Spending the day at the Jerusalem Citadel Hotel, one of the finest in Israel
is not the real streets…the rich and famous have stayed here.
On November 8, 2011, The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
along with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, sponsored a conference entitled
“Incitement to Terror and Violence-New Challenges, New Responses.”
It was held in the hotel ballroom.
I planned to just put the pictures on Facebook,
but with today’s IAEA report on Iran and the commemorations of Kristallnacht,
everyone should be aware of today’s incitement to hatred on the internet,
illustrated in this Simon-Wiesenthal Center slide.
On the net, a talented but anti-Semitic Brazilian artist can reach around the world.
Speakers discussed growing anti-Israel feelings in western countries.
Prof. Robert Wistrich said demonizing Israel in Britain is becoming mainstream.
Illustrations provided by Itamar Marcus from the Palestinian Media Center
show the PA publications as compared to the Nazi incitement drawings.
This is what the Arabic media is really saying about Israel
and these are the maps
they are showing.
Even a Red Crescent office displays an anti-Israel drawing.
U.S. Prof Gregory Gordon, a legal officer in the International Criminal Tribunal
in Ruwanda, provided information on the media leading up to the genocide.
Read these steps of media incitement against the Tutsi,
think what the Palestinian Authority is doing today.
Iran,…incitement to terror or genocide?
Never again!?