after two years, people are happy to be out again.

The Manofim Jerusalem Contemporary Art Festival joins the September Israel Festival in Jerusalem with unusual cultural options.

The postponed Woodstock Fest at Silo, near First Station, off the large parking lot, is set for September 15, 2022.
Plus, Emunah Jerusalem’s first Ethiopian Israeli Cultural Festival Featuring traditional Cuisine; Art; Theater; Drum Workshop and circle; Basket Weaving; Dance; Film, and more, is also at the Silo Cafe, on September 29th, from 4:30 – 8:30 pm.
A Green Inside and Out Festival will be held on the grounds of the Bloomfield Science Museum from September 14-16.
It’s hard to know what to do first!

End of summer clouds covered the Jerusalem streets this week,

and the setting sun setting added impressive colors to the Jerusalem streets, a reminder that the holidays are approaching.

Rosh Hashana, the New Year Selihot crowds have started to gather at the Kotel, Western Wall after midnight. Culminating, October 3, 2022, before Yom Kippur with what should be a huge attendance.
Hope to see you here soon.