12 Signs of Seasons in Jerusalem


Countdown time to Rosh Hashana.

Early morning, the sounds of the shofar are heard on the streets.

Late night pre-selichot musical programs are announced daily.

Pomegranates growing on tree Jerusalem, Israel

Pomegranates are a favorite sign of the season.

Lime tree in Jerusalem

Limes ready to pick off the tree are another sign.  These annual fruits shine in morning sun.

Jerusalem Mayor campaign sign

Another season of election campaigning has begun.  Yellow “Ofer Berkovitch for our  Mayor” banners hang from buildings.

Jerusalem Mayor race Moshe Lion

Moshe Lion is running for mayor again. This was one of the early signs for his campaign.

His new posters “Lion, Rosh Ha’ir Bulldozer” just don’t work in English. I missed getting a photo of the huge one on the side of a bus, but here is one on the bottom left.

Rachel Azaria, Yossi Havilo, and Yossi Daitch have announced that they are running for Mayor.

Jerusalem Mayor race Zev Elkin

Zeev Elkin, also a candidate for mayor, was bigger than life up on the side of this building near the entrance to Jerusalem.

Campaign poster for Elkin with Prime Minister

Small Elkin signs showing the support of the Prime Minister are posted. Elkin has been making appearances and speaking at Jerusalem synagogues.

Avi S running for Mayor of Jerusalem

New Year greetings from candidate Avi Salman are now on the wall near where Elkin’s huge poster had been.

Arieh King for Jerusalem Israel Mayor

And Aryeh King’s face is popping up on signs along the road.

The only sure thing about this race for Mayor of Jerusalem is that there is no sure thing.

New playground at Jerusalem Israel Liberty Bell Park

A sign of an election season?

Work is progressing on a new playground in Liberty Bell Park. A playground was on this spot, was taken down, and is finally being rebuilt with interesting cement shaped slides and more.

Zion Square dug up under construction

For many years this spot was historic Kikar Tzion, Zion Square. Now it is ripped up and a construction site.

Jerusalem Israel street sign wrong.

A fence surrounds the mess. There is a ramp to enter the bank and an arrow directing to Yoel Salomon Street.

Sign for Jerusalem Israel Gateway Project with spelling error due to being short on space

In case you could not read the small orange sign easily, here is one from another location.

I sure hope the construction in Jerusalem is planned better than these warning signs.

Some days it seems that half of Jerusalem is torn up and under construction.

Jerusalem Israel bike path construction

From Gan Sacher, Sacher Park, to Nayot Park, to Malha, sideways are under various stages of construction for a continuous bike route.

I will skip the protest signs and end with one of my favorite signs of the season, perhaps the year.

Jerusalem Israel street sign welcome to first grade in school

“Shalom Kitah Aleph.” Welcome to first grade students.

Beit Avi Chai is having a special “letters festival” for children entering first grade, with live music, workshops, and more.

The biggest sign of the season as summer ends is preparation for the new school year.


5 thoughts on “12 Signs of Seasons in Jerusalem

  • August 22, 2018 at 11:07 am

    Sharon, the park on the way to Ramban Shul(opposite
    amazia) also ripped up. How to get adult exercise equipment in San Simon park before the election? Lots of kids things.
    Shabbat shalom,

    • August 22, 2018 at 11:12 am

      Yes, I saw the park was ripped up. Too many ripped up photos to use them all in one post! Will they all be fixed by time school starts?

  • August 26, 2018 at 4:48 pm

    love the look of the playground of cement, although wondering if it wouldn’t be cold on the tush when sliding…smiles from British Columbia, Canada, with many many thanks for your pictures and postings, Sharon.

    • August 26, 2018 at 5:43 pm

      Thank you! I had better go back and see if it is completed. There are other parks, new or under construction. Could do a whole post on them. But next one is on building. You will not believe how Jerusalem looks so different, and wow what seems to be planned.

  • Pingback: Jerusalem Preparing for New Year – The Real Jerusalem Streets

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