Mamilla Cemetery New Incitement?

The week before Passover is a time of clean up, everything from Twitter

"dirty car", "Jerusalem rain"

to cars need to be cleaned.

"Palestinian land", "Photo cemetery abuse", "picture of garbage"

Until a couple of years ago one of the most neglected eyesores in

 Jerusalem was the Mamilla Cemetery, it resembled a garbage dump.

"man working in cemetery", "picture of Mamilla Cemetery"

In June 2010 the cemetery got a make-over,

"graves in Mamilla Cemetery",

fresh cement was brought in

"cemetery Israel", "picture graves in Mamilla"

and mixed for new grave stones

"photo cemetery Mamilla"

and hundreds of new tombs,  which were soon proven to be fake.

One might ask why am I taking time away from Passover preparations,

the Mamilla Cemetery hypocrisy is not new?

Two years ago the Center for Constitutional Right – CCR- initiated the

   Mamilla Campaign to the UN

to stop the building of the Museum of Tolerance.

This past week from New York

  the CCR has initiated a new campaign with a new video.

    It’s not quality photography, but it is enough to be upsetting.

The picture I had seen on a Tweet was taken from this video

and is spreading in the Arab media world.

It was a warm, sunny spring day in Jerusalem, 

so I went to see the new desecration for myself.

"picture Mamilla Cemetery abuse". "Mamilla fence'

The Mamilla Cemetery and the adjacent fenced-off  building site 

are situated across from Gan Ha’atzmaut, Independence Park.  

"photo Museum of Tolerance site". "picture of building site"

There were people enjoying the weather and afternoon sun.

Abuse of the Mamilla cemetery was not to be seen.

BDS did not work up a large anti-Israel reaction…

"Palestinian grave photo", "picture of Mamilla graves"

so it seems here we are again…

back to using the Mamilla cemetery to incite against Israel.

11 thoughts on “Mamilla Cemetery New Incitement?

  • April 4, 2012 at 11:13 am

    Please can someone fill me on the history of this cemetary? What do you mean “hundreds of new tombs which were seen to be proven false” – I could possibly look up in internet the whole history, but am lazy today (if cooking, cleaning and organizing for Pesach can be called lazy), I am….
    I have not heard of any controversy – which does not mean much in the this country, we cannot fart without the world having a cadenza.
    This is not the time to be depressed – love, life, freedom is what it is all about for the next few days at least. I wish you, all my brothers and sisters, my people, Chag Pesach Sameach

    • April 4, 2012 at 11:34 am

      Just click on the link where it says “fake”,
      it goes to the first article that came out in Erutz 7. The number of fake graves went up and they were destroyed.

      • April 4, 2012 at 4:05 pm

        Thanks for the help – sorry I can’t resist it : licking the link won’t help.

  • April 4, 2012 at 4:08 pm

    Do I have your permision to use the article on the fake graves in my fights in u-tube?

    • April 4, 2012 at 5:30 pm

      I was pleased when this first came up two years ago, that a photo of mine was used in the court case. Please share if you think it will help.

      • April 5, 2012 at 7:19 am

        Hi, I will not use the photos, but will use the facts after checking them out in internet. I make sure that I have a source for my posts, otherwise I am called the most crude and insulting names “they” can make up. I will post in my own words. I will not quote your site, but will just use the idea and as I said reliable sources. Thanks

        • April 5, 2012 at 7:23 am

          I try to show what is happening through the photos, but in this case linked to several sources to keep the post from becoming a “whole megliah”
          One misleading photo in the Arab world can and does cause great harm to everyone in Israel.

  • April 4, 2012 at 7:49 pm

    Again with the Mamilla cemetery! Never a dull moment.
    Have a happy and Kosher Pesach

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