Ready to Celebrate Israel’s 64th Independence Day

If you are not in Jerusalem this week

you are missing out on a very special time,

as Jerusalem gets ready for Yom Ha’atzmaut, Independence Day.

The weather has been cool and sunny during the day, with clear blue  skies,

"picture for Israel Independence Day","image Israeli bopper", "photo blue and white"

as the streets fill with blue and white Israeli flags.

"picture selling flags", "image Israeli flag", "photo Israeli flag"

At major intersections someone is usually selling flags for car windows.

Even Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu stopped his motorcade to buy a flag.

It is reported that he gave the seller a 5 shekel tip.

I wonder how you report that for taxes?

"picture Israeli flag", " Photo Israel flag", "image flag of Israel"

 As you can see,

in some neighborhoods business has been very good this year.

"picture flag on car, "Image of flag on car","photo Israeli flag on car"

This flag  was one I had not seen before. It reads “God, He is King.”

"picture Israeli flag", "Israeli flag photo", "image Israeli flag"

The long Israeli flags are flying and ready for Independence Day,

but yesterday I was lucky to see…

"photo planes flying over", "picture celebrate Independence Day"

the dress rehearsal of planes as they flew over

"picture Jerusalem", "Photo Jerusalem","image Jerusalem"

the Knesset Building

"picture Jerusalem", "Jerusalem photo", "image Jerusalem museum'

and the Israel Museum.

"photo Jerusalem", "picture Jerusalem", "image Jerusalem"

They were fast, loud and high in the sky as they flew away from Jerusalem.

"picture  planes ", "photos planes", "image planes"

There was time for one photo as they were coming towards me, 

just before they split from their perfect formation.

This morning, the sad music on the radio has begun…

"Israel flag and flame photo","picture of flame and flag", "image of Israel flag and flame"

for first we will experience the flames  and tears of Yom Hazikaron,

Remembrance Day for the fallen soldiers and victims of terror.

After remembering those lost in war and to terror attacks,

then it will be time to celebrate Israel’s 64th Independence Day.

9 thoughts on “Ready to Celebrate Israel’s 64th Independence Day

  • April 24, 2012 at 12:25 pm

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year here 🙂

  • April 24, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    Another beautiful post, Sharon, both visually and verbally. To be part of b’nai Yisrael means to commemorate tragedy and to celebrate freedom.

  • April 24, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    wonderful coverage, makes it all so alive and real. thank you sharon!

  • April 24, 2012 at 3:41 pm

    Great pics, wonderful sentiment!
    Linda D.

  • April 24, 2012 at 9:16 pm

    This has been a very sad evening of Remembrance and we look forward to Yom Ha-atzmaut. Binyamin’s Choir will be singing at a Shul in Tel Aviv, Ichud Shivat zion on ben Yehuda, for the evening service for om Ha-atzmaut and chief rabbi Yisrael Lau will be speaking. then we celebrate. Thanks for your sensitive post. I heard the planes but never saw them!


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