Shushan Purim Day in Jerusalem

On Monday Shushan Purim schools were closed, 

 the Jerusalem Theater had a special musical program;

 the Purim songs were loud and lively, the entertainers tried their best,

but at times there were more tall people than short people in the lobby.

The busy streets of Jerusalem were quieter than usual, as many businesses were closed, and the rainy weather kept people indoors. It was hard to guess how many late night party-goers were off to a slow start on Shushan Purim.

A major afternoon celebration was organized at the new Mamilla Mall,

next to the Old City.

 Street entertainers were popular with the crowd.

If you look above the street,

you’ll see that Peter Pan traded in his regular hat for a warmer one.

 Photographers were trying to capture the moment. 

             It was a great day for hot chocolate or coffee.

Ben Yehudah Street had its share of people for celebrations

and a bit of smoke from firecrackers.



 Machane Yehudah Market, the shuk,

as always, had its share of colorful customers.

  There were some scary looking

characters on the sreets,

but for the most part…

the day was about princesses and butterflies, color,

                                                                and of course, hats.

Rosh Chodesh Adar 5773, updated for Purim 2013

Shushan Purim-Night

After many days of sunny, warm weather,  just in time for the Purim holiday celebrations, very heavy rains turned Jerusalem cold and grey.  At times the fog was so heavy the Knesset building was barely visible. The amount of rainfall over the Purim weekend totaled about 20 cm or nearly 8 inches.

Flooded streets made it hard to get around,

but the rain did not stop this bike rider Sunday evening.

All over Jerusalem, many people dressed in costumes and gathered to read Megilat Esther.

There were some good hats

and some great hair.

Inside  was bright and colorful,

but outside everyone hurried to  their cars, homes 

 the city of Jerusalem though was just beginning to party.

There were so many events it was impossible to cover them all;

however, there is another day…

Purim sign

Happy Purim!

Updated Rosh Chodesh Adar 5773, Purim 2013

Purim Problems

In Jerusalem, government leaders spoke at the Jerusalem Conference,  

to Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

and to the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency.

Major issues were discussed by the hundreds from around the world.

However, the real Jerusalem streets were more concerned about 

getting ready for the holiday of Purim, and

          choosing a costume was the first big problem.

There are very cute little costumes

   and extremely large ones.


With all the variety, if you still cannot find what you want,

fabric stores put out their most colorful wares.


Many take the easy way out and just get a hat;

  the variety seems endless.


Stores try to cash in on the season with colorful displays of anything that could be used with costumes.

The next problem is what to do for Mishloah Manot,

the traditional gift baskets given out on Purim.

Do you select a basket and make your own mishloach manot

or buy prepared gift baskets?

         Candy is the next problem: too many choices.    

Even Hamentashen pastries require making choices; 

which filling to pick…dates, poppy seed, nuts, caramel, etc…


 Which leads to the next problem, if you eat all this, 

how will you still fit into your costume?               


This year Purim in Jerusalem begins Sunday night

and continues on Monday, March 1, 2010.