On the Jerusalem streets it was another week of a prolonged war that no one wanted.
The number of fallen has sadly gone up to almost 800, and the injured are too many to count accurately.
When there is a short time to “get away from it all” the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens is a favorite destination to check out the change of seasons.

Every autumn the pond is cleared of the end-of-season lilies.

These remains on the top of the surface, this caught my eye for a close-up.

Friends in the Northeastern United States are sharing amazing fall colors photos, this is the best I could find at the end of the season in Jerusalem, Israel.

The lookout at the Bird Sanctuary has a new big sign, but bird migration season is ending. If you look up through the trees, you will see the new Jerusalem skyline is filling with towers over the Jerusalem streets.

And oh those streets! You better look down as you walk. Digging and changing in too many locations to share – sometimes fixing them and then changing them a month later.

I am certain the driver of this car was not happy to end up on top of the flower bed.

At Cinema City if you look up above the Israel flag, the white umbrellas have hostage posters on them.
I have avoided the hostage protests on the Jerusalem streets, however, this week there were four of them.

One across from Cinema City has been featured here before with the faces of fallen soldiers at night.

Across from the Knesset, this has been going on for a year, against the government’s handling of the war.

This one near Paris Fountain has counted the days as they advocate for the hostages to be released.

A new one this week on Rechov Azza, not far from the Prime Minister’s home, blocked the street with white umbrellas and people wearing white clothing.
Everyone is war-weary and worried about the hostage situation. I was glad I wore black clothing that day so police let me walk by the barricades.

Our municipal bomb shelter is getting an upgrade and the door was open. Happily, it was not needed.

Meanwhile, groups are arriving and being welcomed. Supporters, families, and volunteers are here.

New signs are up for Jerusalem events. The Piano and Arts Festivals took place this week.

And a new sign with sadly familiar faces, Iris Haim and her fallen son Yotam- “Together we will be heroes.”

As the full moon wanes and the calendar looks to the month of Kislev, the Hanuka donut season has arrived and the calorie counts go up, as the waistline grows.
And yes they were as good as they look.
It was a week of lows and highs, and time goes on…
as we wait to see what will happen next on the Jerusalem streets.
Love your varied pictorial summary of the week with a yummy looking donut selection!
Good donuts are hard to resist.
Thank you, Sharon, for showing us the many facets of our greatest city, which we are able to benefit from, due to the sacrifices of our dear holy soldiers.